1.0 / January 21, 2016
(4.4/5) ()


Semut App untuk Parking

App Information Semut Parking 1.0

  • App Name
    Semut Parking 1.0
  • 包名
  • 发布日期
    January 21, 2016
  • 文件大小
  • 系统要求
    Android 4.0 and up
  • 版本
  • 开发者
    LSKK Group
  • 安装
    5 - 10
  • 价钱
  • 分类
    Maps & Navigation
  • 开发者
  • Google Play Link

LSKK Group 更多...

Steppy 1.6 APK
LSKK Group
Steppy is an application for supporting healthmonitoring condition in a mobile. Steppy can help user to measurewalking activity and provide information for user to know how muchcalories had burned..user also got the distances information inmonitoring walking activity and with hope it could improve thehealth of the user and prevent the deterioration in health and thebad effect of it such as obesity
Opang 1.0.2 APK
LSKK Group
Opang menghubungkan Ojek konvensionaldenganPelanggan. Tentukan rute perjalan Anda, pilih penawaran hargadaripara pnegendara Ojek yang berfariasi.
Angkot Tracer - Sensor (Alfa) 1.0 APK
LSKK Group
Apliaski Sensor Angkot - Prototipe (Molina),aplikasi sederhana sebagai sensor angkot dikususkan untuk akuisisidata angkot (Lokasi Geografis, Kondisi visual didalam Angkot(Molina)), aplikasi ini dipasang di Smart Phone dan disimpandidalam angkot atau angkutan umum lainnya lebih tepatnya di (lokasiyang paling pas untuk foto seluruh isi angkutan umum tersebut),berfungsi untuk akuisisi data kondisi angkutan umum yangbersangkutan.Petunjuk dasar :Button "Jalan" akan membuat aplikasi sensor ini mengirim secaraperiodik 1pesan/10det geolocation terakhir mobil ke surver danperiodik 1pesan/60det gambar kondisi didalam molina (Image) danmembuat status keberadaan mobil menjadi sedang "jalan"Button "Garasi" dan "Terminal" digunakan ketika mobil masuk kegarasi atau terminal. Update status keberadaan mobil. Secaralangsung menghentikan proses periodik pengiriman pesan juga.Apliaski Sensor publictransportation - Prototype (Molina), a simple application as asensor public transportation dikususkan for data acquisition ofpublic transportation (Geographic location, condition visually inpublic transportation (Molina)), the application is installed onSmart Phone and stored in public transportation or other publictransportation more precisely in ( the most fitting location forthe photo of the entire public transport), serves for dataacquisition public transport is concerned.Basic instructions:Button "Road" will make the application of this sensor periodicallysend 1pesan / 10det geolocation last car to surver and periodic1pesan / 60det drawing condition in molina (Image) and make astatus where the car became moderate "path"Button "Garage" and "Terminal" is used when the car into thegarage or terminal. Update your presence status car. Directly stopthe process of periodically sending a message as well.
AR Duck Hunt 1.0 APK
LSKK Group
AR Duck Hunt merupakan game yang dibuatdenganteknologi augmented reality.Untuk memainkan game ini dibutuhkan marker yang dapatdidownloaddi https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3oDxhk0ik-kWTZEOHE3TU4tNDg/view?usp=sharingAR Duck Hunt is agamecreated by augmented reality technology.To play this game takes markers that can be downloadedinhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3oDxhk0ik-kWTZEOHE3TU4tNDg/view?usp=sharing
Semut 1.0.2 APK
LSKK Group
SEMUT is an application based on socialmediaabout transportation system in Bandung city.LOCATION SHARINGUsers allowed to share their location based on GPS so users canseeother's locationREPORT SHARINGUsers can report any information during trip so other canseeforecast condition during their tripPUBLIC TRANSPORTATIONUsers will be guided to use public transportation such as taxiandangkot.CCTV SHARINGUsers can see main road's condition from cctv in Bandung city
AMPM Mobile 1.0 APK
LSKK Group
Aplikasi client pembayaran personal PT.AnargyaMedia Indonesia.
Angkot Tracer - Bandung 1.0 APK
LSKK Group
Aplikasi sederhana berbasis IOT, membantuparapengguna angkot untuk lebih mudah mencari, menentukan, dantahulebih banyak menganai angkot. setiap orang kini bsa denganmudahmengakses dan mengetahui berbagai hal menarik tentangangkot,membantu siapa saja yang kurang mengerti rute angkot,dansebagainyaAngkot Tracer kini hadir untuk kawasan Bandung.ini adalah versi Alfa, tentu masih dalam tahap pengujiandanpengembangan,Feature:1. Lihat angkot, lihat angkot berdasasrkan trayek tertentudiBandung (Beta)2. Marker angkot. tandai area tunggu angkotmu, Notifikasiakanmuncul seiring dengan kedatangan angkot yang kamu inginkan diareatersebu. (Beta)3. Pencari Rute, tentukan titik awal kamu berada dan inginkemanakamu, aplikasi akan memberitahu trayek mana saja yangakanmembawamu sampai ke tujuan (pengembangan)Prediksi final release:29 Februari 2016IOT-basedsimpleapplication, helping users to more easily findpublictransportation, decisive, and know more menganaipublictransportation. everyone now coud easily access and findoutinteresting things about public transportation, help anyone whodonot understand the public transportation, etc.Tracer public transportation now comes to the areaof​​Bandung.This is a version of the Alfa, would still be in the testingphaseand the development,Feature:1. See public transportation, public transportation berdasasrkanseecertain stretch in Bandung (Beta)2. Marker public transportation. angkotmu mark waitingarea,notification will appear along with the arrival ofpublictransportation in the area you want tersebu. (Beta)3. These Seekers, specify the starting point you are and whereyouwant, the application will tell the route which will take youtoyour destination (development)Prediction final release:February 29, 2016
Tugas Akhir Dalam Jaringan 1.0 APK
LSKK Group
Tugas Akhir Dalam Jaringan (TADJ)merupakankarya ilmiah berdasarkan hasil penelitian atau pemecahansuatumasalah yang dilakukan secara online dengan media elektronikyangsistematis melalui kegiatan analisis berupa usulan solusidanhasilnya. TA merupakan salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhiolehseorang mahasiswa agar memperoleh gelar Diploma, Sarjana,Magister,dan Doktor di seluruh Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia.Tahapan dari suatu kegiatan TA meliputi pelaksanaan TA(prosesbimbingan antara dosen dengan mahasiswa, berita seputartugasakhir, dan juga daftar tugas akhir).Diharapkan dengan adanya versi Android ini dapat membantumobilitasdalam pelaksanaan tugas akhir dalam jaringan.In the FinalProjectNetwork (TADJ) is a scientific paper based on researchresults orsolving a problem that is done online with the electronicmedia aresystematically through activities such as analysis of theproposedsolutions and results. TA is one of the requirements thatmust bemet by a student to obtain a Diploma, Bachelor, Master,andDoctorate in Higher Education throughout Indonesia.Stages of a TA activities include the implementation of theTA(process guidance between faculty and students, the news abouttheend of the task, and also the list of the final project).Hopefully with this Android version can help mobility intheimplementation of the final project in the network.