淘宝无线 应用

淘宝充值 1.1.0
淘宝创意街 1.1.0
淘宝创意街是一款集合淘宝原创商品的客户端,精选了淘宝网上各种各样的新奇特商品。同时,创意街也是原创设计师展现自我的平台,可以第一时间购买到设计师的最新创作!创意,是一种生活方式。更是一种生活态度!巧妙的设计,独特的构思,融合了设计师的创新和灵感。与众不同的你,赶紧来享受最新鲜最奇特的创意体验!Taobao the CreativeStreet is a collection of original goods Taobao client, a selectionof a variety of strange new products Taobao. Creative Street isalso the original designer show self platforms, can buy thedesigner's latest creations!Creativity is a way of life. More is an attitude to life!Clever design, unique concept, which combines innovation andinspiration of the designer.Distinctive, hastened to enjoy the freshest and most exoticcreative experience!
淘宝百货街 1.1.0
淘宝百货,提供商品搜索、浏览、购买、收藏等功能,为手机用户打造更加方便快捷的移动生活。打开淘宝百货,就能第一时间看到最热门的商品,最火爆的促销信息,用手机抢购,让您更快一步!Taobao Stores providesearch, browse, purchase, collection and other functions, formobile phone users to create a more convenient and efficient mobilelife. Open Taobao department store, you can see the first time themost popular commodity, the most popular promotional information,phone snapped step faster!
小维同学 1.1.0
2011年淘宝女装行业第九、秋季上新行业第八。小维同学大卖铺兜售的不仅是衣服,还有如向日葵的热烈与积极乐观向上的生活态度,只要向着阳光生长,生命就会变得简单而美好。关键词:小维、小维女装、小维人气女装、小维家、小维雪纺、小维独家、小维同学大卖铺、小维独家连衣裙、小维独家定制、小维独家限定外套甜美、小清新、分享、宝贝、购物、淘宝、爱逛街、社区、分享、逛街、美丽说、蘑菇街、精品、精选、天猫2011 WomenTaobaoindustries ninth, fall on the eighth new industry. Not onlythesmall dimension classmates large shop selling peddle clothes,aswell as sunflower warm and positive and optimistic attitudetowardslife, as long as growth toward the sun, life becomes simpleandbeautiful.Keywords: small dimension, small dimension ladies,small-dimensionalpopular women Weijia, small dimension chiffon,small peacekeepingexclusive, small dimension classmates large shopselling smalldimension exclusive dress, small dimension exclusivecustom, smalldimension exclusive limited jacket sweet, small freshshare, baby,shopping, Taobao, love shopping, community, sharing,shopping,beautiful, mushrooms Street boutique, Featured,Lynx
润乙一 1.1.0
杭州润乙一服饰有限公司,成立于2007年,一直以用户体验为使命,坚持原创小清新服饰路线,有自己专属的工厂和设计开发团队,更有80多人的运营团队,有近15万会员。2011年女装TOP62。关键词:润乙一 、雨晴娃娃、爱逛街、淘宝女装、精选女装、原创小清新、天猫、日韩女装、runyiyi、雨晴、蘑菇街女装、毛呢大衣、连衣裙、外套、长裤 、冬季女装、 红色大衣、 春季女装、 秋季女外套、风衣、淘宝、美丽说、蘑菇街
百分之一 1.1.0
淘宝第一个四金冠女装店,第一个实行全场自助购物,第一个提出全球外拍计划,连续两年全网女装销量第一,主营时下最流行的女装正品,鞋包配饰,更多打折优惠敬请下载客户端。关键词:百分之一、淘宝、爱逛街、社区、分享、逛街、宝贝、购物、美丽说、蘑菇街、精品、精选、天猫、欧美女装、上装、外套、裙装、大衣、短裙、T恤、针织、裤装The first fourGoldenDelicious Taobao women's clothing store, the firstimplementationof the audience themselves, the first global 外拍 plan,twoconsecutive years, the Ladies first sales of the whole network,themain among the most popular women's genuine, shoes,bags,accessories, More discounts please download client.Keywords: one percent, Taobao, love shopping, community,sharing,shopping, baby shopping, beautiful, the mushrooms Street,boutique,Featured, Lynx, European and American ladies, tops,jackets,dresses, coats, short skirts, T-shirts, knitted,trousers
伊人红妆 1.1.0
说明:淘宝国货护肤第一店,马上三金冠,7年来,一直致力于小众市场,一直拥抱变化,不变创新自己的营销方式,力争为用户提供更好的服务。关键词:伊人红妆、淘宝、爱逛街、社区、分享、逛街、宝贝、购物、美丽说、蘑菇街、精品、精选、天猫、美容、美容护肤、美体、精油、美容护理、国货美容、护肤、相宜本草、百雀羚、郁美净、面膜、精油、彩妆、芳草集、迷奇、护理、凡茜Description:The domestics skincare First Taobao shop, immediately threeGoldenDelicious, seven years, has been committed to a small nichemarkethas been to embrace change, constant innovation andmarketing, andstrive to provide a better service for users.Keywords: Iraqi Red makeup, Taobao, love shopping,community,sharing, shopping, baby, shopping, beautiful themushrooms Street,boutique, Featured, Lynx, beauty, skin care, bodyoils, beautycare, domestics Beauty skin care, affordable herbal, ahundred birdLing, Yu Mei Jing, mask, essential oils, make-up, grassset oddfans care, where Qian
莉家 1.1.0
淘宝宠物街 1.1.0
淘宝宠物街是一款一站式宠物购买服务平台,您不仅可以购买狗狗、猫咪、各类水族、奇趣宠物及周边商品,还可以和爱宠人士分享养宠知识,随时与专业人士沟通交流。你和爱宠的生活将会变得更加多姿多彩、充满乐趣。Taobao Pet Street isaone-stop pet purchase service platform, you can not only buy adog,cat, aquarium, funny pets and merchandise, pets and loving petwhoshare knowledge, feel free to communicate withprofessionalsexchanges.Your loving pet life will become more colorful and fun.
淘宝零食街 1.1.2
淘宝零食街是淘宝网旗下的一款看图淘零食的客户端,在这里:大量物美价廉的诱人零食推荐、可分类查看各种美味零食、简单便捷的支付购买流程、创新的用户交互界面。关键词:淘宝、零食街、零食、爱逛街、社区、分享、逛街、宝贝、购物、支付宝、美丽说、蘑菇街Snacks Street,TaobaoTaobao's a pictures Amoy snacks client: a large numberofinexpensive tempting snacks recommended here, can be classifiedtoview a variety of delicious snacks, simple and convenientpaymentof the purchase process, innovative user interactioninterface.Keywords: Taobao, snacks Street, snacks, loveshopping,community, sharing, shopping, baby shopping, Paypal,beautifulmushrooms Street
9魅 1.1.0
9魅家女装是淘宝电子商务平台首屈一指的女装品牌。2007年11月份“9魅家•魅力印象”正式开展了其做淘宝网的互联网营销业务。短短3年不到的时间,公司便在淘宝网女装类店铺占有一席之地。“9魅家”入选2011我最喜爱的淘宝女装TOP100,排名前60。中国的电子商务做蓬勃发展,“9魅家”亦将迈大步伐,进军淘宝商城,利用淘宝商城的优势继续扩展公司的影响力和品牌价值。关键词:9魅、魅力印象、通勤、时尚、淘宝女装、平价、逛宝贝、购物、韩版、美丽说、蘑菇街、100%专柜、品质女装9 Women Charm home isthee-commerce platform Taobao's premier women's brands. InNovember2007, 9 Enchantment home • charm impression "formallylaunched itsTaobao Internet marketing business. Time of less thanthree shortyears, the company will place shop in Taobao class. 9Charm Home"was selected 2011 Taobao Women TOP100, my favorite top60. Chinae-commerce to flourish, 9 charm home will make strides incuttinginto the Taobao Mall, Taobao Mall advantages continue toexpand thecompany's influence and brand value.Keywords: charm, charm impression, commuting, fashion, TaobaoWomen,parity, visiting the baby, shopping, Korean, beautifulmushroomStreet, 100% counters quality Women