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孫子兵法 1.10
《孫子》,又稱《孫子兵法》、《孫武兵法》和《吳孫子兵法》,是中國古代的兵書,作者為春秋末年的吳國人孫武(字長卿)。一般認為,《孫子兵法》成書於專諸刺吳王僚之後至闔閭三年孫武見吳王之間,也即前515至前512年,全書為十三篇,是孫武初次見面贈送給吳王的見面禮;事見司馬遷《史記》:「孫子武者,齊人也,以兵法見吳王闔閭。闔閭曰:子之十三篇吾盡觀之矣」。有個別觀點曾認為今本《孫子》應是戰國中晚期孫臏及其弟子的作品,但是銀雀山出土的漢簡(同時在西漢墓葬中出土《孫子兵法》、《孫臏兵法》各一部)已基本否定此說。《孫子兵法》是世界上最早的兵書之一。在中國被奉為兵家經典,後世的兵書大多受到它的影響,對中國的軍事學發展影響非常深遠。它也被翻譯成多種語言,在世界軍事史上也具有重要的地位。--------------------------------------The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatiseattributedto Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategistandtactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of whichisdevoted to one aspect of warfare. It is commonly known to bethedefinitive work on military strategy and tactics of its time.Ithas been the most famous and influential of China's SevenMilitaryClassics, and "for the last two thousand years it remainedthe mostimportant military treatise in Asia, where even the commonpeopleknew it by name." It has had an influence on Eastern andWesternmilitary thinking, business tactics, legal strategy andbeyond.The book was first translated into the French language in 1772byFrench Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot and a partial translationintoEnglish was attempted by British officer Everard FergusonCalthropin 1905. The first annotated English language translationwascompleted and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. Leaders asdiverseas Mao Zedong, General Vo Nguyen Giap, General DouglasMacArthur andleaders of Imperial Japan have drawn inspiration fromthe work.
三十六計 1.3.2
ShaSha Ltd
Chinese Ancient Art of War 1.1
The Art of War, Thirty-Six Stratagems And Wu Qi Art of War.
孫子兵法 1.5
孫子兵法 電子書 cc 1.0.0
孫子兵法始計第一作戰第二謀攻第三軍形第四兵勢第五虛實第六軍爭第七九變第八行軍第九地形第十九地第十一火攻第十二用間第十三The Art of WarFirst start countThe second battleThe third plan of attackJun-shaped fourthThe fifth military potentialActual situation sixthArmy contention seventhNine changes eighthMarch ninthTerrain tenthNine to eleventhFire Attack twelfthRoom XIII
四小名著 1.7.5
The Four Little Masterpieces (Simplified) refers to thecollectivename of the four famous Chinese classical novels,including: "FengShen Yan Yi", "The Scholars", "Three Heroes andFive Yis" and "LiaoZhai Zhi Yi".