1.10 / February 10, 2017
(4.2/5) (5)


A Jovian moons monitor in the form of a 4x1phone home screen widget, ideal for quick reference and observationplanning.

The widget provides the positions of Io, Europa, Ganymede andCallisto relative to Jupiter, plus Jupiter's central meridian andtime to a next Great Red Spot transit.

The view of the moons can be flipped to accommodate various opticalconfigurations.

After installation, a splash comes up with instructions and anAbout button. Please appreciate that widgets cannot be moved toexternal memory card.


App Information Jupiter Widget

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Planisphere 1.14 APK
THIS APP WILL BE DISCONTINUED SHORTLY.If you own a tablet, please consider the applications "Solunaero"or "AsteriaCoeli" or "Sky Atlas for Tablets", all of which includea planisphere. For small phones see "Solunar"Planisphere computes and plots the local sky in real-time or fora fixed date.The sky view is updated every 4 minutes which is roughly equivalentto a sky motion of 1 degree.ESSENTIAL FEATURES- Stars plotted in spectral colors- Stars up to magnitude 5- Constellation lines- Positions of sun and moon- Positions of the planets- Compass- Solar system ephemerides- Night and daytime view modes- Sidereal time display- Sun rise and set times- Twilight times, daylight durtion- Moon rise and set times- Moon phase image- Time inc/dec in 30 min intervals- Save planisphere image to microSD- Day/night terminator map, plus 3D Earth globe- Relative positions of Sun-Earth-Moon trio- GPS-enabled or manual input- No internet connection required- Runs in full-screen portrait mode- Clean, intuitive interface, thus simple operation- Help in Menu/Settingsご購入をお考えのお客様へ、本アプリーに関するご質問は日本語でもお受けしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。BEFORE YOU PURCHASE:Galaxy Precident SCH-M828C and similarly small phones notsupported.1. This application is designed for phones and is tested onlywith a 10inch tablet.2. Please be so kind as to send a report preferably with screensnap should you encounter any layout issues.3. This application requires Android 2.2 or higher and a displaywhich is to the Android standard.4. This application operates in portrait mode only.5. Please contact the author, if you have any pre-salesquestions.
Moon Watcher 1.09 APK
Moon Watcher is for those who prefer simplesoftware with essential information on a single screen.Moon Watcher is designed in favorable balance of functionalityand simplicity while eliminating need for network or GPSpermissions for which reason location parameters are enteredmanually.Moon Watcher computes rise, set and transit times as well asephemeris data for the moon and shows the phase in the form of abeautifully rendered 3D globe which can be rotated freely inExplorer mode.In real-time mode the application updates every 5 seconds. Timecan be shifted forth and back in 1 hour or 1 day intervals. Usebuttons for hour intervals and swipe over the moon for dayintervals.Moon phase display embraces both, the northern and the southernhemisphere.This software is NOT intended for military, religion, astrology,horoscopes, superstition, etc. DO NOT RELY ON THIS SOFTWARE DURINGCRITICAL SITUATIONS.Use of this application provides basic knowledge of astronomy.Before you rate 1 star and describe the app as junk: the moon won'tshow up at New Moon!ご購入をお考えのお客様へ、本アプリーに関するご質問は日本語でもお受けしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。BEFORE YOU PURCHASE:1. Please be so kind as to send a report preferably with screensnaps should you encounter any layout issues.2. This application requires Android 2.2 or higher and a displaywhich is to the Android standard.3. Please contact the author, if you have any pre-salesquestions.
BigGPS 1.02 APK
BigGPS is a software mobile odometer relyingon your device's GPS module. This application is best for use ontrains and ships. When using in moving vehicles be sure to pay fullattention to traffic and terrain. Make yourself familiar with thisapplication while walking. No responsibility assumed whatsoever.Use entirely at your own risk - responsibly and safely!Use of BigGPS requires familiarity with your device and the useof GPS. If in doubt, please refrain from purchasing thissoftware.Rather than a high-tech glossy design this application istailored to simplicity without burdens and large fonts for bestreadability.This application provides data as accurate as the GPS unit inyour device and will not work in obstructed areas. It can take afew minutes from start-up for GPS to get valid fixes (depending onthe device).The compass automatically compensates for magnetic declination.Be sure to calibrate the compass in accordance with your device'susers' manual.As obtained from GPS, speed and course are available only whenthe device is in motion. Note that most devices do not containtemperature, air pressure and humidity sensors for weatherdata.The use of GPS increases device power consumption. It isrecommended to provide an external power supply cable appropriatefor your device. GPS listening is disabled when the applicationruns in the background. However, you need to switch GPS off in yourdevice settings in order to cut it from the power drain.As BigGPS is launched the device will be kept alive, i.e, thescreen will not assume standby mode and darkness while the mainscreen is running in foreground. When BigGPS is paused (background)or exited the original device status will be resumed.Essential Features* Provided parameters:- Speed (km/h or mi/h)- Course (compass)- Altitude (m/ft)- Local GPS Time- Magnetic field strength- Magnetic declination- Temperature, air pressure and humidity (if supported bydevice)- Geographical coordinates* Altitude offset* Speed limit sound alert* GPS accuracy indicator* Metric and imperial units* Adjustable font size* Homing function* Waypoint recording into KML* Map view of position (when online)* Rise & set times for Sun and Moon* Moon age and phase* Works in portrait mode only* Prevents the device from sleeping* Bundled helpThis application raises INTERNET permission for the only purposeof showing Help in the browser and for the Map view. BigGPS doesnot transmit any data out of the device.BEFORE YOU PURCHASE:This application is believed to be reliable and accurate, however,errors inherent to the human factor or operating systemimplementation cannot be ruled out entirely.Please send the author an email in case you encounter issuesregarding display and / or functions.1. Please make most efficient use of Google Play's narrow refundwindow.2. Please contact the author by email, if you have anypre-sales questions.Japanese: ご購入をお考えのお客様へ、本アプリーに関するご質問は日本語でもお受けしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。
Rosetta Monitor 1.04 APK
"Rosetta Monitor" is software followingESA'sRosetta spacecraft escorting the comet 67P during itsjourneythrough the solar system. The comet will reach closestapproach(perihelion) to the sun in August 2015 as the missioncontinuesuntil December 2015. Since its arrival at the cometRosetta hasreturned stunning, never-seen-before, images of thecomet'snucleus.The application bundles a detailed star chart and aninteractiveplanisphere to show the location of 67P in real-time ortimeshifted.Essential Features* Mission-elapsed-time counter* Time-since-arrival counter* Time-to-perihelon counter* Current velocity and distance* Comet 67P ephemerides, real-time and date selectable* Comet position centered on detailed star chart* Comet rise, set, transit, etc.* Ephemeris table* Mission timeline* Planisphere with major comets, incl. 67P* Downloads DSS image centered on 67P* Comet photo gallery (Credit ESA)* Rosetta quizINTERNET permission is raised for viewing HTML files anddownloadof DSS images.The data in your device is not compromised in any way!WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for saving star charts andplanispherecharts.ご購入をお考えのお客様へ、本アプリーに関するご質問は日本語でもお受けしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。BEFORE YOU PURCHASEGalaxy Precident Model SCH-M828C and other QVGA devicesnotsupported.Both phones with hi-res screens and tablets supported.This application runs in landscape mode and is written inEnglishonly.Please contact the developer with pre-sales questions, ifindoubt.
Waiting for Ceres 1.08 APK
"Waiting for Ceres" is software for those whocan't wait for the first hi-res images from Ceres' surface expectedto be received from NASA's spacecraft Dawn in 2015.Well, this app won't shorten the time until then, but provideyou with current information about the craft's flight to theAsteroid Belt, news updates, information, Ceres and Vestaephemerides (selectable date), plus an expandable Ceres Quiz.The dwarf-planet Ceres is 13 times smaller than Earth orbitingin the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, nearer to Mars,though.NASA's spacecraft Dawn which successfully explored the largestknown asteroid Vesta is currently enroute to Ceres, ETA spring2015. Since early 2014, astronomers found reason to assume thatCeres harbors an underground ocean, perhaps about 100km thick,containing more water than on Earth. - if this model is true. TheDawn spacecraft may return finer details next year.To date, NASA has not published exact date and time of arrival,in that the counter will require adjustment as new details fromNASA check in.INTERNET permission is raised because the app downloads updatedinformation.The data in your device is not compromised in any way!WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE as downloaded data is temporarilystored.ご購入をお考えのお客様へ、本アプリーに関するご質問は日本語でもお受けしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。BEFORE YOU PURCHASEGalaxy Precident Model SCH-M828C and other QVGA devices notsupported.Both phones and tablets supported, best experience withtablets.This application runs in landscape mode and is written in Englishonly.Your device, phone or tablet, must be designed to the Androidstandard.Refunds will be issued against proof of application failure anddev's inability to provide a fix.Please contact the developer with pre-sales questions, if indoubt.
Comet Watcher 1.27 APK
Comet Watcher is software for the purpose offollowing comets currently of interest, C/2011 L4 (Panstarrs),C/2012 F6 (Lemmon), C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring), C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy),C/2012 X1 (LINEAR), C/2013 V3 (Nevski), 2P/Encke, 154P/Brewington,C/2014 E2 (Jacques) and 67P. Further comets can be added uponrequest.The application is really simple software. Acquire your locationwith GPS or enter your coordinates manually. Then, select a cometof your interest and watch its data, which includes rise, set,transit, altitude, azimuth, hour angle, ephemerides and the orbitalelements used for the calculation.Data is updated every 5 seconds. An image (artist's concept) ofa comet shows the position angle of the tail. Length and brightnesscannot be predicted with sufficient confidence. Tap on the image totoggle equatorial and horizontal views.Comet Watcher operates in both, portrait and landscape modes. Itis designed in particular for small phones running Android 2 andlower and comes with a WIDGET since version 1.17!A more detailed and powerful comet application is available as'Comet Monitor' for Android 2 and higher. For tablets, please lookfor 'Comet Monitor'.ご購入をお考えのお客様へ、本アプリーに関するご質問は日本語でもお受けしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。
Waiting for Pluto 1.19 APK
"Waiting for Pluto" is software for those whocan't wait for the first hi-res images from Pluto's surfaceexpected to be received from NASA's spacecraft New Horizons in July2015.Well, this app won't shorten the time until then, but provideyou with current information about the craft's flight to the KuiperBelt, news updates, information about the Pluto system and currentPluto ephemerides, plus a Pluto Quiz.This application will be updated and expanded as new informationchecks in. The application will run on phones, but will look ratherjammed. This application is best viewed with tablets.* Mission elapsed time* Countdown to operations begin* Countdown to closest approach* Remaining distance, etc* Updated current position of NH.* News Update* Scientific Payload* Pluto System Graph* Pluto ephemerides for Now and at closest approachINTERNET permission is raised because the app downloads updatedinformation.The data in your device is not compromised in any way!ご購入をお考えのお客様へ、本アプリーに関するご質問は日本語でもお受けしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。BEFORE YOU PURCHASEGalaxy Precident Model SCH-M828C and other QVGA devices notsupported.Best viewed on tablets with displays made to the Androidstandard.7 inch tablets 600 pixels tall in landscape mode not (yet)supported. Same for all 16:9 screens.This application runs in landscape mode and is written in Englishonly.Refunds will be issued against proof of application failure anddevs inability to provide a fix.Please contact the developer with pre-sales questions, if indoubt.
Jupiter Widget 1.10 APK
A Jovian moons monitor in the form of a 4x1phone home screen widget, ideal for quick reference and observationplanning.The widget provides the positions of Io, Europa, Ganymede andCallisto relative to Jupiter, plus Jupiter's central meridian andtime to a next Great Red Spot transit.The view of the moons can be flipped to accommodate various opticalconfigurations.After installation, a splash comes up with instructions and anAbout button. Please appreciate that widgets cannot be moved toexternal memory card.ご購入をお考えのお客様へ、本アプリーに関するご質問は日本語でもお受けしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。