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Your Web Base - Get connected 0.0.10
As Seen on Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post,Wall Street and Over 400 Top News and Business Sites Across theGlobe. Your Web Base is the #1 app to play free games that pay realcash prizes! A brand new app for the new mobile world. Easily keepall of your apps in one place and get rewards every time you refera friend to a new app. With real prizes and free tournament gameswith awesome grand prizes, you can play apps that pay you to usethem! With Your Web Base, you can even earn 10% of the winningsfrom anyone in your network, with no limit on the number of peopleyou can have it. There are 6 degrees of separation between you andeveryone else on earth, we give you 7.The first available game is called 7 Degrees, the world’s firstprogressive winner Jackpot. Your Web Base is your connection pointto all of the best new apps and games, with each app providing areferral programs going as deep as 7 levels. The longer the gamegoes without a winner the more people will win when someone doeshit it. The more people who play the better your odds are ofwinning, with no limit on the number of people who can win.The Grand Prizes for the launch of 7 Degrees are Nano Smart PhonePackages. Nano Smart Phone Packages are the world’s smallestwearable smart phones made with the latest Nano technology, sourcedfrom around the world. It also includes a global SIMM that worksWorldwide with no roaming and a pair of wireless headphones. Aprize package that would make James Bond himself jealous.Key Benefits:Play Free Games That Pay Real Cash and Prizes!Easily Keep All Your Apps In One PlacePlay Great Apps That Pay You To Use ThemWin Awesome PrizesEarn 10% Of The Winnings From Those You Refer Down 7 Levels!How It Works:1. Download Your Web Base2. Setup Your Account & Play A Game3. Share With Friends4. Earn Real Cash RewardsWhat the Experts are saying about this App on their sites:"Any ardent player cannot think of missing such an amazingexperience." -Apps400-"Clearly speaking, this is absolutely the number one app that givesthe player a fantastic gaming experience together with real cashprizes. It has proven to be reliable, efficient and high-performingapp that helps users to make money online." - Apps4Review-"Making money online is both easy and difficult today for so manypeople, depending up on their skills and knowledge. The problem infinding the perfect place to earn money online is resolved throughthis wonderful app. It seems that the app makers are so into thisapp creation that there is not even a single design flaw andperformance is simply incredible." -appstimes-"This game is just incomparable as it gives the players the utmostpleasure of enjoying absolutely free gameplay besides getting aunique opportunity to make considerable real earnings from theirgame experience." -Webapprater-"I think that Your Web Base is an app with a great idea and onethat delivers significant, interesting experiences that workamazingly well. Your Web Base is amazingly easy to use, offers agreat value and it’s just a ton of fun to use. I definitelyrecommend it to any person interested in a unique concept withgreat rewards! " -AppGames-"This android app is creating history in the world of mobile appswith mind blowing features. If you have not got this new appinstalled on your mobile then you are really missing out onsomething great." -AppsMirror-"The Your Web Base App is an awesome invention since it allows youto enjoy playing various games and an added advantage of being ableto earn cash and prize rewards." -Apps Listo-"Such a brilliant combination of fun, entertainment and earningsource this app is, that it is already ranked number 1 in itscategory among its competitors. Your Web Base is the applicationwhich has realized the thoughts of billions of android smartphonesusers into reality." -Gadget400-
Sweet Sugar Smackdown 0.0.9
Sweet Sugar Smackdown is a competition Match 3game. A race to see who is the best, competing against players fromaround the world to reach the top or you get smacked off.Each competition uses 10 different levels. Players compete againstother players for each level. The person with the highest scoreprogresses to the next level and the rest fall back to the bottom.Players can keep re-entering as long as there are still open spotsin the final round. Once all spots are filled for round 10 thewinners are listed from highest score to lowest and the champion isannounced.Unlike many other Match 3 games there are no cheats available inthis game. Players win by sheer skill. This is a game for everyoneas no hand-eye coordination or special skills are required. As withanything the more you play the better you will get. It is possiblefor anyone, anywhere to emerge the world champion with enoughpractice. Here it is not about reaching the highest level buthaving the highest score out of the random people from around theworld that you play against. If you fail the level it does notcount. The only thing that counts is scores on completed levels.Take your time, don't race through the level just trying tocomplete it focus on your score most of all and the rest will workitself out.When a live competition is going on a Trophy will appear in thelower right hand of the screen just click it to enter thecompetition. You will be required to complete the levels 3 times inorder to eliminate any ties. Once you complete all 3 your scoreswill be submitted and you will then either progress to the nextlevel or fall back down.When a competition is not active it is recommended that you try andcomplete the map which has all the levels that the competition usesas this will give you an advantage over those who join the game onthe day of a competition.Are you the best player in the world? Is your country better atMatch 3 than other countries? Now you can prove it once and forall.Charity TournamentOur first Tournament will run from April 23rd to May 23rd. SweetSugar Smackdown was designed to spread joy and prosperity to peopleall across the globe. So what better way than to have the firsttournament be for charity, right? This charity Tournament trulysymbolizes the mission of what we are trying to accomplishthroughout the world with young and old alike.This will be a unique charity fundraising event unlike otherfundraisers. It does not require the participants to give or raiseany money personally! By simply playing in the tournament you helpto raise money for Earth Hero Movement. You can help even more byspreading the word to your friends. The more everyone plays themore sponsors are willing to pay to get their products seen in thegame.In the future a portion of all prize money will go to Earth HeroMovement with the exception of this one where all prize money thatwould normally be awarded to winners will go to charity. Thisamazing organization helps to provide for children in need. 100% ofall our donations from our tournaments that go to Earth HeroMovement will go to providing medical care, food, shelter andeducation to the most needy of children.Winners of this Special Tournament will be given specialrecognition and listed by rank in a special "thank you" pressrelease that will be distributed to the Associated Press. The APoperates 243 news bureaus in 120 countries. AP press releases stayonline indefinitely which means that from then on if anyone does asearch for the name of any of the winners the searcher will seethem recognized for their achievement in this tournament.So what are you waiting for? You can spend your time playing gamesor you can spend your time making a difference and playing gamesand you don't even have to win to help.Download it today.