vector 应用

All cars info 1.3
"All Cars Info" has the latest and mostcurrent information about automobiles. Here you can find not onlynew models of the popular automakers but also their history overthe years. Auto features are classified into a quite efficient way,so search of parameters will take only a few moments."All Cars Info" has the latest and most current information aboutautomobiles. Here you can find not only new models of the popularautomakers but also their history over the years. Auto features areclassified into a quite efficient way, so search of parameters willtake only a few moments.
Анекдоты про жигули 1.0.0
Коллекция анекдотов про жигулиA collection of anecdotesabout Lada
Einstein quotes 1.2
App contains collection of Albert Einsteinquotes, quotes can be viewed in random order and shared withfriends via SMS, email or facebook messages
Рецепты оливье 1.1.0
Приложение с рецептами салата оливье.Салат оливье — популярный в России и в странах бывшего СССРсалат, считающийся праздничным и традиционным новогодним.Appendix recipe salad.Salad - popular in Russia and the former Soviet Union salad,considered a holiday and the traditional New Year.
Kitty gif 1.0
Funny gifs about cats in your android devicenow ! :)Images can be viewed, added as favorites and downloaded to sdcard !Images are parsed from internet sources.
Jets gallery 0.5
Image gallery application aboutmilitaryjets
Cars gallery 1.5
Free cars gallery applicationFeatures:* Images can be viewed online or downloaded to sdcardforfree!* Users can vote & comment images* User can add image to favorite list andmonitorupdates/comments* Images can be viewed in different ways : by added date, randomImage source : internet
Chocolate quotes 1.5
Collection of quotes about chocolate ;)Quotes can be viewed in random order and shared with your friends,no internet connection required.
World currencies 0.5.0
Currency informationreferenceapplicationInside you will find general information about currency likesymbol,symbols, nicknames and historical facts
Dictator Facts 2.0.0
Application with facts about life of differentdictators, useful to know what may happen with people if they getunlimited power...Features:* random facts fetching;* favourite facts list;* facts rating system, top facts;
Ground Squirrel wallpapers 1.0.0
Application with Ground Squirrelwallpapers,50+ images
External IP Checker 1.0.0
Application shows current Internet externalIPof device and also have history of logged IP
Cats in snow 1.0.0
Collection of wallpaper with cats in snow ;)Wallpaper source : internet
Penguins gallery 1.0.0
Penguins photo gallery application,likedphotos can be set as device wallpaper
Chotolate addiction test 1.0.0
Simple application which will ask a coupleofquestions and based on responses will determine how addictedyouare to chocolate!Don't take results seriously! Take them too seriously!
Рецепты сэндвичей 1.0.0
Приложение содержит список рецептовдлянизкокалорииных сэндвичеи.Фичи- Меню для навигации;- Список ингредиентов для каждого рецепта;- Инструкция для приготовления на каждый рецепт;Приложение не нуждается в интернет соединении.The application containsalist of recipes for sandwiches nizkokaloriinyh.features - Menu navigation; - The list of ingredients for each recipe; - Instructions for the preparation of each recipe;The app does not need internet connection.
Asian Food wallpapers 1.0.0
Asian food image wallpaper applicationImage source: wallbase.ccLicense: creative commons
Latin mottos 1.0.0
Reference application which haveinsidecollection of 300+ Latin motto expressionsFeatures:* no Internet connection required;* liked expressions can be shared on email/sms;
Пасхальные рецепты 1.0.0
Пасхальное меню с каждым годом становитсяболеесовременным и сложным, приложение содержит список рецептовсалатов,куличеи, буженицы и рыбы.Easter menu is moremodernand sophisticated with each passing year, the applicationcontains alist of salads recipes, Easter cakes, Buzhenitsa andfish.
Universe Wallpapers 1.0.0
Daily updated collection of universewallpapersfor mobile devicesFeatures:* small images navigation grid;* full size image preview;* wallpaper downloading to sdcard;* in app wallpaper settings;* favourite wallpaper lists;