13.0 / February 20, 2017
(4.8/5) (9)


Memperkenalkan sebuah Aplikasi yangmampumemper mudah anda untuk melakukan belanja Aplikasi iniberfungsiatau bertujuan untuk membeli barang belanjaan populersecara onlinedidaerah anda kami juga menyediakan jasa. menjangkaukeseluruindonesia dengan bantuan expedisi pengiriman tertentudanterpercaya. Kemudian nikmati layanan delevery order makananfavoritdi daerah tertentu yg resmi dibuka oleh GOmin. Dan nikmatiberbagaibarang belanjaan lainya hanya di GOmin.

Aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan anda dalam belanjaonlinedalam satu klik dan tidak cuma itu aplikasi GOmin bekerjasamadengan lebih dari 1000 UMKM di masing masing daerah.bertujuanuntuk ikut membangkitkan ekonomi daerah dan yang pastinyadenganaturan dan ketentuan dari pihak GOmin yang berlaku. Aplikasiini diBerdayakan oleh CV.GOMINTARA PERKASA

Jika ada pertanyaan mengenai kami jangan ragu untuk menghubungikamimelalui email :

Sms/whatsapp OFFICIAL 085848321911
Introducing asimpleapplication that is able to take into you to do shoppingThisapplication aims to work or to buy groceries popular onlineyourarea we also provide services. keseluru reach Indonesia withthehelp of specific and reliable delivery expedition. Then enjoytheservice delevery order favorite foods in a certain area whichwasofficially opened by GOmin. And enjoy various other groceriesonlyin GOmin.

This application aims to facilitate you in online shopping inoneclick and not only that the application GOmin working withmorethan 1000 SMEs in each region. aims to generate economic joinareaand that certainly with the rules and regulations of theapplicableGOmin. This application is in Empower by CV.GOMINTARAPERKASA

If there is any question about us please do not hesitate tocontactus via email:

Sms / whatsapp OFFICIAL 085848321911

App Information GOmin

  • App Name
  • 包名
  • 发布日期
    February 20, 2017
  • 文件大小
  • 系统要求
    Android 2.3 and up
  • 版本
  • 开发者
    CV. LC Media
  • 安装
    100 - 500
  • 价钱
  • 分类
  • 开发者
    Email danyantoro12@gmail.com
    Jl. Beringin No.168 Ds. Rawaurip Rt.02 Rw.05 Blok.Kalibangka Kidul Kec. Pangenan. Kab. Cirebon 45182
  • Google Play Link

CV. LC Media 更多...

Suplier Busana 6.0 APK
CV. LC Media
Suplier Busana adalah supplier toko onlinetermurah dan terpercaya menyediakan berbagai macam fashion wanitaseperti atasan, tunik, setelan, jilbab, gamis, syar'i dan lain-laindengan harga paling murah dan kualitas bahan dijamin bagus.Kami juga menerima Reseller Dropship seluruh IndonesiaLihat koleksi lain kami diWebsite www.suplierbusana.comFacebook www.facebook.com/galerimaxidressInstagram www.instagram.com/suplierbusanaHubungi kami diBBM : 5E5CE4F0 (GaleriMD CS2)WA : 085731702743LINE ID : suplierbusana.com@Line : http://line.me/ti/p/%40oqu4346nSupplier of Clothing isthe cheapest supplier and trusted online store providing a widerange of women's fashion such as tops, tunics, suits, veil, robe,shar'ī and others with the cheapest price and good quality of theingredients is guaranteed.We also accept Dropship Resellers throughout IndonesiaSee our other collectionswebsite www.suplierbusana.comFacebook www.facebook.com/galerimaxidressInstagram www.instagram.com/suplierbusanaContact us atBBM: 5E5CE4F0 (GaleriMD CS2)WA: 085731702743LINE ID: suplierbusana.com@Line: Http://line.me/ti/p/%40oqu4346n
Loker Cirebon 10.1 APK
CV. LC Media
LokerCirebon.com merupakan portal pencarianlowongan kerja terbaru di kota Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka danKuningan. Lowongan kerja yang kami sajikan didapat langsung dariperusahaan sehingga info loker nya sangat akurat dan dapat dipercaya.Aplikasi android Loker Cirebon akan membantu anda setiap harinyauntuk menemukan posisi lowongan kerja sesuai dengan kriteria anda.Tunggu apalagi? Cari, Temukan dan segera Lamar..!!Loker Cirebon sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2010, kami sudahdipercaya ratusan perusahaan sewilayah tiga cirebon. Member kamisaat ini sudah lebih dari 12.000 member dan masih terus bertmabah.Pengunjung webiste LokerCirebon.com setiap harinya paling sedikit9000 pengunjung.Loker Cirebon berkomitmen untuk selalu jadi penghubung antaraperusahaan dan pecari kerja, serta akan selalu memberikan infolowongan kerja seakurat mungkin.Fitur Unggulan:1. Update setiap hari2. Aplikasi sangat ringan dan mudah di gunakan3. Akses menu yang mudah4. Fitur favorite dapat menyimpan info loker ke sukaan anda5. Tersedia artikel tips dan trik cara melamar kerja yg baik danbenar6. Radio Streaming Online, membaca info loker makin asik denganalunan musik dr radio streaming7. Berita viral, fitur tambahan yang sayang untuk dilewatkan.8. Notifikasi langsung via handpone anda setiap ada info lokerterbaruJika anda memiliki pertanyaan, kritik dan saran, silakanhubungi:Tlfn/Sms: 0819678037Whatsapp: 0816648382Mohon tinggalkan ulasan dan rating bintang pada Google Play.Ulasan anda sangat berarti bagi kami untuk meningkatkan kualitaspelayanan kami.Salam...PENGAGGURAN DILARANG PACARANLokerCirebon.com a searchportal new jobs in the city of Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka andKuningan. A job that we serve obtained directly from the company ofhis locker so that the info is very accurate and can be believed.Lockers Cirebon android app will help you every day to find ajob position according to your criteria. What are you waiting for?Search, Discover and immediately Lamar .. !!Lockers Cirebon had stood since 2010, we have been trusted byhundreds of companies sewilayah three Cirebon. Our members are nowmore than 12,000 members and continues bertmabah. LokerCirebon.comwebiste visitors every day at least 9000 visitors.Lockers Cirebon is committed to always be a liaison between thecompany and pecari work, and will always provide job information asaccurately as possible.Features:1. Update every day2. The application is very light and easy to use3. The easy menu access4. favorite feature can save the info lockers to your'sfavorite5. There are articles tips and tricks on how to apply for a jobthat is good and true6. Radio Streaming Online, read the info lockers increasingly coolwith streaming music radio dr7. News viral, additional features are a shame to miss out.8. notifications directly via your handpone every locker latestinformationIf you have questions, comments and suggestions, pleasecontact:Tlfn / Sms: 0819678037Whatsapp: 0816648382Please leave a review and star rating on Google Play. Yourreview is very meaningful for us to improve the quality of ourservices.Regards...PROHIBITED unemployment Courtship
Dongeng Anak 1.0 APK
CV. LC Media
Dongeng anak aplikasi kumpulan dongengterbaik,dongeng nusantara, Legenda Nusantara, Cerita rakyat,dandongengdunia yang disertai dengan kesimpulan di akhir cerita.AplikasiDongeng Anak di sertai Dongeng bergambar sehingga akansemakintertarik dan betah untuk membacanya.Dongeng anak bertujuan mengenalkan dongeng-dongeng terbaikkepadaanak-anak sehingga minat membaca mereka semakinmeningkat.Fairy tales fairytalecollection of the best applications, the fabledarchipelago,archipelago Legend, folklore and fairy-tale world,along with theconclusion at the end of the story. Application TaleTale Childrenaccompanied the display so it will be more interestedandcomfortable to read.Fairy tales aims to introduce the best tales to the childrensothat their increasing interest in reading.
Jobs Portal 1.1 APK
CV. LC Media
Jobs Portal, operates job search engines in70and above countries. Our website provides job seekers accesstomillions of job openings across all job categories andindustries,reaching job seekers on the web, social networks, mobiledevices,and email.Jobs Portal, the next generation of online recruitingsolutions.We connect the right people with the right jobopportunities – andwe do it more efficiently than anyone else.Every month, we serveover million jobs across the globe. Ourpromise is simple: to helpjobseekers.If you’re looking for a job, our industry-leading searchandpersonalization technology streamlines and accelerates yoursearch.Instead of browsing multiple job boards, run one search onJobzeekand let our intelligent search engine do the work for you.We’llautomatically deliver the most relevant listings to yourphone,tablet, laptop, or desktop.Jobs Portal, operatesjobsearch engines and above in 70 countries. Our website Providesjobseekers access to millions of job openings across alljobcategories and industries, reaching job seekers on the web,socialnetworks, mobile devices, and email.Jobs Portal, the next generation of online recruitingsolutions.We connect the right people with the right jobopportunities - andwe do it more efficiently than anyone else.Every month, we serveover million jobs across the globe. Ourpromise is simple: to helpjobseekers.If you're looking for a job, our industry-leading searchandpersonalization technology streamlines and accelerates yoursearch.Instead of browsing multiple job boards, run one search onJobzeekand let our intelligent search engine do the work for you.We'llautomatically deliver the most relevant listings to yourphone,tablet, laptop, or desktop.
Grosir Asyla Bandung 15.0 APK
CV. LC Media
Asyla Grosir Bandun menyediakan berbagai macamjenis busana wanita, syar'i, dan kemeja pria termurah dengankualitas bersaing.Reseller welcome...Bisa Dropship...Fast respon...Terpercaya...Keloksi lengkap bisa cekhttps://www.instagram.com/asyla.grosir.bandung/GROSIR BAJU BANDUNG 📣BELANJA RETAIL HARGA GROSIRWholesale Asyla Bandunprovide various types of women's clothing, syar'i, and thelowest-quality men's shirts compete.Resellers welcome ...Dropship can ...Fast response ...Trusted...Full Keloksi can checkhttps://www.instagram.com/asyla.grosir.bandung/WHOLESALE CLOTHING BANDUNG 📣BELANJA RETAIL WHOLESALE PRICES
Halo Galaxy 1.0 APK
CV. LC Media
Aplikasi ini disusun dengan tujuanmeningkatkanmotivasi belajar siswa khususnya ke6las IX SMP, karenaadanya materiSistem Tata Surya pada pelajaran Fisika kelas IXsemester II. Padasemester II kelas IX SMP, biasanya siswadifokusnya latihan untukmenghadapi Ujian Nasional sehingga materiSistem Tata Surya seringkali diabaikan atau siswa diharapkanbelajar mandiri.Padahal materi Sistem Tata Surya juga di ujikan padaUjianNasional. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan majalah ini dapatmenarikminat belajar siswa sehingga meningkatkan hasil belajarsiswa dalammata pelajaran Fisika khusunya materi Sistem Tata Surya.Namun,selain untuk siswa kelas IX SMP, majalah ini juga dapatdibaca dandi nikmati oleh kalangan umum sebagai pengayaan tentangilmu AlamSemesta.This applicationiscompiled with the aim of increasing student motivation,especiallyke6las IX SMP, for their material on the subject of SolarSystemPhysics IX class the second semester. In the second semesterofninth grade junior high school, students usuallydifokusnyapractice to face the National Examination so that thematerial ofthe Solar System is often overlooked or students areexpected tolearn independently.Though the material in the Solar System also ujikan theNationalExam. Therefore, the magazine hoped to attract studentinterestthat improve student learning outcomes especially in thesubjectsof Physics of Solar System material. However, in additiontostudents of class IX SMP, the magazine can be read and enjoyedbythe public as an enrichment of the science of the Universe.
Cirebon Maps 4.0 APK
CV. LC Media
Cirebon Mpas merupakan aplikasirangkumannama-nama tempat di kota Cirebon dan sekitarnya, baiktempatWisata, Kuliner, Hiburan, Hotel, Rumah sakit, PublicService,Property, Showroom kendaraan, Tempat belanja, Bank,Koperasi danmasih banyak lagi tempat-tempat umum yang memangterkadang kitabutuhkan.Cirebon Maps di buat bukan hanya untuk petunjuk arah saja(peta).Cirebon Maps juga dibuat bertujuan untuk mempromosikan keindahandan ke unikan tempat-tempat yang ada di kota Cirebon kedaerah luarbaik dalam negeri mau pun luar negeri, agar bisamenarik lebihbanyak wisatan yang berkunjung ke kota Cirebon.Silahkan Share dan Rekomendasikan ke kerabat dan sahabatanda,agar mereka tau betapa Indahnya kota Cirebon."Cari dan Temukan tempat-tempat yang menarik di kotaCirebon"Cirebon Mpasanapplication summary of the names of places in the city ofCirebonand its surroundings, nice place Tourism, Culinary,Entertainment,Hotel, Hospitals, Public Service, Property, Showroomvehicle,shopping place, Banks, Cooperative and many public placeswhich issometimes we need.Cirebon Maps created not just for directions only (map).CirebonMaps also made aiming to promote the beauty and uniquenessto theplaces in the city of Cirebon to outdoor areas bothdomesticallywould also overseas, in order to attract more wisatanwho visit thecity of Cirebon.Please Share and Recommend to your relatives and friends, sothatthey know how beauty of the city of Cirebon."Search and Find interesting places in the city of Cirebon"
Loker Bandung 10.0 APK
CV. LC Media
LokerBandung.id media informasi lowongan kerjaterbaru di Kota Bandung, Cimahi, Sumedang dan sekitarnya. LokerBandung berkomitmen untuk selalu memberikan info lowongan kerjayang up to date, akurat dan terpercaya.Aplikasi android Loker Bandung kami buat agar anda bisa mencariinfo lowongan kerja dengan sangat mudah tanpa harus keluar rumah.Aplikasi Loker Bandung kami rancang sesimple mungkin dan seringanmungkin agar anda bisa tetap nyaman dalam mencari info lowongankerja.Fitur Unggulan:1. Update setiap hari2. Aplikasi sangat ringan dan mudah di gunakan3. Akses menu yang mudah4. Fitur favorite dapat menyimpan info loker ke sukaan anda5. Tersedia artikel tips dan trik cara melamar kerja yg baik danbenar6. Radio Streaming Online, membaca info loker makin asik denganalunan musik dr radio streaming7. Berita viral, fitur tambahan yang sayang untuk dilewatkan.8. Notifikasi langsung via handpone anda setiap ada info lokerterbaruSemoga applikasi Loker Bandung ini bisa menjadi penghubung yangbaik antara perusahaan dengan para pencari kerja. Dan semoga andapara pencari kerja bisa segera mendapatkan pekerjaan sesuai denganimpian anda.Jika anda memiliki pertanyaan, kritik dan saran, silakanhubungi:Tlfn/Sms: 0819678037Whatsapp: 0816648382Mohon tinggalkan ulasan dan rating bintang pada Google Play. Ulasananda sangat berarti bagi kami untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanankami.Salam...PENGAGGURAN DILARANG PACARANLokerBandung.id latestjob information media in Bandung, Cimahi, Sumedang and surroundingareas. Bandung lockers are committed to providing job informationup to date, accurate and reliable.Loker Bandung android application we make so you can find info jobvery easily without having to leave home. Loker Bandung applicationwe designed sesimple possible and as light as possible so that youcan remain comfortable in finding a job vacancy.Features:1. Update every day2. The application is very light and easy to use3. The easy menu access4. favorite feature can save the info lockers to your sukaan5. There are articles tips and tricks on how to apply for a jobthat is good and right6. Radio Streaming, read the info lockers increasingly cool withstreaming music radio dr7. News viral, additional features pity to miss out.8. notifications directly via your handpone no info lockers eachthe mostHopefully Loker Bandung application this could be a good liaisonbetween the company and job seekers. And I hope you are job seekerscan get the job according to your dreams.If you have questions, comments and suggestions, pleasecontact:Tlfn / Sms: 0819678037Whatsapp: 0816648382Please leave a review and star rating on Google Play. Your reviewis very meaningful for us to improve the quality of ourservices.Regards...PROHIBITED unemployment courtship