heyitsmedz 应用

ToonTracker - Invasions, Laff, 2.6.27
The ultimate (un-official) Toontown companion
MyGrade - Grade Tracker
With all those exams, labs, and assignments coming up, whywouldn'tyou want to focus on the things that are the mostimportant? That'swhere MyGrade comes in. MyGrade is a greatcompanion for anystudent who wants to keep track of what gradesthey are working atfor each module or subject, without having tosit down with acalculator every time to figure out where they'reat. It offers asimple and intuitive way to add, modify, and deleteassignments,tests, or any other type of task. Based on the gradesof the tasksthat you put in, MyGrade then calculates your currentworking gradefor each module, as well as how well you're doing whenyou put themall together. Tracking your progress couldn't be anysimpler. Sowhy not start today? Features: • Store modules and taskssuch asassignments and tests • Calculate your overall grade acrosstheprogramme or course, and for each individual module • Setgradeboundaries for letter grades (A, B, C, ...) and numericgrades(such as GPA) ------------ We want to make sure that weproduce thebest possible apps for our users. So if you have anysuggestions orissues with MyGrade, or have anything else you'd liketo say to us,then please email us at bagofacorns@gmail.comPermission Details: •Read/write storage: Needed to export databasebackups to the user'sdevice, and to import them