itizu 应用

Privacy For WA 2.5.6
Send and receive private/encryptedmessagesusing Whatsapp. Each one of your contacts has anindividualpassphrase that allows one to one privacy, not a generaland riskysingle password for everyone.Messages created in Privacy For Whatsapp are stored securelywhennot in use, and require a passphrase to be seen. Only theencryptedversion of your message can be seen in Whatsapp.No need to use a Whatsapp lock, or 'root' your phone ordoanything other than install the app, add a few settings andstartsending and receiving private/encrypted Whatsapp messages.As with all our apps, there are no ads, sponsored search bars,orhidden data collectors!Clean and easy to use interface. Context sensitive help.Why do we charge for this app? Because we don't gather yourdataand sell it, or use ads that can affect your privacy!Compatible with messages sent and received with itizu-Notes.Any questions or need help? Contact before postingareview!
Text Message Privacy 2.5.9
itizu-SMS is a privacy enabled textmessagingapplication that allows private text messages to be sentandreceived with trusted contacts.It can replace your existing text messenger or be used onlywhenyou need to have private or confidential text based chats.itizu creates privacy applications for many reasons - tostoppeople snooping through your messages looking formarketingopportunities; to give your communications more privacy ifyourphone is lost or stolen; to stop people picking up your phoneandreading your private messages; to frustrate people that putspywareon your phone so they can read what you are saying.....* Sends and receives private SMS messages.* Prevents the scanning and viewing of your private SMSmessageson service provider servers.* Prevents spyware applications from reading interceptedmessages(in privacy mode)* Stores SMS messages in your phone in a private form.* Provides individual contact privacy - one to one privacy.* Stops service providers trawling through your messageslookingfor marketing opportunities.* Requires a login to view your messages - ideal if youleaveyour phone unattended.* Makes messages unavailable to be viewed until you logbackin* Replaces your existing SMS messaging application or runsonlywhen you wish to have a private conversation.* Sends and receives SMS messages in clear text (non-private)tocontacts that do not have itizu-SMS.* Blocks unwanted SMS messages and refuses calls fromblockedcontacts.* Voice recognition - dictate and send a private message.* Text to speech - receive and listen to a private message.* Can be set as KitKat (Android 4.4.x) default SMSmessenger.Privacy, permissions, and the itizu-SMS app:Your Personal Information: Allows you to import contacts andaddcontacts to your phone. Your contact data stays secure inyourphone.Your Messages: The application receives SMS text messagesandstores them securely.Services that cost you money: The application also allows youtosend messages, in plain text and private form. Private formtextscan be a little longer.Storage: Only temporary files are copied to your SD card andthisoccurs when choosing contact pictures.Phone Calls: itizu-SMS reads data from your phone in ordertoverify it is the correct phone. It does not make, track, orreceivecalls. When a contact is blocked, itizu-SMS will ignoreSMSmessages from that contact, and will refuse incoming calls.Internet: Allows browser launch for web addresses you clickonwithin a message.In the same way that our website does not collectinformationabout you for marketing purposes, the app does notcollectinformation about you, or knowingly provide mechanisms thatwillenable others to.Why do we charge for this app? Because we don't gather yourdataand sell it, or use ads that can affect your privacy!If you email us for support:, we keep thattoourselves and do not sell or transfer that email address tothirdparties.Feel free to contact us with comments, suggestions, oranydifficulties you may have...we will do our best resolve themassoon as possible!Press the ? at any time from the menu for context sensitivehelp.If that isn't enough then please email us at before postingareview.
Message Privacy - itizu Notes 2.5.4
Create private / encrypted messages ornotesand use your favorite messaging or text processing apps tostore orsend them to your contacts.Works with Whatsapp, Line, and many more!Send and receive encrypted messages with just a few clicks,andenjoy privacy without having to change your messaging ortextprocessing application.Stores private messages so that only you and your trustedcontactscan read them within Notes. Your messaging or textprocessing appswill only store the encrypted private version.Very simple to use!Works with itizu-Privacy apps.As with all our apps, there are no ads, sponsored search bars,orhidden data collectors!Why do we charge for this app? Because we don't gather your dataandsell it, or use ads that can affect your privacy!Clean and easy to use interface. Context sensitive help.Note: Devices without a menu button may have reduced options,thiswill be updated in the next release.Any questions or need help? Contact beforepostinga review!
itizu Privacy For Gmail - Free 2.5.6
Send and receive private/encryptedmessagesusing Gmail. Each one of your contacts has an individualpassphrasethat allows one to one privacy, not a general and riskysinglepassword for everyone.Messages created in Privacy For Gmail are stored securely whennotin use, and require a passphrase to be seen.No need to use a Gmail lock, or 'root' your phone or doanythingother than install the app, add a few settings and startsendingand receiving private Gmail messages.As with all our apps, there are no ads, sponsored search bars,orhidden data collectors!Clean and easy to use interface. Context sensitive help.Why is this free? Because we want you to see how easy it istoprotect yourself with itizu apps!However - we don't gather your data and sell it, or use ads thatcanaffect your privacy!Compatible with messages sent and received with itizu-Notes.Any questions or need help? Contact beforepostinga review!