weijiaju 应用

祝福短信 1.1
最新祝福短信,短信进行了各种分类,在每一个类别里面针对不同的人群有进行了分类,可以针对不同的人发送不同的短信,同时,你可以对直接发送短信,方便实用,不用打字就可以轻松发爱情短信,各种短信应有尽有。Latest blessing SMS, SMSconducted various categories in each category for which there aredifferent groups of people were classified, you can send differentmessages for different people, but you can send text messagesdirectly, convenient and practical, without typing on Love caneasily send text messages, all kinds of SMS everything.
小故事.大道理 1.2
一本故事集合,由许多小故事组成,每一个故事后面,都反应出做人做事的大智慧,大道理,同时有清晰的目录结构,让你对各个故事章节一目了然,还有电子书的设计完全仿照书本设计模式让你用起来更加舒适。A story collection,consisting of many small stories behind every story, all reflectthe wisdom of doing things big, big deal, but there is a cleardirectory structure, so you glance the various sections of thestory, as well as e-book designed to be fully modeled on the designpattern books make you more comfortable to use.
wifi无线传输(手机和电脑通过wifi传文件) 1
wifi无线传输(FTP文件传输)能让您在PC上用浏览器通过wifi对手机中的文件和文件夹进行管理,还可以在手机和电脑上进行文件传输,不需要数据线就可以完成。wifi wireless transfer(FTP file transfer) allows you to use the browser on the PC viawifi on the phone to manage files and folders, you can alsotransfer files on the phone and computer, do not need a data linecan be completed.
熊熊拼图 1.1
玩最好玩的拼图游戏,智能拼图是一款适合所有人玩的免费的拼图游戏。拼图游戏规则:1.拼图游戏总共24关,前面每3关换一张拼图图片。2.拼图游戏只有在当前关通过后,才能进入下一关。3.继续游戏,当这次拼图完成,退出后,下次进入游戏,可以继续拼图。4.拼图图片和真实图片对比拼图,点击拼图上的小图,可以放大图片,和拼图图片对比,完成拼图。Play the most fun puzzle,intelligence puzzle is a free for everyone to play jigsawpuzzle.Puzzle rules:1 puzzle a total of 24 off in front of every three swap a puzzlepicture.2 puzzle only after clearance by the current to the nextlevel.3. Continue the game, when the puzzle is completed, after the exit,next time you enter the game, you can continue to puzzle.4 Jigsaw Puzzle contrast images and real images, click on the smallmap puzzle, you can enlarge the picture, the picture contrast andpuzzles to complete the puzzle.
记账本 1.2
记账本,记录收入支出!记账本,简单记账,记录生活中收入,支出,同时可以查询收入与支出,同时可以修改收入与支出。记账本,方便快捷,简单易用,美观实用。The accounting recordsofincome and expenditure!Pocket book, simple bookkeeping, record life income,expenditure,income and expenditure and can query, and can modifythe income andexpenditure.Pocket book, convenient, easy to use, beautiful andpractical.
熊熊记事本 1.5
这是一个舒适和简单的记事本同时具有便签的功能。记事本永远是你的手,你只需要写下你想要做什么,或者你不想忘记,它都可以为你做。特点:- 备份,提供了数据备份功能,为了防止数据丢失,你可以点击备份,系统会自动将你的日记备份到SDcard。- 导入,当系统更新或数据丢失后,我们可以将SDcard中的数据直接导入,简单方面。- 语言,支持中文。你是一个有创造力的人吗?你不仅要记录你的想法,但也做草图图片,那么这个新的记事本是给你的!有了这个功能,您可以快速,轻松地创建笔记。快速,便捷,美观,在任何时候访问。这就是你所需要的。This is a comfortableandsimple notepad function of both notes. Notepad will always beyourhand, you only need to write down what you want to do, or youdonot want to forget that you can do it.Features:- Backup provides data backup function to prevent data loss, youcanclick on the backup, the system will automatically backup yourdiaryto SDcard.- Import, update or data loss when the system, we candirectlyimport data SDcard in simple terms.- Language, support for Chinese.Are you a creative person? Not only do you want to recordyourthoughts, but also made a sketch pictures, then this newNotepad isfor you!With this feature, you can quickly and easily create notes.Fast, convenient, beautiful, accessible at any time. This iswhatyou need.
体质指数计算器 1.0
身体体质指数反应了一个人的体重和身高的关系,体质指数过高和过低都不利于健康,通过本软件随时可以测量你自身的体质指数,关注你的体重状况。Body mass indexreflectsthe relationship of a person's weight and height, body massindexis too high and too low is not conducive to health, readytomeasure your body mass index itself through the software,payattention to your weight status.
自动飞行模式 1.6
自动飞行模式自动开启/关闭飞行模式定时器。自动飞行模式是取代了手机定时开关机的功能。通过开启飞行模式,断开所有的网络连接,这时不能够上网,打电话。你可以设定一个时间段,每天晚上定时开启,在第二天早上,在预先设定的时间关闭飞行模式。晚上开启节省电池电量,当你睡觉的时候,可以防止电话信息等等的干扰,防止辐射,让你睡一个好觉,同时早上在你预先设定的时间,关闭飞行模式,手机又正常使用。飞行模式:让您的手机会自动启动和关闭飞行模式,在任何预先设定的时间。AutomaticflightmodeAuto on / off flight mode timer.Automatic flight mode is to replace the phone timer switchfunction.By turning on flight mode, disconnect all networkconnections, thendo not have Internet access, call.You can set a time period, regularly open every night, inthemorning, turn off at a preset time flight mode. Openconservebattery power at night, when you sleep, you can preventtheinterference of telephone information, etc., to preventradiation,let you sleep a good sleep, and morning in your pre-settime, turnoff flight mode, the phone normally.Flight mode: Let your phone will automatically start and shutdownflight mode, at any preset time.