/ February 25, 2015
(3.5/5) (267)


Take a picture of a document with your camera(Scan FAX function) look at the preview and send it directly viaFAX. Try sending it using the free fax page and recharge your appwith credit to send more faxes.

Turn your smartphone into a real FAX device; carry with you thebenefits and savings of sending and receiving on the move. Activatea Plan, a subscription that includes FAX pages to send, unlimitedfax reception and geographical FAX number with the area code ofresidence.

Attach or store your files (pdf, doc, xls ...), then use thefeatures of the app or, thanks to the new integration, Dropbox,without having to leave Scan FAX EasyOffice.

Send your free FAX page, and to continue to use the service, youneed to top up, directly from the app, and this will be convertedinto credits. For an easier solution, choose the SubscriptionsPlans, with the best prices on the web for sending and receivingfaxes.

The geographic number used for receiving unlimited faxes, isavailable only by subscription within the Plan.

App Information Scan Fax EasyOffice

WatsON 更多...

Watsy APK
Add Watsy among your apps to have the bestVoIP call quality. Make free calls worldwide, to your Watsy friendsor to everyone using your credit. Start soon just after your mobilenumber verification.Why choose Watsy?- Free calls and chat messages among Watsy users.- Receive calls also when the App is closed, heavily reducingbattery consumption.- You can have a Geographic Number (landline) with the prefix oryour city, to receive landline calls on your mobile phone (choosinga 6 or 12 months subscription plan).- Cheapest rates for mobile and landline calls, national andinternationals.- Securely top up your wallet inside the App or onwww.mywatsy.com*Watsy is not to be used for emergency calls****NEWS***Here’s the chat, not only phone calls in your app.
Operatore Contatti 1.0.6 APK
Operatore Contatti permette diconoscereimmediatamente e senza dover effettuare nessunachiamatal'operatore di un numero cellulare.** L'associazione viene effettuata in base al REALE OPERATOREenon semplicemente in base al prefisso.**Come è ben noto gli operatori mobili applicano tariffedifferentiper le telefonate e i messaggi SMS/MMS a seconda che ildestinatarioappartenga o meno alla propria rete interna.Spesso le tariffe sono sensibilmente più elevate in caso chelacomunicazione avvenga perciò tra apparecchi registratipressooperatori telefonici differenti.Fino a poco tempo fa era comunque possibile dedurrefacilmentel'appartenenza di un numero di cellulare alla propriaretesemplicemente dalle prime tre cifre iniziali del numero. Oggiconla portabilità del numero, ovvero con la possibilità dimantenereun numero telefonico passando da un operatore ad un altro,e ladiffusione a macchia di leopardo di tale opzione diportabilità,non è più possibile essere certi che il numero che sista chiamandosia effettivamente nella fascia di tariffe menoelevate.La soluzione consiste nel far precedere il numero da chiamaredaun prefisso universale, a quel punto una voce computerizzataciinformerà se il numero chiamato appartiene al nostrostessooperatore.Su smartphone è piuttosto macchinoso perchè o si inserisceilprefisso e subito dopo il numero (ricordandolo a memoria) oppuresiprocede modificando il numero dalla rubrica per poiripristinarlouna volta terminato il controllo.Operatore Contatti risolve tutto questo fornendo lapossibilitàdi conoscere l'operatore di un numero, semplicemente,inserendolo orecuperandolo dalla propria rubrica, senza dovereffettuare nessunatelefonata.In più si potrà conoscere in modo immediato tutti gli operatorideinumeri in rubrica e aggiungere il numero di un contattopiùconveniente per il proprio profilo tariffario.Tutti i loghi e i marchi registrati utilizzatinell'applicativosono di leggittima proprietà delle aziende che nedetengono idiritti di copyright.Contacts operatorallowsyou to quickly and without having to make any calls, theoperatorof a mobile number.** The association is made under the REAL OPERATOR and notsimplybased on the prefix. **As it is well known mobile operators apply different ratesforphone calls and SMS / MMS messages, depending on whether or notthedestination is in the internal network.Often the rates are significantly higher in the event thattheinformation is passed between devices therefore recordedatdifferent telephone operators.Until recently it was still possible to make easily themembershipof a cell phone number to your network simply by thefirst threedigits of the number. Today with number portability, orthe abilityto keep a phone number going from one operator toanother, and thespread patchy this option of portability, you cannot be sure thatthe number you are calling It is actually in therange of lowertariffs.The solution is to precede the number to call from auniversalprefix, then a computerized voice will report if thecalled numberbelongs to our own operator.On smartphones it is rather cumbersome because either you enterareacode and immediately after the number (remembering it byheart) orproceed by changing the number from the phone book andthen restoreit after finishing the inspection.Contacts operator solves this by providing the opportunitytoknow the operator of a number simply by inserting or retrievingitfrom your address book, without having to make anyphonecalls.Plus you can know at a glance all the operators of the numbersinthe address book, adding the number of a contact moreconvenientfor their existing tariff.All logos and trademarks used in the application aretolegitimize property companies that own the copyrights.
Scan Fax EasyOffice APK
Take a picture of a document with your camera(Scan FAX function) look at the preview and send it directly viaFAX. Try sending it using the free fax page and recharge your appwith credit to send more faxes.Turn your smartphone into a real FAX device; carry with you thebenefits and savings of sending and receiving on the move. Activatea Plan, a subscription that includes FAX pages to send, unlimitedfax reception and geographical FAX number with the area code ofresidence.Attach or store your files (pdf, doc, xls ...), then use thefeatures of the app or, thanks to the new integration, Dropbox,without having to leave Scan FAX EasyOffice.Send your free FAX page, and to continue to use the service, youneed to top up, directly from the app, and this will be convertedinto credits. For an easier solution, choose the SubscriptionsPlans, with the best prices on the web for sending and receivingfaxes.The geographic number used for receiving unlimited faxes, isavailable only by subscription within the Plan.