khatami 应用

Shoe Design 1.0
Shoes are a type of footwear whichusuallycomprises portions of soles, right, hood, laces and tongue.Usuallymade of canvas or leather that covers all parts from thefingers,instep to the heel. Grouping shoes usually performed byfunction ortype, such as dress shoes (party), casual shoes(casual), danceshoes, sports shoes, work shoes, orthopedic shoesand minimalistshoes. Various designs of shoes in this applicationto help you inchoosing the design of shoes that fit for you.
Tattoo Art Design 1.0
Tattoo is a mark made by inserting pigmentintothe skin. In technical terms, the tattoo is a micropigmentimplantation. Rajah can be made on the skin of humans oranimals.Rajah in humans is a form of body modification, temporarytattoo ofanimals commonly used as an identification, as the eratattoobecame very popular art in the world, in this applicationthere aremany tattoo designs to inspire you to make a tattoo.
Design Creations Cap 1.0
Hat is a type of head covering. Hatsuseintended for multiple reasons. Generally used asclothingaccessories. In some religious ceremonies and use the capcan be anecessity. In the military cap can declare the level andrank of asoldier. In the times to be a trend for stylish hats indaily life,the design of your hat with this application may helpyou increating.
Craft Flannel 1.0
Flannel is one of the materials to make ahandcreations are popular today. From the soft texture of thematerialand the colors are interesting to make flannel as one ofthe mainingredients for making crafts are widely used.
Unique Graffiti Design 1.0
Graffiti is the art of writing and drawingonthe wall. Usually use spray paint. Graffiti art has existedsincethen and continues to grow today. For you fans of the artofwriting and painting must have understood the art of graffiti.Forthat we provide for the application of you who want to train asaprofessional graffiti. You can choose one of the variousdesignswhich exist in this application to implement. Hopefully thisappcan help you.
Modern Bathroom Design 1.0
The bathroom is a room where someone canshowerto cleanse the body. Sometimes the bathroom is also equippedwith asink (hand washing). The bathroom is divided into 2 of thebathroomdry and wet bathroom. In this application you can findmodernbathroom design according to your taste.
Home Fence Design 1.0
Fences are upright structure designedtorestrict or prevent movement across the border made. Fencesaregenerally distinguished by walls according to the robustnessoftheir construction: a wall is generally defined as a dividermadeof brick or concrete, which not only restricts movement, butalsothe views (although the definition is sometimes overlap). Inthisapplication there are many fence designs, choose according toyourtastes.
New t-shirt design 1.0
T-shirts or also known as T Shirt is thekindof clothes that cover most of the arm, across the chest,shouldersand stomach. A T-shirt typically do not have buttons,collar, orpocket. In general, short-sleeved T-shirt (past theshoulders andalong the elbow) and a round neck. Common materialused to make theT-shirt is cotton or polyester (or both).Fashion T-shirts include fashion for women and men, and can bewornall age groups, including infants, adolescents, or adults.AT-shirt was originally used as underwear. Now T-shirts arenolonger only used as underwear but also as casual wearshirtshari.Seiring the times become more common in everyday lifeandemerged a variety of unique t-shirt design, in thisapplicationthere are a variety of t-shirt design for yourinspiration in astylish day -day.
Modern Eyewear Design 1.0
Glasses are a tool that can help a person tobeable to read and see, besides the glasses also have the functionofavoiding direct eye contact from exposure to sunlight, anddustwhile driving.Glasses mean of benefits for those who need it, especiallyforthose who have a history of eye min or for parents whose eyesarealready a plus. Glasses very helpful for vision. Besidestheglasses also can be made in the present trend.There are many different types and models of sunglasses inthisapplication you can choose according to your needs and yourtaste,hopefully can help you in determining the choice ofglasses.
Birthday Cake Design 1.0
The birthday cake is a cake that was servedtosomeone on his birthday. The birthday cake is usuallydecoratedwith a person's name and carrying the message survived.Candlesequal to the number of years a person has lived also placedon thecake. Various designs birthday cake contained in thisapplication,please download to help you.
Home Ceiling Design 1.0
Type ceilings Home Or Ceiling - The ceilingorceiling is a top interior surface associated with the top ofaroom. Generally, the ceiling is not a structural element, butthesurface covering the floor of the roof structure above. Tomakeyour home ceiling becomes more attractive please download thisappfor your inspiration in making the ceiling of the house.
Minimalist Home Design 1.0
During this time we just wanted ourhouseminimalist style. In fact, the notion of a minimalist housewas notmerely in terms of architectural style. For the applicationshouldfollow the minimalist home also appropriate lifestyle.Theminimalist style that refers to the lifestyle. Meaningminimalistbuilding itself is actually inspired by a Zen lifestyle,comes fromJapan. Zen, thought the less furniture or objects that weuse orhave, the more calm one's life. That is why the minimalistdesignstyle or play little applying color. In the arrangement ofitsinterior design as well as little as possible to put thefurniture.In this application there are a lot of minimalist homedesign thatcan help you find a design that fits your wishes.
Craft Ceramic 1.0
Ceramics is a craft that use raw materialsofclay through the process in a way that produces goods ordisposableitems and beautiful ornamental objects. For example:pottery,vases, jars, dishes.
Fish Pond Design 1.0
The fish pond is controlled waters,artificiallakes, or reservoirs of water that are used to maintain acertainamount of fish to fish farming activities, recreationalfishing, ordecoration.
Sink Design House 1.0
Place self-cleaning (washing face, washyourhands, brush your teeth, shave), located attached to thewall(outside or inside the bathroom), equipped with watertaps,mirrors, and shelves to put soap, toothpaste, or tools beauty.Inthis application there are a variety of design sink home.
Modern Chair Design 1.0
A chair is a furniture used as a seat.Ingeneral, the chair has four legs that used to sustain bodyweighton it. Several types of chairs, such as barstool, just haveone legthat is located in the central part. Sometimes the seat isalsoequipped with a footrest. The times make the seat more andmoremodels in this application there are many modern chairdesign
Design House Door 1.0
The door is an opening in the wall / fieldthatfacilitates the circulation between spaces surrounded by walls/areas. Doors are usually found in buildings, such as houses.Inaddition, there are also doors on vehicles, cabinets, and others.Awide variety of door designs in this application, pleasedownloadto help you in choosing the design of the door.
Men's Jacket Design 1.0
The jacket is a smock that is up to thewaistor hips, worn against the wind and cold weather. Jacketopeningslocated on the front of the neck down. Zippers, buttons, ora beltis used as a tool to open and close the openings jacket.Thisapplication can help determine your particular tastes jacketmen'sjacket.
Design House Floor 1.0
Floor as one part of the structure of thehousehas the principal function footstool rests and wheretheestablishment of all household goods. But this time the floorhas adouble function accompany the technological developments inthefield of interior design and progress of building equipment. Wecanchoose a wide variety of floor types ranging from small to theverybig though. With the low price until the price isexpensiveanyway.
Bamboo Craft 1.0
Already since time immemorial man hasbeenutilizing bamboo as a material woven. Various household itemsmadewith bamboo as winnowing, lampshades, dishes, foodpreparationworkshops, tables, couches, and also caps hat.
Modern Cabinet Design 1.0
Closet or cupboard is one of thefurnitureproducts are usually relatively large size that can beused tostore a variety of items. The closet was large crate thathas adoor / door, a place to store things goods (such asbooks,clothes).
Dishes Rack Design 1.0
Dish rack is one of the veryimportantfurniture at home. Dish rack itself serves as a place tostoredishes, glasses, and some other kitchen equipment so thatitemssuch as dishes, glasses, pots, and other items neatly, andnotscattered everywhere so that your kitchen is not cluttered. Ifthefirst majority dish rack made of aluminum or iron with adesignthat's it, now more diverse dish rack design with anattractivedesign. Most of the dish rack in the store at this timeis usuallyfused with a closet full kitchen with sink. Usually thiskind ofkitchen cabinets have great size with a classic design andmade ofwood or a modern design made of stainless steel. But if youwant aseparate dish rack with kitchen cabinets, you can choose adishrack that has a minimalist design with a smaller sizeandsimple.
Design Curtains 1.0
Blinds or curtains are pieces of fabricortextiles used to block out the light. Curtains are often hungonthe inside of the window of a building to prevent the entryoflight, for example at night to help you sleep, or to keep thelightout of the building (preventing people outside to be able toseethe inside of the curtain also provide visual separation inothersituations such as in a stage show in which the actors didtheirfinal preparations for the show behind the curtain whiletheaudience waited in front of the curtain. If used for aparticularshow, usually when the show begins, the curtain openedand closedduring the intermission.
Shirt Design Groom 1.0
Wedding moments into something veryimportantin anyone's life. Not much different from women, men wouldwant towear the best clothes for the most important day in herlife.
Design Terrace House 1.0
The terrace is part of the house thatwelcomesguests arrive, sometimes the impression is captured by theguestscan be brought up to the house. The terrace can also belocatedbeside or behind the house as a sitting area. In thisapplicationthere are many design options terrace house with avariety ofmodels.
Aquarium Design 1.0
The aquarium is a vivarium is usually placedina place with the transparent (glass or plastic high strength),inwhich animals and plants of water (usually fish, but can alsobefound invertebrates, amphibians, marine mammals and reptiles)areaccommodated, and is used for public display.
Design Earrings 1.0
The material can be of metal, plastic,glass,precious stones, beads, and others. Said earring commonlyused torefer some types of pendants that are actually differenttypes:Earrings are the pendants that hang on the ear lobe.
Design Potted Plants 1.0
So much the size, shape, and color offlowerpots. with these flower pots, yard were small and crampedstill beplanted with plants and make the page feel more alive andpleasantin the eye. Make the home page of our comfortableandbeautiful.
Craft Paper 1.0
If you have a lot of old newspapers orotherpaper type garbage around your house, than you throw away orburn.What if you take advantage of the waste paper bins for thingsthatare more useful, such as for making handicrafts from wastepaper.Besides can be used to make home decoration, handicrafts fromwastepaper material can also be sold with a note you made itwell.
Design Wedding Invitations 1.0
Invitation is an invitation-shaped leafletsorletters, which are usually used to invite people to attendaparticular event. Invitation is something that should be therewhenyou create an event, so that people who are invited to find outtheevent to be held. One type of invitation is aweddinginvitation.
Design Jacket Women 1.0
The jacket is a smock that is up to thewaistor hips, worn against the wind and cold weather. Jacketopeningslocated on the front of the neck down. Zippers, buttons, ora beltis used as a tool to open and close the openingsjacket.
Design Men Wallet 1.0
Wallet is a place to store things or goodssoeasy to find. Goods or object placed in the wallet isusuallyessential items, such as ID cards, money and ATM. Purse hasmanyuses and benefits for human life.
Ring Design 1.0
Rings are jewelry around hisfinger.Traditionally rings are usually made of precious metals;such asgold, silver, and platinum. Other metals such as stainlesssteel,chrome, iron, bronze, brass, and copper are alsocommonlyused.
Child Shoe Design 1.0
Shoes are a type of footwear (footwear)thattypically comprises portions of soles, right, hood, lacesandtongue. Usually made of canvas or leather that covers allpartsfrom the fingers, instep to the heel.
Design Wooden Table 1.0
The table is one of the furniture productsinthe form of a flat surface which is supported by severalfeet.Tables are often used to store goods and food with easy toreach acertain height so that when seated. Table generally has fourlegsand paired with chairs, one of which is a table made ofwood.
Mehndi Henna Creation 1.0
Henna word comes from the Latin forplantLawsonia Inermis spoken by Arabs as Hinna. The exact originsof theart of mehndi hard to say because it has nearly 5,000 yearsold.Various mehndi henna designs in these applications to assistyou increating your mehndi henna.
Design Pants Men 1.0
Pants are outer garment that covers thewaistto the ankles, sometimes only up to the knee, which wraparound thetrunk leg separately, especially a male clothing.
Wardrobe Design Glass 1.0
Closet or cupboard is one of thefurnitureproducts are usually relatively large size that can beused tostore a variety of items. The closet was large crate thathas adoor / door, a place to store things goods (such asbooks,clothes).
Wood Cabinet Design 1.0
Closet or cupboard is one of thefurnitureproducts are usually relatively large size that can beused tostore a variety of items. The closet was large crate thathas adoor / door, a place to store things goods (such asbooks,clothes).
Craft Clay 1.0
There are a lot of materials around us thatcanbe used to create a work of art of great value. As the craft ofclaythat has more value than the other craft materials. The clayis amaterial that can be made a variety of handicrafts.
Cardboard Crafts 1.0
Cardboard is an item that is usually used asamaterial to protect or repacking a product for distributionfromproducer to consumer. Cardboard made from raw materials suchaspaper that is easily damaged.
Home Garden Design 1.0
Parks is an area that contains amaterialcomponent hardware and software support each otherdeliberatelyplanned and made by humans in their role as a refresherindoor andoutdoor. Amusement parks can be divided into natural andartificialgarden. In this application you can find a variety ofhome gardendesign.
Design Wooden Chairs 1.0
A chair is a furniture used as a seat.Ingeneral, the chair has four legs that used to sustain bodyweighton it. Wooden chair is one of a kind unique seat
Handphone Case Design 1.0
Case Mobile or the mobile phone casing isatool used to protect mobile phones or favorite smartphone.However,many also use mobile phone case to give the impression of amorecool or funny on his mobile phone and it is also what makesCheapMobile Case is now much sought after.Case phone itself consists of two types, namely, HardcaseandSoftcase. In each case where the mobile phone has theform,materials and function of different although its primaryfunctionto protect the mobile phone in the wrapper.
Latte Art 1.0
Latte Art is the art of decorating over acupof espresso and cappuccino drinks basic materials and cafelatte.There are two coffee decorating techniques. The first, calledthefree pour, which is directly poured milk that has been steam intheespresso.
Modern Table Design 1.0
The table is one of the furniture productsinthe form of a flat surface which is supported by severalfeet.Tables are often used to store goods and food with easy toreach acertain height so that when seated. Table generally has fourlegsand is paired with a chair. Within the application you canfindmany unique table design modern and nice.
Design Sandals Men 1.0
Sandal is one of the models of footwearwhichis open at the toe or heel of the wearer. Parts of footwear(sol)connected by a rope or belt that serves as a clamp (holder) inthetoe, instep, ankle or so slippers can not be separated fromthefoot of the wearer.
Design Sandal Women 1.0
Sandal is one of the models of footwearwhichis open at the toe or heel of the wearer. Parts of footwear(sol)connected by a rope or belt that serves as a clamp (holder) inthetoe, instep, ankle or so slippers can not be separated fromthefoot of the wearer.
Men's Shoe Design 1.0
Shoes are a type of footwear (footwear)thattypically comprises portions of soles, right, hood, lacesandtongue. Usually made of canvas or leather that covers allpartsfrom the fingers, instep to the heel.
Stair Design 1.0
The staircase is a construction thatisdesigned to contact two vertical extent which has a distancefromeach other. In addition to connecting the two levels ofverticalladder can also be a unique home decor. In this applicationyou canfind a variety of designs that would attractstaircase.