文化部 应用

iCulture 2 3.2.4
你,覺得文化很遙遠嗎 ?***週末午後與好友談論的那部微電影,餐廳正播放著讓你跟著搖擺的獨立音樂******與另一半邂逅的畫展票根在桌上,展覽結束時轉角的街頭藝人頑皮地拉了拉你們的衣角裝作沒事******孩子沾滿顏料的手弄髒了你的白襯衫,你卻在畫紙上看到自己彩色的笑顏***現在,你,還覺得文化很遙遠嗎?iCulture讓你跟文化零距離,因為文化原來就在你的生活裡。iCulture功能介紹:● 藝文活動:內容包羅萬象,舉凡國內外大小藝文活動,一手搜羅One Touch !● 民俗活動:第一時間直擊全台灣大小節慶祭典文化,民俗不死,再現於新時代!● 整合搜尋:關鍵字、附近活動、最近距離的活動便利搜索。● 推薦排行與評分:售票與免費活動的熱門排行,還提供評分的功能。● 活動可加入行事曆、我的最愛、還可以透過FB和Twitter分享給朋友。全新iculture 2文化加值版,會認真傾聽大家的意見不斷進步,希望我們每次的小更新,都會帶給您更豐富的文化體驗!You, think culture isvery distant it?*** Weekend afternoon with friends to talk about that unitmicro-film, the restaurant is playing allows you to follow theswing of independent music ****** Encounter with the other half of the exhibition ticket stubs onthe table at the end of the exhibition corner of street performersplayfully pulled the clothes you pretend nothing ****** Children paint stained hands dirty your white shirt, but yousee his smile *** in color painting on paperNow, you also think culture is very far away it?iCulture let you talk to cultural distance, because culture had inyour life.iCulture Features:● cultural events: Everything from the size of the cultural eventsat home and abroad covered the one hand and collecting the OneTouch!● folk activities: Watch the first time in Taiwan size festivalfestival culture, folk die, reproduced in the new era!● Integration Search: Keyword, near activities, distance activitiesrecently to facilitate the search.● Recommended Ranking and Rating: ticketing and free activities TopRanking, scoring function is also provided.● Events can be added to the calendar, favorites, and Twitter canalso be shared with friends through FB.The new version iculture 2 bonus culture, we will listen carefullyto the views of continuous improvement, we hope every littleupdate, will bring you a richer cultural experience!
表演大觀園 1.0.0
藝術漫遊 1.0.3
文化部雲端儲存系統 2.7.0104
此程式是文化部專屬的雲端儲存系統,無論是照片、音樂、影片、各種文件檔案通通都可以同步儲存在這個雲端儲存空間裡,方便文化部同仁隨時隨地取用,還可以分享給朋友、同學、與工作夥伴。支援各種手持設備,手機、平板、個人電腦都適用,讓您充分享受雲端生活,並且發揮全方位的工作能力。- 超大檔案傳輸:可以傳輸與儲存超過4GB以上的大檔案。- 桌面同步資料夾:用您最熟悉的方式,快速管理你的檔案。- 即刻享用串流影音:影音不需要完全下載即可馬上欣賞。- 分享您的精采作品:提供分享連結,將精采資料分享給朋友與夥伴。現在立即下載,享用您所需要的更方便、快速、大檔案的雲端分享儲存空間。This program is theMinistry of Culture exclusive cloud storage system, whether it isphotos, music, videos, various files are all synchronized filesstored in the cloud storage space, easy access to the Ministry ofCulture colleagues anywhere, you can also share with friends,classmates with working partners.Support a variety of handheld devices, mobile phones, tablet, PCsare applicable, allowing you to fully enjoy the cloud life, workand play all-round ability.- Large file transfer: You can transfer and store large files morethan 4GB.- Desktop synchronization folder: you are most familiar with a wayto quickly manage your files.- Immediate access to streaming audio and video: you canimmediately download the video need not be fully appreciated.- Share your brilliant work: providing a link to share thewonderful information to share with friends and partners.Download now and enjoy you require more convenient, fast, largefile sharing cloud storage.
藝FUN NEXT 2.2.15
A variety of exclusive discount programs for members will belaunched in conjunction with arts and cultural events!
文化幣 1.0.0
Young people aged 18-21 have a look here~ Hurry up and downloadtheCultural Currency APP, and use the adult gift money towatchperformances, Chinese movies, visit independent bookstores,etc.,and enjoy a rich artistic and cultural experience