Top 8 Games Similar to 数当てゲーム

3Numbers 3.8
This is the game to find 3 digits numbers with hints. When youfinda number in the same place, then you will be given a hint as1Hit.When you find a number but in the different place, then youwill begiven a hint as 1 Blow. For example, if the 3 numbers are012, andyou guessed them as 910, then you will get hint as 1H1B.
bitforge Ltd.
The critically acclaimed hit-game foryourDevice! Get this amazing 1-thumb experience and see foryourself.ORBITAL is an addicting and challenging puzzle game withjust onegoal: score points by destroying orbs. A simple puzzle gameforeveryone! Enjoy the beautiful visual effects, the great soundandof course the addicting gameplay anytime in shortsessions.Orbital has until now won several prices and was among the toptengames in Japan, Norway, Switzerland and other countries. TheNewYork Times mentioned it as one of those applications makingyoursmartphone magical and featured it as one of the games whichareworth downloading. So what are you waiting for? Give it atry!-----------------------------------------FEATURES- Single & Two player mode- 3 game modes: Gravity, Pure & Supernova- enhanced with haptic feedback powered by Immersion- Beautiful particle effects- All-time & 24 Hours online Leader board- Facebook connection: Compare with your friends on Facebook-----------------------------------------Awards and Prizes:*Game of the Year*Winner DiscoveryBeats Apps Contest*Silver Award RATED- jayisgames.comSILVER AWARD- THE CRITICS SAY«A picnic to understand, but a marathon to get beyond the firstfewminutes, Orbital's simple style is perfect for those lookingforfill the odd spare moment.» 8/10- Keith Andrew («While there are already a few games that share the samegameplaymechanics as Orbital, none of them look anywhere nearascool.»- Eli Hodapp («BitForge has managed to combine the addictive gameplay ofPeggleand the beauty of Geometry Wars, two digital forms of crack,intoone easy to use package.»- Chad George («Orbital takes simple gameplay and dresses it up with aunique“gravity” feature and enhanced graphics. The game can beveryfrustrating at times, but that won’t keep you from coming backforanother try.» 4/5- Will Raskin («Orbital has got fantastic graphics and unfussy features. Cometothink of it, there are really no negative points about thegame.Good going, Bitforge!» 5/5- Yoyo ( the colorful orbs onto a grid. As soon as the orb stopsitwill grow until it hits an obstacle (wall or another orb ontheplaying field). Now you have to shoot the orb several timeswiththe following orbs until it’s destroyed. Every destroyed orbgrantsyou one single point. You could collect endless points butthere isone difficulty: The shot mustn’t hit the death line abovethecannon. If it does, the game is over! How many points canyouget?-----------------------------------------ORBITAL is based on Gimme Friction Baby by Wouter Visser.
数字当てゲーム - 神田ITスクール 1.0
Kanda IT School
この数字当てゲームアプリケーションは、IT教育専門研修機関-神田ITSchoolのAndroid講座で使用されているゲームアプリケーションです。※Android OS 2.2以上を対象としています。[数字当てゲーム説明]このゲームでは、ゲーム開始時に0~9のうち1つだけ正解数字がランダムに生成されます。プレイヤーはその正解数字を見ることはできません。その正解数字を当てるために画面をタップして予想数字を入力していくゲームです。9回以内に正解数字を当てることができなかった場合はゲームオーバーとなってしまいます。当校ではこのようなアプリケーションの作成を通して、Androidアプリケーション作成の知識や技術を身につけることができます。このアプリケーションを動かしてみて少しでも興味を持たれた方、是非一度、神田ITSchoolのホームページをご覧になってみてください。
Hit & Blow mini 【数字当てゲーム】 1.5
【お子様の数学力の向上に!必ず5回以内に当てよう】3ケタの数字を当てるゲームでヒットアンドブローや3ナンバーズなどとも呼ばれている論理パズルゲームのミニ版(2ケタ版)です(初心者、お子様向き)。1分間の頭の体操・脳トレにいかがでしょうか。回答するごとに表示されるH(ヒット)とB(ブロー)をヒントにし、徐々に正解の数字を絞り込み5回以内に当てましょう。(使える数字は1~6のみ)(ミスがなければ必ず5回以内に正解できます)過去のゲームの成績も表示されます。暇つぶしや頭の体操・脳トレ、こどもの知育ゲームに。ヒントの例 1.回答 27 に対し ヒント 0H1B        ↓   正解の数字に2,7のうちいずれか1つがあり、桁は違う。 2.回答 61 に対し ヒント 1H0B        ↓   正解の数字に6,1のうちいずれか1つがありケタもあっている。姉妹アプリ、HIT&BLOW α、もよろしくお願いします。このアプリの開発者は、安心・安全なアプリの開発者であるとしてアンドロイダーの公認デベロッパーに認証されています。カードに保存できます。対象:android2.3.3以上To theimprovementofmathematics force of child! Do you want to win in fivetimesorless by all means](Beginner, child orientation) mini version of the logicpuzzlegamethat is also referred to as 3 numbers game andhit-and-blow inthegame shed 3-digit number (two digit version).Invite you to the gym, brain training of head of one minute.And a hint H that is displayed each time you answer B(hit)and(blow), let's hit the 5 times within narrow the numberofcorrectanswers slowly. (only 1-6 numbers that can be used) (Youcananswerin 5 turns or less without fail if there is no miss)Results of past games are also displayed.Gymnastics Brain Training head and pass the time,theeducationalgame for children.Examples of tips1. Tips for 0H1B 27 answers↓Any one of a number of 2,7 correct answer but there,digitisdifferent.2. Tips for 1H0B 61 answers↓One of a number of 6,1 to correct although there is alsoadigitthere.Thank you sister app, also HIT & BLOW α,.The developer of this app is authenticated totheofficialdeveloper of andro Idah as a developer of a safeandsecureapplication. can be saved to SD card.Target: android2.3.3 or more
脳、目力トレ。数字当てゲーム 1.0.4
Simpe Brain training game 1.2.0
Workshop #247
We have recorded a simple brain games thatcanbe played by children and adults. Why do not you try theactivationof the brain in the game that was in him.Game calculation:Try as quickly as possible to divide the formula shown onthescreen.You can choose from addition, subtraction, multiplication,division,and four arithmetic.STM:Remember the sequence of numbers shown on the screen ramdomly.10th Numer:Watch numbers shown on the screen and decide a number notshown.Number3Make the first digit 3 by adding numbers shown on the screen.visual momentMemorize numbers shown on the screen in a moment.Judgment:Choose a number according to shown text, but red textmeansopposite.Spare time and waiting time, please try feed reflexes,judgment,memory skills in this game.
数当て 1.1
1~25の数字を当てますI will rely on anumberof1-25
推理型数字当てゲーム「なぞかず」 1.0
Kosuke Tsujimoto
・なぞかずとは?4ケタの数字の番号と並びを当てる推理型のゲームです。・数列のルール1. 1〜9までの9つの数字が入ります(0は入りません)2. 同じ数字は使えません(1つの数字は1個しか入りません)・ゲームのルール1. 4ケタの数字を入力します。ただし、3ケタ以下の入力、数字の重複、0を含んだ入力はできません。2.数字とその場所が一致した場合はストライク(S)、数字は合っていて場所が違う場合はボール(B)となり、それぞれの数が下の表に出力されます。例:正解が「1234」の時i)「1357」を入力した場合・・・Sが1、Bが1(「1」が数と場所が一致、「3」が数だけ一致)ii)「1245」を入力した場合・・・Sが2、Bが1(「1」と「2」が数と場所が一致、「4」が数だけ一致)3. SとBの数を元に、答えとなる4ケタの数字を推理しましょう4. 6回連続で間違えるとゲームオーバー連続クリア数がスタート画面に表示されるので、頑張って連続クリアを目指しましょう。