Top 24 Apps Similar to Consulta CNPJ - Check Empresa

Google My Business
Google Inc.
Show the world you are open for businessonGoogle Search and Maps. With Google My Business, you canverifyyour business information, manage customer reviews, getcustominsights on how customers are interacting with yourbusinessonline, and build your brand.- Update business name, address, and hours- Upload photos of your business- Manage and respond to customer reviews- Custom insights on where and how many people are searchingforyou- Notifications when customers are talking about yourbusiness- Manage multiple locations from one dashboard, and invite otherstomanage your listingPermission Notice- Location: Needed to use your current location as yourbusinesslocation- Contacts: Needed to auto-complete email addresses wheninvitingothers to manage your listing- Storage: Needed to access photos taken at yourbusinesslocation
Consulta CNPJ 9.4p_28
NFeUp App
Consulta CNPJ na Receita FederalConsulta CNPJ e Inscrição Estadual no SINTEGRA Minas Gerais, RiodeJaneiro, São Paulo e BahiaGere o PDF e imprima o resultado da consulta!Informações completas sem limite de consultas.Comprovante de inscrição e de situação cadastral.Título do estabelecimento (nome de fantasia)Código e descrição da atividade econômica principalCódigo e descrição das atividades econômicas secundáriasCódigo e descrição da natureza jurídicaEndereçoSituação cadastralQuadro de Sócios e AdministradoresPode ser chamado direto do aplicativo NFe VisualizadorCNPJ consultation withtheFederal RevenueCNPJ consultation and State Registration SINTEGRA in MinasGerais,Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and BahiaGenerate PDF and print the query result!Complete information without consultation limit.Proof of registration and registration status.Title of establishment (Invented name)Code and description of the main economic activityCode and description of secondary economic activitiesCode and description of the legal natureAddressRegistration statusFramework Partners and DirectorsIt can be directly called Invoice Viewer application
Intune Company Portal 5.0.5273.0
The Company Portal provides access to corporate appsandresourcesfrom almost any network. Your company mustalreadysubscribe toMicrosoft Intune, and your IT admin must set upyouraccount beforeyou can use this app. Features: • Enroll toaccesscorporateresources • Browse and install company apps • Viewandmanage allyour enrolled devices • View IT departmentcontactinformation •Change your work account password • Unenrollorremotely wipedevices Important: This app requires you to useyourwork accountto enroll in Intune. Some functionality isunavailablein certaincountries. If you have issues with this app orquestionsabout itsuse (including your company’s privacy policy)contact yourITadministrator and not Microsoft, your networkoperator,oryourdevicemanufacturer. Company Portal: Before you can uninstallCompanyPortal,you need to unenroll your device from Intune first.Hereare thesteps: 1) Follow these directionstounenroll:,you can uninstall Company Portal like you would any otherapp
Saúde da sua empresa SEBRAE 1.0
Faça o diagnóstico da sua empresa e detectesesua empresa está "saudável" ou sofrendo de "anemiaempresarial","marketerícia", "financite" ou "mesmice".De acordo com o resultado, você poderá receber dicasespecíficaspor e-mail ou/e ainda ter acesso a cartilhas virtuaiscom os temasempreendedorismo, marketing, finanças e/ouinovação."Saúde" e sucesso na sua empresa!Desenvolvido por SEBRAE PARANÁ (metodologia e conceitos)eIngrupo//CHP (layout e programação).Diagnose your companyanddetect whether your company is "healthy" or sufferingfrom"business anemia", "marketerícia", "financite" or "sameness".According to the result, you may receive specific tips byemailor / and still have access to virtual booklets withthemesentrepreneurship, marketing, finance and / or innovation."Health" and success in your business!Developed by SEBRAE Parana (methodology and concepts) andIngrupo/ / CHP (layout and programming).
Gestión y Empresa, Tips 1.0
¿Sigues el plan de negocio inicial delaempresa? ¿Cómo mides habitualmente los resultados de tunegocio?¿Preguntas a tus clientes? ¿Te fijas objetivos? Descubretodo estoen ésta aplicación. Te ofrecemos tips para dirigir unaempresa yconsejos para crear una empresa exitosa. Descarga ahoramismo estaaplicación a tu dispositivo móvil o tablet.Still the initialbusinessplan of the company? How often do you measure the resultsof yourbusiness? Questions your customers? Do you set goals? Seeall inthis application. We offer tips for running a business andtips forcreating a successful business. Download this app now toyour mobilephone or tablet device.
Invoice2go: Easy Invoice Maker
All-in-one tool to run your business: invoicing, payments,reportingand more.
Empresa Familiar 1.151.381.902
Este aplicativo foi criado para serbaixadogratuitamente pelos clientes, colaboradores e parceiros daEmpresaFamiliar, para servir de fonte de comunicação, pesquisa,marketing,divulgação, promoções, eventos e produtos oferecidos pelaEmpresa,para o seu público.O aplicativo não apresenta conteúdo indesejado,enganoso,repetitivo ou não relacionado à função central doaplicativo.Não viola os direitos de propriedade intelectual deoutraspessoas, nem encoraje ou induza a violação dos direitosdepropriedade intelectual.Não finge ser outra pessoa nem declare que seu conteúdoéautorizado ou produzido por outra empresa ou organização seessenão for o caso.Os desenvolvedores não desviam os clientes, nem fornecemlinkspara sites que simulem ou se apresentem como outro aplicativoouserviço.Obedecem à Política de conteúdo.Um aplicativo transferido (ou seus componentes eelementosderivados) não faz alterações no dispositivo fora doaplicativo semo conhecimento e o consentimento do usuário.Este aplicativo não faz a divulgação não autorizadadeinformações privadas e confidenciais de terceiros, como númerosdecartão de crédito, carteiras de motorista ou outrashabilitações,contatos privados ou qualquer tipo de informação quenão estejaacessível publicamente.Este aplicativo não coleta informações (como o local ouocomportamento do usuário) sem o conhecimento deste (spyware)sãoproibidos. Scripts mal-intencionados e golpes de phishing desenhatambém são proibidos.
Audiobook - Small Business
Twayesh Projects
This great audio book will give you the steps for buildingabusiness!
Groupon Merchants 5.43.0-1590741414
Groupon, Inc.
The new GrouponMerchant app letsmerchantsmanage their Groupon campaign directly from theirsmartphone. Usethe GrouponMerchant app to:Scan and redeem Groupons using your phone’s cameraView customer feedback and share rave reviews on your socialmediapagesTo get started, download the app and sign in with yourmerchantcredentials.
Enterprise Pro Manager 2.22
EnterpriseProManager is the most complete and themostintuitivesolution to manage your company. It offers you asimplemanagementof the customers, the suppliers, the quotes,theinvoices, theorders, the stock and the products/articles.Thisapplication isgoing to facilitate your life by offering youdiversefeatures ofmanagement, generation PDF, monitoring, exportandstatistics ofyour quotes, invoices and order. You areanentrepreneur, anindependent, small or medium-sized company,liberalprofession...EnterpriseProManager was designed for you inacustomizable way togive yourselves the possibility ofmanagingeasily your productsand of adding in your invoices, quotesandorders, the usefulinformation of your company which changeacountry in an other one,such as: N VAT, TAX, VAT, Code APE,SIRET,… To save time,EnterpriseProManager allows you to export andtoimport easily yourproducts and customers/suppliers from anExcelfile by basing on amodel file. Besides the basicfeatures,EnterpriseProManager allowsto generate easily yourinvoice, quoteand order in a PDF file andto send it by email toyour customer orsupplier with a simpleclick. You want to exportyour invoices,quotes or orders validatedor not? WithEnterpriseProManager you canfilter yourquotes/invoices/orders andexport them towards an Excelfile or CSVto integrate them intoanother external tool. With thefeature ofstatistics, you can trackyour sales dayly, monthly oryearly andcompare it with previousyears. EnterpriseProManager is acompletetool that will simplifyyour financial management andaccounting ofyour business. Features:- Customer management -Suppliersmanagement - Quote management -Invoice management -Stockmanagement - Movements management(inputs/outputs) - Alerts oroverof stock management - Orderssuppliers (purchase orders)management- Orders customers (saleorders) management - Managementof payingbills/invoices - Transformquote to invoice - Transformorder toinvoice - Generation ofinvoice, quote or orders to PDF -Sendingof quotes, invoices andorders by email - Export details ofquotes,invoices and orders to anExcel or CSV file - Sending ofexports byemail - Management Setup:logo, company stamp, currency,tax, dateformat... - Statistics ofsales per day, month, year andcustomer -Ability to add acustomer/Supplier from a contact.-Product/articles Management -Management category of products-Import/Export products - Export ofmovements - Ability toaddinvoice/quote/order lines from theproducts - Ability to changethenumber of the invoice/quote/order -Import/Export customersorsuppliers - Ability to add discount byinvoice and by details-Generation catalogs of product in PDF -Generation inventoryofproduct in PDF - Attaching a document PDF(data sheet) withtheproduct - Scan bar code of products - Save andrestore Database-Possibility of signing a quote or order -Accounting: thefeatureis paying (in-app). - Accounts management -Transactionsmanagement improvethisapplication, please send me your requests toaddfeatures,feedback, comments or bugs/problems(
Buscador de Empresas eInforma 7.17.1
Informa D&B
All information in Spanish companies at your fingertips.
Love Mondays - Vagas, Salários 3.0.2
Love Mondays
Love Mondays é uma plataforma em que profissionaisavaliamasempresas onde trabalham. Líder no Brasil, ositeajudaprofissionais a tomarem melhores decisões de carreiraeempresas arecrutarem e manterem seus talentos. São mais de 1milhãodesalários e avaliações de ambientes de trabalho e deentrevistasdeemprego para 120 mil empresas. Todas as informaçõessão postadasdeforma confidencial por nossa comunidade de usuários eacessadaspormais de 4 milhões de pessoas ao mês. A plataforma fazpartedoGlassdoor, o site de empregos e recrutamento maistransparentedomundo. No aplicativo Love Mondays você consegue: -Pesquisaroambiente de trabalho em mais de 120 mil empresas e leraopiniãodos funcionários sobre como é trabalhar lá; - Buscarvagasdeemprego, candidatar-se às mais interessantes ou criaralertasparamonitorar oportunidades; - Pesquisar salários paramilharesdecargos em mais de 120 mil empresas, ver detalhesdaremuneração(como bônus, PLR e comissão) e comparar essesvalorescom outrasempresas; - Ver as notas que os funcionários dãopara asempresasonde trabalham sobre a satisfação com remuneraçãoebenefícios,oportunidades da carreira, cultura da empresaequalidade da vida.- Conhecer sobre o processo seletivodasempresas, com base emavaliações de entrevistas que trazeminclusiveas pergunta feitasdurante a seleção.
Minha Empresa Pedidos Estoque 1.25
O sistema número 1 em facilidade deuso.Emissão de pedidos diretamente no seu android com facilidadeeagilidade.Entre os recursos disponíveis:-Cadastro de Produtos com Grupos-Cadastro de Clientes/ Fornecedores e Contatos-Emissão de Pedidos-Exportação de dadosNão precisa estar conectado a internet, funciona diretamente noseuandroid.The system number oneinease of use. Issuing orders directly to your android with easeandagility.Among the resources available:-Products with Master Groups-Registration of Customers / Suppliers and Contacts-Issue Orders-Export DataNeed not be connected to the Internet, works directly onyourandroid.
Skype for Business for Android
Skype for Business, formerly Lync 2013,forAndroid extends the power of Lync and Skype to your favoritemobiledevice: voice & video over wireless, rich presence,instantmessaging, conferencing, and calling features from asingle,easy-to-use interface.Key Features:-Initiate a group IM or video conversation and inviteadditionalparticipants-Join, rejoin and initiate a Skype for Business Meetingtocommunicate and collaborate on amazing ideas-Share your video and view speaker's video during aconference-Control the meeting (mute or remove attendees) and know moreaboutparticipants’ modalities-Look at your upcoming meetings and join via one click-Find your recent conversations and pick them up from whereyouleft-Search your contacts by name, email, or phone number-Enhanced security via Active Directory AuthenticationLibrary(ADAL)Anyone can use the Skype for Business Mobile app when invited toaSkype for Business or Lync 2013 meeting. However, you must haveaSkype for Business or Lync account in order to use (and enjoy)thefull capability of the Skype for Business Mobile app. Also,somefunctionality might require an update to Lync or Skype forBusinessServer or might not be available to all users. If you’renot sureabout your account status, please contact your ITdepartmentIMPORTANT: THIS SOFTWARE REQUIRES CONNECTIVITY TO VALIDLYLICENSEDCOPIES OF MICROSOFT LYNC OR SKYPE FOR BUSINESS SERVER OROFFICE 365/ LYNC ONLINE / SKYPE FOR BUSINESS ONLINE AND WILL NOTWORK WITHOUTIT. UPDATES TO MICROSOFT LYNC SERVER OR SKYPE FORBUSINESS MAY BEREQUIRED FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE. SOME FUNCTIONALITYMAY NOT BEAVAILABLE IN ALL COUNTRIES. IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT YOURCOMPANY’SLICENSE TO AND/OR DEPLOYMENT OF LYNC OR SKYPE FORBUSINESS, PLEASECONTACT YOUR IT DEPARTMENT. SKYPE FOR BUSINESS APPIS ONLYAVAILABLE FOR Android 4.0 OR GREATER.
Network Marketing Business 1.2
Who Else Wants To Know How To Generate 100+ LeadsA Day For Their Network Marketing Business , Recruit At WillAnd Duplicate Teams To Massive Numbers In TheirNetwork Marketing Business ?Network Marketing is a great business but to succeed u needrighttraining....This is the new released app helping you with All yourNetworkMarketing Training NeedsIt has 3 sections helping you with lead generation foryourNetwork Marketing business ,recruitment training and final section on how to duplicatemoreleaders in yourNetwork Marketing business team .....It also has a special free video on home page showing you howtomake guaranteed money inyour Network Marketing business using the secret RA + RK + MA =IODFormulaDownload The App For Free Now , Install it and go through allthetraining......You will be glad u did......I will see you inside...CheersAnkur AgarwalProfessional Network Marketing Business Coach And ConsultantCEO - MlmGlobalUniversity.Com
The Communicator Jobs - Alert vacancies, Curriculum CHAT and more
Facebook Ads Manager
The Facebook Ads Manager app allowsbusinessesto stay connected with their ad performance no matterwhere theyare. Easily create and track Facebook ads from yourmobile devicewith powerful and efficient mobile tools.Create ads: Use photos and videos from your device's librarytoreach people with ads on Facebook, Instagram, and AudienceNetwork,or reuse existing ads with a convenient adduplicationfeature.Edit campaigns: Edit your creative, text, targeting, schedulesandbudgets, or schedule and preview your draft campaignsonmobile.View your performance: See how your ads are performing andcompareup to 5 ads with a side-by-side viewStay in control: Manage account settings and track spendingdirectlyfrom your mobile device.Simple navigation: Easily switch between your Pages oradaccounts.Tips & recommendations: Get timely notifications aboutadperformance, weekly summaries, and recommended actionsforimproving your performance.
Lync 2010 4.0.6509.3001
Lync 2010 for Android extends the power of Lync to yourmobiledevice!
Workplace Chat by Facebook 317.
Work Chat brings mobile messaging andcallingto Workplace by Facebook. If your company is usingWorkplace, usethis app to access your existing account.Want to get your company on Workplace? Search the web for'Workplaceby Facebook' to learn how. Reach the people you needrightaway.Work Chat has messaging, voice and video calling, andlivebroadcasting for your whole team.• Stay connected to your team with one-to-one orgroupconversations• See all your coworker contacts, ready to call ormessageinstantly• Control your notifications so you're never disturbed whenyoudon't want to beKeep in touch with your team, wherever you are.
Microsoft Authenticator 6.2107.5010
The Microsoft Authenticator lets youquicklyand securely verify your identity online, for all of youraccounts.A variety of features are available for all typesofaccounts.Two-step verification:Two-step verification helps protect your account by providinganextra layer of security beyond simply your password. Here's howitworks – when signing in, after entering your password, you'llbeasked for an additional way to prove it's really you.Eitherapprove the notification sent to the Microsoft Authenticator,orenter the verification code generated by the app. Withthisfeature, even if someone manages to find your password, they'llbestopped if they don't have access to your phone too.Phone sign-in:Introducing phone sign-in for personal Microsoft accounts!Afterenrolling your account through the app, you can sign in toyouraccount with only your phone. Just approve the notificationsent tothe Microsoft Authenticator after entering your username.Availableon most Android devices.Device registration:Some organizations require that you register your devicebeforeaccessing certain files, emails, or apps. This way, they knowthatthe sign-in request is coming from a trusted device. Thiscaneasily be completed through the app.This app replaces the Azure Authenticator, Microsoft account,andMulti-Factor Authentication apps.Enroll in our beta program! Follow this link for an early previewofour latestupdates:
Workday 2023.12.245.116248
Workday, Inc.
All-in-one Mobile solutions for employees & managers tosucceedat work
Slack brings team communicationandcollaboration into one place so you can get more work done,whetheryou belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Checkoffyour to-do list and move your projects forward by bringingtheright people, conversations, tools, and information youneedtogether. Slack is available on any device, so you can findandaccess your team and your work, whether you’re at your desk oronthe go.Use Slack to:• Communicate with your team and organize your conversationsbytopics, projects, or anything else that matters to yourwork• Message or call any person or group within your team• Share and edit documents and collaborate with the right peopleallin Slack• Integrate into your workflow, the tools and services youalreadyuse including Google Drive, Salesforce, Dropbox, Asana,Twitter,Zendesk, and more• Easily search a central knowledge base that automaticallyindexesand archives your team’s past conversations and files• Customize your notifications so you stay focused onwhatmattersScientifically proven (or at least rumored) to make yourworkinglife simpler, more pleasant, and more productive. We hopeyou’llgive Slack a try.Stop by and learn more at:
Jora Job Search - Employment 4.6.2 (5147)
Job seeker app: search thousands of jobs and vacancies
Energisa On 3.13.4
- Second Via Account - Consult the Consumer History