grapedata 应用

Grapedata 5.5
Grapedata is a platform where users are rewarded fortheirknowledge.We started Grapedata™ with a vision to bridgetheinformation gap between the financial industry and on thegroundprofessionals. We are always looking for professionals in avarietyof industries. If accepted, you’ll be part of a rapidlyevolvingproject with short and long-term incentives. You could haveanin-depth opinion about certain trends, or qualitative insightintocertain products or services external to your organisation.Whenshared with the right timing, our platform aggregates yourinsight,along with others, to make it unique and usable forinformedinvestment decision-making. We analyse where the gaps arein themarkets, and given the high demand for this type of data fromthefinancial world, our platform can monetise your knowledgequicklyso that you can benefit from our reward system. Ourcontributorsearn on average 5 times more than with any otherknowledgesharing/survey platforms. Download our app and startearning!