Top 18 Apps Similar to Alimentos e Tratamentos

Remédios Caseiros em Português 2.8
Banco de dados com informaçõessobreremédioscaseiros e assuntos sobre saúde que podem seracessadas aqualquermomento sem a necessidade de conexão com aintenetDatabasewithinformationon home remedies and health issues that can beaccessedat any timewithout the need to connect to the intenet
Calories in food 2.0
Alexey Korobov
The app shows the energy content of more than 8700 food items.
iEatBetter: Food Diary 8.7.2
The easiest way to track your food.
Remedios Caseros 1.0
Agape Aplicaciones pone a sudisposiciónestaaplicación gratuita: 'Remedios Caseros', unarecopilación delosremedios caseros que ayudan a solucionarproblemas delasenfermedades como la gripe, el insomnio, elestreñimiento,laartritis reumatoide y desintoxicación delorganismo.Esta aplicación 'Remedios Caseros' contiene más de 50remediosabase de productos naturales que se pueden encontrarfácilmenteencualquier supermercado y su preparación es rápidaysencilla.Seguro te recomendamos, te servirá de mucha ayuda.Para la GRIPE tenemos:- Té de jenjibre- Vapores esenciales- Gárgaras para la garganta- Jarabe de cebollaPara desinflamar y eliminar dolores delaARTRITISREUMATOIDE:- Aceite de ricino- Semillas de alholva- Cúrcuma- Miel y canela- Vinagre de manzanaPara el INSOMNIO encontrarás:- Leche- Valeriana- Lechuga- Miel de abejas- Chocolate negroPara el ESTREÑIMIENTO tenemos:- Tomate- Ciruela- Manzana- Semillas de lino- Aceite de ricinoPara DESINTOXICACIÓN de tu organismo:- Jugo de cítricos- Jugo contra la celulitis- Jugo para la digestión- Jugo dietético- Jugo diuréticoY otros más...Esperamos que esta app 'Remedios Caseros' seaunacontribuciónpara ayudarte con tus problemas de salud. Si esasíteagradeceríamos que valorarás nuestro trabajo,calificándolaconcinco estrellas, haciendo clic en G+1 y dejandouncomentariopositivo o sugerencia de otras enfermedadesparaincluirlas enfuturas actualizaciones, de antemanomuchasgracias.Dios los bendiga!!NOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad la misma que nosayudaacubrir gastos de programación.Applicationsagapeoffersthis free application: 'Remedies', a collection ofhomeremediesthat help solve problems of diseases such asinfluenza,insomnia,constipation, rheumatoid arthritis anddetoxification ofthe body.This 'Remedies' application contains more than 50remediesbasedon natural products that can be easily found inanysupermarket andtheir preparation is quick and easy. Surewesuggest, it will serveyou much help.For FLU we have:- Ginger tea- Essential Steamers- Gargle Throat- Onion SyrupTo reduce inflammation and eliminate painofrheumatoidarthritis:- Castor oil- Seeds of fenugreek- Turmeric- Honey and Cinnamon- Apple vinagerFor INSOMNIA you will find:- Milk- Valeriana- Lettuce- Honey bee- Dark chocolateFor constipation we are:- Tomato- Prune- Apple- Linseed- Castor oilDetoxification of your body:- Citrus juice- Juice against cellulite- Juice for digestion- Dietary juice- Juice diureticAnd others...We hope this app 'Remedies' is a contribution to helpyouwithyour health problems. If so, please let'll appreciateourwork,calling it five stars, by clicking G + 1 and leavingapositivecomment or suggestion of other diseases for inclusioninfutureupdates, in advance thank you very much.God bless you!!NOTE: This application contains advertising it helps ustocoverprogramming costs.
More than 1000 Home remedies 7
Octav IA
Totally free app with more than 1000homeremedies related to this problems/diseasesAbscessAcidity And GasAcneAlcohol DetoxAlzheimer's DiseaseAnemiaAnxietyAgingArteriosclerosisArthritisAsthmaAttention Deficit DisorderAthlete's FootBackacheInsect Bite - Bee StingBed SoresBladder InfectionBloodshot EyesBoilsBody OdorBone FractureBronchitisBruises And BruisingBurnsBleedingBulimiaCeliac DiseaseDog BiteCandidaCanker SoresCarpal Tunnel SyndromeCataractChicken PoxCholesterolCold SoresConstipationCoughCornsCrampingCutsCystitisDandruffDark CirclesDermatitis (Eczema)DiabetesDiarrheaDizzinessEar InfectionEntEndometriosisErectile DysfunctionFatigue SyndromeFeverFibrocystic BreastFibromyalgiaFlatulenceFluFungal InfectionGallbladderGlaucomaHair LossHeadacheHeartburnHemorrhoidsHigh Blood PressureImpotenceImprove AppetiteInsomniaIntestinal WormsItchingJaundiceKidney StoneLeucorrhoeaLow Blood PressureMenstrual Stomach AcheMigraineBreast Feeding ProblemsMeaslesMumpsMorning SicknessNail CareNausea And VomitingNervousnessNeuritisOsteoporosisOverweight/obesityPeptic UlcerBenign Prostatic Hypertrophy - BphPsoriasisTobacco DependencyRashRectal Abscess/fissuresRectal ItchingSore ThroatDiabetic RetinopathyRosaceaScarsScabiesSkin ProblemsWrinklesSnoringThyroidTinnitusToenail FungusToothacheTuberculosisVaricose VeinsVitiligoWartsWomen's HealthYeast InfectionDISCLAIMERThis app provides natural home remedies for some commonailments.All health-related information provided via our site isintended toeducate and inform visitors about illnesses andconditions and waysto maintain optimum health. You expresslyacknowledge and agreethat access to and use of this app and theinformation on the appis at your sole risk.This app does not provide medical or any other health careorfitness advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The site and itsservicesare for informational purposes only and are not asubstitute forprofessional medical or health advice, examination,diagnosis, ortreatment. Always seek the advice of your physician orotherqualified health professional before starting any newtreatment,making any changes to existing treatment, or altering inany wayyour current exercise or diet regimen. Do not delay seekingordisregard medical advice based on information on this appWhile we try to keep the information as accurate as possible,wedisclaim any implied warranty or representation about itsaccuracyor completeness. The reader assumes full responsibility forusingthe information on this app.By installing this app you agree to the followingprivacypolicy:''
Tecnonutri: Encontre sua dieta 4.14.5
More than 50 programs: Low Carb, Intermittent Fasting,Exercises,Weight loss, Detox
Guia Nutricional Gratuito
Thiago Neves
Guia Nutricional GratuitoEstá interessado em Cuidar da Saúde através de uma dieta equilibraesaudável, quer controlar o peso e medidas antropometricas,esseaplicativo pode trazer informações úteis em sua busca porumaalimentação saudável e equilibribrada.Sua Saúde depende de sua alimentação.Tabela com + 400 Alimentos (Tabela Brasileira de ComposiçãodeAlimentos – TACO Versão 4 – Quarta Edição (Revisada e Ampliada)-UNICAMP) com Valores por 100g - Umidade, Proteínas,Lipídeos,Carboidratos, Fibras, Cinzas, Energia (Kcal EkJ),Colesterol,Cálcio, Ferro, Magnésio, Manganês, Fósforo, Sódio, Potássio,Cobre,Zinco, Vitamina A, Vitamina B1, Vitamina B2, VitaminaB3,Vitamina B6, Vitamina C, RAE (Equivalente de Atividade deRetinol),RE (Equivalente de Retinol).Cálculos e Avaliações:Cálculo de Índice de Massa Corporal e Cálculocaloriasdiárias.Cálculos da Relação Cintura Quadril.Avaliação Antropométrica, feitos a partirdos Estudos de Guedes (Prof. Dartagnan Pinto Guedes)Homens com 3 dobras.Mulheres com 3 dobras.Homens com 7 dobras.Mulheres com 7 dobras.Gasto de Calorias por Atividade de acordo com o peso e tempo.Lista de Vitaminas, onde encontrar, benefícios, causas pelafaltade.Lista de Nutrientes, onde encontrar, benefícios, causas pelafaltade.Lista de Deficiências, pela falta de Vitaminas.Ingestão Dietética Recomendada de Vitaminas para crianças, HomenseMulheres.Ingestão Dietética Recomendada de Minerais para crianças, HomenseMulheres.Ingestão Adequada de Vitaminas para crianças, HomenseMulheres.Ingestão Adequada de Minerais para Crianças, HomenseMulheres.10 Passos para uma alimentação saudável, elaborado peloMinistérioda Saúde.Teste completo sobre alimentação para pessoas entre 20 e 60anos,elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde.Este Guia serve apenas de referência, não substituinenhumprofissional, que deve ser sempre consultado.# ATUALIZAÇÃO #Correção do layout.Busca por alimentos.Lista Separada por LetrasConteúdo Ampliando NutritionGuideAre you interested in Health Care through a balanced andhealthydiet, weight control and want anthropometric measures,thisapplication can provide useful information in your quest forahealthy and equilibribrada power.Your health depends on your diet.Table with 400 + Food (Brazilian Food Composition Table -TACOVersion 4 - Fourth Edition (Revised and Enhanced) - UNICAMP)Values​​per 100g - humidity, Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates,Fiber, Ash,Energy (kJ and kcal) CholesterolCalcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sodium,Potassium,Copper, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, VitaminB3,Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, RAE (Retinol Activity Equivalents),RE(Retinol Equivalent).Calculations and Reviews:Calculating Body Mass Index Calculation daily calories.Calculations of the waist to hip ratio.Anthropometric assessment, made fromStudies Guedes (Prof. Dartagnan Pinto Guedes)Men with 3 folds.Women with 3 folds.Men with 7 folds.Women with 7 folds.Spent Calories by Activity according to the weight and time.List of Vitamins, find, benefits, causes the lack of.List of Nutrients, find, benefits, causes the lack of.List deficiencies, lack of vitamins. Recommended Dietary Intake of Vitamins for Children, MenandWomen. Recommended Dietary Intake of Minerals for Children, MenandWomen. Adequate Intake of Vitamins for Children, Men and Women.Adequate Intake of Minerals for Children, Men and Women.10 Steps to a healthy diet, prepared by the Ministry ofHealthFull test on food for people between 20 and 60, prepared bytheMinistry of HealthThis guide is for reference only, not replace any professional,whoshould always be consulted.# UPDATE #Correction of the layout.Searching for food.List Separated by LettersExtending Content
SUPERBOM - Receitas e Vídeos 1.1.8
SOBRE O APP SUPERBOMHá mais de 9 décadas a Superbom está nos lares de milharesdebrasileiros que investem numa alimentação saudável e equilibrada,eagora com o APP Superbom, ficou ainda mais fácil se alimentar bemeter uma vida mais leve e feliz.Desfrute de uma diversidade de receitas, um localizar de pontosdevendas de produtos Superbom, saiba mais sobre todos osprodutosatuais e os lançamentos, amplie seus conhecimentos com osvídeoseducativos sobre saúde e bem estar, vivencie a mudança devida de 4participantes do Reality Show: O Melhor da Vida Superbom,e,acompanhe nossa agenda de eventos.RECEITASCom o diferencial de todas as receitas contereminformaçõesnutricionais feitas pela especialista Cyntia Maureen-nutricionista e chefe de cozinha - o aplicativo está repletodereceitas saudáveis e exclusivas da culinária vegetariana evegana,nas seguintes categorias: • Entradas • Prato principal • Sopas, caldos e cremes • Bebidas • Doces e sobremesas • Lanches • Saladas e acompanhamentos • VeganosPONTOS DE VENDAMais facilidade para você! Em conexão direta com aferramentaexclusiva do site Superbom, você poderá informar o seuCEP, eatravés do mesmo, encontrar os pontos de venda de produtosSuperbommais próximos de onde você estiver.PORTFÓLIO DE PRODUTOSVocê que já está habituado a utilizar alguns produtos daSuperbom,irá se surpreender ao conhecer todos os produtos da marca.ASuperbom possui hoje um mix de quase 100 produtos, disponíveisparafazer parte dos melhores momentos do seu dia. Conheça todososprodutos e tenha mais opções saudáveis para você esuafamília.EVENTOSA Superbom participa de inúmeros eventos, vários deles abertosaopúblico. Que tal acompanhar nossa agenda e interagir mais depertocom a nossa marca?VÍDEOS EDUCATIVOSMais do que vender produtos, a Superbom deseja que você vivaomelhor da vida e, para isso, disponibilizamos diversas dicasdesaúde, dadas por especialistas de várias áreas da saúde.Através de um “vídeo aula” de 10 a 15 minutos, aprenda sobre maisde40 temas, como: arritmia, doenças cardiovasculares,estresse,amamentação, limpeza de ouvido, autoestima e muitomais.REALITY SHOW – O MELHOR DA VIDAO reality show “Melhor da Vida” é um programa realizado emformatode documentário, e que tem como principal objetivo promoveraqualidade de vida. Reunimos quatro candidatos de diferentesfaixasetárias, que participam de diversas provas em busca de umavidamais saudável. Para auxiliá-los, o reality show contacomprofissionais qualificados como preparadores físicos,médicos,nutricionista, psicólogo entre tantos outros.“O Melhor da Vida não mostra apenas pessoas perdendopeso,acompanhadas por especialistas. Nosso foco são histórias devida,que também podem transformar o olhar de muitas pessoas. Aolongo de12 episódios, os participantes enfrentam provas físicas equefortalecem também aspectos emocionais e psicológicos.HISTÓRIA DA SUPERBOMConheça a história dessa indústria com mais de 90 anos de atuaçãonomercado nacional, dedicada a fabricação de alimentos saudáveisqueajudam milhares de brasileiros a, todos os anos, desfrutarem deumavida mais equilibrada e feliz.ABOUT APP SuperbomFor over nine decades Superbom is in the homes of thousandsofBrazilians who invest in a healthy and balanced diet, and nowwithAPP Superbom, it's even easier to eat well and have a morelightand happy life.Enjoy a variety of recipes, a find sales points Superbomproducts,learn about all current products and releases, expandtheirknowledge with educational videos on health andwellness,experience the life changing 4 participants reality Show:the Bestof Superbom Life, and follow our events calendar.RECIPESWith the spread of all receipts contain nutritional informationmadeby expert Cynthia Maureen - nutritionist and chef - theapplicationis full of healthy and unique recipes of the vegetarianand vegancuisine, in the following categories:• Appetizer• Main course• Soups, broths and creams• Drinks• Sweets and desserts• Snacks• Salads and side dishes• VegansOUTLETSEasier for you! In direct connection with the exclusivetoolSuperbom site, you can enter your zip code, and through it,findthe point of sale nearest Superbom products wherever youare.PRODUCT PORTFOLIOYou who are already accustomed to using some of Superbomproducts,you will be surprised to know all the brand's products.TheSuperbom now has a mix of nearly 100 products are available tobepart of the best moments of your day. Check out all theproductsand make healthier choices for you and your family.EVENTSThe Superbom participates in numerous events, many of them opentothe public. What about follow our agenda and more closelyinteractwith our brand?EDUCATIONAL VIDEOMore than selling products, Superbom wants you to live the bestlifeand, therefore, we provide various health tips given byexperts fromvarious areas of health.Through a "video class" 10 to 15 minutes to learn about more than40topics, such as arrhythmia, cardiovascular disease,stress,breastfeeding, ear cleaning, self-esteem and more.REALITY SHOW - THE BEST LIFEThe reality show "Better Life" is a program held indocumentaryformat, and which has as main objective to promote thequality oflife. We gathered four candidates of different agegroups,participating in several events in search of a healthierlife. Toassist them, the reality show has qualified professionalsastrainers, doctors, nutritionists, psychologists amongothers."The Best of Life not only shows people losing weight,accompaniedby experts. We focus on life stories, which can alsotransform thelook of many people. Over 12 episodes, theparticipants facephysical evidence and also strengthen emotionaland psychologicalaspects.Superbom HISTORYLearn the history of this industry with over 90 years ofexperiencein the national market, dedicated to the production ofhealthyfoods that help thousands of Brazilians every year, enjoy amorebalanced and happy life.
Plantas Medicinais 1.4
O aplicativo Plantas Medicinais foi criadoparausuários que buscam informações sobre como curar com ervas.Entendacomo as plantas podem ajudar. Os programadores fizeram umbomtrabalho, pois o software funciona em 99% dos aparelhosmóveis,facilitando o acesso da comunidade. Usufrua, gratuitamente,desseconteúdo que é atualizado periodicamente. Além disso, o appdivideos assuntos em capítulos de forma clara e organizada. Baixeeinstale agora mesmo e não fique de fora. Aprenda tudo sobrePlantasMedicinais.The Medicinal Plantsapphas been created for users seeking information on how to healwithherbs. Understand how plants can help. The developers did agoodjob because the software works in 99% of mobiledevices,facilitating community access. Enjoy free of charge thatcontentthat is updated periodically. In addition, the app dividesthetopics into chapters in a clear and organized manner. Downloadandinstall right now and do not miss out. Learn all aboutmedicinalplants.
Dicas de Saúde 1.0
Dicas de como perder peso,sealimentarcorretamente, alimentos e seus benefícios,remédioscaseiros queajudarão a combater e até mesmo curar doenças!Nova versão! Sistema de busca e opção defavoritarapublicação!*Lembrando que não somos profissionais, os artigossãomeramenteinformativo, não temos a capacidade para receitarnenhumtratamentomédico nem realizar nenhum tipo de diagnóstico.Sugerimosqueprocure um médico no caso de apresentar qualquer tipodecondiçãoou mal-estar.Tips on how toloseweight,eat properly, food and its benefits, home remediesthathelp fightand even cure diseases!New version! System search and option favoritar publication!* Remember that we are not professionals, the articlesaremerelyinformative, we do not have the ability to prescribeanymedicaltreatment or perform any sort of diagnosis. We suggestyouconsult adoctor in case of presenting any kind of conditionormalaise.
ABC de las Plantas 1.0.42
Arkopharma S.A.
Guía de plantas medicinales.Aplicación para cuidar tu salud con plantas medicinalesdeventaen farmacia.El ABC de las plantas es una aplicación on line que teayudaráabuscar aquella planta medicinal más adecuada para tuproblemadesalud. Encuentra por orden alfabético o buscando porproblemadesalud la solución natural que te propone Arkopharma.Lafitoterapiaestá basada en el tratamiento de las enfermedadesatravés de lasplantas medicinales. En la actualidad, lafitoterapiatambién puedecomplementar otros tratamientosconvencionales.Guide medicinal plants.Application to protect your health with medicinal plantsforsalein pharmacy.The ABC of plants is an online application that will helptofindthose most suitable for your health problem medicinalplant.Findalphabetically or health problem looking fornaturalsolutionproposed Arkopharma you order. Phytotherapy is basedonthetreatment of diseases through medicinalplants.Currently,phytotherapy can also complement otherconventionaltreatments.
Plantas Medicinales
Medicinal plants are the most effective natural cureagainstdiseases.
Weight Loss Tricks and Hacks 7.0
Tec Star Studio
Daily tricks and tips to help you lose weight and live ahealthierlife
Remédios caseiros para bebês 1.0.0
MLS Studio
Remédios caseiros, macetes do dia a dia,dicasereceitas da vovó para curar problemas, dores e doenças dodia adiados bebês e crianças. Um ótimo guia para mães e paisdeprimeiraviagem, ou até mesmo os mais experientes!Novos remédios caseiros são adicionados com frequência nobancodedados, e não é necessário atualizar o aplicativo para teracessoaeles.***** Atualizações frequentes e grátis *****Novos remédios caseiros são incluídos automaticamente,semanecessidade de atualizar o aplicativo.***** Busca por doença, problema ou remédio caseiro *****A busca em tempo real dentro do aplicativo retornatodosremédiosdisponíveis para os bebês, crianças e atémesmoadultos.homeremedies,trickseveryday, tips and grandma's recipes to cureproblems, painsanddiseases of the daily lives of babies andchildren. A greatguidefor moms and dads first time, or even themost experienced!New home remedies are added frequently in the database, anditisnot necessary to update the application to have accesstothem.***** Frequent and free updates *****New home remedies are included automatically, without theneedtoupdate the application.***** Search by disease, problem or home remedy *****The real-time search within the application returnsallremediesavailable for babies, children and even adults.
YAZIO - Calorie Counter & Nutrition Tracker 8.3.6
With the free Calorie Counter app byYAZIO,you can manage your daily food diary, track your activitiesandlose weight successfully. Counting calories and losing weighthasnever been so easy!More than 3 million people have already achieved their NewYear’sresolutions with YAZIO. Be a part of it.YAZIO is the best diet and weight loss app for Android– Free download and registration– Personal plan to lose weight or build muscles– Calorie table with over 2 million foods– Nutrition tracker and food diary for all meals– Tracks your calories, carbs, proteins and fats– Create meals, add favorites or input new foods– Copy diary entries to other days easily– Built–in barcode scanner for quick searching– Tracks your sports, exercises and activities– Calorie calculator to track your burned calories– Tracks your daily steps walked and be more active– Documents your weight with weight tracker– Assesses your diet and achievementsThe advantages of YAZIO PRO are undeniable– PRO is a useful extension of the free app– With PRO, you will reach your goal twice as fast– Nutritional plans for low carb, high protein, etc.– Over 100 healthy and delicious recipes– Smart and intelligent food rating– More analysis including diet and body statistics– Tracks other nutrients like sugar, fiber and salt– Recognize foods with the most carbs or fat– Shows progress over the previous 2.5 years– Tracks body fat, blood pressure and blood sugar– Measure your breast, waist and hip circumference– Plan your diet and sports for the next days– No more advertisements – who doesn’t love that?– Supports our continuous improvement of YAZIOYou can buy PRO via in–app purchases within the app. YAZIO PROissignificantly cheaper than comparable Calorie Counter apps fordietand weight loss.If you go PRO, the payment will be charged through your GooglePlayaccount during purchase confirmation. The subscription willbeauto–renewed shortly before the subscription periodends,maintaining the same price and subscription type youpreviouslypurchased, unless you unsubscribe no later than 24 hoursbefore thesubscription ends. Subscriptions can be managed throughyour GooglePlay account after purchase. It is not possible torefund asubscription or cancel a subscription during thecurrentperiod.The storage of your data is extremely safeThe YAZIO Calorie Counter is operated by YAZIO, a Germancompany.Since the app has been developed in Germany, it is subjectto thestrict German Data Protection Act. All information receivedor sentthrough the app is encrypted at all times. All data isstoredanonymously on German servers and is not stored bythirdparties.– For further assistance go to– Get to know us better at http://about.yazio.comDo you want to help make the YAZIO Calorie Counter an evenbetternutritional & diet app? We always welcome yoursuggestions andfeedback.
Food Journal
My Daily Bits
ABOUT THE APP:Keeping track of what you eat has been shown to help preventandstop over-eating.This app helps you control your diet and eat healthier, by makingiteasy to track what you eat. The design is optimized to makeentry asquick as possible, with 1 click entry, and recent foodsuggestions.The built in database already has thousands of fooditems and ifyours are not known, adding them is easy.FEATURES:1. A simple and powerful design: The app opens directly on theentryscreen, on the most recent meal, because that is what you'llusemost. The design makes adding entries as simple and intuitiveaspossible.2. One tap entry with personalized suggestions: The most commonfooditems can immediately be selected. Starting on the second day,yourrecent items are suggested because you may eat the samefoodfrequently.3. Logging in is not needed: No personal data or contactinformationis required.4. Thousands of items already in the database: Most food itemshaveaccurate information about common serving sizes,calories,carbohydrates, protein and fat.5. Full off-line support: No need to be connected totheinternet.6. Precise entry is also easy: You can accurately enter thepreciseamount using a slider.7. Daily reports: Using the menu, you can directly open thediary,which shows a summary of your day. Here you can switchbetweencalories, protein and carbohydrates by pressing onlittletriangle.8. Personal reminders help you stay on target: They are aconvenientway to make sure you fill out your diary, after eachmeal, or at theend of the day.It is a good idea to verify the information in the database isthesame as the information on your food packaging; foodnutritionfluctuates with brands and over time.Make sure to discuss your goals with your doctor ornutritionspecialist.Download now because you will love using it.
Alimentos Energeticos 1.0
Context Apps
Los alimentos energéticos sonlosqueproporcionan una dosis extra de vitalidad cuando se realizaungranesfuerzo físico o cuando parece que el cuerpo se haquedadosincombustible para seguir adelante. Estos alimentosnaturalestepueden ayudar a remontar la sensación decansancio.Energy foods arethosethatprovide an extra dose of vitality when performedgreatphysicalexertion or when it seems the body has run out offuel tokeep going.These natural foods can help you to overcomethetiredness.
Diet and Weight Loss NutriSoftBrazil 17.1
Download our app and lose weight with health !! BrazilianTechnology