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Alex Campos -Audio- 1.0
Alex Campos, es un cantante, músicoycompositor colombiano de música cristiana, ganador de tresPremiosGrammy Latinos por mejor álbum cristiano en español. Desde2001pertenece a la compañía musical Misión Vida, fundada por élmismopara promover su ministerio.Alex Campos, is asinger,musician and Colombian composer of Christian music, wonthree LatinGrammy Awards for best Christian album in Spanish. Since2001 itbelongs to the music company Life Mission, founded by himtopromote his ministry.
Francis Chan Teachings&More 1.0
Francis Chan is an American preacher. He istheformer teaching pastor of Cornerstone Community Church inSimiValley, California, a church he and his wife started in1994.
Billy Graham Teachings&More 1.0
Billy Graham is an AmericanevangelicalChristian evangelist, ordained as a Southern Baptistminister, whorose to celebrity status in 1949 reaching a coreconstituency ofmiddle-class, moderately conservativeProtestants.
Alistair Begg Teachings&More 1.0
Alistair Begg is the Senior PastorofCleveland's Parkside Church (located in Bainbridge, GeaugaCounty,Ohio), a position he has had since 1983. He is the voicebehind theTruth for Life Christian radio preaching and teachingministry thatbroadcasts his sermons daily to stations across theUnited States.He is also the author of several books, and hasplayed one smallrole as a film actor.
Franklin Graham Teachings&More 1.0
Franklin Graham is an AmericanChristianevangelist and missionary. He is president and CEO of theBillyGraham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and of Samaritan'sPurse, aninternational Christian relief organization. He became acommittedChristian in 1974 and was ordained in 1982
Danilo Montero -Canciones- 1.0
Danilo Montero es un compositor y cantantedemúsica cristiana . Ha grabado aproximadamente 18 discosdurantetoda su carrera ministerial y ha sido nominado a los PremiosGrammyLatinos y ha sido condecorado en los Premios Arpa yPremiosBillboard de la Música Latina. Su disco La carta perfectaganó en2014 el Premio Grammy Latino al mejor álbum de músicacristiana enespañol, convirtiéndolo en el primer costarricense enganar estepremio con una producción propia. Es considerado como unode losprincipales exponentes de la música de alabanza y adoración.Suestilo mezcla el pop con letras espiritualesycongregacionales.Danilo Montero isacomposer and singer of Christian music. He has recorded about18albums throughout his ministerial career and has been nominatedforthe Latin Grammy Awards and has been decorated in Arpa AwardsandBillboard Latin Music Awards. His album The perfect letter in2014won the Latin Grammy Award for best album of Christian musicinSpanish, making it the first Costa Rican to win the award withitsown production. It is considered one of the leading exponentsofthe music of praise and worship. His style mixes pop withspiritualand congregational letters.
Benny Hinn Teachings&More 1.0
Benny Hinn is an Israeli televangelist,bestknown for his regular "Miracle Crusades"—revival meeting orfaithhealing summits that are usually held in stadiums in majorcities,which are later broadcast worldwide on his televisionprogram, ThisIs Your Day!
Yolanda Adams -Music- 1.0
Yolanda Adams is an American gospelsinger,record producer, actress, and former radio host of herownnationally syndicated morning gospel show. As of September2009,she had sold 4.5 million albums since 1991 in the UnitedStates,and nearly 8 million albums worldwide according toSoundScan.On December 11, 2009, Billboard Magazine named her the No. 1GospelArtist of the last decade.In the same chart, her album Mountain High...Valley Lowwasacknowledged as the best gospel album.
Lilly Goodman -Canciones- 1.0
Lilly Goodman es una cantante dominicanademúsica cristiana. Entre su discografía se encuentran losálbumesContigo Dios, Vuelve a casa, Sobreviviré, Sin miedo a nada,Lacompilación y Amor favor gracia. Es una de las mejores ymásimportantes voces a nivel mundial en la música cristiana,comparadacon la poderosa voz de Christina Aguilera ya que poseen elmismotimbre.Lilly Goodman isaDominican singer of Christian music. Among his discographyincludealbums Contigo God, Come home, I will survive, no fear ofanything,please Compiling and Love grace. It is one of the best andmostimportant worldwide voices in Christian music, compared withthepowerful voice of Christina Aguilera as they have thesametimbre.
Marcos Witt Audio 1.0
Marcos Witt es un cantante, músicoycompositor. Del 2002 al 2012, Witt estuvo como pastor en laIglesiaLakewood, liderando junto a su esposa Miriam Witt.Que Dios ilumine nuestro camino y nos da salud y felicidad!Marcos Witt is asinger,musician and composer. From 2002 to 2012, Witt was as pastoratLakewood Church, leading with his wife Miriam Witt.May God illuminate our path and gives us health andhappiness!