occasinfo 应用

KeyPass Pssword manager 1.0.2
Password Manager for Android phoneMAIN- Access through a single master password- That you can change at any time in your setting.- Search engine- Safe storage of your passwords, IDs, etc.- Assist Tags Builder to create complex and secure passwords- Backup and restoration of encrypted database on Sd card- Preset Categories- It also has an editor to modify or create new categories withicons limitless.- Automatic Lock session after a period of inactivity- Backup and restoration of encrypted database- You are the only person who can access your data.- Your password is not stored anywhere- Storing your data locally on your device- Intuitive Interface All the tools at hand- Automatic Self-destruction of your data- Automatic or preset Lock Option- Password Generator- Restoring the data Sd cardIf you like this application, place a notice on the market. If youhave suggestions, please let us know thank you.
Keypasse-free Gestionnaire mp 1.0.0
Gestionnaire de mot de passe pourtéléphoneseulementPRINCIPALES- Accès grâce à un mot de passe maître unique- que vous pouvez changer à tout moment dans vos paramètres.- Moteur de recherche- stockage sûr de vos mots de passe, identifiants, etc.* Générateur de Mots de Passe pour créer des mots de passecomplexeset sûrs- Sauvegarde de la base de données cryptée sur la carte Sd* restauration de la base de données cryptée sur la carte Sd- Catégories Prédéfinie- Il possède aussi un éditeur pour modifier ou créer denouvellescatégories avec icônes sans limites .* Verrouillage automatique de session après une certainepérioded’inactivité- Vous êtes la seule personne à pouvoir accéder à vosdonnées.- Votre Mot de passe n'est stocké nulle part- Stockage de vos données en local sur votre appareil- Interface intuitif Tous les outils nécessaires à portéedemain*Autodestruction automatique de vos donnée* Option de verrouillage automatique ou prédéfinie* Générateur de mots de passe* Restauration de données de la carte SdSi vous aimez cette application, déposez un avis sur le marché.Sivous avez des suggestions, faites-le nous savoir merci.*version payantePassword Manager tophoneonlyMAIN- Access through a single master password- That you can change at any time in your settings.- Search engine- Safe storage of your passwords, IDs, etc.* Pass Tags Builder to create complex and secure passwords- Backing up the encrypted database on Sd card* Restoration of encrypted database on Sd card- Preset Categories- It also has an editor to modify or create new categorieswithicons limitless.* Automatic Lock session after a period of inactivity- You are the only person who can access your data.- Your password is stored nowhere- Storing your data locally on your device- Intuitive Interface All necessary tools at hand* Automatic Self-destruction of your data* Automatic or preset Lock Option* Password Generator* Recovering data from Sd cardIf you like this application, place a notice on the market. Ifyouhave suggestions, please let us know thank you.* paid version
keypasse password manager 1.0
Password Manager for Android phone onlyMAIN- Access through a single master password- That you can change at any time in your setting.- Search engine- Safe storage of your passwords, IDs, etc.- Assist Tags Builder to create complex and secure passwords- Backup and restoration of encrypted database on Sd card- Preset Categories- It also has an editor to modify or create new categorieswithicons limitless.- Automatic Lock session after a period of inactivity- Backup and restoration of encrypted database- You are the only person who can access your data.- Your password is not stored anywhere- Storing your data locally on your device- Intuitive Interface All the tools at hand- Automatic Self-destruction of your data- Automatic or preset Lock Option- Password Generator- Restoring the data Sd cardIf you like this application, place a notice on the market. Ifyouhave suggestions, please let us know thank you.