sgh 应用

Show All Media Ad 16.0
There are apps that help users to hide pictures,videos,ringtonesfrom the Android Gallery, Music apps. This app is to serve thereverse and that is attempt to "un-hide" them so you can see themappearing in the Android Gallery, Music etc apps. This will beuseful when you are outside of your house or don't have the timeand luxury to connect a USB cable to the Android smart-phone tofind them. To configure, just tap Start Scan For Hidden To Unhideand let it run in the background. You can then exit the app and doother things else. To manual trigger Media Scanner, just tap StartMedia Scanner. You can then exit the app and do other things else.The application support English, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese display.
Big Two 24.0
A popular Asian card game with rules thatmodel closely after Poker. The only exception is the Two of Spades,Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds are considered the biggest in the deck of52 cards. This is reflected in the name of the card game.The application support English, Simplified Chinese andTraditional Chinese display.
Stock Tracker 5.0
This app is NOT meant for active intra-day trader or short terminvestor to do their trading. This app is more targeted for longterm investor who perhaps once a week or month want to take a lookand track all their stocks performance in a glance. Since the appuses yahoo finance for the stock prices, it is NOT real-time. Itcould lag or maybe the site is down due to heavy traffic. Butgenerally for viewing purposes, this app should suffice. Tap SetupStock to save the stock symbol you want to view. Set your purchaseprice too. If you cannot find any from pick-list, enter the stocksymbol manually. Tap View Stock to see your stocks performance. Theapplication support English, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese display.
Mileage Log 9.0
Some users can claim car mileage expenses from their company due totheir job.
My Sensors 5.0
A sensors app.
Sticker Widget 11.0
A sticker widget app.
Random Pick 9.0
A random pick app.
Contact Collector 6.0
A contact collector app.
Random Pick Ad 17.0
Very often in our daily lives, we have daily decisions to be made.Sometimes we just want to randomly pick one among our options.Instead of flipping a coin for head and tail, this app providesanother way to do that choice for you. It also support choosingmore than 1 random items for your options. At the Setup section,tap List to enter a new list. Then at the list item, you select thelist you added earlier and add items for that list. Then to use,tap Randomize button under Process section. Enter the number ofitems to randomize and tap randomize button and you get your randomoption. The application support English, Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese display.
One Launch Many 6.0
For users who have a habit to launch certain default set of apps
My Calculators Ad 18.0
Depending which industry you are working, there will always bemoments when you need to do some simple formula mathematics foryour work. Some of them are simple but the fact you need to repeatthem again and again make you want to use an app to help you out.This app set off to consolidate all those simple formula into asingle app. First release, there is Log/cylinder volume, pulley RPM+ speed and Right angle triangle. Future release will incorporatemore formula. Anyone interested to get their formula into the appfor the next release can drop me an email. The application supportEnglish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Show All Media 6.0
Show all hidden media and files app.
Passed Days Ad 20.0
This app provides a count "up" timer to track the number of daysthat have passed after an item/event start date. E.g in yourwork-place you could be juggling multiple projects concurrently andthey all kick off on different dates. You can use this app at anytime to find how many days have passed (include today) since thatproject start date. E.g for women, you can use this app to keeptrack of how many days have passed (include today) since your lastperiod. E.g for mother, you can use this app to keep track of howmany days have passed (include today) since your kid last poo-ed.E.g for couples, you can use this app to keep track of trivialevents like how many days have passed (include today) since you twolast saw a movie in theaters, last eat at this posh restaurant etc.There are many other use cases. As long as you want to keep trackof how many days have passed (include today) since that item/eventstart date, this app fill that need. To configure, tap New Item,enter an item description and a start date and Save. To search, tapSearch to search all or key in a partial item description to dosome simple filtering. To edit/delete items, you can tap and holdon those entries in the result screen and a pop-up window appear.Tap Delete All to delete all. The application support English,Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Scan In Out Ad 19.0
Do you have collection of books or CDs that have barcodes? This appuses barcode scanner to scan and check in. When you lend the bookor CD to other people, you then scan and check out. This provide away for you to keep track of your books or CDs. At any time, youcan know whether a particular book or CD is checked out or checkedin. Tap scan to scan barcode. Tap Check In, Check Out accordingly.Tap Menu->Search to see all the data. Tap Export to save thedata to sdcard as csv file. To see only data specific to a book orCD, tap scan to scan that book or CD barcode and then tap ItemStatus. The application support English, Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese display.
Last Call Ad 21.0
Are you in insurance, property or other agent line of work? Veryoften when prospective customer call you on your smart-phone, youwant to see the most recent call entries from that customer beforeyou answer the call. This give you some before-hand understandingon the "eager-ness" of that prospective customer becoming youractual customer. It will also affect the quotation pricing youlater want to tell them. You have some prepared-ness before youanswer the call. This app is to serve that need. To configure, tapStart/Stop service. Set the number of last calls to be displayed.Important points to note: - Google Android SDK does not have API tooverride the incoming call screen. This app make use of an overlayon top to show the information. You need to tap exit to see theincoming call screen underneath. - Use the 15 mins trial to see ifit works for your brand and model since this app does not use theSDK API. The application support English, Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese display.
Sound Only Video 8.0
A sound only video app.
StatusBarAppsAd 18.0
Have you run out of Home screens space to host your commonly usedapplication icons? This app provide an alternative. It make use ofthe Notification status bar to host application icons. All you gotto do is pull down, select your application and tap. This is usefulwhen say you are inside an app and suddenly you want to launchanother app. You do not have to go back to the Home screens whichare cluttered with icons. Try to put your most commonly used appsin the Notification status bar as the screen there is quite limitedalso. To add app to status bar, tap "Add App". To remove app fromstatus bar, tap "Edit App". To view the existing app you havehosted at the status bar, tap "View App". The application supportEnglish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Many Timer 9.0
A many timer app.
Housekeep Files Ad 20.0
For some people who want to do simple housekeep of deletingun-wanted files in your sd-card mass volume based on files are howold, this app is to serve that need. To configure, set the folder(at least one), file extension (optional), file time-stamp in termsof how many days,hours,minutes old at least. Tap Execute Rule tostart deleting those files fulfilling the criteria or tap Save Ruleto save the configuration to be re-used later. Important points tonote: - During the 15 minutes trial, create a dummy folder wherethose files to be deleted to verify the deletion is correct beforeusing it actual - If you wish and want to be extra safe, make acopy of the folder you set to delete so you can recover your filesif the app delete the files wrongly The application supportEnglish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Graph Draw Ad 16.0
This app does not aim to be a full-featured graph drawing app. Whatthis app provides is a quick way to visualize your series ofnumeric data in a line chart. This is useful when sometimes youjust want a graph representation of your numeric data like say yourbets statistics etc. Able to save it as an image for viewing lateretc. You can key in your numeric data one by one at Setup sectionby tap List to create a list. Then tap List Item to create a seriesof numeric data for a specified list you configured in Listearlier. Or if you already keep your numeric data in a simple textfile, you can use the Import section List and List Item where youselect a text file from your sdcard and import into the app.Lastly, at Process section, tap Graph to select the list and setsome graph settings. Tap Draw Graph to see your line chart.Important points to note: - The format for the text file for importshould be just one line one record separated by a newline fordifferent records. - If you attempt to draw the graph with hundredsof numeric data, the app will crawl. Optimal data size should bearound 40-60 numbers. This app is meant to be used simply notenterprise level kind of graph drawing. The application supportEnglish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Point Where Ad 6.0
This app does not aim to replace a compass. What it does is toserve a simple need using the accelerator and magnetic sensors inAndroid phone to point direction. For some people, you need to knowthe direction of a place/city reference to your own location. Thiscould be for praying purposes or for locating a place you knowearlier. Using this simple app, it point to the direction where youwant to know. It will not be as accurate as a dedicated compass butfor users with less stringent requirement, this app should suffice.Think of this app as a poor man compass. When using the app for thevery first time, tap the Setting icon on top right, choose Set OwnLocation to set your own location. Then depending on your needs youcan tap Set Target Location,Manage Location,Compass Setting to doother setup. The application support English, Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese display.
Interval Audio Ad 18.0
This app does not aim to compete as a full-featured audio recorder.Neither does it aim to compete as a comprehensive 24x7 monitoringaudio recorder. What it does is to provide a cheap way to domonitoring of say your baby sleeping posture, baby playing alone bythemselves etc. Since it is cheap, the idea is simple, you set astart and end time and how often between that time span to start upthe audio recorder to start record and record for how long for eachstart up. There will be no video and hence no waking up of thedevice to record images, it is just pure audio recording. Toconfigure, set Start Time, End Time, fixed time interval (minutes)to occur, repeating, folder to store the recorded video, how longeach record duration is. Important points to note: - If youconfigure too often between a short time span, the app willfunction very badly. - If you configure the record duration to manymins each time, the app will function very badly as in before itcan finish, the next interval will be triggered. - Please notesince it is a cheap way, space the frequency over a longer timespan and restrict each record duration to say 1-3 minutes so theapp can perform efficiently as expected. The application supportEnglish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Passed Days 15.0
A passed days app.
Light On 3.0
A light on app.
My Own Clock 11.0
A customized clock and customized alarm.
Contact Collector Ad 17.0
This app is to serve some people who need an efficient way tocollect very basic contact information from a lot of users in agiven time span. Their contact information are NOT to be saved intothe Contacts app. Usually such information could be a list of usersemail you want to add to a mailing list which you maintainoff-line. In outdoor events, some users have very illegiblehand-writing on the paper you gave them and that make it hard toput into your mailing list later on. By having the app store theirkey-ed in information, you save a lot of headaches. Since it isbasic contact information, the screen is simple. A mandatory nameand optional email and mobile number. Tap Add and that's it. Thatis the very basic information required. This also make the wholeprocess quick. Once event ended, tap Menu -> Export to exportall those users information to a csv file. You can then do somefine-tuning further like invalid email address etc. The applicationsupport English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Manicon Ad 5.0
Have you run out of Home screens space to host your commonly usedapplication icons? This app provides an alternative. It make use ofCollection Widget to host application icons. As this is a widgetapp, you will only find it at the Widgets tab. Widgets ->Manicon. Drag it out to home screen. You will see 2 rows of images.Tap on each of them to select your app. Then you should see thatapp icon appear on the widget. Tap on it and it will launch thatapp. The application support English, Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese display.
File Finder Ad 20.0
Ever come across a situation when you need to search for a keywordamong many text files in some folders? This app is to serve thatneed. To configure, set the input folder (at least one), fileextension (optional), file search word. Tap Execute Rule to startlooking for text files that fulfill the criteria or tap Save Ruleto save the configuration to be re-used later. Please note the FileSearch Word allow Regular Expression OR Normal mode. For users notfamiliar with the term Regular Expression, you can ignore andalways stick with Normal mode. The application support English,Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Map Floorplan 6.0
This app is not created to replace Google Maps or feature richmapping apps.
Repeat Call 7.0
Do you belong to the group of users who liketodial in to participate in radio station call in contest? Howwhen DJopen the line, all users try to dial in to get through socan winprizes? Re-dial is good when call fail to get through butitrequires you to constantly tap it.This app help to save this Re-dial step. Once it fail togetthrough, it will re-dial automatically again. All you need to doislet the app keep trying.To use, tap Start service. Select a number in drop-down andtapCall. To configure the numbers in drop-dopwn, tapMenu->Searchto add or delete numbers.Important points to note:- There is no reliable way to determine when smart-phone is hangupby answer or fail to get through. Hence assume you getthroughanswer question and win the prize, do below essential stepsso theauto repeat does not repeat again infinitely.Tap and hold aka long tap on the Home button, it should showthemost recent list of apps. Tap Repeat Call app icon and thentapStop service. Then you go back to the dialing screen to endthecall.The application support English, Simplified Chinese,TraditionalChinese display.
Help Cook Ad 14.0
This app will not help big restaurant chefs in their daily work.What this app will help is more for small eateries, small timecooks working in food trucks, mom-and-pop eateries etc that need toserve up a lot of dishes within a short hour or two. Most of thetime, waiter/waitress will take orders from their customers. Theywill then forward the order containing the dishes customer orderedto the cooks behind to do the dishes. But sometimes if more than 1customer opt for the same dish, it is more efficient for the cookto start cooking en masse for that specific dish instead. Incontrast, if the cook is to prepare dishes based on each ordersubmitted, it is not efficient as the woks or pots and utensilsused for cooking, ingredients need change for different disheswithin the order etc. To configure, tap Food button and enter allthe dishes the cooks is doing. Then tap Process button. This screenwill be used between waiter/waitress and cook. This screen haslarge Plus and Minus buttons besides each dish that is configuredearlier. When order is placed on that dish, waiter/waitress tap onthe Plus button. The cook will then look at the screen at all thedishes quantity order and decide which dish and how many quantityto cook first. After the cook finish cooking the dish, he/she willtap the Minus button. This mean the cook has cleared that dishesorder. Repeat same pattern for other dishes. As and when the cookcan also tap the Sort quantity ascending/descending button below sohe/she can focus to cook which dish first. Important points to note- This app is not developed for dishes that require customizationfrom customer. Customization could be made that menu dish more orless spicy. More or less oil. Menu side dish substitute withanother side dish etc request. - This app will serve those cooksthat cater to the morning/lunch rush hour crowd that need to grab aquick bite before heading to office for work. The sudden influx ofcustomers during that hour or two means the cook must cook fast andideally same speed as the waiter/waitress taking orders! Theapplication support English, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese display.
Make Bigger 11.0
An app to make the icon and text bigger.
StatusBarApps 9.0
Have you run out of Home screens space to hostyour commonly used application icons? This app provide analternative. It make use of the Notification status bar to hostapplication icons. All you got to do is pull down, select yourapplication and tap. This is useful when say you are inside an appand suddenly you want to launch another app. You do not have to goback to the Home screens which are cluttered with icons.Try to put your most commonly used apps in the Notificationstatus bar as the screen there is quite limited also. To add app tostatus bar, tap "Add App". To remove app from status bar, tap "EditApp". To view the existing app you have hosted at the status bar,tap "View App".The application support English, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese display.
Check Contacts 12
This app provides a simple search screen foryour Contacts. It allow you to search by contact partial name,emailaddress,company name. To search all contacts, just leave thePartial Name,Email Address,Company Name fields empty and tapSearch.At the search results screen, you can check a group of them andtap Action. The pop-up dialog allow you to update your earlierselected contacts phone number Ringtone, Send to Voicemail, Starredall of them in one tap action. This is much better than you go toupdate them one by one.Second feature allows you to glance in a single search resultsscreen all the phone numbers and tap phone icon to dial out. ForSAME contact with multiple phone numbers they will be listed outone by one. This is helpful as some existing Contact app requireyou to tap on them to go "inside" to see all their numbers beforeyou can dial out. This is trouble-some as nowadays more contactshave multiple phone numbers for different purposes. Listing themall out without the need to go "inside" will save a lot of time forus.The application support English, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese display.
Space Tracker Ad 8.0
For users who like to upload download transferfiles frequently, finding whether there are enough space on sdcardor phone is monotonous affair. Using the default Settings appprovide that info but this widget app go further. It shows the[free space/total space] format down to the specified folder youconfigure. You can have multiple widgets on home screen with eachshowing different folder free space.Due to performance consideration, the widget does not updatewhenever the free space changes underlying. Instead whenever youwant to know, just tap on the widget and it will refresh itself toshow the latest free space.The application support English, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese display.
Space Tracker 4.0
A space tracker app.
Help Cook 7.0
This app will help small restaurant chefs in their daily work.
File Finder 7.0
Ever meet a situation when you need to search for keyword amongmany text files?
Check Disaster 15.0
This app get information from all the various websites into asingle app.
Gift Manage 7.0
Do you have a family tradition to give gifts to your relatives andfriends
Housekeep Files 7.0
For some people who want to do simple housekeep of deletingun-wanted files.
Check World Times 12.0
This app serves to show the different world timings in a singlescreen.
Check World Times Ad 25.0
When you travel to foreign land for work ortour, very often you will change your phone/watch time to theforeign land local time. However at the same time, you also want toknow what is the time in your home-land when you miss home. This isespecially important when you want to inform your family andfriends your home-land time the plane will land when you are back.This app serves to show the different world timings in a singlescreen. Tap Add or Edit to add or remove the time zone you areinterested to see. The time zones are based on your phone systemprovided. They may not be the same for another phone. Hence thisapp can work without any Internet connection. It will be usefulwhen you are in some foreign land area where connectivity is veryweak but yet you want to know the time of different time zones.The application support English, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese display.
Network Alert 11.0
A network alert app.
Check Contacts Ad 18.0
This app provides a simple search screen foryour Contacts. It allow you to search by contact partial name,emailaddress,company name. To search all contacts, just leave thePartial Name,Email Address,Company Name fields empty and tapSearch.At the search results screen, you can check a group of them andtap Action. The pop-up dialog allow you to update your earlierselected contacts phone number Ringtone, Send to Voicemail, Starredall of them in one tap action. This is much better than you go toupdate them one by one.Second feature allows you to glance in a single search resultsscreen all the phone numbers and tap phone icon to dial out. ForSAME contact with multiple phone numbers they will be listed outone by one. This is helpful as some existing Contact app requireyou to tap on them to go "inside" to see all their numbers beforeyou can dial out. This is trouble-some as nowadays more contactshave multiple phone numbers for different purposes. Listing themall out without the need to go "inside" will save a lot of time forus.The application support English, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese display.
Checklist Planner Ad 10.0
In our daily lives, very often we uses something that resemble achecklist. Example for every grocery trip, there are some itemslike rice,bread etc that is a must-buy. For every trip overseas,there are some items like change money, tourist map etc. For everycooking, there are some items like sugar,salt,pepper,onions etc. Wetend to prepare this list in advance and then as each item isfulfilled we will tick them off as done. This checklist routinerepeat and repeat. This app is created to make our lives easier. Ituses the concept of first creating a checklist template. Then everynow and then we need a new checklist, we will use thepre-configured template to generate a new checklist. This help tosave us time. First create the checklist template by tap NewChecklist Template,View Checklist Template. After templates arecreated, we will use New Checklist,View Checklist to go about ourtask of checking off items from the checklist. The applicationsupport English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Check Browser Ad 28.0
For users who use the Android default Browser app to surf Internet,the bookmark and history URL is a commonly used feature. Howeversometimes you accidentally delete the bookmark or history URL andthen one fine day you desperately want to go to some URL but it isno longer in the bookmark and history URL anymore. This app serveas a "bookmark and history URL back-up app" for the Android defaultBrowser. To search all bookmark and history URL in Android defaultBrowser, just tap Srch Browser. At the search results screen, tapSave All to save them to this back-up app. To search all bookmarkand history URL in this app back-up, just tap Srch This App. At thesearch results screen, tap Delete All to delete them from thisback-up app. To copy individual URL so as to paste them elsewhere,tap and hold and tap Copy URL . The application support English,Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Download Many 9.0
Some users need to download a series of pdf, doc, png etc hosted onsome URLs
Scan Store Ad 23.0
Are you a small time businessman that need to keep track of yourstore items quantity? When quantity get low, you need to call thesupplier for more? This app is to serve that need. Tap scan to scanbarcode (or key-in). Add quantity (if you want default is 1). TapAdd, Minus accordingly. Tap Menu->Search to see all the data.Tap Export to save the data to sdcard as csv file. To configure thesupplier contact number for your individual item, at theMenu->Search, tap and hold on the selected entry->Edit. Inthis screen, can amend quantity and tap Add to add in Suppliercontact number. Once configure ok, you will see the Suppliernumbers listed together with your items and quantity. Tap Dial tocall that supplier. The application support English, SimplifiedChinese, Traditional Chinese display.
Package Tracker Ad 27.0
For ppl who like to install freeappsfrequently from Android Market to try out, very often you findyoursmart-phone out of phone memory and have to uninstall some ofthemto make space for new free app. Then one fine day youvaguelyremember you have installed certain free app before and youarekeen to know the full name but you just cannot remember.This app serves that purpose. It will log all app installanduninstall package name and date. Then you can do a search basedona date range etc to see what are the apps you haveinstalledpreviously.To configure, tap Start to start the Package Tracker Service.Tosearch, set a date range, select package type, order bysomecriteria and then tap Search.The application support English, Simplified Chinese,TraditionalChinese display.