picsture 应用

Bollywood Gossip and News 1.0.4
Picsture covers regional news of all thestates of India giving importance to video content . App also hascontent related to categories like Life Style ,Politics,Sports,Automotive,Health and Technology .The app has mainly threescreens where home page lists all the latest news irrespective ofall the categories .And it got a side bar menu navigation to browseall the categories which lands on another screen .On clicking athumb it goes to the final screen where it displays video for thevideo content or featured image for non-video content .In thedetails page users also got related news option to browser throughrelated contentPicsture app got an exclusive coverage on regional news of allstates of india .Picsture is focusing on the latest trend of videonews in the internet.But on the other side news with detailedcontent is also provided for users who are interested to read thenews onlinePicsture updates news every minute 24 x 7 and give usersdifferent view points on same news which gives users a better ideaabout the news storyIn the case of a breaking news ,the app will send pushnotification for users ,and on tapping it will go directly to thecontent page where users can view or read the news