kortide 应用

Elastos專屬的私有雲儲存、應用、分享和管理應用程序。可用於個人、家庭、小團體、公司型態的檔案資料儲存、備份、管理、共享等需求面。把資料中心(HomeHub)擺放在您放心的地方,透過網路連結,隨時隨地使用。除了分類顯示、依照時間進行排列讓用戶便於搜尋和使用,還有更多令人驚喜的功能:1.Elastos雲端硬碟可以把檔案託管備份到公網型態的個人雲空間;2.Elastos雲端硬碟可以直接訪問觀看自己的公網個人雲;3.可以備份通訊錄,一鍵導入通訊錄到新的手機和平板電腦中;4.可以設置雲端硬碟自有的鎖屏密碼,讓資料隱私更安全;5.能夠在聯網的條件下,自動從手機或平板電腦備份照片與影片到雲端硬碟中;6.能夠貼心地把自己雲端硬碟設備上網能力分享給親朋好友。來體驗看看吧!Elastos exclusiveprivatecloud storage, application sharing, andmanagementapplications.Can be used for individuals, families, small groups, companytypefile data storage, backup, manage, share, and so thedemandside.The Information Centre (HomeHub) placed in the place you areassuredthrough the network link, use anytime, anywhere.In addition to classification display, arranged in accordancewiththe time to allow users to search and easy to use, and moreamazingfeatures:1.Elastos Drive can be backed up to the public network filehostingpersonal cloud space patterns;2.Elastos Drive can directly access the public network towatchtheir personal cloud;3. You can backup contacts, a key import contacts to a new phoneandtablet computers;4. Drive can set its own lock screen password, make informationmoresecure privacy;5. Under the conditions for interconnection can automaticallyfromthe phone or tablet photos and videos to the cloud backupharddrive;6. intimate able to put myself Drive device access capabilitytoshare with friends and family.To experience to see it!