2.0 / June 16, 2014
(3.7/5) (20)


At any time operation of hydroelectric powerplants can generate discharge and current fluctuations in rivers.

In addition to the information systems (panels, hydro-guides,school conferences, press reports) already implemented by EDF tomake the public more aware of such risks, EDF has developed thisapplication designed to:
- geolocalise EDF hydroelectric power plants (dams, power houses,water intakes, information areas) in the Northern Alps,
- identify the location of river sections regulated by PrefectorialBy-Laws and receive alerts as to their proximity,
- access localised photos and videos showing water dischargefluctuations in rivers,
- increase understanding of the operation of hydroelectric powerplants and the risks incurred by means of the explanations andadvice provided
- ensure a direct link to EDF latest news.

App Information Prudence

Groupe EDF 更多...

EDF & MOI 13.14 APK
Groupe EDF
A convenient app to manage your energy consumption with ease!
Cleanopolis VR 1.0 APK
Groupe EDF
Captain Clean needs your help. Your mission ifyou accept it is to fight against climate change and make sure thecity of Cleanopolis get rid of its CO2 cloud.Assisted by your faithful companion named Tobby, explore the 3Dcity and discover its districts. They shelter some mini-games, somequizzes and even a movie theatre! Thanks to your actions, you willreduce the CO2 emissions and beautify the city.For an even more immersive experience and a wow effect, play with3D glasses!Features:- 4 districts to explore- 8 fun mini-games to improve your reflexes and reduce theemissions of greenhouse gases- Some quizzes to evaluate your ecological footprint and to learnhow to improve it- 1 movie theatre with an educational film starring Igloo thepenguin who explains climate change- Some objects to be unlocked to beautify the city ofCleanopolis- Compatible with 3D glasses (cardboards)
EDF recrute 2.0 APK
Groupe EDF
Tout au long de l'année, le Groupe EDF proposede nombreuses offres d'emploi, d'alternance, de stage de thèse etde VIE.Grâce à notre application EDF recrute, retrouvez toutes ces offressur votre mobile et restez informés des opportunités qui vous sontoffertes.L'application EDF recrute vous permet :- de consulter l'ensemble des offres des 3 sociétés du groupe : EDFSA, ERDF, EDF energy,- de consulter les offres selon vos critères de recherche (typesd'offres, profils, domaines de compétence, zonesgéographiques),- de créer une sélection d'offres en lien avec votre projetprofessionnel,- de vous abonner aux alertes email,- d'envoyer les offres sélectionnées à votre adresse mail pourpostuler en ligne ultérieurement,- d'envoyer des offres à vos amis.Mais l'application EDF recrute c'est aussi :- une rubrique "Actualités" pour vous tenir informés de l'actualitérecrutement au sein du groupe,- une rubrique "Vidéos" pour découvrir les métiers du groupe et lesévénements liés au recrutementRetrouvez-nous également sur www.edfrecrute.comMentions légalesL'application pour smartphone EDF recrute est la propriété deElectricité de France, Société Anonyme :- au capitale social de 911.085.545 euros,- immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris,sous le numéro 552 081 317,- TVA intracommunautaire : VAT EU FR 03552081317et dont le siège social est situé :22-30 avenue de Wagram75008 ParisTél : 33 (0)1 40 42 22 22Le directeur de publication de l'application EDF recrute estMadame Florence Cordier, en qualité de Responble Marque Employeuret recrutement du groupe EDFLa société ayant conçu et réalisé l'application EDF recrute est:Altays, SARL : 5 rue de la Grange Batelière - 75 009 Paris - Tél: 33 (0) 178 09 73 90Throughout the year, theEDF Group has many vacancies, rotation, internship and thesisLIFE.Thanks to our EDF implementation recruits, find all these offers onyour mobile and stay informed of the opportunities available toyou.The application allows you to recruit EDF:- View all offers of three group companies: EDF, ERDF, EDFEnergy,- Consult the offers according to your search criteria (types ofdeals, profiles, areas of expertise, geographical areas)- Create a selection of offers related to your professionalproject- To subscribe to email alerts,- Send offers to selected your email address to apply onlinelater- To send offers to your friends.But the application EDF recruits is also:- A "News" section to keep you informed of current recruitmentwithin the group,- A section "Video" to discover the group's businesses andrecruitment eventsFind us also on www.edfrecrute.comImprintThe smartphone application EDF recruits is the property ofElectricité de France, Société Anonyme:- The capital of 911,085,545 euros,- Registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies of Parisunder number 552 081 317,- VAT: FR 03552081317 VAT EUand whose registered office is located at:22-30 avenue de Wagram75008 ParisTel: 33 (0) 1 40 42 22 22The editor application EDF recruits is Mrs. Florence Cordier, asResponble Employer Brand and Recruitment EDF GroupThe company has designed and is implementing EDF recruits:Altays Ltd.: 5 rue de la Grange Bateliere - 75009 Paris - Tel:33 (0) 178 09 73 90
Prudence 2.0 APK
Groupe EDF
At any time operation of hydroelectric powerplants can generate discharge and current fluctuations in rivers.In addition to the information systems (panels, hydro-guides,school conferences, press reports) already implemented by EDF tomake the public more aware of such risks, EDF has developed thisapplication designed to:- geolocalise EDF hydroelectric power plants (dams, power houses,water intakes, information areas) in the Northern Alps,- identify the location of river sections regulated by PrefectorialBy-Laws and receive alerts as to their proximity,- access localised photos and videos showing water dischargefluctuations in rivers,- increase understanding of the operation of hydroelectric powerplants and the risks incurred by means of the explanations andadvice provided- ensure a direct link to EDF latest news.
EDF Dom & Corse 5.6.1 APK
Groupe EDF
Manage your EDF contract, pay your bills and track yourconsumption!
Éco-gestes 1.4 APK
Groupe EDF
Découvrez l’application Éco-gestes d’EDF : des conseils pratiquespour agir au quotidien et réduire votre facture d’énergie !Avec l’application Eco-gestes, la consommation responsablen’aura plus de secrets pour vous : mettez en pratique les astucespour devenir un éco-citoyen à votre domicile (tri, écolabels,recyclage…) et réduisez en toute facilité votre consommationd’énergie (électricité, eau, gaz…).Profitez des 3 services offerts par l’application Éco-gestespour :1. Visualiser le guide des éco-gestes, qui explore chaque postede consommation énergétique de votre maison (cuisine, chauffage,éclairage…)2. Tester vos connaissances avec le quiz éco-gestes et obtenirvotre barème « éco-citoyen »3. Créer dans l’espace perso votre liste personnaliséed’éco-gestes et programmer vos alertes selon les différents momentsde la journéeFacile et pratique : partagez par mail et sur les réseauxsociaux vos résultats au quizz éco-gestes !Discoverthe Eco-gestures implementation of EDF: practical advice to act ineveryday life and reduce your energy bill!With the application Eco-gestures, responsible consumption willno longer have secrets for you: put into practice the tricks tobecoming a greener at home (sorting, eco-labels, recycling ...)with ease and reduce your consumption energy (electricity, water,gas ...).3 Enjoy the services offered by the Eco-gestures app for:1. View the acts of green guide, exploring each station energyconsumption of your home (cooking, heating, lighting ...)2. Test your knowledge with the eco-gestures quiz and get yourscale "eco-citizen"3. Create personal space in your personal list of eco-gesturesand program your alerts for different times of the dayEasy and convenient: share via email and on social networks yourresults to environmentally friendly practices quiz!
EDF Business Club 2.2.3 APK
Groupe EDF
With « EDF Business Club », you’re connected to the power markets!Once logged in, an easy and direct access to: • The market data of10 European countries: France, Germany, Belgium, UK, Italy, Poland,Netherlands, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia. Your home screencan be set to broadcast the data of your favorite market. • “MyContact”: Reach your EDF dedicated interlocutors by phone, sms oremail. In case of a doubt, the “Who to contact?” function allowsyou to find the right person according to your needs. • Energynews: A news feed with the last regulatory topics in France &Europe; the “Indices & Marchés” newsletter (weekly &monthly) already available on edfentreprises website ; a weeklypress review ; key figures.
Ma Rivière et Moi 2.0.4 APK
Groupe EDF
Ma Rivière et moi collects information on rivers and bodies ofwater.