5.0.0 / Mar 26, 2017
(0/5) ()


Geoparks in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Faroe, Norway and theShetland Islands

App Information Global Georoutes

  • App Name
    Global Georoutes
  • 包名
  • 发布日期
    Mar 26, 2017
  • 文件大小
  • 系统要求
    Android 4.0
  • 版本
  • 开发者
  • 安装
  • 价钱
  • 分类
  • 开发者
  • Google Play Link

Locatify 更多...

Iceland Road Guide 1.5.0 APK
Your key to Iceland‘s 3.000 most importantplaces, it‘s entire road system plus its geography,culture andhistory. Discover Iceland with the Iceland Road Guide.Based on the book Iceland Road Guide (Vegahandbókin) which hasbeen travelling for 40 years in the vehicles of Icelanders andforeigners alike, and has been steadily improved and updated withevery new edition. Texts, figures, photos and maps will guide youon your travels around the country, adding to your memories whenreturning home.Contains a list of services like General information,Transportation, Food and drink, Culture and arts, Accommodation,Recreation etc.--- ÍSLENSKA ---Vegahandbókin í símann vísar þér til vegar með upplýsingar yfirmeira en 3000 staði víðsvegar um Ísland.Vegahandbókin á að baki 40 ára feril í bílum landsmanna. Bókinhefur verið í stöðugri uppfærslu og endurnýjun frá fyrstu útgáfu oghér er komin nýjasta afurðin snjallsímaútgáfa.Þá er í appinu listi yfir alla skráða þjónustuaðila sem skiptaþúsundum. Um er að ræða gistingu, veitingastaði, menningu oglistir, söfn,samgöngur, upplýsingamiðstöðvar og fl.
Saga og Jökull - Vesturland 1.2 APK
Í þessu skemmtilega appi eru ratleikir áVesturlandi. Farðu í ratleik með Sögu og Jökli á völdum stöðum áVesturlandi.Á níu stöðum á Vesturlandi er að finna þau Sögu og Jökul. Sagaer níu ára stelpa sem elskar að ferðast með foreldrum sínum. Eittsinn á ferðalagi hittir hún Jökul. Jökull er álfastrákur semstundum birtist óvænt og stundum þarf Saga að bíða eftir honumleeengi.Á þessum stöðum er tekið sérstaklega vel á móti öllum krökkum. Áhverjum stað geturðu hlustað á sögu um ævintýri Sögu og Jökuls ogfarið síðan í skemmtilegan ratleik með snjallsíma í hönd.Fyrir að klára ratleik færðu stimpla í stimplaveskið í appinuþínu.Athugið að appið notast við GPS sem gerir það að verkum aðrafhlaðan eyðist hraðar._________________________________________________________________Um verkefnið:Saga og Jökull á Vesturlandi er svokallað Gáttaverkefni sem ertveggja ára vöruþróunarverkefni í menningartengdri ferðaþjónustu,styrkt af iðnaðarráðuneyti, Ferðamálastofu og Impru áNýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands, auk þess sem Háskólinn á Hólum ersamstarfsaðili.Skemmtilegir ratleikir um Vesturland. Allir ratleikir í þessuappi eru gerðir af ferðaþjónustuaðilum á Vesturlandi.Ratleikir eru á eftirfarandi stöðum á Vesturlandi:-Ratleikur á Eiríksstöðum-Tveir ratleikir frá Landnámssetrinu-Ratleikur við Edduveröld í Reykholti-Ratleikur á Gljúfrasteini-Ratleikur í Þjóðgarðinum Snæfellsjökli-Ratleikur Sæferða í Stykkishólmi-Ratleikur á Bjarteyjarsandi-Ratleikur við Sögumiðstöðina í Grundarfirði.
FIB Road Guide - Iceland 1.5.0 APK
The Icelandic Automobile Association (FÍB)roadside assistance provided assistance 24 hours per day, 365 daysa year by phone 00354 5 112 112.FÍB members and many car clubs around the world have access tothe FIB road assistance.The app is based on the book Iceland Road Guide (Vegahandbókin)which has been traveling for 40 years in the vehicles of Icelandersand foreigners alike, and has been steadily improved and updatedwith every new edition. Texts, figures, photos and maps will guideyou on your travels around the country, adding to your memorieswhen returning home.--- ICELANDIC ---Félag íslenskra bifreiðaeigenda býður upp á app til að aukaöryggi bifreiðaeigenda á ferð um landið.Í appinu getur þú haft beint samband við starfsmann FÍBvegaaðstoðar og fengið ráðgjöf/vegaaðstoð ef bíllinn bregst.Þú getur einnig nálgast upplýsingar og staðsetningu allrasamstarfsaðila FÍB á landinu sem gefa FÍB félögum betri kjör á vöruog þjónustu.- FÍB Aðstoð, Þjónustusvæði, dekkjaskipti, startaðstoð,eldsneytisaðstoð, ráðgjöf. Innifalið í FÍB aðild.- FÍB afsláttur, verkstæði, skoðunarstöðvar, hjólbarðar,smurþjónusta o.s.frv. Innifalið í FÍB aðild.- Vegahandbókin, ókeypis útgáfan fylgir, full útgáfa er hægt að fágegn vægu gjaldi. Bókin hefur verið í bílum landsmanna í rúm 40 ár.Hún hefur verið í stöðugri uppfærslu og endurnýjun frá fyrstuútgáfu. Nýjasta afurðin er snjallsímaútgáfan. Í snjallsímaútgáfunnier að finna alla þá staði sem eru í bókinni ásamt þúsundumþjónustuaðila um land allt.
Locatify SmartGuide 8.7.3 APK
Travel Guide app - Offline GPS guided audio tours & treasurehunt games
Vestmannaeyjar 4.0.0 APK
Explore the island with the aid of this personal guide
TurfHunt 9.0.1 APK
GPS Treasure Hunt Games
Gea Norvegica Geopark, Norway 4.1.2 APK
Gea Norvegica Geopark includes an area ofabout 3000 km2 in the counties of Telemark and Vestfold, and is amember of the European- and Global Geopark Networks under theauspices of UNESCO.The app contains treasure hunt games with challenges and audioguides about the wonders of the Geopark.One of the main aims of the Geopark is to spread knowledge aboutour geological- and natural heritage, and reveal how these havebeen decisive for agriculture and industrial developments andinfluenced settlement and local culture in the area.Guided Tours:- Experience with narration, images, and maps.- Explore on location with GPS activation or use the app as aninteractive audio guide.- All content is downloaded beforehand and enjoyed without anetwork connection.Treasure Hunts:- Find treasure locations, solve challenges, compete andscore.- Play on location, solve challenges and find hiddentreasures.- Play solo or compete in a multiplayer game with yourcolleges.- Games can as well be played while offline.- Observe game progress and player locations on the Locatifywebsite.
GoldHunt Education 2.1.0 APK
A competitive GPS treasure hunt games app.Join the Locatify Education program to make treasure hunt games forstudents. It is a sophisticated treasure hunt to be played out inthe fields with GPS.Children from the age of six to adults do enjoy the games and thelearning experience they have to offer.The games are competitive with maps, compass, treasure locationsand scoreboard. Treasure can contain clues, challenges, audio orvideo and images.Please note: Continued use of GPS running in the background candramatically decrease battery life.Learn by doing is the purpose of GoldHunt treasure hunt games. It’san innovative educational tool for teaching through play and funoutdoors. The game enables students at different educational levelsto actively participate in learning where education is entwinedwith games, providing enjoyment, motivation, gratification,creativity and social interaction. The game utilizes naturalsurroundings, which provide extraordinary and powerful contexts forlearning.In order to create and publish a game in Locatify Creator CMS visitwww.locatfy.com. GoldHunt Education app is part of the LocatifyEducation program along with the GoldWorm book make app.GoldHunt Education for schools:The app can be used in context with various curriculums like:geology, social sciences, humanities, orientation, sports andlanguages. It all depends on how the content is made to suite theplayers.How to play a game:1. Select a game from the map or the list in the app2. Press "Join Game", only one can start the game3. Enter your team's name4. Share the invitation code with others.5. The other teams enter the code in "Redeem Invitation" at thefront page6. It is time to play when all the teems have signed in.7. The one who invited the others starts the game8. Find treasures and solve challenges9. Your team is the blue dot on the map, the others are green10. Check the scoreboard to see the results of the gameOffline content:After the game is downloaded to the device and teams have joinedit, no Internet connection is required. However, to see locationsof other teams on the map and a real-time score they will needInternet connection. If they play offline the scores will enter thescoreboard when they connect to the Internet again.Observe the game:The games can be observed at the Locatify Observer. Enter theinvitation code and see where the players are located at the momentand how many score they have collected.Visit our website for more information and find out how easy it isto make your own treasure hunt games.Please note: Continued use of GPS running in the background candramatically decrease battery life.