Top 15 Apps Similar to Diario Cronista Comercial

Argentine Newspapers 6.0.4
Groups all news of the most important newspapers and magazinesofArgentina
La nueva app de Clarín pone en tus manoslasnoticias importantes, la información más útil (comoclima,tránsito, partidos, divisas), y las alertas de último momentodeArgentina y del mundo.Un diseño renovado integra a Clarín con tu Android y te brindaunacceso moderno a los mejores contenidos en tu pantalla y unaformamás fácil de leerlos y aprovecharlos.Con la aplicación podés:· Compartir noticias en Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp y en el restodelas aplicaciones que tengas en tu Android.· Recibir notificaciones con alertas de último momento(ysilenciarlas cuando estés ocupado).· Guardar las noticias y alertas que a vos te importan paraleerlasmás tarde.· Mirar videos, mapas, galerías de fotos y textos adaptados atupantalla.· Profundizar en los temas que te interesan a travésdeetiquetas.Y entre sus contenidos vas a encontrar:· Canales de servicios sobre clima, tránsito, transporte,resultadosdeportivos, divisas y horóscopo.· Todas las noticias de Clarín sobre el país y el mundo ensuversión digital y multimedia.· Las columnas de opinión con las firmas más destacadasdeldiario.· Todas las notas y videos de Deportes, ExtraShow, iEcoyEstilo.· La tapa del diario del día.Descargala ahora y viví informado con Clarín encualquierlado.Clarin new app puts youinthe important news, the most useful information (such asweather,traffic, parties, currencies) and last-minute alerts ofArgentinaand the world.A new design integrates with your Android Clarin and gives youamodern access to the best content on your screen and an easierwayto read them and use them. With the application you can:· Share news on Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp and the rest oftheapplications you have on your Android.· Receive notifications alerts last time (and silence themwhenyou're busy).· Save the news and alerts you that you care to readthemlater.· Watching videos, maps, photo galleries and texts adapted toyourscreen.· To deepen the topics that interest you through labels.Among its contents you are getting:· Service channels on weather, traffic, transportation,sportsscores, currencies and horoscope.· All news Clarin about the country and the world as a digitalandmultimedia version.· The columns of opinion with leading firms in the newspaper.· All notes and videos Sports, ExtraShow, iEco and Style.· The cover of the newspaper of the day.Download it now and lived with Clarin reported anywhere.
TN - Todo Noticias
Diseñada especialmente para tu Android,lanueva aplicación de TN te trae las mejores coberturas conrelacióna los temas relevantes de la actualidad nacional einternacional.Informate en todo momento sobre lo que está pasandoen la políticanacional, novedades económicas, información deportivay lo másdestacado del espectáculo nacional e internacional.Presentamos un diseño nuevo que facilita la visualizacióndenuestros contenidos y una navegación pensada para los hábitosdelos usuarios de Android.Mirá la transmisión en vivo de TN y todos los videos con laopciónde verlos con reproducción automática.¿Qué vas a encontrar en nuestra aplicación?- Nueva navegación nativa de Android- Recibí notificaciones con las noticias más importantesdeArgentina y el Mundo- Accedé a una innovadora experiencia inmersiva a través delosvideos de TN 360- Estructura renovada en las portadas para mostrar las noticiasmásrelevantes- Escuchá la transmisión de TN en formato solo audio enTNRadio- Nuevo diseño de la página de artículos para facilitarlalectura- Soportamos todos los contenidos de redes sociales ennuestrasnotas- Más opciones multimedia: galerías, videos, transmisiones en vivoyGIFs- Acceso rápido a todos nuestros micrositios: TodaPasión, LaViola,Tecno, Show, Autos, Con Bienestar y TN y la Gente- Prendé o apagá la reproducción automática de videosSpecially designedforyour Android, TN new application brings you the bestcoverageregarding the relevant issues of national and internationalnews.Be informed at all times about what is happening innationalpolitics, economic news, sports news and highlightsnational andinternational show.We are introducing a new design that makes viewing our contentandnavigation habits designed for Android users.View the live broadcast of TN and all videos with the option toviewthem with autoplay.What you will find in our application?- New native Android navigation- Receive notifications with the most important news ofArgentinaand the World- Instantly an innovative immersive experience through videosTN360- Renovated structure in the front to show the mostrelevantnews- Listen to the transmission of audio only format TN TN Radio- Redesigned page for easier reading articles- We support all content on social networks in our notes- More multimedia options: galleries, videos, live broadcastsandGIFs- Quick access to all our microsite: TodaPasión, La Viola,Techno,Show, Cars, Con Welfare and TN and People- Turned on or off autoplay video
LA NACION 15.3.0
Find the most important news in an easy and fast way.
Infobae Argentina 4.0.0
Infobae delivers breaking news in real time, 24 hours a day,sevendays a week.
Kiosco Clarín 6.4.230202
Enjoy reading the news from the leading newspaper inArgentina,wherever you are.
Kiosco LA NACION 6.4.220909
Enjoy reading your favorite newspaper at the time and placeyouwant.
Noticias de Argentina Diarios 8.5
Newspapers of Argentina and Magazines! Argentina, sportsandinternational news!
Argentina newspapers
Every newspaper in Argentina in oneplace.Clarín, Chronicle, OLE and many more. NationalDistributionDiaries, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Santa Fe and allprovinces.Independent Navigation and Zoom in each newspaper.---------------------------------------------------------------------------New features in version 4.0 of NeonewsNew Name:"Newspapers" is now called "Neonews" simply because we imagineafuture with more than just 'Newspapers'.Logo Changed:The new logo try to indicate our Idea of what Neonews is: a Tooltosave as 'bookmarks', Favourite or similar, all the news siteswefollow.Favourites as single tab:Now only the favourites tab appears to show only news sites thattheuser chose.Easy way to remove Favourites:The way to remove favourites has changed. Sliding the favoritetoremove, from left to right, can remove easilyandintuitively.Neonews search:Neonews search has many new features that will detail below. * Tab "World" - Search news sites from a lot of countries:NowNeonews search let find news sites from others countries,allowingselect News WebSites as fovourites from differents regionsaroundthe World. The search allows you to use more than one wordto narrowthe search of Websites News, so you can group in yourfavourites,all news sites in the country you want. * Tab "Local" - Grouping of news sites by region: Now,thePlaylists tab, formerly the home screen, move to theSearchsection, to centralize configuration searches and favourites,froma single place. The navigation of the regions was improved toallowview all news sites from a single screen. * Tab "Top Ranking" - Favourite Neonews community: Fromhereyou can see the top 5 of your region more News Sites selectedasfavourites, as well as the top 10 news sites worldwide. Thistabalso lets you choose from this list new favourites that areofinterest. * Suggest diary: From the Browser, it could suggest adiary,stating which country belonged, thus making possible thesuggestionof a news site than the country that owns yourNeonews.Navigation - Browser:We implement a new way to browse your favourites websites fromtheslideshow-menu. That allows you to navigate them without havingtoreturn to the Favourite list screen.Downloadable Videos:Previous versions did not allow watch videos from thebrowser.Fixed!Tablet Version:Now also supports Neonews 'native' from Tablets, enabling youtoexploit the width of the tablet in a more intelligentandcomfortable.------------------------------------------Follow Us on:Facebook:
Ambito Financiero - Lector 1.3
Lector Movilno oficial de AmbitoFinanciero.compara leer todas las novedades en tu celular con unacceso directo ysimple.Scope reader to read all the news in your phonewith adirect and simple access.
Diario 26
TeleCentro S.A.
Leenos a toda hora en la versión paratabletasy celulares. Diario 26 se renueva para garantizarte unalecturacómoda y agradable.Read us at all timesinthe version for tablets and phones. Journal 26 is renewedtoguarantee a comfortable and enjoyable read.
Infobae Social media 1.445
Todo lo que pasa en Twitter pasa tambiénportusmartphone. Información las 24 horas, en tiempo real yalinstante.Las noticias y sus protagonistas, tanto de laArgentinacomo delmundo, al alcance de tu mano.Everything thathappensonTwitter also goes through your smartphone. 24-hourinformationinreal time and instantly. The news and itsprotagonists,bothArgentina and the world at your fingertips.
📰Argentina News Read 24H 1.0.2
Radios del Mundo
If you need to be always awareofwhat’shappening in Argentina City and the there major citiesinthecountry, looking for specific events in otherstatesandMunicipalities and you’re not willing to waste timebrowsingoneach newspaper website or buying the newspapers ofeacheditorial;this is the perfect app for you. Get instant accesstothe mostrelevant news minute by minute, alwaysupdatedinformationavailable 24 hours, the 7 days of the week.Browseeasily troughthe wide variety of newsfeed and sourceswe’veintegrated selectingthem from the list, and getinstantnotifications when somerelevant news are available for youto read.Read about yourfavorite Argentina national team, soccerleagues,the Argentinasreaction to the Obama immigration news, andall thepoliticimplications abut Donald Trump and the border wall.Notintopolitics? Be aware of the show industry latestgossipsincelebrities sections from different sources. Try now thebestappthat will keep you always informed!🗞📲🗞 Read the Latest News Always Available for You StraightintoyourAndroid Device! Be aware of Everything Happening intheCountry fromthe Best Newspapers and Other Sources forFREE!DownloadArgentina News-Argentinas News 24H AvailableNOWfor FREE!Limited Time Only Special Offer! 🗞📲🗞Easy to use & fast browsing. You’ll be able to seealsotheimages, photographs and cartoons published in themostrecognizednewspapers of the country like:Crónica TVInfobaeMinuto UnoThe Argentina IndependentESPNLa Pólitica OnlineClimaEl CronistaLa RazónPerfilEl PaisBuenos Aires HeraldDiario La PrensaLa Capital - RosarioOléTN NoticiasEl MundoSeprinCrónica de MendozaiNFO NewsLa VozTélamUnivisionClarínDiario Los AndesLa NaciónPágina12Uno - Entre RíosMarca - DeportivoÁmbitoand many More! We also included the local Newspapers fromalmostallthe states and municipalities. Economy News are alsoavailablewithEl Economista & El Financiero. Share an importantnew toyourfriends and family by Facebook, Email, SMS, WhatsAppandotherSocial Media and Messengers. Not willing toreceivemanynotifications? Remove sources or topics from the listtoreceiveonly the best information that suits your interests.Savearticleson your device for reading them later, even if youdon’thaveinternet connection.📰📩📰 Get the Most Complete & Up-to-the-minute dailybreakingnews,Headlines, Sports and everything about yourfavoriteArgentina soccerteam with: Argentina News-ArgentinasNews24H FREENOW!!!📰📩📰If you have family living in the country, you are fromArgentinaorif you are willing to travel to Argentina, this appwillreallysatisfy all your information and need to be alwaysupdatedwith themost relevant information. Setup easily yourpreferences togetinto your phone and get only the information thatmatters themostfor you choosing from a wide variety of topics andeven youcanprogram the app for sending notifications regardingnewinformationabout a specific celebrity of public figure.You’llnever missagain a breaking new from the Argentinas cartels,currenteventsand everything about Argentina day to day life.👓🔔👓 Enjoy all the Daily Events and Newsfeeds, ReadallInterestingArticles and Columns from the most prestigiousSourcesof theRepublic of Argentina. Download Now forFREEArgentinaNews-Argentinas News 24H Available in GooglePlayStore!👓🔔👓Features:🗞 Unlimited Access to All Sources🗞 Keep Yourself Updated with the Most Popular Trends🗞 Watch Videos of Coverages and Specials from All Newspapers🗞 All Content is Free🗞 Notifications and Relevant Information 24/7🌟 Get NOW for FREE this Unique News App and Stay AlwaysAwareofArgentina Doings Download Argentina News-ArgentinasNews24H🌟
News from Argentina 3.0.4
All the newspapers and magazines of Argentina in a single App.Allthe news.
ClarinVR 0.1
Diario Clarín y AGEA S.A lanzanlaprimeraaplicación de contenidos periodísticos en realidadvirtualdelmercado de medios de habla hispana. AGEA S.A y lacompañíaVRTIFYfirmaron un partnership para lanzar la primeraplataformaderealidad virtual exclusivamente dedicada aloscontenidosperiodísticos. Clarín VR es una aplicación queofreceunaplataforma integral de contenidos periodísticos enrealidadvirtualproducidos en Argentina. La aplicación permite alosusuariosacceder a un menú de tres grandes secciones(ProduccionesEspecial,Social y Deportes) y a dos áreas decontenidosinformativosdigitales tradicionales (Noticias yTiempo). Con ellanzamiento de Clarín VR se buscadesarrollar nuevasformas decontar la realidad en formatos de unaenorme capacidaddeinvolucramiento de los usuarios en la historiamisma. LasecciónProducciones Especiales presentará todas lassemanasreportajes enprofundidad con historias de vida,investigaciones,biografías ytodo tipo de contenidos que hasta ahorasolo contábamosen formatos“lineales”. Con el recurso de la realidadvirtual,Clarín VRpermite a los usuarios ser parte misma de lahistorianarrada.Además, en la sección Social, Clarín VRlanzaráproducciones queincluyen desfiles de modelos, recitales,recorridasvirtuales poredificios históricos, etc. Por último, en lasecciónDeportes,inicialmente Clarín VR presentará videos 2-D enunambiente derealidad virtual que potencia de forma increíbleelimpacto de lasimágenes de los mejores goles y jugadas delfutbolargentino.Clarín VR tiene una pantalla de inicio que permite,deformavoluntaria, registrarse para compartir los contenidosquepresentala plataforma. Los usuarios pueden registrarseinicialmenteosaltear esa página y registrarse solo al momentodequerercompartir en redes sociales los contenidos de ClarínVR.Lasiguiente pantalla de la aplicación permite a losusuarioselegirentre los dos formatos posibles de visualización deloscontenidos:en realidad virtual usando cardboards u otrosvisorescomo SamsungGear, o en formato 360 grados. Si los usuarioseligenesta opción,verán en sus smartphones, en pantalla completa,unaimagen de laTierra sobre la cual “flotan” las seccionesprincipalesde laaplicación Clarín VR. Un pequeño botón rojo es elpuntero delmouseque, moviendo el celular, se usa para acceder encada secciónolink al próximo paso. Los usuarios deben mantenerbrevementeelpuntero o botón sobre el link deseado para que seactive elaccesoa los contenidos buscados. De esa forma, se vanabriendomenús yopciones para, por ejemplo, descargar o ver losvideos en4K, 2K,Ultra HD o HD. Si los usuarios eligen en la segundapantalladeClarín VR la opción “cardboard” para vivir laexperienciaderealidad virtual, verán que la pantalla de su celularse divideendos. En ese momento deberán colocar su Smartphone ensucardboardseguir navegando la aplicación del mismo modo queenformato 360grados, pero con la enorme diferencia del poder delarealidadvirtual inmersiva. Clarín VR es una plataformadeperiodismodigital. Cómo tal, el desarrollo y la narrativa delashistoriasperiodísticas van evolucionando interactivamente conlaayuda de laexperiencia de los usuarios. La extensión delashistorias, laforma de manejar las imágenes, los planos, laediciónde los videosVR son procesos en evolución. Con ellanzamiento deClarín VR, esaevolución en las formas de contar larealidad entraen unadimensión de enormes desafíos, sencillamentepor el poder delarealidad virtual para involucrar físicamente a losusuarios enlashistorias mismasClarin daily andAGEAS.Alaunch the first application of journalistic contentinvirtualreality market Spanish-language media. AGEA VRTIFY S.Aandthecompany signed a partnership to launch the firstvirtualrealityplatform exclusively dedicated to journalisticcontent.Clarin VRis an application that provides an integratedplatformofjournalistic content in virtual reality produced inArgentina.Theapplication allows users to access a menu of threemainsections(Special Productions, Social and Sports) andtwotraditional areasof digital information content (newsClarin.comand Time). With therelease of VR Clarín it seeks todevelop newways of tellingreality formats enormous capacity ofinvolvement ofusers in thestory itself. The Special Productionssection willpresent weeklyreports in depth with life stories,research,biographies and allkinds of content that until now we onlyhad to"linear" formats.With the use of virtual reality, Bugler VRallowsusers to be partof the same story being told. Moreover, intheSocial section,Clarín launched VR productions includingfashionshows, concerts,virtual traversed by historic buildings,etc.Finally, in theSports section, initially Clarin VR videos2-Dpresent in a virtualreality environment that enhancesincrediblyimpact of the imagesof the best goals and plays Argentinefootball.Clarin VR has ahome screen that allows voluntarilyregister toshare content thatpresents the platform. Users caninitiallyregister or skip thatpage and register only when wantingto shareon social networksClarin VR contents. The next screen oftheapplication allows usersto choose between two possible formatsfordisplay of content:virtual reality using cardboards orotherviewers like SamsungGear, or 360 degrees format. If userschoosethis option, you willsee on their smartphones, full screen,animage of the Earth onwhich "float" the main sections of theClarinVR application. Asmall red button is the mouse pointer thatmovingthe cell, is usedto access each section or link to the nextstep.Users shouldbriefly hold the pointer over the desired buttonor foraccess tothe desired content is active link. Thus, they areopeningmenusand options, for example, download or watch videos in4K, 2K,HD orUltra HD. If users choose on the second screen of theVRClarin"cardboard" option to experience virtual reality, youwillsee thatthe screen of your cell divides into two. At that timetheymustplace your Smartphone in your cardboard keepbrowsingtheapplication the same way as in 360-degree format, butwith thehugedifference the power of immersive virtual reality.Clarin VR isaplatform for digital journalism. As such, thedevelopmentandjournalistic narrative stories evolve interactivelywith thehelpof the user experience. The extent of the stories, thewaytohandle images, drawings, VR editing the videosareevolvingprocesses. With the release of Clarin VR, this evolutionintheways of telling reality enters a dimension ofenormouschallenges,simply by the power of virtual reality tophysicallyinvolve usersin the stories themselves