Top 1 Games Similar to Maurice the fish

TamaWidget Fish *AdSupported* 1.0
TamaWidget - The virtual pet foryourmobilephone!!IMPORTANT: This application is a widget, you can installitasfollows:"long click on empty desktop" -> widget -> TamaWidget!Give your pet a name and watch it from now on onhisperpetuallife.It calls you like a real pet from the time of hatching, sotakecareonit.It has needs like sleeping, eating, drinking,affection,andgetsalso its own personality. At different time pointsyour pet talks to you and requires your attention.If you ignore it ... then it dies! It can, however, revivedbe and the life cycle begins again.Your pet guaranteed fun, game andentertainment.Additionalintegrated features such asPet Shop, Play, Flat-TV increase the affection of yourpettoyou.Even your pet can interact with other TamaWidgets.* Clownfish Edition *Clownfish or anemonefish are fishes from thesubfamilyAmphiprioninaein the family Pomacentridae. Abouttwenty-ninespecies arerecognized, one in the genus Premnas, whiletheremaining are in thegenus Amphiprion. In the wild they allformsymbiotic mutualisms withsea anemones. Depending onspecies,clownfish are overall yellow,orange, reddish or blackish,and manyshow white bars or patches. Thelargest can reach a lengthof 18centimetres (7.1 in), while somebarely can reach 10centimetres(3.9 in). In popular culture,"Finding Nemo" by Pixar /Disneyprominently features clownfish asthe main characters.Here begins the history of your TamaWidget pet.This application is a widget, you can install itasfollows:"long click on empty desktop" -> widget -> TamaWidgetFrom now on, your pet lives in your phone.