zonebox 应用

Çengel Bulmaca Türkce Kelime 1.0
Büyük bir bulmaca oyun!o Dil: Türkçeo kelime listesi çok büyüko sınırsız kombinasyonlaro Birden fazla ızgara biçimi: 3 3 x 25 x 25o kadar zorluk seviyesio sahada Tahmin ettiğiniz sözlerle doluo oyun alanının büyüklüğü cep telefonunuza otomatik olarakayarlar.Bir eğitim ve eğlenceli bir oyunBu oyun ile eğlenceli bir sürü ile Türkçe öğrenmek!Mobil cihazlar için bu bulmaca Türk oyunu ücretsiz (elbette)vesüper ilginç!Çengel Bulmaca Türkce Kelime OyunuA great puzzle game!o Language: Turkishthat huge word listthat unlimited combinationsthat multiple grid format: 3 3 x 25 x 25so the level of difficultyYou guessed it filled with promise in the fieldit automatically adjusts the size of the playing field toyourmobile phone. An educational and entertaining gamelearn Turkish with a lot of fun with this game!This free puzzle game for mobile devices Turkey (of course)andsuper interesting!Hook Türkce Wordplay Puzzles
Word Search puzzle free 1.0
Challenge your brain with this puzzle appandimprove your brain power!Word Search (also known as Word Find, Word Seek or WordSleuth)is a good educational game for you to improve and enrichyourvocabulary. With this fun game, you can learn many newwordseffortlessly.Search and find all the words, then use your hand to maththisword. Each topic has 3 level: easy, medium and hard. You havefindall the word as fast as possibles, as each level has itsowntime.Features:- Stretch your vocabulary with a "Vocab Challenge" puzzleortwo!- Many topics- Easy to play- Variety of words- Infinite, unlimited play with random puzzles! 
- Beautiful graphic- Tablet supportIf you have any suggestion about our word search game,pleasesend a message to us. We would be glad to hear from you toimproveour appYou'll never run out of puzzles with Word MixLet’s play now!Tags : word search, Word mix, mots mêlés, Word game
Word Search Polish 1.0
Challenge your brain with this puzzle appandimprove your brain power!Word Search (also known as Word Find, Word Seek or Word Sleuth) isagood educational game for you to improve and enrich yourvocabulary.With this fun game, you can learn many new wordseffortlessly.Search and find all the words, then use your hand to maththisword. Each topic has 3 level: easy, medium and hard. You havefindall the word as fast as possibles, as each level has itsowntime.Features:- Stretch your vocabulary with a "Vocab Challenge" puzzleortwo!- Many topics- Easy to play- Variety of words- Infinite, unlimited play with random puzzles! 
- Beautiful graphic- Tablet supportIf you have any suggestion about our word search game,pleasesend a message to us. We would be glad to hear from you toimproveour appYou'll never run out of puzzles with Word MixLet’s play now!Tags : word search, Word mix, wykreślanki, Word game,grywykreślanki dla dzieci
Find the Cat 1.0
You will have lots of fun with Find theCatgame. This is free game and no purchase. You can play any levelatany time, no need to clear previous levels.If you can't find cat you can use magnifier lens to zoom theimageand turn off the zoom when you find the cat to selectthecat.
Juego de Palabras en Español 1.0
piramide de las palabras: El objetivo esformarlas palabras que corresponden a la definición de la forma delasdefiniciones de un crucigrama (crucigrama). Para ello, puedemoverlas piezas blancas (pero no sobre un fondo oscuro).Un juego gratis para ejercitar la mente en español. Unjuegoeducativo y entretenidoUn divertido juego de palabras en español.El objetivo del juego es "construir" palabras que encajen conunadefinición dada, al estilo de las pistas de un crucigrama. Paraellopodrás mover las fichas que tengan el fondo blanco (las fichasdecolor oscuro no las podrás mover).De esta forma irás creando cadenas de palabras, ya que cadanuevapalabra sólo podrás "crearla" usando las letras delaanterior.Cada panel tendrá una lista de 6 palabras encadenadas, detamañosdiferentes. Un ejemplo sería la siguiente lista depalabrasencadenadas:ARCO , COREA, CORREA, CARTERO, RETÓRICA , TERRÍCOLASi te fijas bien, la diferencia entre cada palabra es una sólaletrade más.CARASTERÍSTICAS DEL JUEGO:- Paneles creados dinámicamente, con miles depalabrasdiferentes.- Múltiples opciones de juego y posibilidad de configurarlo atugusto.- 3 niveles de dificultad fácil , normal, y difícil.- En los niveles fácil y normal tendrás pistas disponibles.- También podrás elegir la dirección de avance o eltiempomáximo.- Una interfaz agradable y con gran rendimiento en tablets.- Guarda tus mejores puntuaciones.- Guarda la última partida jugada, así que siempre podrásseguirdonde lo dejaste.- Todo ello ocupando muy poquito espacio en tu dispositivo.Pasatiempo de agilidad mental y vocabulario en español.Arrastra las letras con el dedo hasta situarlas en laposicióncorrecta.Seguramente conozcas la mecánica básica del juego por programasdeTV como pasapalabra.Si te divierten los juegos de palabras en español, comoloscrucigramas, las palabras cruzadas, las sopas deletras,apalabrados o scrabble, o los programas de televisióncomopasapalabra atrévete a probar este pasatiempoEl juego es completamente gratuito y lleva publicidad.Es un pasatiempo clásico para toda la familia, ideal para niñosyadultos.Puzle de letras, palabras en cadena, juego de preguntasyrespuestas en español.pyramid of words:Theobjective is to form the words that correspond to the definitionofthe shape of the definitions of a crossword puzzle (crossword).Todo this, you can move the white pieces (but not on adarkbackground).A free game to exercise the mind in Spanish. An educationalandentertaining gameA funny pun in Spanish.The goal is to "build" words that fit a given definition, inthestyle of a crossword clues. To do this you can move the piecesthathave white background (dark colored chips can not move).In this way you will create chains of words, as each new wordcanonly "create" using the letters of the above.Each panel will have a list of 6 Chained words, different sizes.Anexample would be chained together the following list ofwords:ARCO, KOREA, CORREA, POSTMAN, Rhetoric, EarthmanIf you look closely, the difference between each word is onelettermore.Carasteristicas GAME:- Panels created dynamically, with thousands ofdifferentwords.- Multiple game options and ability to configure toyourliking.- 3 levels of difficulty easy, normal, and difficult.- In the easy and normal levels you have tracks available.- You can also choose the forward direction or themaximumtime.- A nice and with great performance in tablets interface.- Save your best scores.- Save the last game played, so you can always continue whereyouleft off.- All this takes up very little space on your device.Pasatiempo mental agility and vocabulary in Spanish.Drag the letters with your finger to place them in thecorrectposition.Surely you know the basic mechanics of the game for TV programslikeword of mouth.If you have fun puns in Spanish, such as crosswordpuzzles,crosswords, letter soups, apalabrados or scrabble ortelevisionprograms as pasapalabra dare to try this hobbyThe game is completely free and takes advertising.It is a classic for the whole family, ideal for children andadultspastime.Puzzle of letters, words chain, set of questions and answersinSpanish.
Jeu de Mots en Français 1.0
Le but du jeu est de former desmotscorrespondants à la définition donnée à la manière desdéfinitionsd’un jeu de mots croisés ( mots fléchés ). Pour cefaire, vouspourriez déplacer les pièces à fond blanc (mais pascelles à fondobscur).Vous formerez ainsi des chaînes de mots car chaque mot sera « créé»à partir des lettres du mot antérieur.Chaque pyramide aura une liste de 6 mots enchaînés delongueursdifférentes ; voici un exemple :LAME, EMAIL, LIMACE, MALICES, MIRACLES, CLAIRSEME,CARAMELISE.eux de Reflexion, mots croisés, scrabbleLa seule différence entre chaque mot et le mot précédant, estunelettre de plus.CARACTÉRISTIQUES DU JEU :mots fléchés, gratuit, libre, passe temps* Des pyramides créées dynamiquement avec de milliers demotsdifférents.* De multiples options de jeu et possibilité de le configurer àsongré.* 3 niveaux de difficulté : facile, moyen et difficile.* Des indices disponibles aux niveaux facile et moyen.* Possibilité de choisir aussi le sens (ascendant ou descendant)etla limite de temps.* Interface agréable et performante pour les tablettes.* Sauvegarde vos meilleurs scores.* Enregistre la dernière partie jouée, pour vous permettredereprendre la partie là où vous l’aviez laissée.* En plus, cette application occupe très peu d’espace dansvotredispositif.jeux de langue française gratuit, jeux de lettres, jeux depatience,jeux de logique gratuitsJeu d’agilité mentale et vocabulaire en français.Faites glisser les lettres avec le doigt jusqu’à leurplacecorrecte.Un jeu éducatif et divertissant.Le jeu est complètement gratuit et contient de la publicité.Il s’agit d’un jeu classique pour toute la famille, idéal pourlesenfants, mais aussi pour les adultes.Testez votre culture généraleVous y trouverez tout ce qui fait la richesse de lalanguefrançaisePour apprendre, se perfectionner ou s'entraîner !jeu intelligent, jeux gratuit pour telephone enfrançais,PyramotsSi vous aimez les énigmes, les mots croisés et les jeux demots,vous allez aimer Pyramots!Un jeu de mots en français vraiment amusant!Pyra mots croisés gratuit.Tags : pyramides des mots, jeux gratuit, tablette, Mots Mêlés,jeude réflexionThe goal is to formwordscorresponding to the definition given in the manner ofthedefinitions of a crossword puzzle (crosswords). To do this,youcould move the white pieces (but not those withdarkbackground).This forms strings of words as each word will be "created" fromtheletters of the previous word.Each pyramid has a list of 6 words in chains of differentlengths;here is an example :LAME, EMAIL, SLUG, MALICES, MIRACLES, sparse, caramelized.Reflexion them, crosswords, scrabbleThe only difference between each word and the word before, isonemore letter.GAME FEATURES:crosswords, free, free, hobby* Pyramids dynamically created with thousands ofdifferentwords.* Multiple game options and the ability to configure at will.* 3 difficulty levels: easy, medium and difficult.* Indices available to the easy and medium levels.* Ability to choose the direction (ascending or descending) andthetime limit.* Pleasant and efficient interface for tablets.* Save your high scores.* Saves the last game played, so you can resume the game fromwhereyou left off.* In addition, this app takes up very little space inyourdevice.Free French language games, word games, jigsaw puzzles, logicgamesfreemental agility and vocabulary in French play.Drag the letters with your finger until their correct place.An educational and entertaining game.The game is completely free and contains advertising.This is a classic game for the whole family, ideal for childrenbutalso for adults.Test your general knowledgeYou will find everything that makes the richness of theFrenchlanguageTo learn, improve or train!smart game, free games for phone in French, PyramotsIf you like puzzles, crosswords and word games, you'lllovePyramots!A play on words in French really fun!Pyra Free crossword.Tags: pyramids of words, free games, tablet, Mingled words,puzzlegame
Word Search Portuguese Free 1.0
Challenge your brain with this puzzle appandimprove your brain power!Word Search Puzzle Game is a good educational game for youtoimprove and enrich your vocabulary. With this fun game, youcanlearn many new words effortlessly.Search and find all the words, then use your hand to maththisword. Each topic has 3 level: easy, medium and hard. You havefindall the word as fast as possibles, as each level has itsowntime.Features:- Language: Portuguese- Many topics- Easy to play- Variety of words- Beautiful graphicIf you have any suggestion about our word search game,pleasesend a message to us. We would be glad to hear from you toimproveour app
Word Search Italian Free 1.0
Challenge your brain with this puzzle appandimprove your brain power!Word Search is a good educational game for you to improveandenrich your vocabulary. With this fun game, you can learn manynewwords effortlessly.Search and find all the words, then use your hand to maththisword. Each topic has 3 level: easy, medium and hard. You havefindall the word as fast as possibles, as each level has itsowntime.Features:- Language: Italian- Many topics- Easy to play- Variety of words- Beautiful graphicIf you have any suggestion about our word search game,pleasesend a message to us. We would be glad to hear from you toimproveour appLet’s play now!
Word Search German Free 2.0
Challenge your brain with this puzzle appandimprove your brain power!Word Search is a good educational game for you to improveandenrich your vocabulary. With this fun game, you can learn manynewwords effortlessly.Search and find all the words, then use your hand to maththisword. Each topic has 3 level: easy, medium and hard. You havefindall the word as fast as possibles, as each level has itsowntime.Features:- Language: German- Many topics- Easy to play- Variety of words- Beautiful graphicIf you have any suggestion about our word search game,pleasesend a message to us. We would be glad to hear from you toimproveour appLet’s play now!
Word Search French Free 1.0
Challenge your brain with this puzzle appandimprove your brain power!Word Search Puzzle Game is a good educational game for youtoimprove and enrich your vocabulary. With this fun game, youcanlearn many new words effortlessly.Search and find all the words, then use your hand to maththisword. Each topic has 3 level: easy, medium and hard. You havefindall the word as fast as possibles, as each level has itsowntime.Features:- Language: French- Many topics- Easy to play- Variety of words- Beautiful graphicIf you have any suggestion about our word search game,pleasesend a message to us. We would be glad to hear from you toimproveour appLet’s play now!
Crossword Italian Puzzles Game 1.0
Challenge your brain with this puzzle appandimprove your brain power!Features:o Language: Italiano Word list is very hugeo unlimited combination possibilityo various format: from 3 x 3 to 25 x 25o many levelsLet’s play now!
Gioco di parole in itali 1.0
L'obiettivo è quello di formare leparolecorrispondenti alla definizione di cui alla manieradelledefinizioni di un cruciverba (cruciverba). Per fare questo,èpossibile spostare i pezzi bianchi (ma non su sfondo scuro).Ogni piramide avrà una lista di 6 parole catene dilunghezzediverse.L'unica differenza tra una parola e la parola prima, è ancoraunalettera.Trascinare le lettere con le dita fino a quando il rompicapo ItalianoQuesto è un classico gioco per tutta la famiglia.Metti alla prova le tue conoscenze generaliTroverete tutto ciò che rende la ricchezza dellalinguaitalianaparole intrecciate, aprende italianoL'obiettivo del gioco è "costruire" parole che coincidano conunadefinizione data, allo stile dei suggerimenti diuncruciverba.In questo modo potrai creare catene di parole, dal momento cheogniparola nuova che "creerai" sarà con le letteredellaprecedente.Passatempo d'agilità mentale e con parole italiane.Un gioco educativo e divertente.Il gioco è completamente gratuito e compare pubblicità.Un divertente gioco di parole in italiano!Parole puzzle italiano , cruciverba italiano gratisSiete pronti a giocare?learn italianThe goal is to formthewords corresponding to the definition given in the manner ofthedefinitions of a crossword puzzle (crossword). To do this, youcanmove the white pieces (but not inversely).Each pyramid will have a list of 6 words chains ofdifferentlengths.The only difference between a word and the word before, it isstilla letter.Drag the letters with your fingers until their rightfulplace.the Italian puzzleThis is a classic game for the whole family.Test your general knowledgeYou will find everything that makes the richness of theItalianlanguagetwisted words, aprende ItalianThe aim of the game is to "build" words matching agivendefinition, the style of a crossword tips.This allows you to create chains of words, since every new wordthat"will create" will be with the letters of the previousyear.Pastime mental agility and Italian words.An educational and entertaining game.The game is completely free and appears advertising.A fun play on words in Italian!Italian word puzzles, crosswords Italian freeAre you ready to play?learn italian
Crossword Dutch Puzzles Game 1.0
Challenge your brain with this puzzle appandimprove your brain power!Features:o Language: Dutcho Word list is very hugeo unlimited combination possibilityo various format: from 3 x 3 to 25 x 25o many levelsLet’s play now!
Krzyżówki po polsku Kalambur 1.0
Świetna gra krzyżówka!o Język: Polskio lista wyrazów jest bardzo ogromnaO nieograniczone kombinacjeO Wiele Format Siatka: 3 x 3 x 25 do 25O wiele poziomów trudnościO Murawa jest wypełniona słowami, które się domyślićo wielkości boiska dostosowuje się automatycznie ztelefonemkomórkowym. Gra edukacyjna i rozrywkowaW tej grze można nauczyć się polskiego z dużą ilościązabawy!Ta krzyżówka polska gra dla telefonu komórkowego jestbezpłatne(oczywiście) i super ciekawe!Fantastyczne krzyżówki!Krzyżówki po polsku KalamburPolska wersja językowaGreat game crossword!of Language: Polishwith a list of words is very hugeThe endless combinationsA lot of format grid 3 x 25 to 3 x 25Much difficulty levelsThe pitch is filled with words that have guessedthe size of the pitch adjusts automatically to the mobilephone.Educational game and entertainmentIn this game you can learn Polish with lots of fun!This crossword Polish game for mobile is free (of course)andsuper interesting!Fantastic crosswords!Crosswords after Polish punPolish language version
Crossword Puzzles Free 1.0
Improve your English vocabulary withCrosswordPuzzle Free!Welcome to the greatest Crossword Puzzle Free Game ever!Crossword is one of the most popular Word Puzzle Games. Its ruleisvery simple: with the suggestion, you find the correct words,whichfit the row / column. This Free Crossword Game keeps thissimplebut interesting rule and adds new features to make Crosswordevenmore interesting!What does this Free Crossword Champ App offer?- Language: English- Huge Word list with more than 5.000 high quality words. Yes,HighQuality like crossword puzzle games in The New York Times,LATimes, Telegraph, …- The game is full of interesting clues and puzzle suggestion- Infinite play with dynamic grids- The grid adjusts automatically to your device- Personalize the size of the grid, from 3x3 to 25x25- Three difficulty levels ( easy, normal, hard)- Great to play on tablets- The grid will fill with words for you to figure out- The size of the grid will adjust to your device- An educational and fun game- An enormous dictionary list of words- This Crossword Puzzle Game is totally FREE!Are you ready to challenge yourself with this cryptic wordpuzzlegame and improve your brain power?Let’s find the word, fill in puzzles and enjoy this fill intheblank word game!A great crossword puzzle free app for kids and adults..Hope that you would like this Crossword Puzzle Free Game!P/S: you can also find other games in this store. Such asCrosswordpuzzle Free easy for kids, arrow words / wordcross /crossy wordgame and other kind of word fill in puzzles freegame.crosswords puzzles free uk, crossword puzzle free usa today,usatoday crossword, crossword puzzle nyt, new york timescrosswordpuzzle, ny times crossword, cross word puzzle games free,wordpuzzle games free, easy crossword puzzle free