Top 15 Apps Similar to Arduino BT Control

Arduino Bluetooth Control
Take full control of your microcontroller-based boards viabluetoothmodules
Arduino bluetooth controller 1.3
Giumig Apps
Use Android as a bluetooth remote controller for Arduino
Bluetooth Controller 8 Lamp 2.4
Bluetooth controller 8 channel lamp for Arduino andcodevisionAvrprogramming. You can connected relay modul 8 channelforelectronicdevice with a working voltage of 220v, lamp, fans,tv,etc.. i amtest with arduino leonardo and serialcommnunicationlibrary toconnected RX pin 10 and TX pin 11. you canuse arduinouno orarduino mini etc... FEATURES: -Tutorial page-control 8channelon/off lamp -control All channel ON -control AllchannelOFF-download file Program Arduino_Bluetooth_8Lamp.ino+schemmatic-download file +schemmatic -downloadtutorialebook.pdf -support Bluetooth modulHC-05 ,HC-06 and HC-07etc Checkto main menu update to PremiumVersion WHY YOU SHOULDUPGRADE to thePREMIUM? If you upgrade topreium, then you will notfind ads thatappear in applications(remove ads). And you'll get thecoolfeatures in addition toremove the ads, which featurekeysynchronization of the lightsbeing lit as shown in thevideo.PREMIUM FEATURES *Unlocksynchronize button of the means*Remove AdsDOWNLOAD FILE: DownloadFile: -Program Code arduinoproject with8LED project with8Relay project 8 Relay EEPROM .............Update toProVersion-Program Code cvavr project atmega16ZIP -EbookTutorialPDF: Test APPS for Free version VS Pro Premium 2.UploadProgram toArduino 3. Setting And Connected Bluetooth toPhoneDeviceGroupDiscussions:*ConnectedArduinoPIN Lamp 1 connected to PinOut 2 Arduino Lamp 2connected toPinOut 3Arduino Lamp 3 connected to PinOut 4 ArduinoLamp 4connected toPinOut 5 Arduino Lamp 5 connected to PinOut 6ArduinoLamp 6connected to PinOut 7 Arduino Lamp 7 connected toPinOut 8ArduinoLamp 8 connected to PinOut 9 Arduino *Serial datasendingfromBluetooth Controll Lamp.apk data '1'-'8' to on is lamp1-8data'A'-'H' to off is lamp 1-8 data '9' to on ALL is lamp data'I'tooff ALL is lamp
Arduino Bluetooth Control 3.0
Martyn Currey
Monitor and/or Control an Arduino over Bluetooth
Arduino bluetooth 1.3.3
If you are planning to make Arduino project which you wanttocontrol with Android phone via Bluetooth, then this applicationmayhelpful lot! This application I have created for my Arduinoprojectto LED on and off via my Android phone. So I have createdtwobutton in this app to LED on/off and one input text box to sendanynumber of alphabet to send Arduino. For more informationaboutArduino project and Android application you can visit myblog.Below is the link for project page.
Arduino BlueTooth Controller 1.0
Pranay Lonkar
"Arduino Bluetooth Controller" smart way to control yourHomeAppliances.
Arduino Bluetooth echo 1.0
블루투스를 이용하여 아두이노로 에코 메세지를 전달하는 예제입니다.Android gets an echo message from Arduino by Bluetooth.Github :개발자 연락처 :ice3x2@gmail.comArduino using Bluetoothasan example of how to deliver eco-messages.Android gets an echo message from Arduino by Bluetooth.Github:
Bluetooth Control for Arduino 1.1
Arduino Bluetooth Relay 4CH App is android application which isusedto control 4 channel relay module via Bluetooth withBluetoothserial communication module support HC-05, HC-06, orHC-07, UsingArduino or AVR i am test with arduino UNO and serialcommnunicationlibrary to connected RX pin 10 and TX pin 11. you canuse arduinouno or arduino leonardo etc... Fitur App: -control 4channel on/offralay -control All channel ON -control All channelOFF -downloadfile Program Arduino_Bluetooth_Ralay_4ch.ino -downloadfileTutorial PDF with schemmatic Download File: -arduino projectZIP : -tutorial & schematic wiring PDF: or you can Copy program here to ArduinoIDE/* Relay IN1 connected to PinOut 2 Arduino Relay IN2 connectedtoPinOut 3 Arduino Relay IN3 connected to PinOut 4 Arduino RelayIN4connected to PinOut 5 Arduino --->you can connected torelaymodul 4 channel Serial data sending from Arduino BluetoothRelay4CH.apk data '1'-'4' to on is Ralay CH 1-4 data 'A'-'D' to offisRalay CH 1-4 data '9' to on ALL CH 1-4 data 'I' to off ALL CH1-4*/ #include SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); //Pin10 RX , Pin 11TXconnected to--> Bluetooth TX,RX #define relay1 2 #definerelay23 #define relay3 4 #define relay4 5 char val; void setup(){pinMode(relay1,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay2,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay3,OUTPUT);pinMode(relay4,OUTPUT);digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH);mySerial.begin(9600); Serial.begin(9600);} void loop() { //cekdata serial from bluetooth android App if(mySerial.available()>0 ) { val =;Serial.println(val); } //Relay ison if( val == '1' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,LOW); } else if( val =='2' ) {digitalWrite(relay2,LOW); } else if( val == '3' ){digitalWrite(relay3,LOW); } else if( val == '4' ){digitalWrite(relay4,LOW); } //relay all on else if( val == '9' ){digitalWrite(relay1,LOW);digitalWrite(relay2,LOW);digitalWrite(relay3,LOW);digitalWrite(relay4,LOW); } //relay isoff else if( val == 'A' ) {digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH); } else if(val == 'B' ) {digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH); } else if( val == 'C' ){digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH); } else if( val == 'D' ){digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH); } //relay all off else if( val == 'I'){ digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH);digitalWrite(relay4,HIGH); } }
Arduino Bluetooth Controller 1.0 Home Premium
Arduino Bluetooth Controller 100% compatible withallmicrocontrollers.
Bluetooth Serial 1.1
Hayden Tsui
Bluetooth Serial is a simpleminimalisticappdesigned to send bluetooth serial data to yourArduino/RaspberryPior other hardware devices.It's beautiful simple design allows you to easily senddatatoyour devices.
Arduino Bluetooth Control 1.10
Mango Developers
This app allows you to control anyRobotorEmbedded Sys. interfaced bluetooth using SerialPortProfile(SPP).Full source code nowavailableat is a simple app for beginners learning touseArduino/AnyDevelopment using Serial communication and controltheirprojectfrom their Android Smartphone/Tablet.Understanding how the app sends data:The app uses separate Thread with a loop to senddatacontinuouslyafter every 100ms (this would be user configurableinfurtherversions of the app) in form of a byte*.*(Which could be type-casted to int as well charasperconvenience)Which key/button would send will send which byte can beseeninthe table:Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Data(char) “1” “2” “3” “4” “5” “6” “7”Data(int ) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54Data(byte) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54The key/button no. can be seen in image shown on topi.e.thepromo image.For example:If the key 1 is pressed on the screen. The data send wouldbesinglechar i.e.“1” which could be type casted and usedtoestablishcontrol over Arduino as follows:Int read;read=Serial.Read();if(read==48){//Write your Code for what to do}About the App Documentation can be found at this link: Arduino Source Code can be downloaded fromthislink: will be adding adding further functionality basedonuserreviews like accelerometer,GPS , PWM ,Serial terminal etc soifyouhave any specific need please do write an review.Please rate the app 5 stars if you find my work helpful.In case you have any issues with app please write a review ormailmeregarding it before giving low rating.
BTduino - Arduino - Bluetooth 1.7
BTduino是利用手機藍芽裝置(Bluetooth)連接Arduino的應用程式。此程式現提供數字按鍵模式及遊戲控制器模。往後亦會加入PWM,各種感應器及按鍵配對等功能。使用者需連接藍芽接收裝置如HC06至Arduino。藍芽HC06連接Arduino的設置如下:1. 藍芽VCC接Arduino 5v或3.3v(視乎所購買的裝置而定)2. 藍芽GND接Arduino GND3. 藍芽RXD接Arduino TX(Pin10)4. 藍芽TXD接Arduino RX(Pin11)// Arduino RX(Pin 11) connect to Bluethooth TX, ArduinoTX(Pin10)connect to Bluethooth RXArduino 設定/*btduino2 - Terminal Mode - by David Chung*/#include <SoftwareSerial.h>SoftwareSerial myBT(11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);myBT.begin(9600);pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);inCode.reserve(50);}void loop() {if (myBT.available()) {char incomingChar =;if(incomingChar == ')'){endCode = true;} else {inCode += incomingChar;}}if (endCode){int strEnd = inCode.indexOf(')');String myString = inCode.substring(0, strEnd);Serial.print("Incoming : ");Serial.println(myString);if(myString == "on"){digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);myBT.print("LED On");}if(myString == "off"){digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);myBT.print("LED Off");}inCode = "";endCode = false;}}/*btduino2 - GamePad Mode - by David Chung*/#include <SoftwareSerial.h>SoftwareSerial myBT(11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;int incomingByte = 0;void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);myBT.begin(9600);pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);}void loop() {if (myBT.available()) {incomingByte =;Serial.println(char(incomingByte));if(incomingByte == 'L'){digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);}if(incomingByte == 'R'){digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);}}}/*Slider Mode*/#include <SoftwareSerial.h>SoftwareSerial myBT(11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);myBT.begin(9600);pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);inCode.reserve(30);}void loop() {if (myBT.available()) {char incomingChar =;if(incomingChar == ')'){endCode = true;} else {inCode += incomingChar;}}if (endCode){int comma1 = inCode.indexOf(',');int comma2 = inCode.indexOf(',', comma1 + 1);String Rs = inCode.substring(0, comma1);String Gs = inCode.substring(comma1 + 1, comma2);String Bs = inCode.substring(comma2 + 1);Serial.print("inCode = ");Serial.print(inCode);Serial.print(" R = ");Serial.print(Rs);Serial.print(" G = ");Serial.print(Gs);Serial.print(" B = ");Serial.println(Bs);int R = Rs.toInt();int G = Gs.toInt();int B = Bs.toInt();analogWrite(ledPin, R);inCode = "";endCode = false;}}/*btduino2 - Orientation Mode - by David Chung*/#include <SoftwareSerial.h>SoftwareSerial myBT(11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);myBT.begin(9600);pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);inCode.reserve(30);}void loop() {if (myBT.available()) {char incomingChar =;if(incomingChar == ')'){endCode = true;} else {inCode += incomingChar;}}if (endCode){int comma1 = inCode.indexOf(',');int comma2 = inCode.indexOf(',', comma1 + 1);String As = inCode.substring(0, comma1);String Ps = inCode.substring(comma1 + 1, comma2);String Rs = inCode.substring(comma2 + 1);Serial.print("inCode = ");Serial.print(inCode);Serial.print(" Azimuth = ");Serial.print(As);Serial.print(" Pitch = ");Serial.print(Ps);Serial.print(" Roll = ");Serial.println(Rs);int A = As.toInt();int P = Ps.toInt();int R = Rs.toInt();inCode = "";endCode = false;}}BTduino Bluetoothdeviceisusing a mobile phone (Bluetooth) connected totheArduinoapplication. This program now provides keypad mode andthegamecontroller module. Later will join PWM, various sensorsandbuttonsmatching functions. Bluetooth user to be connected tothereceivingdevice, such as HC06 Arduino. HC06 ArduinoBluetoothconnectionsettings are as follows:1. Bluetooth connection Arduino 5v VCC or 3.3v (dependingonthepurchased device may be)2. Bluetooth connection Arduino GND GND3. RXD connected Bluetooth Arduino TX (Pin10)4. TXD connected Bluetooth Arduino RX (Pin11)// Arduino RX (Pin 11) connect to Bluethooth TX, Arduino TX(Pin10)connect to Bluethooth RXArduino set/ *  btduino2 - Terminal Mode - by David Chung* /#include & lt; SoftwareSerial.h & gt;SoftwareSerial myBT (11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup () {  Serial.begin (9600);  myBT.begin (9600);  pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);  inCode.reserve (50);}void loop () {  if (myBT.available ()) {    char incomingChar = ();    if (incomingChar == ')') {      endCode = true;    } Else {      inCode + = incomingChar;    }  }  if (endCode) {    int strEnd = inCode.indexOf (')');    String myString =inCode.substring(0,strEnd);    Serial.print ("Incoming:");    Serial.println (myString);        if (myString == "on") {      digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);      myBT.print ("LED On");    }    if (myString == "off") {      digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);      myBT.print ("LED Off");    }        inCode = "";    endCode = false;  }}/ *  btduino2 - GamePad Mode - by David Chung* /#include & lt; SoftwareSerial.h & gt;SoftwareSerial myBT (11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;int incomingByte = 0;void setup () {  Serial.begin (9600);  myBT.begin (9600);  pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);}void loop () {  if (myBT.available ()) {    incomingByte = ();    Serial.println (char (incomingByte));    if (incomingByte == 'L') {      digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);    }    if (incomingByte == 'R') {      digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);    }  }}/ *  Slider Mode* /#include & lt; SoftwareSerial.h & gt;SoftwareSerial myBT (11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup () {  Serial.begin (9600);  myBT.begin (9600);  pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);  inCode.reserve (30);}void loop () {  if (myBT.available ()) {    char incomingChar = ();    if (incomingChar == ')') {      endCode = true;    } Else {      inCode + = incomingChar;    }  }  if (endCode) {    int comma1 = inCode.indexOf (',');    int comma2 = inCode.indexOf (',',comma1+1);    String Rs =inCode.substring(0,comma1);    String Gs = inCode.substring (comma1+1,comma2);    String Bs = inCode.substring(comma2+1);    Serial.print ("inCode =");    Serial.print (inCode);    Serial.print ("R =");    Serial.print (Rs);    Serial.print ("G =");    Serial.print (Gs);    Serial.print ("B =");    Serial.println (Bs);    int R = Rs.toInt ();    int G = Gs.toInt ();    int B = Bs.toInt ();    analogWrite (ledPin, R);        inCode = "";    endCode = false;  }}/ *  btduino2 - Orientation Mode - by David Chung* /#include & lt; SoftwareSerial.h & gt;SoftwareSerial myBT (11, 10);const int ledPin = 13;String inCode = "";boolean endCode = false;void setup () {  Serial.begin (9600);  myBT.begin (9600);  pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);  inCode.reserve (30);}void loop () {  if (myBT.available ()) {    char incomingChar = ();    if (incomingChar == ')') {      endCode = true;    } Else {      inCode + = incomingChar;    }  }  if (endCode) {    int comma1 = inCode.indexOf (',');    int comma2 = inCode.indexOf (',',comma1+1);    String As =inCode.substring(0,comma1);    String Ps = inCode.substring (comma1+1,comma2);    String Rs = inCode.substring(comma2+1);    Serial.print ("inCode =");    Serial.print (inCode);    Serial.print ("Azimuth =");    Serial.print (As);    Serial.print ("Pitch =");    Serial.print (Ps);    Serial.print ("Roll =");    Serial.println (Rs);    int A = As.toInt ();    int P = Ps.toInt ();    int R = Rs.toInt ();    inCode = "";    endCode = false;  }}
Arduino BT Connect 1.5
X-Soft Studio
Arduino BT Connect transfers data between an Android PhoneandArduino.
Arduino Bluetooth Test 1.0
Arduino Bluetooth Test.By using Bluetooth connection, you can do WirelessSerialCommunication with AVR, PIC, Arduino.
Bluetooth Control Programmable 1.0.2
This app will let you make abluetoothexploration to give you the chance to stablish aconnection withdevices close to you. Then, you will be able to sendcommands(bytes) to your connected device by simply interacting withthe appcontrols available.This app can receive information transmited by your connecteddeviceto respond your petitions (you must program your remotedevice, Arduino).The app lets you program all its controls one by one by a simplewayusing the Programmer Tab.Its app also gives you a simple Console to interact with yourremotedevice in another way, like a chat.Communication Protocol:In order to receive data from your remote bluetooh device, youmustprogram it appropriately (the App and the remote device).First, in the App, create all inputs you want; each input will beadata that you want to receive (e.g. a temperature value).Creatingan Input will need an ID (identifier, needed) and aName(associated with that ID).Then you must program your remote device to output allthatinputs following the next Protocol:ID-Value <- each input must be build with an ID + a Dash +thedata value + blank space;To send multiple inputs values just concat them (saparetingthemby a blank space) as follows:ID-Value1 ID-Value2 ID-Value3\n <- Multiple inputs sent(noticethe last byte)Important! Last byte must be a LineFeed character(number10 in ascii code, the \n caracter)