Top 9 Apps Similar to Interpolacion Lineal U.V.

iePolator 1.16
Deina Ivan
Quickly calculate the interpolation, extrapolation anddualinterpolation
Interpolacion 1.0
La interpolación bilineal es una extensióndelainterpolación lineal para interpolar funciones de dosvariables(porejemplo, x e y) en una malla regular de dosdimensiones. Laideaprincipal es realizar una interpolación linealen unadirección, ydespués en la otra. Aunque cada uno de estospasos eslineal, lainterpolación en su conjunto no es linealsinocuadrática.Bilinearinterpolationisan extension of the linear interpolationforinterpolatingfunctions of two variables (for example, x and y)in atwodimensional regular grid. The main idea is to performalinearinterpolation in one direction and then the other.Althougheach ofthese steps is linear interpolation as a whole isnot linearbutquadratic.
University of Valencia 3.1.10
Official application of University of Valencia
Ingreso UV 5.0
Lleva contigo la lista derequisitos,condiciones y consideraciones importantes que debescumplir durantetodo el proceso; y consulta tu resultado para elingreso a laUniversidad Veracruzana por medio de estaaplicación.Bring the listofrequirements, conditions and important considerations thatmustmeet throughout the process; and see your score for admissiontothe University of Veracruz through this application.
Interpolation 1.7
App Interpolation for technology
TermoH2O 1.1
Ángel Martz
Tablas de las propiedades termodinámicasdelagua-Temperatura-Presión-Energía Interna-Volumen específico-Entalpía-EntropíaRealiza el cálculo de las propiedas f, fg y g, así comolainterpolaciónDesarrollado por un estudiante de la Facultad de Ingeniería delaUNAMBasado en las tablas del libro "Termodinámica" Yunus A Cengel.Palabras Clave: Termodinámica, Tablas Termodinámicas,Propiedadesde Estado, Física, UNAM, FI, Facultad de Ingeniería,Propiedades delAgua, H2O, PhoneGAP, HTML5Tables ofthermodynamicproperties of water-Temperature-Pressure-Internal Energy-Specific Volume-Enthalpy-EntropyCalculates the propiedas f, g fg and interpolationPowered by a student of the Faculty of Engineering oftheUNAMBased on the tables of "Thermodynamics" Yunus A Cengel.Keywords: Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Tables, StateProperties,Physics, UNAM, FI, Faculty of Engineering, Propertiesof Water, H2O,PhoneGap, HTML5
MY UV PATCH: THE REVOLUTIONARY WEARABLE "SUN-SAFER BEHAVIORAL"COACHOrder your free patch on OF A SUPPLE, SECOND-SKIN DEVICE… The UV patch is auniquetransparent adhesive containing photosensitive dyes thatchangecolor when exposed to UV rays to indicate varying levels ofsunexposure. … SO YOU CAN PEEL, STICK & FORGET!Ultra-thin,ultra-water resistant and adapted to sensitive skin, itcan be wornon the back of the hand for up to three days. You cansleep, showeror swim while wearing the device - and apply your sunprotectionover it. SUN EXPOSURE IS MONITORED IN REAL-TIME WITHPERFECTCOMFORT & TOLERANCE. Scan the patch using the My UVPatchmobile app, which analyzes the varying photosensitive dyesquaresto determine the UV exposure level. Through a smartalgorithmfactoring in your personal data – phototype, skin type,locationand weather – MY UV PATCH then provides essentialinformation: -Advice on sun-safe behavior - When to re-apply suncream - And eventhe ideal ANTHELIOS product (including SPF level).MY UV PATCHREBOOTED TO SENSITIZE THE MOST VULNERABLE: KIDS In orderto changebehaviors and protect children’s future, the key is tostart youngand speak to them in their language: easy and fun!Optimizedscanning from any angle… perfect for little hands! Kidsjust wantto have fun… - An augmented reality avatar interacts withuser -Good daily behavior unlocks new avatar powers to keep the fungoing- More risky behavior results in questions to answer correctlyfora second chance at unlocking new powers
Ingenio UV 1.0.1
Ingenio UV
“Ingenio UV” es una aplicacióndesarrolladaporestudiantes de la carrera de IngenieríaenTecnologíasComputacionales, con el objetivo de promocionareinformar aaspirantes a las carreras de la Unidad de IngenieríasyCienciasQuímicas, de la Universidad Veracruzana, pretendiendoseréste, unmedio de difusión atractivo y acorde a lastecnologíasactuales pormedio del uso de dispositivos móviles,accediendo a lainformaciónoficial de manera rápida, de cada uno delos programaseducativosque oferta dicha institución, tal como;objetivo de lacarrera,perfil de ingreso, perfil de egreso, yestructuracurricular porperiodos, así como una sección de noticiasde lasfacultades,ubicación de la unidad, sitios oficiales delasinstituciones yredes sociales de las mismas."UV Ingenio"isanapplication developed by students studyingComputerEngineeringTechnology, with the aim of promoting andinformaspiring racingUnit Engineering and Chemistry, from theUniversidadVeracruzana,pretending to be this a attractive meansofdissemination andaccording to current technologies through theuseof mobiledevices, accessing official information quickly, eachoneof theeducational programs offered by the institution, suchas;careerobjective, profile entry, exit profile andcurricularstructureperiods, as well as a news section of thefaculties,drivelocation, official sites of the institutions andsocialnetworksthe same.
Metodos Numericos 1.3.1
Roberto Góngora
Una aplicación sencilla que contiene todoslosprogramas vistos en clase.- Series de McLaurin / Taylor (Seno)- Métodos de Bisección, Falsa Posición, Newton-Raphston- Métodos de Gauss-Jordan, Gauss-Seidel y Montante Pardo- Interpolación de Newton- Interpolación de Lagrange- Métodos de Euler, Predicción-Correción Euler-Gauss, Runge-Kuttade4to Orden- Integración por Trapecio, Simpson 1/3, Simpson 3/8- Derivación por límitesFacultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.A simple applicationthatcontains all the programs studied in class.- Series of McLaurin / Taylor (Seno)- Methods Bisection, False Position, Newton-Raphston- Methods of Gauss-Jordan, Gauss-Seidel and Upright Pardo- Newton Interpolation- Lagrange Interpolation- Methods of Euler, Prediction-Correction Euler-Gauss,Runge-Kutta4th Order- Integration Trapeze, Simpson 1/3, 3/8 Simpson- Derivation by limitsFaculty of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Yucatán.