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Change Voice Prank 1.2
If you want to make a good joke toyourfriends, no need to swallow a liter of helium,fortunately! Voice changing transform is done for this. ThisVoice or voice transformer that is used for the AndroidplatformaPrecisely for the purpose of modifying your voice, for thegreatestjoy of your entourage!WHAT IS the App Voice change to transform as a voicemodifierorVoice deformer?Want to make a joke or a funny joke for free? VoiceChangerTransformer allows you toMake a call by changing the sound of his voice.During a conversation without a camera, and with the AppVoiceCharger Transformer which is aFree voice changer, you can make the caller believe thatsomeoneelseWas with you in the room. How? By simply changing your voice!With the App Voice Changer Transformer, you can tamper withyourvoice the way you want.The Voice Changer Transformer Voice Changer offersseveralvoices:Voice women, voice men, voice baby.Features of the Voice App change transformer voice modifierFree Downloads:+ Built-in recorder that allows you to record your voiceforfree.+ Built-in Modules for Change and Voice ChangeInstant+ A wide range of effect: man, woman, child, etc.+ Easily edit your recordings with this voice changer+ And share them right away with your friendsFor you fun and your friends with tea change voiceNow you can change your voice. Your voice will change intovoicewithEffect. You can record converted voice into the memory ofyourPhone, SD card or share it with your friends viasocialportalsPopular (WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, etc ...)Download the free App Voice Changer Transformer, you can,throughthe App voiceChange, change your voice in real time, man or woman.We hope you enjoy yourself with our application.Good voice transformation!
Ram Booster Cleaner 3.0
The consequence on this type of device isthatthe memory is always full or full, and the phone freezes orslowsdown. This is where an application to clean the RAM have afree ramas an app booster can be a solution to give oxygen back toyourphone. If your phone has too many programs and it is too slowtouse, to speed up your device we bring you an effectivecleanerbooster application that can completely boost your phoneandincrease its performance like speed cleaner. It is totally freeandvery easy to use."Ram Booster Cleaner", is a fast and powerful cleaning tool,willhelp you to free up your storage space, to clean your memory,tostop the automatic launch of applications, to remove ortodeactivate certain applications which do not Do not serveyou,better understand the operation of your device, optiminer andmakeit faster. One click, and you will become the Master ofyourAndroid device.The main features:Once installed on the mobile device, Ram Booster Cleaner allowsyouto:• Clean cached and unneeded files to save space.• Boost the RAM.• Eliminate unnecessary content.• Optimize the speed of the phone to save your time.• free up memory.• Delete or deactivate applications you do not need.• free up your storage space.• Cool your phone and save battery power.In order to clean and optimize your android system, keep itcleanand clean.Ram Booster Cleaner is all in one application that allows youtokeep your device clean and fast, save energy from yourphone.Ram Booster Cleaner is a fast, powerful and easy to usecleaningtool.Is your device cluttered with redundant applications andfiles,which do not serve you but occupy memory?This application is 100% FREE. Try it for free and give yourphoneor tablet a new youth!
تحديد مكان المتصل Prank 1.0
مستعم مشاكل حل و العالية الجودة لتوفيروذالكعملنا فريق طرف من المبدولة الجهود من أشهر خلاصة هو التطبيق هذاا ليلأندرويد ٬ من تعاني الناس فأغلبية في والبسيط الحجم والصغيرالفعالالتطبيق هذا لكم وفرنا لذالك المتصل إسم معرفة وعدم المكانالمجهولةالإتصالات مشكل الإستعماللمن يريد معرفة مكان الشخص الذي يتصل به، واظهار موقعه فيالخريطةوتتبع حركته عبر تقنية الـ "جي فهذا التطبيق هو الأفضل دون أيمنازع .، GPS بي اس"تطبيق تحديد مكان المتصل كثير منا قد سمع عن البرامج أوالتطبيقاتالخاصة بإظهار اسم صاحب الرقم المتصل ، ولكن قليل منا منيعلمون بوجودبرامج خاصة لإظهار مكان المتصل أيضا ، أصبح تحديد مكانالمتصل ليسمقتصرا على الشرطة والجهات الأمنية فمع التقدم التكنولوجيفقط ، ب لأصبح متاح لدى الأشخاص أيضا ، فمن منا لا يرغب في معرفة مكانشريكه فيالحياة حين يكلمه ، أو مكان احد أبنائه كخوفه الطبيعي عليهمكأب ، أومكان من يهدده بشيء معين ويزعجه بالاتصالات أو غيرها ،أصبح تحديد مكان المتصل ليس مقتصرا على الشرطة والجهات الأمنيةفمعالتقدم التكنولوجي فقط ، ب ل أصبح متاح لدى الأشخاص أيضا ، فمن منالايرغب في معرفة مكان شريكه في الحياة حين يكلمه ، أو مكان احدأبنائهكخوفه الطبيعي عليهم كأب ، أو مكان من يهدده بشيء معينويزعجهبالاتصالات أو غيرها ، فأصبحت الحاجة ماسة اليوم لوجود مثلهذهالبرامج على هواتفنا النقالة وبالأخص الهواتف الذكية ، وهوتطبيقمجاني ، ومن ميزات هذا البرنامج انه يمكنه العمل حتى بدونوجودالانترنت ، وكذلك فهو وهو تطبيق مجاني ، يوضح اسم ورقم ومكانالرقمالمتصل بك ، ويعطيك معلومات مختلفة عن الرقم ومن ميزات هذاالبرنامجانه يمكنه العمل حتى بدون وجود الانترنت ، وكذلك فهو يوضح اسمورقمومكان .الرقم المتصل بك ، ويعطيك معلومات مختلفة عن الرقمالمتصلبكهذه التطبيق لا يحتاج إلي الاتصال بالانترنت ، كما انه يعمل علىجميعالمكالمات المحلية والعالمية ،وأيضا على المكالمات الصادرةوالواردةلهاتفك ، ومهمته الأساسية توضيح اسم المنطقة والمدينة التيعلىالمكالمات الصادرة والواردة لهاتفك ، ومهمته الأساسية توضيح .يوجدبها الشخص المتصل بك .اسم المنطقة والمدينة التي يوجد بهاالشخصالمتصل بك هاتفيا بك يتصل من مكان تحديدهاتف برقم المتصل موقع تحديد مكانه تحديد و الهاتف عبر المتصلمكانمعرفةبالعربي المتصل إسم truecallerالمتصل اسم ناطق reel caller المتصل ومكان اسم كشف 2017realcallerمجهول موبايل رقم معرفةالمكالمات كشف و مكانه و المتصل اسم على تعرف المتصل وإسم مكانتحديدprankيقوم هذا التطبيق بإخبارك بكافة التفاصيل المتعلقة برقم الهاتفالذييقوم بالاتصال، بدقة المتصل مكان معرفة الاصدقاء مع للضحكفتستطيعمعرفة اسمه والمكان الذي يتصل بك منه، ولا يحتاج هذا التطبيقإلى وجودإنترنتالاصدقاء مع للضحك مزحة مجرد التطبيق هذا PrankMstam solution andhighquality problems to provide the spectrum of our work by theteam ofAlambdolh efforts of the most famous summary is thisapplication ofme for Android, the suffering people majority in thesimple sizeand small-effective application that you have providedto the piececaller to know and not to place anonymous connectionsproblem useof nameAnyone who wants to know where the person to which it relates,andto show its location in the map and track its movement acrossthe"G technology, this application is the best withoutanyundisputed., GPS CBS"Application Caller place many of us have heard about the programsorprivate showing his number the caller's name applications, butfewof us know the existence of special programs for the Callerplacetoo, became caller location is not limited to police andsecurityauthorities With the technology only progress, b's becomeAvailablein people as well, who among us does not want to find outwhere hispartner in life while speaking to him, or place one ofhis sonsnatural for them Kkhovh cap, or place of threatened andbothered acertain something or other communications,It became the caller location is not limited to police andsecurityagencies. With technological advances only, B's becameavailable tothe people as well, who among us does not want to findout wherehis partner in life while speaking to him, or place one ofhis sonsnatural for them Kkhovh cap, or place of threatening himwithsomething particular bothered communications or other, becameanurgent need today for the existence of such software on ourmobilephones, especially smart phones, a free application, andthefeatures of this program is that it can work even withoutthepresence of the internet, as well as it is a freeapplication,shows the name and number and place number the caller ,and givesyou different information about the number and features ofthisprogram is that it can work even without the presence oftheinternet, as well as it shows the name and number and locationSetas your caller, and gives you different information aboutthenumber of your callerThis application does not require an Internet connection, italsoworks on all local and international calls, and also onoutgoingand incoming to your phone calls, the basic task to clarifyname ofthe region and the city that the outgoing and incoming toyourphone calls, basic and mission clarified. There is thepersoncalling your contact. Region and city where there is a calleryourphone call you from one place to identify Caller phone number site to locate him and determine thephonevia the caller to know the place The caller's name in Arabic truecaller Caller spokesman reel caller caller's name and placeofrevealed 2017 real caller name Mobile unknown number knowledge Call detection and location and the caller's name onthecaller know the name of a place to identify prankThis application will tell you all the details of the phonenumberthat dials, caller accurately know the place with friends tolaughthen you can find out his name and place that is calling youfromit, and this application needs an Internet presence       Friends to laugh withajoke just this application Prank
Wifi Hack Prank 1.0
Show your friends that you can hackthepassword of a wifi network with Wifi Hack PrankWifi Hack Prank as wifi analyzer makes it look like you can hackanynetwork wifiDetected and you can enjoy a free Wi-Fi network.Wifi Hack Prank as finder-hacker wifi has nice interfaceandanimations ofThe professional analyzer, andSo makes you look like a competent pirate and a verytechnicalgeniusprofessional. This is a very nice joke to play and share withyourfriends. She does notShould not be used otherwise.Then, the Wifi Hack Prank application will work as a wifipasswordgenerator and youShow some fake password from a wifi around you.How to use Wifi Hack Prank:When the Wifi Hack Prank app is downloaded, a list of Wi-Finetworksappears. TheAndroid usersCan choose a particular network, and the Wi-Fi password hackerforAndroidWorks in the background to generate a free Wi-Fi key. Thesimulationprovides a generated codeRandomly which is therefore a false password.You can use Wifi Hack Prank to trick your friends that you canhacktheirNetwork wifiprivate. Just run this tool in their home, the wifi scannerdetectsall theHotspot wifi, no matter if the signal is good or not. Thenselecttheir usernameWireless wifi. False password will be displayed, but they willthinkyou have justBroken in their network! Observe the reaction on theirface!!!The tricks of hacker wifi "joke":? Provide various router models in different brands.? Easy to use, and download.? Operation for WEP, WPA and WPA2 codes.? This app is totally free.Are you ready to experience adventure?This is easy to trick and joke to your friends with thispasswordencoder wifi and passwordWifi automatic matching.
Broken Screen 2.14
Android Screen Broken Prank is a funclassicscreen application used forJoke to your friends. When you touch the screen of your phone,theapplication simulates the screenCracked and cracking sound on your phone. It seems that you useyourfinger to breakAnd break your phone and you may not be able to recoverdataphoneBroken. The broken effect is so realistic that all your friendswillbelieve that your phone is broken and theyWill be afraid of inability to repair portable screen orrepairsmartphone broken screen.Incredible broken screen can also operate in "live" mode,whichmeans that afterHave cracked the screen, your phone will continue tooperatenormally even with this screenYou can browse photos, play video games and do whatever youwantandCrack will remain on the screen. To remove it or do aportablescreen repair or repairGlass Android phone or tablet, you must run the applicationonceagain. UntilMoment, the image of the cracked screen will be displayed ontheactual application.WarningThis broken screen joke or Broken Screen is only a jokeapplicationthat allows youTo have a broken touch screen tablet or broken mobile phonescreen,you can have aJoke with your friends and family in free time.This simulator the effect of the broken screen, and will notreallybreak your screen. You can leaveThe application and remove the cracked image.You can scare your friends and family with this broken screenjokeor Crack Screen, theyCan be laughing out loud and may believe that the screen iscracked,and you can evenSurprise them with your mobile screen repair skills orreplacingsmartphone glass.A realistic image broken on the screen and sound effect. Expectyouradvice.Feature of the App Broken Screen Broken Screen:• Realistic crack wallpaper and break his glass. Crack• Sound-break glass• Multiple cracks Screenshots• -Real Broken Screen or Picture, a true broken screen• App simulated cracked and broken screen joke to yourfriends• Image -Crease also comes on other applications.• Touching or shaking your screen.Destroy the screen of your phone by other effects such as thescreenfire and screenelectric.Free Android App Broken is a broken screen joke having a jokewithyour friends and family, which SimulatorThe broken screen effect, let them believe that the screen isreallybroken.Download the Free Android App Broken and give theimpressionthatYour screen is broken with a realistic effect.
واتس اب ازرق 1.0
تنزيل واتس اب ازرق العربي احدث و اخر اصدارهوأداة تواصل جديدة تساعدك على البقاء على اتصال مع أي مستخدم آخرلنفسالتطبيق (إذا كان مثبتا على الآندرويد أو نظام تشغيل الآيفون).يمكنكإرسال رسائل نصية فردية أو لمجموعة، صور، فيديوهات،رسائلصوتية،معلومات حول موقعك (GPS) وأيضا القيام بمكالمات فيديوبجودةعالية.لاستخدام واتس اب عربي ما عليك إلا تحميل التطبيق أحدث إصدار واتسابسلفرواتس اب ازرق الجديد :• يخلصك من الطابع التقليدي لحسابك.• يمنحك نظرة جديدة للجوالك عند الحادثات.• التحديث الأخير يحمل الكثير من المفاجئات و التعديلات الغيرمتوفرةفي البرنامج التقلييدي .• البرنامج يوفر لك التحكم في سير الرسائل الواردة منك• البرنامج يوفر ايضا ميزة التقليل من استهلاك صبيب الانترنيتايضا التطبيق يتوفر على مسزة الاتصال المباشرواتس اب ازرق أداة مفيدة جدا للمستخدمين الذين يريدون استخدامرقميهاتف في واتس اب من خلال جهاز الآندرويد الخاص بهمملاحظة :ان لم يتم تفعيل التطبيق في المرة الاولى يجب تكرار المحاولة بحكمانالتطبيق حديث و لا يفعل مباشرة مع الجوالات القديمةكن أول من يحصل على شكل الواتس اب الجديد بحلته الجديدةلا تنسى المشاركةDownload Watts AugustBlueArab newest and latest version is a new communication toolthathelps you keep in touch with any other user of the sameapplication(if installed on the Android or iPhone operatingsystem). You cansend individual text messages or group, pictures,videos, voicemessages, information about your location (GPS) andalso do videocalls with high quality.To use Watts August Arabic Just download the latest versionWattsAugust Silver ApplicationWatts August new Blue:• save you from the traditional nature of the account.• gives a new look to your mobile phone when the events.• Last Updated holds a lot of surprises andnon-availableAltkulaiada adjustments in the program.• The program provides you with control in the conduct ofincomingmessages from you• The program also provides a reduction of throughputInternetconsumption featureThe application is also available on the Mszh direct contactWatts August Blue a very useful tool for users who want adigitalphone in Watts in August through the use of theirAndroiddeviceNote :The application is not activated for the first time must tryagainby virtue of the application and the interview does not dodirectlywith the old mobile phonesBe the first to get the new form Alwats August new lookDo not forget to participate
Flash Alert 2017 3.1
Are you bored with alert ringtones on callsandSMS? Flash alert 2017 or flash torch works in alert state withflashlight or led flashlight on incoming calls or SMS text. FlashAlert2017or flash camera will give you flasher notifications thatarevery useful several times. Flashing light from the cameraflash.Which alerts you to a call (flash android call) or textarrived(flash message android). Fully customizable flashlight(selfieflash)! Custom flash duration easy flash selfie andblinkingfrequency as android flashlight.The frequency of the flash on call or flash message can bechanged,and you can even set a specific number of flashes for eachalert,or the time between them. It is very useful when you need avisualalert, either because you are in a noisy environment orbecauseyour phone is silent. The main features: • User-friendly inthedark. • You can change the blink frequency as if you wantflashalerts to be slow or fast. When you receive a call or atextmessage, the flash will flash. • You can enable or disabletheservice manually on device mode of its ringing, vibrating orsilentmode. • Disable flash or flashlight alerts when the batteryis low,helping you save battery power. • Check the speed of theflashlight alert. • Flash alert 2017 works perfectly at night whenyoudo not want to put your phone into ringing mode for incomingcallsand SMS. The Flash Alert 2017 application is a call and smsalert.A fast flashing flashlight on call notification applicationgivesyou quick flashlight alerts when an incoming call arrives oramessage.App flash alert 2017 is free, simple, easy to customizeandpowerful. The alert flash alerts use the camera's flashalertnotification for flash on call notification alerts andSMSnotification alerts flashlight on message. Blinking for callsandSMS text messages. You can use this application as flashlightalert2017 blinks on notification, flashlight alerts, flash flashoncall, flash flash on sms, Brightest flashlight on callandsms.The flashing call alerts and sms alerts with the flashlight ontheflash call on call and the flashlight on the message.Thisapplication of flash alert 2017 on call is user friendly andeasyto use. When you receive a call, new text message, thelampflashes.With the app "flash alert 2017" you can be warned by yourflashmobile flash for each incoming call and messages. Flash AlertFlashnotification, Flash on SMS, Flash on call, flash, flashalertnotification
Hack Wifi Prank 1.0
Show your friends that you can hackthepassword of a wifi network with Hack Wifi prank.Wifi Hacker prank as wifi analyzer makes it look like you canhackany network wifiDetected and you can enjoy a free Wi-Fi cracker network by hackwifiprank.Hack Wifi prank like finder-hacker wifi has nice interfaceandanimations ofThe professional analyzer, andSo makes you look like a competent pirate and a genius of thebloodpresser scanner technique veryprofessional. This is a very nice joke to play and share withyourfriends. She does notShould not be used otherwise.Then, the Hack Wifi prank app will work as a wifi passwordgeneratorand youShow some fake password from a wifi around you.How to use Hack Wifi prank:When the Hack Wifi Prank app is downloaded, a list of Wi-Finetworksappears. TheAndroid usersCan choose a particular network, and the Wi-Fi password hackerforAndroidWorks in the background to generate a free Wi-Fi key. Thesimulationprovides a generated codeRandomly which is therefore a false password.You can use Hack Wifi Prank War to trick your friends as youcanhack theirNetwork wifiprivate. Just run this tool in their home, the wifi scannerdetectsall theHotspot wifi, no matter if the signal is good or not. Thenselecttheir usernameWireless wifi. False password will be displayed, but they willthinkyou have justBroken in their network! Observe the reaction on theirface!!!The tricks of hacker wifi "joke":? Provide various router models in different brands.? Easy to use, and download.? Operation for WEP, WPA and WPA2 codes.? This Hack Wifi prank app is totally free.Are you ready to experience adventure?This is easy to trick and joke to your friends with thispasswordencoder wifi and passwordWifi automatic matching.
واتس اب الوردي prank 1.0
تنزيل واتس اب الوردي العربي احدث و اخر اصدارهوأداة تواصل جديدة تساعدك على البقاء على اتصال مع أي مستخدم آخرلنفسالتطبيق (إذا كان مثبتا على الآندرويد أو نظام تشغيل الآيفون).يمكنكإرسال رسائل نصية فردية أو لمجموعة، صور، فيديوهات،رسائلصوتية،معلومات حول موقعك (GPS) وأيضا القيام بمكالمات فيديوبجودةعالية.لاستخدام واتس اب عربي ما عليك إلا تحميل التطبيق أحدث إصدار واتسابالورديواتس اب الوردي الجديد :• يخلصك من الطابع التقليدي لحسابك.• يمنحك نظرة جديدة للجوالك عند الحادثات.• التحديث الأخير يحمل الكثير من المفاجئات و التعديلات الغيرمتوفرةفي البرنامج التقلييدي .• البرنامج يوفر لك التحكم في سير الرسائل الواردة منك• البرنامج يوفر ايضا ميزة التقليل من استهلاك صبيب الانترنيتايضا التطبيق يتوفر على مسزة الاتصال المباشرواتس اب الوردي أداة مفيدة جدا للمستخدمين الذين يريدون استخدامرقميهاتف في واتس اب من خلال جهاز الآندرويد الخاص بهمملاحظة :ان لم يتم تفعيل التطبيق في المرة الاولى يجب تكرار المحاولة بحكمانالتطبيق حديث و لا يفعل مباشرة مع الجوالات القديمةكن أول من يحصل على شكل الواتس اب الجديد بحلته الجديدةلا تنسى المشاركةDownload Watts AugustPinkArab newest and latest version is a new communication toolthathelps you keep in touch with any other user of the sameapplication(if installed on the Android or iPhone operatingsystem). You cansend individual text messages or group, pictures,videos, voicemessages, information about your location (GPS) andalso do videocalls with high quality.To use Watts August Arabic Just download the latest versionWattspink August ApplicationWatts pink August new:• save you from the traditional nature of the account.• gives a new look to your mobile phone when the events.• Last Updated holds a lot of surprises andnon-availableAltkulaiada adjustments in the program.• The program provides you with control in the conduct ofincomingmessages from you• The program also provides a reduction of throughputInternetconsumption featureThe application is also available on the Mszh direct contactWatts pink August a very useful tool for users who want adigitalphone in Watts in August through the use of theirAndroiddeviceNote :The application is not activated for the first time must tryagainby virtue of the application and the interview does not dodirectlywith the old mobile phonesBe the first to get the new form Alwats August new lookDo not forget to participate
واتس اب سلفر prank 1.0
تنزيل واتس اب سلفرالعربي احدث و اخر اصدارهوأداة تواصل جديدة تساعدك على البقاء على اتصال مع أي مستخدم آخرلنفسالتطبيق (إذا كان مثبتا على الآندرويد أو نظام تشغيل الآيفون).يمكنكإرسال رسائل نصية فردية أو لمجموعة، صور، فيديوهات،رسائلصوتية،معلومات حول موقعك (GPS) وأيضا القيام بمكالمات فيديوبجودةعالية.لاستخدام واتس اب عربي ما عليك إلا تحميل التطبيق أحدث إصدار واتسابسلفرواتس اب سلفر الجديد :• يخلصك من الطابع التقليدي لحسابك.• يمنحك نظرة جديدة للجوالك عند الحادثات.• التحديث الأخير يحمل الكثير من المفاجئات و التعديلات الغيرمتوفرةفي البرنامج التقلييدي .• البرنامج يوفر لك التحكم في سير الرسائل الواردة منك• البرنامج يوفر ايضا ميزة التقليل من استهلاك صبيب الانترنيتايضا التطبيق يتوفر على مسزة الاتصال المباشرواتس اب سلفر أداة مفيدة جدا للمستخدمين الذين يريدون استخدامرقميهاتف في واتس اب من خلال جهاز الآندرويد الخاص بهمملاحظة :ان لم يتم تفعيل التطبيق في المرة الاولى يجب تكرار المحاولة بحكمانالتطبيق حديث و لا يفعل مباشرة مع الجوالات القديمةكن أول من يحصل على شكل الواتس اب الجديد بحلته الجديدةلا تنسى المشاركةDownload WattsAugustSlafraarab the newest and latest version is a newcommunicationtool that helps you keep in touch with any other userof the sameapplication (if installed on the Android or iPhoneoperatingsystem). You can send individual text messages or group,pictures,videos, voice messages, information about your location(GPS) andalso do video calls with high quality.To use Watts August Arabic Just download the latest versionWattsAugust Silver ApplicationWatts August new Silver:• save you from the traditional nature of the account.• gives a new look to your mobile phone when the events.• Last Updated holds a lot of surprises andnon-availableAltkulaiada adjustments in the program.• The program provides you with control in the conduct ofincomingmessages from you• The program also provides a reduction of throughputInternetconsumption featureThe application is also available on the Mszh direct contactWatts August Silver a very useful tool for users who want adigitalphone in Watts in August through the use of theirAndroiddeviceNote :The application is not activated for the first time must tryagainby virtue of the application and the interview does not dodirectlywith the old mobile phonesBe the first to get the new form Alwats August new lookDo not forget to participate
Battery Optimization 2.1
- You despair of seeing your battery gofrom100% to 10% in half a day while you do not even useyoursmartphone. - If you are looking to increase the lifespan ofyoursmartphone or Android tablet, the optimization battery app ismadefor you. How does the application Optimize the battery as abatterysaver power:Memory Manager The Memory Manager speeds up the speed ofyourdevice. Optimize and clean your device and make it workwithoutjostling it.Customize the Power Saver mode.As an optimization app, you have the ability to customize yourownmode (such as Wi-Fi or mobile data enabled or not, as wellasBluetooth, GPS, and screen standby Etc.), saving more energyfromyour battery in the long run.A quick charge will make your battery longer and help increaseyourcharging speed 2 times faster. Quick Charging Activates youtoconnect your charger and increase your fast charging speed.This application as a battery saver allows you to:* Extend the life of your battery.* Optimize energy to save and manage battery.* Accelerate the speed of your device.* Quickly charge the battery of your device.* Check energy consumption of applications.* Customize your business mode.* Effectively extend waiting time.Instantly see how many hours you have left in your batterylifetimeto: • Talk to the phone • Send messages • Listen to music •Watchvideo • Browsing the Internet • Remaining time torechargeAnd other information about the battery such asvoltage,temperature, capacity etc. In the notification area.Stop for your battery. Download for free "Battery Optimization"andenjoy its benefits, NOW!Stay connected to discover many other features.
Scanner For Mobile 2.3
The Free Mobile Scanner App is a proscannerthat turns your Android device intoA scanner pro to scan documents, photo scanner, texts, etc...Mobile scannerFree of charge. It is capable of scanning any document, fromasimple photo to aReceipt, through a notice of imposition, and save it intheCloud. Free Mobile Scanner is an App that turns your Android to aminiscannerportable .You can quickly scan your document with this document scanner,andthenPrint or email it as a PDF or JPEG file. And youCan also save the scanned data and scan documents to yourMobile and use them easily when and where you want. So youcanTransform your mobile into a desktop scanner.It must be said that the app on portable document scannerincludesmany assets. The AppMobile scanner Free or mobile scanner, with a card scanner itiscapableAnalyze a document and straighten it automatically when itisscanned. ByElsewhere, this application scanner with its id scannerintegratesseveral retouching toolsAnd three viewing modes. And everything for free on yourmobileprinterScanner or portable scanner printer.Features of the App Free Mobile Scanner: Document scanner reviews is a small, high-definition scannerthatdetects andCorrects your documents, while saving them in JPEG or in PDF. Once your documents are scanned on your phone, you canSend to your contacts by email, save them on yourSmartphone or via DropBox, Inflated Drive or Evernote. This free scanner app will troubleshoot you in the event ofaprinter problem, or anySimply to scan urgently. With the free Mobile Scanner App as a document scanner appIt is possible to quickly scan a form, share notes,Image scanner and photocopy a document without paying apenny. The free Mobile Scanner App takes a picture of the documentandimproves its quality, andEspecially its readability. In color, or black and white, youwillhave a perfect result! With the free Mobile Scanner App, you can scan all yourdocuments,includingIncluding the elders whose quality diminishes over time. In ordertofacilitateReadability and sharing of documents and replaces thedocumentscannerWindows. This quick scanner is a simple and fast way to record but alsotosignDigitally its important documents in a format and afashionscannerReadable by all on your Android book scanner.Get faster processing speed for scanning your documentwithScannerFree mobile and share files immediately on the post,Dropbox,OneDrive, SkyDrive,Google Drive, Evernote and others to enjoy the joy of scanning.FreeMobile ScannerAs a scanner software for Android mobile allows the user toconvertthe documentScanned in JPEG or PDF format. You can even print thescanneddocument or image onCloLd Print. The app for scanner also offers variousprofessionalediting functions,Even after recording the images as well as various multiplefilters.You can alsoSave the image using an appropriate name and rearrange thescannedfiles that make itEasier for the user to find the file, document, image, orotherscanned notes.You can choose to send an e-mail a specific document or anentirefolder with a moreHigh processing speed.
Dictionnaire des abréviations 1.6
Lettre ou groupe de lettres utilisées àl’oralou à l’écrit, pour représenter un mot ou une expressionsousuneforme plus courte. Les abréviations sont utilisées pour gagnerdel’espace et du temps.Dictionnaire des abréviations françaises est un dictionnairedesabréviations dont le but estprincipalement d'aider les étudiants à prendre des notes pourdesabréviations des mots et desabréviations courantes. En effet, cette problématique esttrèsprésente dans la vie d'un étudiantqui a toujours besoin un dictionnaire scientifique,dictionnaired’abréviation médical,abréviation infirmière et toutes abréviations françaises, ets'étenddu lycée jusqu'aux étudessupérieures et à l'université.Caractéristiques de l'App Dictionnaire des abréviationsfrançaises:* Dictionnaire des abréviations Rapide et accessible à toutmoment,cette application s’installe complètement sur votre mobileandroidet* Dictionnaire des abréviations ne nécessite aucuneconnexionInternet.*L'aplication Dictionnaire des abréviations est entièrementgratuitedonc n'hésitez pas de l'installer pour voir si elleaccomplit vosattentes.* Dictionnaire des abréviations est Rapide, et contientdesabréviations courantes la recherche s’effectue ensaisissantdirectement le mot souhaité sur le clavier du mobile,lepositionnement s’effectue pendant la saisie du mot.* Dictionnaire des abréviations est très utile dans lespréparatifsd'examens concurrentiels, pas besoin d'aller sur Googlepour larecherche* Dictionnaire des abréviations contient des formescomplètesd'abréviations et d'acronymes. Tout l'accès est entrevosmains.* Dictionnaire des abréviations est ne collection énormedesabréviations.* Dictionnaire des abréviations est trés utile pour la langagesmset pour la signification sms pour toutes les abréviationssms* Dictionnaire des abréviations est un dictionnairetechnique.* Dictionnaire des abréviations contient des tableaudesabréviations.Les caractéristiques techniques:• complet: abréviations, terme technique, sigles, synonymespourchaque terme, étymologie et plein d'abréviation desmotsfrançais• pratique: Dictionnaire des abréviations est un outild'abréviation de dictionnaire avec lexique abréviation quiesttoujours disponible et ne nécessite aucune connexion internetaprèstéléchargement;• intuitif: interface optimisée avec une navigation intuitivepourune recherche rapide et efficace;• personnalisable: favoris personnalisés pour retrouver vostermesrécurrents.Letter or group oflettersused in oral or in writing, to represent a word or phrasein ashorter form. Abbreviations are used to save space and time.Abbreviations Dictionary of French is a dictionary ofabbreviationswhich aimsprimarily to help students to take notes for abbreviations ofwordsandcommon abbreviations. Indeed, this problem is very present inthelife of a studentwhich still needs a scientific dictionary, medicalabbreviationdictionary,French abbreviation nurse and all abbreviations, and extends tothehigh school studieshigher and university.Features of the App French Dictionary of Abbreviations:* Dictionary of abbreviations Quick and accessible at any time,thisapplication installs completely on your android mobileand* Dictionary of abbreviations requires no Internetconnection.* The aplication Abbreviations Dictionary is completely free sofeelfree to install it to see if it fulfills yourexpectations.* Dictionary of abbreviations is fast, and containscommonabbreviations are searched by directly entering thedesiredpassword on the keypad of the mobile, positioning isperformed forthe word entry.* Dictionary of abbreviations is very useful in the preparationofcompetitive examinations, no need to go to Google to search* Abbreviations Dictionary contains full forms of abbreviationsandacronyms. All access is in your hands.* Dictionary of abbreviations is not huge collectionofabbreviations.* Dictionary of abbreviations is very useful for SMS languageandmeaning sms for every sms abbreviations* Dictionary of abbreviations is a technical dictionary.* Dictionary of Abbreviations Table contains abbreviations.The technical features:• Full: abbreviations, technical terms, abbreviations, synonymsforeach word etymology and full abbreviation of French words• Practice: Dictionary of abbreviations is a tool dictionarylexiconwith abbreviation abbreviation that is always available andrequiresno internet connection after download;• intuitive: optimized interface with intuitive navigation forquickand effective search;• Customizable: personalized favorites to regain yourrecurringterms.