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*** NOTE: Requires a high-performance device, such as NVIDIASHIELD.Run the Windward: Performance Test (free app) to check yourdevice'sperformance before buying the game. Designed from thestart to be afully procedural co-op game, Windward can be playedby yourself, butit truly comes alive when playing with friends.Start by generatinga procedural world that will be unique to you,design your owncustom faction then sail forward fighting pirates,trading withtowns, doing quests or simply exploring -- it's up toyou how youwant to play. As you sail about you will find resourcesyou can makeuse of, upgrades for your ship, new towns that willask yourassistance, and as you get farther out from the startingarea --various pirates that will attempt to take what's rightfullyyours.Combat experience will let you unlock new talents andabilities tomake that particular line of work easier. As you takeupconsignments with towns and fulfill their production shortages,thetowns will grow, offering more quests, more resources andbetteritems. As the towns continue to grow they will offer you achoice toupgrade your ship itself. Would you prefer a fastSchooner toexplore the world, or a heavy Galleon that's able totake up 5consignments at once? Or perhaps a massive Ship of theLine to takethe fight with the pirates to their heartlands? As youexplore theworld and get farther away from your starting area, thegame willbecome progressively more difficult -- but so will therewards.Throughout all of this you can expect the pirates to putup a fairfight, as the AI is bound by the same rules as theplayer: they havesight, and must explore the map before they canknow what's there.Speaking of AI, build a fearsome reputation andthe AI will respectyou, even fear you -- avoiding you if at allpossible. Some friendlyAI will even choose to follow you andassist you in your ownadventures. And so, on the topic ofadventures -- ready to haveyours?