knennigTri 应用

Name That President! 1.0.3
Test your presidential knowledge! Who was the16th president? Abraham Lincoln! But could you recognize him byjust a picture? This app tests your ability to do just that. Clickthe photo and either type or speak the your guess. If you need somepractice, review the presidents before you test yourknowledge.
Vulcan Tech Gospel Lite 3.0.1
VTG Lite allows you to check out the app anduse the 1 to 3 moves for free. To use other features of this app,upgrade to the Pro version today!Are your planes empty and purposeless? Are you searching for adeeper meaning to your spinning? Do you yearn for connection inyour timing/direction? The Vulcan Tech Gospel has a message foryou.The gospel is not a doctrine of the tongue, but a life. Itcannot be grasped by reason and memory only. But it is fullyunderstood when it possesses the whole soul and penetrates to therecesses of the heart. -John CalvinAuthored by some of the most prolific fire spinners of our time,the Vulcan Tech Gospel defines all possible patterns of movementavailable with a set number of variables. In this version of theapp, VTG 2, the patterns that have 3 rotations of a prop around ahand compared to 1 rotation of the hand around the center are used.Select a prop timing and direction, and a hand timing and directionand see the accessible patterns.Special Thanks to:VTG Authors:*Noel Yee*David Cantor*Brian Thompson*Lorq Nichols.Video Animator:*Jon Everett.Logo Designer:*Remy HolwickGraphics Designers:*Pierre Baudin*Zack BoutilierIf you have any app upgrade requests, send them to the developeremail below.Want to contribute? This this out!
Cyroid Transit 1.4
Find your Cyride bus fast and easy with thisapp! We combine Cyride bus schedules with Google Maps to show youexactly where a bus is going and when it will be there. Users alsohave the option of whether they want to find times via MapView orthrough a more power efficient choice, ListView. Alongsideproviding the basic necessities of finding bus information, the@CyroidTransit team is also developing additional features thatwill improve functionality and allow for greater personalization(with favorite routes, stops, etc). Never deal with the hassle oflooking up bus maps or finding schedules online - with the@CyroidTransit application for the Android, it is all done on yourphone! Never miss the bus again!Follow us @CyroidTransit
Name That State! 1.0.1
Test your state knowledge! Do you rememberall50 from middle school? If you see the state could you name it?Thisapp tests your ability to do just that. Click the photo andeithertype or speak the your guess. If you need some practice,review thestates in the app before testing your knowledge! Did yougo throughall 50 and got some of them wrong? You can review justthe ones yougot wrong too.Features:*Ability to click photo to answer*Multiple tries on a state*Type or say your answer*Ability to see wrong answer*See you results at the end of the app*Review all the states or just the ones you missed previously