5.2 / June 24, 2015
(4.1/5) (37)


Abu Dawud, that he recognized and addressed by the scientificcommunity and the public traditions of Islam. His full name is AbuDawud ibn Sulayman ibn Ishaq al-Ash'ath Bisyri bin Shaddad bin bin'Amr bin' Imron al-Azdi al-Sijistani. He was born in the year 202AD H/817, and died at the age of 73 years, precisely on Friday 14Shawwal 275 H/888 M in the city of Basra, and was buried beside thegrave Sufyan Ats-Thaury.

Abu Dawud's reputation soared, after he gained politicallegitimacy and position of the governor of Basra, which means thatyou still caliph Al Muwaffaq, who asked him to become a lecturer inthe city of Basra.
Sunan Abu Dawud, can be regarded as a monumental work that is bornfrom the hands of a muhaddits (hadith scholars) in the thirdcentury of Hijra, because this book is not only specificallycollect hadith fiqh (Islamic law), but also in systematic studies,he was an expert the first hadith hadith in order to write the bookof fiqh studies.

App Information Hadits Sunan Abu Dawud English

  • App Name
    Hadits Sunan Abu Dawud English
  • 包名
  • 发布日期
    June 24, 2015
  • 文件大小
  • 系统要求
    Android 2.1 and up
  • 版本
  • 开发者
  • 安装
    1,000 - 5,000
  • 价钱
  • 分类
    Books & Reference
  • 开发者
  • Google Play Link

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Rumus Matematika Lengkap 6.1 APK
Salah satu karakteristik matematika adalahmatematika memiliki simbol yang kosong dari arti, hall inimemungkinkan matematika sebagai bahasa. Dalam matematika banyaksekali simbol yang digunakan baik berupa huruf maupuun non huruf.Rangkaian simbol-simbol dalam matematika dapat membentuk modelmatematika. Model-model matematika dapat berupa persamaan,pertidaksamaan, bangun geometri tertentu, dan sebagainya.One characteristic ofmathematics is mathematics has an empty symbol of meaning, thishall allows mathematics as a language. In a lot of mathematicalsymbols used in the form of letters maupuun non-letter. The seriesof symbols in mathematics to form a mathematical model.Mathematical models can be equality, inequality, certain geometry,and so on.
Kitab Tijan Darori 5.5 APK
Alhamdulillah, Sholawat wa Salam kepada Nabi. Berkat rahmat AllahSWT saya bisa menyelesaikan terjemah kitab Tijan Ad-darori (تيجانالدراري)Meski didalamnya banyak kekurangan dan sangat jauh darikata sempurna, namun saya berharap apa yang saya lakukan ini beradadalam keberkahan Allah SWT dan bisa menjadi kemanfaatan bagisektor-sektor kebaikan khususnya dikalangan santri pemula sepertisaya dan umumnya bagi kaum muslimin muslimat. Amin.Alhamdulillah, sholawat wa Salam to the Prophet. Thanks to thegrace of God I was able to finish the translation of the Book ofAd-Darori Tijan (تيجان الدراري) Despite the many flaws in it and isvery far from perfect, but I hope that what I do is in the blessingof Allah SWT and can be a benefit for the good of sectorsespecially among students beginners like me and generally for theMuslims Muslimat. Amen.
Tafsir Mimpi Lengkap 5.1 APK
Mimpi terbagi dua: mimpi yang benar dan yangbatil. Mimpi yang benar ialah yang dialami manusia tatkala kondisipsikologisnya seimbang dan keadaan cuaca sedang seperti ditandaioleh bergoyangnya pepohonanhingga berjatuhannya dedaunan. Mimpi yang benar tidak didahuluidengan adanya pikiran dan keinginan akan sesuatu yang kemudianmuncul dalam mimpi. Kebenaran mimpi juga tidak ternodai olehperistiwa junub dan haid. Adapun mimpi yang batil ialah yangditimbulkan oleh bisikan nafsu, keinginan, dan hasrat. Mimpidemikian tidak dapat ditakwilkan. Demikian pula mimpi “basah” danmimpi lain yang mewajibkan mandi dikategorikan sebagai mimpi yangbatil karena tidak mengandung makna. Sama halnya dengan mimpi yangmenakutkan dan menyedihkan karena berasal dari setan. Allah Ta’alaberfirman, “Sesungguhnya pembicaraan rahasia itu adalah dari setan,supaya orang-orang yang beriman itu berduka cita, sedangpembicarana itu tiadalah memberi mudharat sedikitpun kepada mereka,kecuali dengan izin Allah dan kepada Allahlah hendaknya orang-orangyang beriman bertawakal.”(al-Mujaadilah: 10) Jika seseorangmengalami mimpi yang tidak disukai, disunnahkan melakukanlimaperbuatan. Yaitu, mengubah posisi tidur, meludah ke kirisebanyak tiga kali, memohon perlindungan kepada Allah dari godaansetan yang terkutuk, bangun dan shalat, dan tidak menceritakanmimpinya kepada siapa pun.The dream is divided intotwo: the dream is true and the vanity. True dream is that peopleexperience when unbalanced psychological state and circumstances asthe weather is characterized by trees bergoyangnyauntil berjatuhannya foliage. A dream that was not preceded bythought and desire for something that later appeared in a dream.Truth dream is not tainted by the events junub and menstruation.The dream that vanity is posed by the whisper of lust, desire, andpassion. Dreams thus can not ditakwilkan. Similarly dream "wet" andanother that requires the dream bath vanity categorized as a dreambecause it contains no meaning. Just as frightening dreams and sadbecause it comes from the devil. Allah the Exalted says, "Surely itis the secret talks of the devil, so that people who believe thatgrieving, it was pembicarana Nor give the slightest harm to them,except with the permission of God and to God should the believersput their trust. "(al-Mujaadilah: 10) If someone has a dream whichis not favored, disunnahkan do limaperbuatan. That is, changingsleeping position, spit to the left three times, seek refuge inAllah from the accursed Satan's temptation, get up and pray, andnot tell his dream to anyone.
Fiqih Islam Lengkap 4.1 APK
Fiqih Islam Lengkap adalah sebuah aplikasiislam berbasis android yang didalamnya membahas secara detail danlengkap tentang fiqih islam. Adapun sebagian materi yang ada disiniitu membahas :1. Tauhid2. Imandan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.Kami juga menyadari bahwa dalam aplikasi ini masih banyakkekurangan, Untuk itu, segala bentuk kritik dan masukan diharapkansekali kepada kami. Apalagi terjadi kesalahan dalam aplikasi ini.Maka anda diharapkan menghubungi kami. Semoga saja aplikasi FiqihIslam Lengkap ini bermanfaat. Jangan lupaMudah-mudahan aplikasi kami yang lain seperti dibawah ini yaitu:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wawan.alquran.AlQuranhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wawan.Khutbah.KhutbahComplete Islamic FiqhIslam is an android-based application in which to discuss in detailand full of Islamic jurisprudence. The majority of material herewas discussed:1. Tawheed2. Faithand many others.We also realize that in these applications are still manyshortcomings, therefore, any form of criticism and input isexpected at all to us. Moreover, there is a mistake in thisapplication. Then you should contact us. Hopefully the Islamic FiqhComplete this application useful. Do not forgetHopefully our other applications such as the following,namely:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wawan.alquran.AlQuranhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wawan.Khutbah.Khutbah
Obat Herbal Tradisional 5.2 APK
Obat herbal telah digunakan oleh 80% penduduk negara berkembang,dan pada tahun 2000 diperkirakan penjualan obat herbal di duniamencapai US $ 60 milyar. Sejak Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO)mendukung gerakan back to nature, di Indonesia terjadi peningkatanindustri obat tradisional bahkan menurut Badan Pengawasan Obat danMakanan (BPOM-RI) sampai tahun 2002 terdapat 1012 industri obattradisional yang memiliki izin usaha industri yang terdiri dari 105industri berskala besar dan 907 industri berskala kecil. Denganmelihat kelimpahan bahan baku obat herbal di Indonesia dan tuntutanmasyarakat akan produk yang aman, manjur dan berkualitas maka perlupembuktian-pembuktian yang nyata melalui penelitian sinergis antaraberbagai disiplin ilmu dan unsur masyarakat.Herbalremedies have been used by 80% of the population of developingcountries, and in 2000 estimated sales of herbal medicines in theworld at U.S. $ 60 billion. Since the World Health Organization(WHO) supports the movement back to nature, there is an increase inIndonesian traditional medicine industry even according to Food andDrug Monitoring Agency (BPOM-RI) until the year 2002 there are 1012traditional drug industry has a business license industryconsisting of 105 industries 907 large-scale and small-scaleindustries. By looking at the abundance of raw materials inIndonesian herbal medicine and public demand products that aresafe, efficacious and quality it is necessary tangible proofsthrough synergistic research between different disciplines andelements of society.
Nama Bayi Islami & Artinya 6.2 APK
Sobat yang akan mendapatkan seorang anak yang memang saat ini diidam-idamkan nya, pasti hal yang terbaik akan sobat berikan kepadaanak tersebut bukan? Nah tidak ketinggalan dengan nama yang memangakan sobat berikan dengan nama terbaik.My friendwho will have a child who is currently in his desire, surely thebest thing to give to the child's friend instead? Well do not missthe name of my friend who is going to give the best name.
Buku Panduan Pramuka 6.3 APK
Sejalan dengan zaman era globalisasi yangsemakin canggih ekstrakulikuler Pramuka kebanyakan para siswa atausiswi, mereka enggan untuk memilih ekstrakulikuler Pramuka sebagaiorganisasi yang mereka pilih, mereka memilih Organisasi Pramuka itumonoton dan tidak asyik. Organisasi Pramuka itu adalah salah satuwadah para siswa atau siswi untuk berkreatifitas sesuai dengankemampuannya dan FAKTA-nya Pramuka adalah Organisasi yang masukseluruh Organisasi seperti : OSIS, PMR, PASKIBRA, CASPALA danlain-lain.Kenapa saya dapat mangatakan demikian, Pramuka adalah Organisasiyang memiliki banyak pelajaran didalamnya, Pramuka mempunyai systemkerja menyusun dan menginferensi Administrasi, Ilmu tentangkesehatan, Ilmu teori dan Praktik baris-berbaris, permainan begituasyik dan perlu digaris bawahi bahwa Organisasi Pramuka sangat eratsekali dengan Alam.In line with theglobalization era of increasingly sophisticated Scouts mostextracurricular student or students, they are reluctant to chooseextracurricular Scouts as an organization they choose, they choosethe Scouting organization monotonous and not fun. The Scoutingorganization is one container of the student or students forcreativity according to his ability and FACT-Scout is theorganization that makes the whole organization such as: studentcouncil, PMR, Paskibra, CASPALA and others.Why I can mangatakan Thus, the Scout is the organization that hasmany lessons in it, Scout has a working system collate andmenginferensi Administration, health science, science theory andpractice marching, the game is so fun and it should be stressedthat the Organization of the Scout very closely with Nature.
Hadits Sunan Abu Dawud English 5.2 APK
Abu Dawud, that he recognized and addressed by the scientificcommunity and the public traditions of Islam. His full name is AbuDawud ibn Sulayman ibn Ishaq al-Ash'ath Bisyri bin Shaddad bin bin'Amr bin' Imron al-Azdi al-Sijistani. He was born in the year 202AD H/817, and died at the age of 73 years, precisely on Friday 14Shawwal 275 H/888 M in the city of Basra, and was buried beside thegrave Sufyan Ats-Thaury.Abu Dawud's reputation soared, after he gained politicallegitimacy and position of the governor of Basra, which means thatyou still caliph Al Muwaffaq, who asked him to become a lecturer inthe city of Basra.Sunan Abu Dawud, can be regarded as a monumental work that is bornfrom the hands of a muhaddits (hadith scholars) in the thirdcentury of Hijra, because this book is not only specificallycollect hadith fiqh (Islamic law), but also in systematic studies,he was an expert the first hadith hadith in order to write the bookof fiqh studies.Abu Dawud,that he recognized companies and addressed by the scientificcommunity and the public traditions of Islam. His full name is AbuDawud ibn Sulayman ibn Ishaq al-Ash'ath Bisyri bin Shaddad bin bin'Amr bin' Imron al-Azdi al-Sijistani. He was born in the year 202AD H/817, and died at the age of 73 years, precisely on Friday 14Shawwal 275 H/888 M in the city of Basra, and was buried beside thegrave Sufyan Ats-Thaury.Abu Dawud's reputation soared, after he Gained politicallegitimacy and position of the governor of Basra, the which meansthat you still caliph Al Muwaffaq, who asked him up to become alecturer in the city of Basra.Sunan Abu Dawud, can be Regarded as a monumental work that is bornfrom the hands of a muhaddits (hadith scholars) in the thirdcentury of Hijra, Because this book is not only speci collecthadith fiqh (Islamic law), but also in systematic studies, he wasan expert the first hadith hadith in order to write the book offiqh studies.