東森電視 应用

57健康同學會 3.0.5
東森財經新聞台推出「57健康同學會」App,是全台首支以「電視節目」為主題的App。除了預告今晚「57健康同學會」聊什麼,裡面還有全球最新醫療保健資訊電子報,養生食譜教學,同時還可以為自身做好健康管理,絕對是現代人注重樂活養生必備的App。若有任何問題或建議,歡迎來信,E-mail:service_ettv@ebc.net.twEastern Financial NewsTaiwan launched the "57 Healthy Alumni" App, is the first branch inTaiwan with "TV" as the theme of the App.In addition to notice tonight "57 Health Alumni" What talk, thereis also the latest global healthcare information newsletters,health recipes teaching, but can also make their own healthmanagement, is absolutely essential modern emphasis on healthBroadwood's App. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email,E-mail: service_ettv@ebc.net.tw
絕對不單淳 1.0.1
日本最大藝能經紀公司「吉本興業」與台灣「東森綜合台」台日合作,一個體驗最"淳"台灣味與文化交流的趣味綜藝節目;邀請日本綜藝天王-倫敦靴子1號2號團員〝田村淳〞跨海領軍,與台日通甜姐兒〝佐藤麻衣〞、外景達人〝張善為〞共同主持,每集節目將以「特別企劃」呈現,讓小淳從日本人的觀點,體驗台灣文化、品嚐台灣美食並與台灣民眾的互動、交朋友。「絕對不單淳」透過趣味競賽方式,不僅能看到日本綜藝天王小淳詼諧逗趣的主持風格,也能看到台日藝人及文化的交流,結合小淳在台灣的全方位體驗,及精彩刺激的競賽過程,給你"絕對不單淳”的夜晚。Arts of Japan'slargestbrokerage firm "Yoshimoto Kogyo" Taiwan "EasternConsolidatedTaiwan" Taiwan-Japan cooperation, an experience most"Chun" Taiwanflavor and fun cultural variety show;Invited Japanese Arts King - London boots on the 1st the 2ndmember"Tamura Atsushi" Transoceanic leader, with Taiwan-day passDarlingchildren, "Mai Sato," location up to "Shan as" co-host,eachepisode will be "Special Feature" presentation so that smallsunfrom the Japanese point of view, to experience Taiwaneseculture,Taiwanese cuisine and enjoy the interaction with the Taiwanpeopleand make friends."Is not just the sun" through fun competitions way, not onlycansee the Japanese variety day Wang Xiaochun witty and funnyhostingstyle, Taiwan and Japan are also able to see artists andculturalexchanges, combined with little sun round experience inTaiwan, andexciting The competition process, to you "is not justthe sun," thenight.
EBCNews 4.3.3
EBC News is the best channel to obtain News with internationalperspective
YOYOTV 1.11.5
全新YOYOTV app上線囉!最具知識性的YOYO影片專區,針對小朋友製作的有趣單元。不定期發布最新節目與藝人活動資訊,現在就趕快下載給你滿滿的歡樂與驚喜。
東森財經新聞 2.5.8
給你每天台股早盤最即時的新聞訊息,並且抓緊國際、產業、投資、政策的變化...從數字看透未來趨勢,從新聞解讀背後故事。為捍衛公平正義而發聲!為台灣各個角落,平凡人物超凡人生給予喝采!多元化新聞節目內容,顛覆您對財經的想像。*產品特色*•【最聚焦】隨時隨地關注財經大小事 ‧【最即時】台股早盤資訊、各報重點不漏接•【最全天】24小時直播不間斷•【最便利】57精彩節目不漏接 •【最生活】挑房、玩車、美食旅遊一把抓 •【最重要】彩券、發票中大獎
東森新聞美洲 1.5.0
Offers you the latest and fastest Eastern video news, delicious funprovide a good place to eat, drink around.