Top 12 Games Similar to 신비의 마방진

Magic Square Number Puzzle 1.3.1
ABitExtra Apps
Here we present Magic Square, amathematicaland logical puzzle game!It is an ancient mathematical and logical puzzle game totestyour brain. Magic Square is similar to sudoku where you needtofill a square with numbers in such a way that sum numbers ineachrow, column and primary diagonal is equal. Square can be ofanyunit like 3*3, 4*4 or 5*5. Some of the numbers in the magicsquarewould be filled and player needs to fill rest of the numberstocomplete magic square. Quite a brain teaser, isn't it?This puzzle game tests player’s mathematical (Math) skillsandlogical thinking. This game is similar to sudoku where you needtoarrange numbers in a square but there is a difference fromsudokuwhere you need to take care of sum of numbers in each row,columnand diagonal. In sudoku you need to take care of uniquenumbers ineach row and column, not the sum.You will surely like magic square puzzle game if you likesolvingsudoku puzzle. You will like magic square also if you areinterestedin mathematics/math or logical/analytical puzzles orkind of brainteaser puzzles.So try this game to test your math and logical skills as wellasyour intelligence with this fun game. Prove that you cansolvecomplex math based puzzles. This will also help to sharpenyourbrain as it is kinda brain teaser.Hope you will enjoy solving magic squares and improveyourmathematical/math and logical skills! Please give your reviewandrating if you like this puzzle game. We would also appreciateanysuggestions which would help us to improve the game.
Magic Bingo 1.0.6
A bingo game based on a magic square of order 3
10x10 2.1.0
logical-mathematical puzzles, colorful version of thetraditionalgame 10x10 or 100
SlideSquares 1.1
Android Bajío
SlideSquares es un juego depiezasdeslizables,que te permite armar imágenes, patrones yorganizarpiezasenumeradas a manera de cuadro mágico, atrévete aresolverlos juegosclásicos de Horizontal, Vertical, Espiral,Caracol,Diagonal y elImposible. La aplicación almacena los mejorestiemposde solución.El juego te permite además seleccionar temas, lo cualtepermiteen cierto grado personalizar la aplicación.SlideSquares is aslidekitthat allows you to assemble images, patterns andorganizepartslisted so magical box, dare to solve the classicgamesofHorizontal, Vertical, Spiral, Caracol, Diagonal andtheImpossible.The application stores the best solution times.The game also allows you to select topics, allowingyoutocustomize the application degree.
가로 세로 낱말 퀴즈 1.1.1
아이들과 모두를 위한 두뇌 게임.단계별(4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9) 난이도별 퀴즈 지원영어 낱말 퀴즈 ( TTL 지원 )*****아이스크림 샌드위치 호환 버전 *****[가로/세로 인터페이스 변화 지원]스마트폰 회전시 변환된 화면에 알맞은 인터페이스 지원.퍼즐의 칸이 많을 경우 세로에서 양손으로 퍼즐 정답 입력 가능.[단계별 퍼즐 ]1~6단계별 퍼즐지원.아이들을 위한 쉬운 문제에서 매니아를 위한 문제 까지4,5,6,7,8,9 칸 퍼즐 지원영어 가로세로 퍼즐 추가 (TTL 지원)[힌트 시스템]퍼즐을 모두 풀경우 1개의 힌트 지원한글자 힌트초성 힌트SMS 발송 힌트[다중 사용자 지원]스마트 폰에 사용자를 추가하여 하나의 스마트 폰에서 여러명이 플레이 가능[설정]- [사용자 추가][로컬 모드 지원]새로 추가된 문제는 자동으로 서버에 업그레이드인터넷이 되지 않는 지역에서도 퍼즐 실행낱말 퀴즈는 매일 업데이트[버전 1.0.9]아이스크림 샌드위치 지원테마 변경[버전 1.0.7]영어 가로세로 퍼즐 추가 (TTL 지원)사운드 효과 적용네트워크 트래픽 최소화자잘한 버그 픽스(롱롱 공주님, 희야님 감사)[버전 1.0.5]새로운 문제 New 아이콘 추가새로운 문제가 앞으로 나오도록 변경(자영님 의견 감사)[버전 1.0.4]기능 개선 버전힌트 추가: 한글자 힌트, 친구에게 SMS 보내기기능 개선:모두 풀지 못한 퍼즐 상태 표시( "희야"님 의견)[버전 1.0.3]버그 픽스 버전목록 및 네트워크 오류시 버그 수정크리스마스 테마 적용[버전 1.0.1]힌트 시스템 도입UI 개선
Magic Square (Beyond Sudoku) 1.5.5
Brainy Game
Introduction:Are you a fan of puzzle game or sudoku? Just try magic square! Itisan ancient puzzle game and is full of challenge. The rule istochange the puzzle in an order, so that the numbers in every rowandevery column and the diagonal add up to the same value. Thisgametrains players to be sensitive about numbers and improvesyourability of logical thinking.Features:1. The puzzle game includes seven kinds of squares from order 3x3to9x9.2. It design four levels including Easy, Normal, Advanced andHard.Different number of hint cells(gray cell) are set ininitializationaccording to different level. More difficult levelyou select, morescore you get.3. It has no hint cell in free mode which players can solvepuzzlesin this mode freely.4. This game has two kinds of auxiliary numbers surroundingsquareand mark function which help players analyze numbers inthesquare.5. Players can mark cell with different color to solve puzzleinmark mode. ex.confirmed cell set as blue color, candidate cellsetas orange color.6. Calculator function facilitates players to count numbers inthegame.7. After solving the puzzle, players will get score inaccordancewith difficult level, steps and spending time in thegame. Playerscan summit score to internet scoreboard "scoreloop"ranking withother players in the world.8. This game has battle mode by bluetooth connection, playerswillfeel fun of brain battle.9. Support different screen resolution(except 240x320) of phonesandtablets.Suggestion and Feedback:If you have any suggestion or feedback, please feel free tosendmessage to brainygame@gmail.comYoursuggestion is important reference for us to improve this game.Ifyou love this game, please encourage us by a positive rating.Thankyou.
Picross Fantasy ( Nonograms ) 1.0.3
Picross Fantasy is an addictivepuzzlegame.Griddlers' goal is to fill some of the puzzle's squares dependingonthe numbers on the left and above the puzzle.Once the puzzle is solved, you will see a drawing that willrewardyou for the long minutes of thinking!This game has several names: picross, hanjie, nonogram,crucipixel,pixel puzzles, Pic-a-Pix, griddlers, Paint byNumbers,PrismaPixels.Features :- Black & White and colored puzzle- Hints- Tablet support
word friend-word search puzzle 1.0.6
Do you want to increase your vocabulary?Your skill up and enjoy the gameWord friend is best word search puzzle game!Easy Screen, variety of words, different mood, multi-levelstep,rankgame☆☆☆☆☆ word friend category ☆☆☆☆☆countriescapitalanimalshistorical figuresfilmsdinosaur☆☆☆☆☆ word friend category ☆☆☆☆☆Word Search puzzles with sixth different level1. very easy2. easy3. normal4. hard5. very hard6. expert☆☆☆☆☆ friend word ☆☆☆☆☆Find a friend's name is the game to find a friend inhiding.Youcan see a hint finds a hidden word game friends.for kids - dinosaur puzzle game
가로세로숫자퍼즐 1.0
yo sub
3x3 행렬이 기반이되어 숫자의 사칙연산을 하는 게임!!화면에 랜덤으로 나오는 숫자의 합이나 차, 곱에 맞게 숫자를 배열하여 행렬을 완성시키는 퍼즐 게임입니다.게임의 구성은 덧셈 (상급)(중급), 뺄셈 (상급)(중급), 곱셈 (상급)(중급) 6가지의 종류가 있으며,난이도에따라힌트의 갯수가 1개 3개로 놓여 게임을 진행 합니다. 게임의 결과는 시간을 측정하여 플레이어의연산능력을결정하게됩니다.3x3 matrixarithmeticbasedon the number of games!The sum of the numbers appearing on the screen at randomortea,according to the product to complete the matrix by anarrayofnumbers is a puzzle game.Addition of the game configuration(Advanced)(Intermediate),subtraction (Advanced)(Intermediate),multiplication (Advanced)(Intermediate), and sixtypes, dependingon the difficulty of thenumber of hints the one toprogress in thegame with three lies .The results measure the timeof the game theplayer will determinethe ability of theoperation.
Number King
Dokon Jang
You can become the Number King.
Sudoku World 1.5.2
Enjoy the brain game of a simple and easy operation!
Math Magic Square 1.1.9
The magic square app in puzzle game