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抢答猜成語单机游戏 2017.3.3
休閒益智答題遊戲單機遊戲看圖猜成語,風靡一時的猜系列單機遊戲迎來新的成員,我要瘋狂猜成語問答解謎遊戲,快來試試看你的成語詞彙量到底有多大吧!咱遊戲唯一拼的是智商!你還在發什麼呆呢?看圖猜成語吧!新增許多腦筋急轉彎題目和成語故事版塊哦~更多謎題等你揭曉~Answer casual puzzle gamesingle game Figure guess idioms, guess series of stand-alone gamerage usher in a new member, I want crazy guess idioms quiz puzzlegame, come try your idiom vocabulary in the end how much it! Theonly game we fight IQ! What made you stay still in it? Figure guessidioms it! Many new topics and idioms Riddles area more puzzleswaiting for you oh ~ ~ Announced
2D Billiards stand-alone game 2017.3.2
Snooker It is an internationally popularelegant indoor sports, is a club with a club on the table, relyingon the calculation of the score to determine the outcome of theindoor entertainment sports.This stand-alone snooker game, there are time playing games, thereare practice games are played, there are points to play mode, morepoints ranking, the rules of the game is not difficult, I believeyou will be in the spare time like this free casual single gameThe
Moonlight Live Wallpaper 2.5.22
Are you envious of drama in Samsungmobilephone, click on the screen will be issued by the crisp soundofwater droplets do? It does not matter, so the next monthcherryaudio live wallpaper to help you achieve! Slowly add theromanticcherry blossoms falling on the screen, your phone isdefinitelyenough of them at a friend's personality!Features:1 three kinds of audio features2 three kinds of dynamic effects (bubbles, cherry, meteor)3 can customize the background state, replace your favoritepictureas the background wallpaper desktop dynamic effectsstillexist4 adaptive all resolution mobile phone or a custom imageUsage: after you download and install on your phone (MENU)-(wallpaper) - (dynamic wallpaper) in settings, or by pressingthedesktop pop-up menu to set.Note: It is best installed in the phone memory, so do not losetheireffect after a reboot it.
疯狂戳你妹 1.0
戳你妹预警:亲,请小心保管好的你的手机,游戏时,不要太过用力,戳坏手机屏幕可不能怪游戏哟~界面风格类似:别踩白块儿,一个都不能死,十分简洁,但又有着很虐心的玩法,免费单机游戏,安装包也不大,即刻下载下来玩玩就知道狠不狠。可分享成绩到朋友圈和朋友比拼成绩,看谁是戳屏高手,但又没有把屏幕给戳坏!戳你妹即刻开始吧~Poke your sisterwarning:pro, please take good care of your cell phone good, thegame, nottoo hard, like poking a bad phone screen can not blame thegame yo~ interface style: Do not step on the white pieces, one cannotdie, very simple, but has a very child play center,freestand-alone game, the installation package is not large,instantlydownload and play hard is not hard to know. Circle offriends toshare the results to friends and competition results,poke thescreen to see who is the master, but did not put the screento pokebad! Immediately started poking your sister ~
来啊猜动物 3.4.10
免费猜动物单机游戏是一款休闲益智类型的游戏,它考验你的脑力你的知识,但又有不失刺激的玩法,快来试试看你到底认识多少动物吧!智商是硬伤,你有硬伤嘛?通过一句话描述猜出它是谁~动物世界就在这里哦~Free guess the animal isa casual puzzle game single type of game, which tests yourknowledge of your brain, but there are losing stimulating play,come try it in the end you know how many animals it! IQ is flawed,you have a flawed thing? Described by a word to guess who it is -the animal world here oh ~
單機遊戲連連看 3.5.30
經典的連連看單機小遊戲,但是不再休閒而是更加刺激,更具有挑戰性。通過不斷的努力從而獲取最高的分數!Classic theLianliankanstandalone game, but no longer leisure but more excitingand morechallenging. Through continuous efforts in order to gainthehighest score!
對對碰單機遊戲 2.9.16
可愛的對對碰單機小遊戲,當三個相同的圖標,連成一橫線或豎線時就會消除並且得分。每次遊戲都有一個目標分數,在規定的時間內達到目標分數後遊戲勝利,否則遊戲失敗,每次遊戲默認提供一個時間道具使用一次可增加10秒鐘,道具使用完了還可以打開背包進入商城獲取更多額外的道具,合理的使用道具功能,將會幫助你闖過更多目標分數哦~ 趕緊試試看咯!Kind of cute singlegame,when the same three icons, and even into a horizontal orverticalline will be eliminated, and when the score.Each game has a target score to reach the target score afterthevictory in the game within the stipulated time, otherwise thegamefails,Each game offers a default time of 10 seconds to increase the useofprops once,Over the use of props can also open the backpack into the malltoget more extra props,Rational use of props feature will help you get past thetargetscore more quickly try slightly oh!