1.1 / March 14, 2017
(4.6/5) (12)


Think how embarrassing it is that you havestarted taking salat with Jamaat and your device ringtone startedloudly. Keep your device silent when you enter masjid or your timeof prayer / salat or in meeting.

Set the 5 Wakt / prayer-time or specific time for meeting in theapp when you wish not to hear any ringtone. Also put the durationof silence mode.

# Automated silent your device.
# Automated switch back on normal tone again.
# Easy interface for meeting silence

You must keep this app to your device Apps active in standbymode.

App Information Masjid Mode

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Quran in Swahili 1.5 APK
TopOfStack Apps
Hafizi Quran and swahili translation.Search and topics Swahili.Qari audio recitation.
Tasbih ( তাসবিহ ) 3.4 APK
TopOfStack Apps
স্মার্ট ফোন কে তাসবিহ হিসাবে বাবহার করি। আল্লাহ তায়লার জিকির এরজন্য সময় ফারেগ করি. এই আপ্প এ তসবিহে ফাতেমী (সুবহানাল্লাহ ,আলহামদুলিল্লাহ , আল্লাহু আকবার ) ৩৩ বার করে পরার জন্য একটা উপকারীটুল. এছাড়াও কালিমা , সুবহানাল্লাহি ও বিহামদিহি , দুরুদ , লা হাওলাঅ'লা কুয়াতা ইল্লা বিল্লাহ , ইস্তেগফার , দু'আ ইউনুস ইত্যাদি সংখ্যাহিসাবে দেওয়া আছে. নতুন তসবিহ যোগ করা বা আগের তসবিহ সংখ্যাপরিবর্তনের সুযোগ আছে। আবরী মাসের বিভিন্ন জরুরি ইসলামিক দিন লিপিদিয়া আছে। Misbaha (مسبحة) or subḥah(سبحة) in arabic. Tasbih (تسبيح)in persian & Urdu, tespih (Albanian, Turkish and Bosnian),rosary in English Counter of Zikr or wazifa or dhikr. Auto counteach wazifa , dhikr, tasbih. ولذكر ٱلله أڪبر "The remembrance ofAllah (swt) is the greatest (deed)" Quran (Surah 29 Ankaboot: Verse45) You can complete Tasbih of Fatima using it or any other wazifayou have. Key features : -- Below 8 Tasbih so far included withmeaning & transliteration and each tasbih count autosave -- Youcan find nearest mosque from your current location. -- You findspecial days of islam like Ramadan, Hajj etc. Kalimah Tayyibah : لاإله إلا الله محمد رسول الله (lā ilāha illā llāhu muḥammadur rasūlullāh ) The Tasbeeh of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (r) : سبحان الله(Subhan'Allah) الحمد لله (Alhamdulillah) الله أَكْبَر (Allahuakbar)Durood ( الصلاة على النبي‎ ) : اللهم صلي علاء محمد ( AllaahummaSolli Alaa MuHammad) Ḥawqala (الحوقلة‎) لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله(Lahawla wa la quwwata illa billah ) Rizq (رزق) of all creature :سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم (Subhaan-Allahi wa bihamdihiSubhaan-Allahil-Azhim) Istighfar (استغفار‎ ): أستغفر الله‎ (Astagfirullah ) *********************** Don't make delay,make yourtime valuable by Zikr of Allah Subhana-o-taila.
Kur'ani në Shqip 1.7 APK
TopOfStack Apps
Assalamu alaikum për të gjithë. A e lexon Kur'anin e Shenjtë Sharifrregullisht? Në qoftë se kjo është po, atëherë ne jemi këtu përt'ju ndihmuar recituar Kuranin e Majid mënyrë më të përshtatshme.Ju mund të merrni të gjithë Kur'anin Sharif në aplikimin tonëAl-Kur'an shqiptar. lexuesit e interesuar mund të hyni në këtëkërkesë me vetëm disa prek që do të ndihmojnë ata të shtojë mëshumë prirje për të Kur'anit. Ne jemi tani duke çuar jetë ingarkuar që ndonjëherë ne nuk mund të mbajnë të shenjtë Kur'anitMazeed në qese tonë të vogël. Në këtë rast, në qoftë se ne keminevojë për ndonjë ajetet e Kuranit në çdo moment, atëherë të mesëmose diçka të mesme e Kur'anit ne kemi nevojë, që mund të mbajë tërëKuranin e shenjtë në trup. Ju mund të përdorni vetëm këtë kërkesëpër të çrrënjosur këtë lloj vështirësie. Kjo është se si kjokërkesë mund të ju ndihmojë. Çdo njëri e di se, nuk janëkrejtësisht të 6236 ajetet në Al-Kuran dhe një lexues do të marrëdhjetë sawab për një shkronjë të Kur'anit. Recitimi i Kur'anit tëshenjtë Sharif: "Nuk ka dyshim se Kur'ani Sharif është e mirëudhërrëfyes në këtë botë". Al-Quran kërkesa jonë shqiptare mbanmënyra si formë të librit të Kur'anit Majeed mban veten. Pra, njëlexues nuk mund të përballen me ndonjë problem në kohën erecitimit. Për këtë arsye, me nder dhe respekt, ju mund të mbaniatë leximit nëpërmjet aplikimit tonë Al-Quran shqiptare si si si julexoni librin e Kur'anit Sharif para. Karakteristika : 1. Kërko ngaSurja 2. Kërko nga tema / fjalës 3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz &Sura List) 4. Luaj varg audio nga vargu 5. Luaj audio 6. Bookmarkayat / Ajeti 7. Share ayat / Ajeti 8. Tre recitues audio shtuar -Abdullah Ali Jaber - Maher Al-Muaiqly - Abdul Rahman Al-SudaisAssalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharifregularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quranmajid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif inour Al-Quran Albanian application. Interested readers may accessthis application with just a few touches that will help them addmore inclination to Quran. We are now leading busiest life thatsometimes we can not carry holy Quran Mazeed in our tiny bag. Inthis circumstance, if we need any ayat of Quran at any moment, thenthe medium or something like the medium of Quran we need, that canhold the whole holy Quran in a body. You can just use thisapplication to eradicate this kind of difficulty. This is how thisapplication can help you. Every one knows that, there are totally6236 ayats in Al-Quran and a reader will get ten sawab for oneletter of Quran. Recitation of the holy Quran Sharif: "There is nodoubt that Quran Sharif is the best guide in this world". OurAl-Quran Albanian application maintains the way like the book formof Quran majeed maintains itself. So a reader might not face anyproblem in the time of recitation. Hence, with honour and respect,you can keep it reading through our Al-Quran Albanian applicationas like as you read the book of Quran Sharif before. Features : 1.Search by Sura 2. Search by Topic/word 3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz& Sura List) 4. Play audio verse by verse 5. Play audio 6.Bookmark ayat / verse 7. Share ayat / verse 8. Three reciters audioadded - Abdullah Ali Jaber
Коран на русском языке 1.9 APK
TopOfStack Apps
Assalamu алейкум всем. Есть ли читать Священный Коран Маджидрегулярно? Если это да, то мы здесь, чтобы помочь вам читать КоранМаджид более удобный способ. Вы можете получить всю Коран Шариф внашем Священном Коране российской заявке. Заинтересованные читателимогут получить доступ к этим приложением с помощью несколькихприкосновений, которые помогут им добавить больше склонность кКорану. Мы сейчас ведущим оживленных жизнь, что иногда мы не можемнести Священный Коран mazeed в нашей крошечной сумке. В этомобстоятельстве, если нам нужно любой аят Корана в любой момент, тосреда или что-то вроде среде Корана мы должны, который можетсодержать всю священного Корана в теле. Вы можете простоиспользовать это приложение, чтобы уничтожить этот вид трудности.Это, как это приложение может помочь вам. Каждый знает, что Естьсовершенно 6236 аяты Аль-Коран и читатель получит десять Саваб дляодной буквы Корана. Чтение Священного Корана Шариф: "Существует нетсомнений, что Коран Шариф является лучшим проводником в этом мире".Наша Аль-Коран России применение ведет путь, как книги виде КоранМаджид поддерживает себя. Таким образом, читатель может не никакихпроблем во время декламации. Следовательно, с почетом и уважением,вы можете сохранить его прочтения этой российской заявки Коранапохожи как вы читаете книгу Коран Шариф раньше. С этой исламскойкниги приложение, вы получаете Хафизи Коран с реальным стрскручивание опыта. Это не просто текстовый приложение, это аудиоприложения Коран. Вы можете слушать telwat Корана непрерывно аяты(требуется подключение к Интернету). Вы можете искать слова илитему в России на это приложение Android Корана. Закладка аят / стихвам нравится / цитата. Поделитесь аят / стих выхотите.

Особенности : 1. Коран означает на русском языке для 7переводчиков, - Абу Адель - Эльмир Кулиев - Игнатий ЮлиановичКрачковский - Министерство вакуфов, Египет - Магомед-Нури ОсмановОсмановичу - В. Пороховой - Горди Семенович Саблуков 2 .. Поиск поSura3. Поиск по темам / word4. Хафизи Коран (Para / Juz &Список Сура) 5. Играть аудио стих за verse6. Закладка аят / verse7.Доля аят / verse8. 5. Слушайте quran популярными читателями a)Sheikh Ali Jaber b) Abdur Rahman as Sudais c) Maher al Muaiqly d)Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy
Dua دعا 2.2 APK
TopOfStack Apps
Everyday life, with the prayers of the Quran, the Hadith andistighfar other popular saying Dua doorud Audio, meaning &pronunciation for Urdu users in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh &urdu speakers all around the world. Dua on the following topics: 1.Imaniyata 2. Daily Dua & istighfar (sleep, dinner, clothes,plug-turn, toilet, seen-before, transactions, markets, tour) 3.Family, marriage, house-related 4. In danger situation, illness,fear, storm and rain, buried on 5. Dua, Istighfar, Rabbana,Allahumma 6. All the prayers related Dua (Takbeer taharima, Sanaa,strong, bow, glorification, kaoma, jalsa, prostration, Tashahhud,peace, pray masuraha estekhara, funeral, salatula prisons, glorifySalaat) 7. Ramadan related Dua (Chad, sehari, Iftar) 8. The QuranHajj related Dua (talabiyaha, Hazare Aswad, circumambulating,Zamzam, Safa and Marwa, Arafah, sacrifice, grit die) 9. AllIstighfar & Dua for Eid occasion All of Dua collected from theQur'an and hadith & from a reliable medium. Edited by scholarsof Haqqani madrasas & corrected pronunciation recorded by Hafezof the Quran.
Quran Hausa 1.5 APK
TopOfStack Apps
Assalamu Alaikum ga kowa da kowa. Shin, ba ka karanta Alkur'ani maigirma Sharif a kai a kai? Idan yana da a, to, muna nan ya taimakeka karanta Quran majid more dace hanya. Za ka iya samun dukan QuranSharif a cikin Al-Quran Hausa aikace-aikace. Sha'awar masu karatuiya samun damar wannan aikace-aikacen da kawai 'yan shãfe da za sutaimake su ƙara ƙarin karkata zuwa ga Quran. Muna yanzu manyanbusiest rai cewa, wani lokacin ba za mu iya gudanar da wani m QuranMazeed a cikin kankanin jakar. A cikin wannan shã'aninku, idan munabukatar wani Ayat na Quran a kowane lokaci, sa'an nan kumamatsakaici ko wani abu kamar matsakaici na Quran muna bukatar,wanda zai iya riƙe dukan mai tsarki Quran a jiki. Za ka iya kawaiamfani da wannan aikace-aikace don kauda irin wannan wahala. Wannanshi ne yadda wannan aikace-aikace zai taimake ka. Kowane wanda yasan cewa, akwai kaucewa 6236 ãyõyin a cikin Al-Quran, kuma maikaratu zai samu goma Sawab daya wasika daga Alqur'ani. KaratunAlqur'ani Sharif: "Babu shakka cewa Quran Sharif ne mafi shiryarwaa cikin wannan duniya". Our Al-Quran Hausa aikace-aikace kulahanyar kamar littafin nau'i na Quran Majeed kula da kanta. To maikaratu zai ba fuskanci wata matsala a lokacin karatun. Saboda haka,da girma, da daraja, ba za ka iya ci gaba da shi karanta ta hanyarmu Al-Quran Hausa aikace-aikace kamar yadda kamar yadda ka karantalittafin Quran Sharif da. Features: 1. Search da Sura 2. Search daTopic / kalma 3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz & Sura List) 4. Playaudio aya da aya 5. Play audio 6. Bookmark Ayat / ayar 7. ShareAyat / ayar 8. Three karatun audio kara - Abdullah Ali Jaber -Maher Al-Muaiqly - Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais Assalamu alaikum toeveryone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharif regularly? If it’syes, then we are here to help you reciting Quran majid moreconvenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif in our Al-QuranHausa application. Interested readers may access this applicationwith just a few touches that will help them add more inclination toQuran. We are now leading busiest life that sometimes we can notcarry holy Quran Mazeed in our tiny bag. In this circumstance, ifwe need any ayat of Quran at any moment, then the medium orsomething like the medium of Quran we need, that can hold the wholeholy Quran in a body. You can just use this application toeradicate this kind of difficulty. This is how this application canhelp you. Every one knows that, there are totally 6236 ayats inAl-Quran and a reader will get ten sawab for one letter of Quran.Recitation of the holy Quran Sharif: "There is no doubt that QuranSharif is the best guide in this world". Our Al-Quran Hausaapplication maintains the way like the book form of Quran majeedmaintains itself. So a reader might not face any problem in thetime of recitation. Hence, with honour and respect, you can keep itreading through our Al-Quran Hausa application as like as you readthe book of Quran Sharif before. Features : 1. Search by Sura 2.Search by Topic/word 3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz & Sura List)4. Play audio verse by verse 5. Play audio 6. Bookmark ayat / verse7. Share ayat / verse 8. Three reciters audio added - Abdullah AliJaber - Maher Al-Muaiqly - Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
Word Master 1.6 APK
TopOfStack Apps
Fill in the blank -- word game! Good exercise for your vocabulary.
Quran Uyghur 1.5 APK
TopOfStack Apps
Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the Holy Quran Sharifregularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting Quranmajid more convenient way. You can get the whole Quran Sharif inour Al-Quran Uyghur application. Interested readers may access thisapplication with just a few touches that will help them add moreinclination to Quran. We are now leading busiest life thatsometimes we can not carry holy Quran Mazeed in our tiny bag. Inthis circumstance, if we need any ayat of Quran at any moment, thenthe medium or something like the medium of Quran we need, that canhold the whole holy Quran in a body. You can just use thisapplication to eradicate this kind of difficulty. This is how thisapplication can help you. Every one knows that, there are totally6236 ayats in Al-Quran and a reader will get ten sawab for oneletter of Quran. Recitation of the holy Quran Sharif: "There is nodoubt that Quran Sharif is the best guide in this world". OurAl-Quran Uyghur application maintains the way like the book form ofQuran majeed maintains itself. So a reader might not face anyproblem in the time of recitation. Hence, with honour and respect,you can keep it reading through our Al-Quran Uyghur application aslike as you read the book of Quran Sharif before. Features : 1.Search by Sura 2. Search by Topic/word 3. Hafizi quran (Para / Juz& Sura List) 4. Play audio verse by verse 5. Play audio 6.Bookmark ayat / verse 7. Share ayat / verse 8. Three reciters audioadded - Abdullah Ali Jaber - Maher Al-Muaiqly - Abdul RahmanAl-Sudais السلام عليكم للجميع. هل يقرأ القرآن الكريم شريف بانتظام؟اذا كان الجواب نعم، ثم نحن هنا لمساعدتك على تلاوة القرآن المجيدسيلة أكثر ملاءمة. يمكنك الحصول على كامل القرآن الكريم شريف في طلبناآل القرآن الأويغور. القراء المهتمين يمكنهم الوصول إلى هذا التطبيقمع عدد قليل من اللمسات التي تساعدهم على إضافة المزيد من الميل إلىالقرآن. ونحن الآن الرائدة ازدحاما الحياة أنه في بعض الأحيان لايمكننا تحمل المقدس القرآن Mazeed في حقيبة صغيرة لدينا. في هذاالظرف، إذا كنا بحاجة إلى أي آية من القرآن في أي لحظة، ثم المتوسطةأو شيء من هذا القبيل وسيلة القرآن نحتاج إليه، والتي يمكن أن تعقدالمقدس القرآن كله في الجسم. يمكنك فقط استخدام هذا التطبيق من أجلالقضاء على هذا النوع من الصعوبة. هذا هو كيف يمكن لهذا التطبيق يمكنأن تساعدك. كل واحد يعرف أن هناك تماما 6236 الآيات في آل القرآن وسوفقارئ الحصول على عشرة sawab عن حرف واحد من القرآن الكريم. تلاوةالقرآن الكريم شريف: "ليس هناك شك في أن القرآن الشريف هو أفضل دليلفي هذا العالم". يحافظ على طلبنا آل القرآن اليوغور الطريق مثل شكلكتاب القرآن المجيد تحتفظ نفسها. ولذلك فإن القارئ قد لا يواجه أيمشكلة في الوقت التلاوة. وبالتالي، بشرف واحترام، يمكنك الاحتفاظ بهامن خلال القراءة لدينا تطبيق آل القرآن اليوغور كما مثل وأنت تقرأالكتاب من القرآن الشريف من قبل. ميزات : 1. البحث عن طريق سورة 2.البحث حسب الموضوع / كلمة 3. Hafizi القرآن الكريم (الفقرة / الجوزوقائمة سورة) 4. لعب الآية الصوتية التي كتبها آية 5. تشغيل الصوت 6.احفظ الآيات / الآية 7. حصة الآيات / الآية 8. ثلاثة قراء وأضاف الصوت- عبد الله علي جابر - ماهر Muaiqly - عبد الرحمن السديس