App Information Fisiocyl
- App NameFisiocyl
- 包名com.fisiocyl.fisiocyl
- 发布日期Sep 28, 2021
- 文件大小Undefined
- 系统要求Android
- 版本
- 开发者Fisiocyl
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- 价钱免费
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- Google Play Link
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GeriatriApp 1.8.0 APK
GeriatriApp es una aplicación diseñada para facilitar al médicoyotros profesionales de la salud la toma de decisiones enelpaciente geriátrico, a través de la valoración geriátricaintegral.Posee múltiples escalas para valorar diferentes dominiostales comosocial, físico, emocional, funcional, cognitivo,farmacológico,nutricional, medico y de comorbilidades. Esto permitecrear unperfil de riesgo en el paciente mayor y con ello la tomadedecisiones acorde a los problemas y necesidades de cadaindividuo.GeriatriApp es una aplicación que nace desde el grupo deGeriatríade la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
ACPP Core2 Posture Measurement 1.0.2 APK
ACPP Core2 Posture Measurement is designed specifically forpeoplewho pay attention to their own posture and for sport andfitnesslovers, it provides measuring tool that assists postureanalysisfor professional personnels such as models, trainers,sportsmen,amateurs, and it also serves the purpose for standardizedreferenceanalysis. Utilizing delicate design of ACPP Core2PostureMeasurement to analyze and record your correct posture withease.ACPP Core2 main function: Gridline: Use the gridline button onthetop right corner of the screen to quickly switch betweengridlineswith different densities according to the need ofanalyst.Calibration: Analyst can use the calibrating cursor in theredcircle on bottom left corner of the screen to calibratetherelative angle between lens and subject in order to greatlyreducethe impact from differences of horizontal view angle.Capture:integration of selected gridline and the taken photos aresavedautomatically in photo album of mobile phone, they can besavedindividually for long term tracking and comparison analysis.