0.9.6 / August 18, 2016
(3.3/5) (9)


Covers updates to PMP Exam 2016 introducedin2016.

PMP Trainer is your personal trainer on your smart phone.Ithelps you prepare for the Project Management Professional examwithautomatically planned schedule. You answer hundreds ofquestions ofall PMBOK Guide knowledge areas and you monitor yourprogress overtime.

PMP Traines applies simple philosophy: small steps a day,andevery day. You answer automatically generated set of questionseachday. The applications analyze your progress and suggestsquestionsof areas requiring improvement.

You do not need to online to use it. You can just downloadallthe content to your mobile device along with application andyoucan use it even if you offline.

- Over 800 PMP (Project Management Professional) and CAPM(CertifiedAssociate in Project Management) mock examquestions
- Tests similar to the real PMP exam environment
- Automatic trainer measuring progress and assembling testseverydayto achieve set learning objective
- Manual selection of knowledge areas to be tested
- Questions prepared by certified PMP, PgMP, andPMI-ACPholder
- Over 20 hours of learning
- Application prepared by award winning company (PMI Awards in2007,2009, 2010, 2013, 2014)
- Explanations of most questions
- All content available offline
- Reporting knowledge level over time
- Reporting knowledge level by knowledge areas
- Reading questions and explanations

The application is consistent with PMBOK Guide the 5thedition.It contains test questions on the level of CAPM andPMPcertificate. PMP Trainer application can also be helpful withPgMPexams, where knowledge of PMBOK Guide is required.

The questions are prepared by authors with PhD inmanagement,PMP, PgMP, PMI-ACP certified project managementpractitioners.

Publisher of this app, Octigo, received global PMI Awardsin2007, 2009, 2010, 2013, and 2014 for project managementtrainings,including PMP preparation training - Colosseum.

20 hours of learning was calculated this way:
- 800 questions - a minute each for solving and half a minuteforanalyzing explanation,

If you have any opinions, please send use-mail:szkolenia@octigo.pl.

App Information PMP Trainer

  • App Name
    PMP Trainer
  • 包名
  • 发布日期
    August 18, 2016
  • 文件大小
  • 系统要求
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • 版本
  • 开发者
    Octigo Project Management PMP
  • 安装
    100 - 500
  • 价钱
  • 分类
  • 开发者
    Visit website Email szkolenia@octigo.pl
    ul. Redycka 38/1 51-169 Wrocław Poland
  • Google Play Link

Octigo Project Management PMP 更多...

PMP Step by Step 1.2 APK
PMP Step by Step application helps you prepare for the ProjectManagement Professional exam with small steps. You solve one testafter another of all PMBOK Guide knowledge areas, and step by stepyou develop your competencies.It is the only PMP prep application which measures your progressin a clear way to motivate you to learn systematically. Theapplication follows natural learning process adopted by successfulPMP holders.Our customers say in reviews:"Awesome application. Its really helpful those who are preparingfor PMP. One word to describe this app is simply awesome.""Great app Finally found an app that I enjoy learning from!!""Tried many apps this is Outstanding Must have for studying forPMP""Good Teaching Aid in your Palm. Easy to understand style andquestions are tough but situational based - very good."You do not need to have internet connection to use it. You justdownload all the content to your mobile device and use it even whenyou offline.REMEMBER TO SYNCHRONIZE THE LATEST CONTENT AFTERINSTALLATION.The application implements learning strategy validated bynumerous PMP holders:Step 1. Learn chosen knowledge area of PMBOK GuideStep 2. Measure your competence with mock examStep 3. Write down your progressStep 4. Repeat the test or choose another knowledge areaStep 5. Do it until you reach 80%-90% in each knowledge area ofPMBOK GuideStep 6. From time to time download new content when it is available(the application will notify when new content is available)How to use it:1. Launch the first test - "PRETEST" and answer allquestions.2. Check your initial knowledge level in Statistics (in the sidemenu).3. Move on to next tests in all knowledge areas of PMBOKGuide.4. Regularly check how your knowledge level increases in Statisticsuntil you reach at least 65%.5. Synchronize the content with our server from time to time (inthe side menu) to get the most up-to-date questions andarticles.Features:- Over 600 PMP (Project Management Professional) and CAPM(Certified Associate in Project Management) mock examquestions- Tests similar to the real PMP exam environment- Questions prepared by certified PMP, PgMP, and PMI-ACPholder- Over 20 hours of learning- Application prepared by award winning company (PMI Awards in2007, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014)- Explanations of each question- Over 50 articles- Clear path of learning- All content available offline (it can be synchronized when youare online)- Dozens of articles about PMI standard - PMBOK Guide- Reporting knowledge level over time- Reporting knowledge level by knowledge areas- Automatic update of current content from our server- Adding and browsing favourite tests and articles- Presentation of knowledge areas on interactive diagramThe application is consistent with PMBOK Guide the 5th edition.It contains test questions on the level of CAPM and PMPcertificate. PMP Exam Step by Step application can also be helpfulwith PgMP exams, where knowledge of PMBOK Guide is required.The questions are prepared by authors with PhD in management,PMP, PgMP, PMI-ACP certified project management practitioners.Publisher of this app, Octigo received global PMI Awards in2007, 2009, 2010, 2013, and 2014 for project management trainings,including PMP preparation training - Colosseum.20 hours of learning was calculated this way:- 600 questions - a minute each for solving and 0.5 minute foranalyzing explanation,- 60 articles - 5 minutes each.If you have any opinions, please send us e-mail: szkolenia@octigo.plPlease note, if you have problems downloading purchased content,check if you have enough free space on your device.
Movie Quiz 1.2 APK
Movie Quiz is an innovative trivia quiz game!Guess who played in presented movies or in what movie presentedactors met!Movie Quiz will test you knowledge of movie stars. It is anenjoyable game in which you guess the name of movie stars or thename of movies.Features:* Answering questions about movies stars* Unique approach to test knowledge* Limited time to answer* Fully designed for mobile interface* One time Install, no further internet connectivity needed* Gamification components increasing involvement
BABOK Quattro Quiz is a quiz helping testknowledge required on the CCBA and CBAP certification. It allows toprepare for the CCBA and CBAP credential - based on BABOK Guide.How does it work? Answer the questions as fast as possible toearn maximum points. The longer you wait, the more hints you getbut receive less points.Earn 100% of the points and pass your CCBA exam.Features:* Over 200 CCBA, CBAP exam questions* Unique approach to test BABOK knowledge by asking about terms,inputs, outputs, processes and tools* Limited time to answer* Fully designed for mobile interface* Harder than real CCBA exam* One time Install, no further internet connectivity needed* Important benchmark for your CCBA and CBAP exam-readiness* Gamification components increasing involvementCheck also our trainings on www.octigo.net.CCBA®, CBAP® and BABOK® are trademarks of the IIBA, Inc.
IPMA Student 1.0.7 APK
Aplikacja IPMA Student oferuje studentom iuczelniom prowadzącym zajęcia z zakresu zarządzania projektamipomoc w przygotowaniach do certyfikacji IPMA-Student. Aplikacjaudostępnia wszystkie niezbędne informacje nt. programu certyfikacjiIPMA-Student, który prowadzony jest przez IPMA Polska we współpracyz akredytowanymi uczelniami wyższymi. Oprócz informacji nt. założeńi organizacji procesu certyfikacji IPMA-Student, aplikacjaprzedstawia szczegółowo wymagania kompetencyjne IPMA-Student wformacie elementów kompetencji oraz efektów kształcenia. W celuwstępnego zweryfikowania wiedzy udostępnione są quizy dotycząceposzczególnych obszarów kompetencji, zgodne co do zakresu, formy ipoziomu trudności z pytaniami na oryginalnym egzaminiecertyfikacyjnym IPMA-Student. Po zakończeniu testów udostępnianajest informacja zwrotna o wyniku quizu z komentarzem nt. poprawnychodpowiedzi.Student IPMA applicationoffers students and universities conducting courses on projectmanagement assistance in preparing for the certification of IPMA-Astudent. The application provides all the necessary information onthe certification program IPMA-A student who is driven by IPMAPoland in cooperation with accredited universities. In addition toinformation on the objectives and organization of the certificationprocess IPMA-A student, the application shows a detailed competencyrequirements IPMA-student format elements competencies and learningoutcomes. In order to verify the pre-knowledge quizzes areavailable on specific areas of competence, agree on the scope, formand level of difficulty of the questions on the originalcertification exam IPMA-A student. After testing, the feedback ismade available as a result of the quiz with a comment about thecorrect answers.
Moderator - szkolenia 1.3 APK
Sprawdź, czy wiesz, co jest mitem, a co faktemw szkoleniach biznesowych! Co naprawdę podnosi efektywność szkoleń,a co jedynie jest utartym stereotypem?Nowoczesny poradnik trenera szkoleń biznesowych.MODERATOR Szkolenia oparte na dowodach to aplikacja dedykowanadla osób prowadzących różnego rodzaju formy edukacyjne dla biznesu.Adresatem wiedzy zawartej w aplikacji jest każdy trener, coach,facylitator, menadżer, czy specjalista pracujący nad rozwojem wobszarze biznesu.Bezpłatna wersja aplikacji zawiera 95 obszernych artykułówpodzielonych na kategoria merytoryczne. Ponadto kilka lekcji wsposób usystematyzowany pozwoli zapoznać się z podstawowymizasadami tworzenia i prowadzenie szkoleń biznesowych.Aplikacja, jako pierwsza w Polsce, opisuje zasady wynikające zpodejścia Evidence Based Training w szkoleniach biznesowych.W wersji bezpłatnej dostępny jest test oparty na książce„Szkolenia oparte na dowodach. Poradnik dla trenerów” – autorstwaColvin Clark Ruth. Sprawdź swoją wiedzę o podejściu EBT.Opisana w aplikacji metodyka pracy trenera oparta jest nawydanym w wersji drukowanej – Podręcznika trenera dr. SławomiraJarmuża i dr. Tomasza Witkowskiego.Check if you know what ismyth and what is reality in business training! What reallyincreases the effectiveness of training, and only the wide-spreadstereotype?Modern tutorial trainer business training.MODERATOR evidence-based training is an application dedicated topeople carrying some form of education for business. Addressed tothe knowledge contained in the application is every trainer, coach,facilitator, manager or specialist working on the development ofthe business area.Free version of the app contains 95 articles divided into broadcategory of substance. In addition, a few lessons in a systematicmanner will understand the basic principles of creating andconducting business training.The application is the first in Poland, describes the principlesof an approach Evidence Based Training in business training.The free version is available assay based on the book "Trainingbased on evidence. Guide for trainers "- by Ruth Colvin Clark. Testyour knowledge of the EBT approach.Described in the application methodology of coaching work isbased on published in the printed version - Manual coach dr. AndDr. Slawomir Jarmuż. Thomas Witkowski.
PMI Poland Chapter 1.1.0 APK
PMI Poland Chapter jest oficjalną aplikacjąPMI Poland Chapter.Aplikacja zawiera informacje dotyczące nie tylko PMI Poland Chapteroraz oddziałów regionalnych, ale również certyfikatów i standardówoferowanych przez Project Management Institute.Znajdziesz tutaj dane kontaktowe do członków PMI PC i dowoluntariuszy, informacje o wydarzeniach, standardach, spotkaniachi konferencjach.Dziękujemy za pobranie naszej aplikacji i zapraszamy do braniaudziału w seminariach i konferencjach PMI Poland Chapter.Po instalacji należy użyć opcji Synchronizacja w celu pobraniaaktualnej paczki treści.PMI Poland Chapter is theofficial application of the PMI Poland Chapter.The application contains information not only about the PMI PolandChapter, and regional offices, as well as certificates andstandards offered by the Project Management Institute.You'll find contact information for members of the PMI PC andvolunteers, information about events, standards, meetings andconferences.Thank you for downloading our application, and we invite you toparticipate in seminars and conferences PMI Poland Chapter.After installation, use Sync to retrieve the contents of thecurrent package.
Drinks 1.0 APK
Drinks Quattro Quiz is an innovativetriviaquiz game!Prove you know much about coctails. Guess the name of adrinkthat has given ingredients.Quattro Quiz will test you knowledge of famous shots, drinksorcoctails.Features:* Answering questions about drinks* Unique approach to test knowledge* Limited time to answer* Fully designed for mobile interface* One time Install, no further internet connectivity needed* Gamification components increasing involvement
WSB we Wrocławiu 1.0.2 APK
Aplikacja Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej weWrocławiu. Zawiera próbki zajęć / zagadnienia dotyczące zarządzaniaprojektami oraz informacje na temat studiów podyplomowych Six SigmaOptymalizacja Procesów, Zarządzanie Projektem Informatycznym,Szkoła Project Managera.Aplikacja przygotowana we współpracy z Octigo sp. z o.o.Application School ofBanking in Wroclaw. It contains samples of activities / issuesrelated to project management, and information on postgraduate SixSigma Process Optimisation, IT project management, Project ManagerSchool.The application developed in partnership with Octigo Ltd.