海爾科技股份有限公司 应用

省权实业股份有限公司 1.0.6
省权的机器产品已销售至世界各地,包含台湾、中国、德国、美国、俄罗斯、印度、土耳其、中东等多个国家和地区,并获得良好的信誉。精良的生产设备,先进的工艺方法,为我们生产优质产品提供了强有力的保证。顾客满意是我们的宗旨,不断攀升是我们的追求,省权将始终坚持以人为本的方针更全面和深入地投身于有色金属和非有色金属材料的加工制造中,以更多、更全、更优的产品来满足国内外广大客户对产品的需求。以下为本APP的功能介绍关于我们 - 介绍省权实业股份有限公司产品信息 - 提供各项产品信箱官方网站 - 引导使用者造访省权网站国内视频 - 观看中国视频平台的影片国对视频 - 观看欧美视频平台的影片最新信息 - 发布公司的最新相关信息公司据点 - 显示公司的GPS地图位置立即来电 - 列出本公司于各地区的服务电话Province rights machineryproducts have been sold to all over the world, including Taiwan,China, Germany, USA, Russia, India, Turkey, the Middle East andother countries and regions, and get a good reputation.Sophisticated production equipment, advanced technology approach,we produce high quality products to provide a strongguarantee.Customer satisfaction is our aim, our pursuit is rising, theprovincial authority will always adhere to the people-orientedapproach is more comprehensive and in-depth engaged inmanufacturing ferrous and non-ferrous material, with more and morecomprehensive, better products to meet the needs of domestic andinternational customers for the product.The following describes the functions of the APPAbout Us - Introduction Province rights Industrial Co., Ltd.Product Information - provide the products MailboxOfficial Website - right website to guide users to visit theprovinceDomestic Video - Watch Chinese video platform videoStates on the video - watch videos video platform in Europe andAmericaLatest information - information about the company's latestreleaseCompany stronghold - show the company's GPS map locationsNow calls - in all areas of the Company are listed telephoneservice
法律輕鬆問 1.1
有法律問題,就搜尋「法律輕鬆問」APP,讓我們為您服務。仁頌聯合律師事務所(法律輕鬆問)之前身為仁頌律師事務所,係由王仁聰律師於民國86年2月成立,其後陸續加入林維毅律師及劉思龍律師。至民國94年底,為提供更全面之服務,且另有二位律師,即江大寧律師及李育任律師加入共同奮鬥,遂決定尋找新址。95年3月7日正式於現址國泰四維財經大樓舉行喬遷開幕茶會,並將原事務所名稱改為仁頌聯合律師事務所,意由五位律師聯合主持,並聯合為廣大客戶服務。仁頌聯合律師事務所標榜事必躬親,所有客戶之案件皆由律師親辦,嚴密掌控案件進度,期為客戶爭取最大利益。且本事務所收費合理,絕不漫天開價。又因五位律師皆學有專長,各有各的專業領域及人際關係,遇到較複雜或困難的相關訴訟,皆可利用各項資源及反覆討論後,提出最適法正確之見解,故可替當事人贏得訴訟,或達成和解。仁頌聯合律師事務所當秉持一貫專業法學、優質服務之精神,持續為所有客戶及當事人服務。Have a legalproblem,search for "legal easy to ask," APP, let us serve you.United Law Firm before Jen Chung (legal easily ask) As JenChungLaw Firm, founded by 王仁聪 Department lawyer in the RepubliconFebruary 86, have subsequently joined Vincent Lin lawyers and刘思龙lawyer. To the Republic by the end of 94, to providemorecomprehensive services, and another two attorneys, lawyers andLiYu 江大宁 that any lawyer to join the common struggle, he decidedtolook for a new site. 95 years officially held on March 7 atthepresent site of Cathay Pacific Finance Towerdimensionalhousewarming Opening Reception, and the original firmname changedto Jen Chung United Law Firm, meaning co-chaired byfive lawyers,and joint service to our customers.Jen Chung joint law firm advertised hands-on, all customersofthe case rests lawyers do pro, tight control of the progress ofthecase, the best interests of our customers. And the firm'schargesare reasonable, no sky offer. Because five lawyers arewhizzes,each have their own areas of expertise and interpersonalencountermore complex or difficult-related litigation, and the useofresources can be some discussion of the ideas put forwardtheoptimal method correctly, it can be for the party to winthelawsuit or settlement. Jen Chung joint law firm specializing inlawwhen maintaining its spirit of service, ongoing service toallcustomers and clients.
莉筑SPA 1.3
「我們有溫馨舒適的環境、良好的設備和精緻的服務 ,快來與我們做朋友吧~莉筑美妍SPA館~阿育吠陀~經典課程利用獨特的傳統阿育吠陀按摩術,結合印度天然植物保養品,草本油,草本枌末~多管齊下,讓妳由內而外~放鬆~淨化身心~讓妳獲得真正的身心靈平衡~永保健康與美麗。"We have a warmandcomfortable environment, good facilities and exquisiteservice,come with us be friends ~Li built Mi-yeon SPA Ayurveda Pavilion ~ ~ classic courses usingaunique traditionAyurvedic massage technique, combined with natural plantcareproducts in India, at the end of herbal oils,herbalFen-pronged,Let you relax from the inside out ~ ~ ~ purify body and mind sothatyou get a real physical and spiritual balance ~ eternal healthandbeauty.
2014臺南產業創新博覽會 1.4.9
展覽時間:2014年9月12~15日10:00~18:00(9月15日16:00結束展覽)展覽地點:臺南南紡世貿展覽中心 (臺南市仁德區義林路77號)指導單位:臺南市政府、經濟部(能源局)主辦單位:臺南市政府 經濟發展局執行單位:旺旺中時媒體集團 工商時報協辦單位:台灣生技產業聯盟、台灣綠色科技產業聯盟、臺南中小企業服務團、臺南市工商發展投資策進會、陽光屋頂百萬座計畫南部推動辦公室1.展覽消息:可查看大會活動訊息與新聞2.廠商資料: 提供參展廠商基本資料及聯絡方式3.產品型錄:可觀看廠商產品資訊與廠商電子產品型錄4.關於本展:主辦單位資訊與展覽資訊5.展覽地圖:展場攤位地圖資訊,説明參觀者快速前往目的攤位6.交通路線:提供前往展場的交通資訊7.刮刮樂:舉辦會展現場刮刮樂活動,每人每日限抽一次8.QR Code:提供使用者以行動裝置掃描廠商QR Code,直接開啟廠商介紹頁面與相關資訊9.週邊活動:提供現場各單位活動資訊Exhibition: September201412 ~ at 10:00 on the 15th ~ 18:00 (at 16:00 on September 15end ofthe exhibition)Venue: Taiwan South Spinning World Trade Exhibition Centre(RendeDistrict, Tainan City Yi-lin Road No. 77)Supervisor: Tainan City Government, Ministry of EconomicAffairs(Bureau of Energy)Sponsor: Tainan City Government Economic Development BureauExecution units: Want Business Times when Media GroupSponsor: Taiwan Biotechnology Industry Association, TaiwanGreenTechnology Industry Association, Tainan SME services group,TainanBusiness Development Council of the investment strategy, thesunroof of one million project in southern Promotion Office1 shows a message: You can view the Conference EventsandNews2 Exhibitor Info: Provides basic information and contactexhibitorsway3 Catalog: You can watch manufacturer product informationandmanufacturer of electronic product catalog4 About this show: Organizers Information and Exhibitions5 shows a map: exhibition booth map information, indicatingthepurpose of the booth visitors quick access6 Transportation: Transportation is provided toexhibitioninformation7 scratch: Scratch organized exhibition site activities, limitoneper person per day pumping8.QR Code: providing users with mobile devices to scan vendorQRCode, manufacturers introduced directly open a page withrelevantinformation9 surrounding activities: Activity Information providedon-siteunits
ama全球直購 1.6.9
Ama全球直購網力求為您帶來便利生活,舉凡生活百貨、開架美妝、進口保養彩妝品、服飾配件、精品男內、日韓假髮…等,一應俱全,我們以台灣為出發,為全球各地喜愛網購的您提供最新的流行時尚及產品,期待與您一起Enjoyyour Shopping life !!Ama directpurchaseworldwide network seeks to bring you convenient lifeprevalent,department stores, open-shelf Beauty, import carecosmetics,clothing accessories, fine men, the Japanese and Koreanwig ... andso readily available, we in Taiwan as the starting forworldwidefavorite online shopping offers you the latest fashion andproductsand look forward to work with you Enjoy your Shoppinglife!!