천주교서울대교구 应用

서울 순례길 3.1.7
Catholic Pilgrimage application to help Catholic Archdiocese ofSeoul.
성무일도 2.4.0
The application can be found according to the Catholic Holy Synodjeonryeryeok the things that are consecrated in the Catholic Churchevery time.
가회동성당 AR 1.0.2
"Gahoe-dong Cathedral AR" is the official app provided by the RomanCatholic Archdiocese of Seoul.
가톨릭성경 2.0.4
The "Catholic Bible" is the official app provided by the diocese ofthe Catholic University of Seoul and copyrighted by CBCK.
1784 Plus 1.1.1
"1784 Plus" is the official app provided by the Roman CatholicArchdiocese of Seoul.