
Breathing pro
App Respirar/Breathing: reducing stress andanxietyYou can practice/train control your breathing (ideal 6 breaths perminute) with the help of our app “Respirar”. When the “ball” up youwill inhale filling your abdomen and down the “ball” when you willexhale emptying your abdomen. “Respirar” is abdominal/diaphragmaticand held nostrils to inhale and exhale through the mouth. Uponexpiration time will always be greater than the inhaled.By practicing breathing relax your body and facial muscles and trya gentle and quiet breathing. If you notice a certain effort oninhalation or exhalation, change the duration/time. Always seek aslower breathing to adapt to the respiratory rhythm. Duringrespiration remember that should be fluid to get his heartcoherence (when the heart rate increases inspires and expires whenthe heart rate slows).
Escola do Cérebro 18.0.0
A Escola do Cérebro integra jogos cognitivos auma base de dados que permitem o exercício de habilidadescognitivas, o acompanhamento e a orientação sobre o desempenho e ascaracterísticas cognitivas. Desse modo, a Escola do Cérebro podecompor os currículos escolares e oferecer espaços para ampliação ediversificação das atividades pedagógicas, visando contribuir com odesenvolvimento mais integral dos alunos.Os jogos cognitivos são um conjunto de jogos variados que trabalhamaspectos cognitivos, propondo a intersecção entre os conceitos dejogos, diversão e cognição. Desse modo, parte-se do reconhecimentoda contribuição que os jogos oferecem ao desenvolvimento infantil ecoloca-se ênfase nos aspectos cognitivosA Escola do Cérebro aplica conhecimentos da neurociência, visandofavorecer a formação de novas conexões e a reorganização de funçõescerebrais. Desse modo, o projeto tem como objetivos:Disponibilizar gratuitamente acesso a jogos cognitivosdesenvolvidos para o exercício e aprimoramento de habilidadescognitivas.Oferecer informações e orientações que contribuam com o melhordesempenho dos jogadores no uso de suas habilidadescognitivas.Permitir que professores criem grupos, incluam seus alunos eacompanhem, por meio do acesso a relatórios, o desempenho deles naEscola do Cérebro.Contribuir com a melhoria do desempenho escolar e a aprendizagemdos jogadores.Oferecer recursos pedagógicos aos professores para trabalhar ashabilidades cognitivas no contexto escolar.Realizar estudos e pesquisas sobre as contribuições do uso dosjogos eletrônicos no processo de aprendizagem.CréditosCoordenadora do ProjetoProfa. Dra. Daniela Karine RamosUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSCDepartamento de Metodologia de Ensino - MEN/CEDPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGECoordenadora do Curso Conselhos Escolares - UFSC/MECPublicação & DesenvolvimentoCognisense Tecnologia Ltda School Brainintegrates cognitive games to a database that enable the exerciseof cognitive skills, monitoring and guidance on performance andcognitive characteristics. Thus, the School of Brain can composeschool curricula and offer space for expansion and diversificationof educational activities, to contribute more to the overalldevelopment of students.Cognitive games are a collection of various games working cognitiveaspects, proposing the intersection between the concepts of games,fun and cognition. Thus, we start from the recognition of thecontribution that games offer to child development and placeemphasis on cognitive aspectsThe School Brain applies knowledge of neuroscience in order tofacilitate the formation of new connections and the reorganizationof brain functions. Thus, the project aims to:Provide free access to cognitive games developed for exercise andimprovement of cognitive skills.Provide information and guidelines to help with the bestperformance of the players in using their cognitiveabilities.Allow teachers to create groups, including students and track,through access to reports, their performance in the School ofBrain.Contribute to the improvement of school performance and learning ofplayers.Provide educational resources to teachers to work cognitive skillsin the school context.Conduct studies and research on the contributions of the use ofvideo games in the learning process.CreditsProject CoordinatorProf.. Dra. Daniela Karine RamosFederal University of Santa Catarina - UFSCDepartment of Teaching Methodology - MEN / CEDGraduate Program in Education - PPGECoordinator of School Councils - UFSC / MEC Publication & DevelopmentCognisense Tecnologia Ltda
Pulse 500.0.4
Pulse is the app that measures your heartratewith a simple microphone.It works like a digital stethoscope, in otherwordsPhonocardiogram*.The heart rate values were validated with some heartratemonitoring. Such as Polar and Zephyr Bluetooth technology.*Pulse can be used with many very low cost devices developedby"Prof. Phd Emílio Takase". For more information about his workandothers software like this, can be foundat: or http://sapiensludens.orgHow to build for education (by Emílio Takase) bifurcated path:Place the microphone in the palm of your hand or inside of a cupanduse it like a stethoscope. You will need to be in a quiet room,andto be quiet too.You can register at and monitoryourdata.More powerfull vizualizer? You can use Audacity. Audacity® isfree,open source, cross-platform software for recording andeditingsounds.NOTE:Since the mobile device market is very fragmented, thisapplicationonly works on some devices.NOTE II: IMPORTANTEif you DO NOT put anything like the sound of your heart notexpectgood values​​. they will be generated because of the noise.infact, when you put the sound of your heart the algorithm canhearit!This software is small open source project, and it is hostedonNossobit. If you want to contribute, please feel free tocontactus.See more at: Manual (pt-br) by Prof. Dr. Emílio Takase
BioTracks 2.0.6
BioTracks is a app based on MyTracks project.In this version we add features:1) A tab with breathing pacer2) Neurosky and Mindset support3) Polar H6 and H7 support