Top 15 Games Similar to Calendrier courses running

MyTrails 2.1.11
No ads even in the free version! Perfect for hiking,riding,cycling,running, skiing or orienteering Premium topo mapsUsein-apppurchases to subscribe to high-quality,special-purposemaps.Flexible offline mode and competitive pricing.• OS OpenData(GB) •IGN TOP25, TOP50, Cadastre, Satellite andLittoral (marinemaps) (FR) maporiented with the built-in compass and GPSKnow exactlywhichdirection you are going. Uncluttered map area,withunobtrusivecontrols and a traditional scale with trackdurationand distance.Hardware-accelerated map drawing allowssmooth andsnappy displayeven with tens of thousands of trackpoints. Stats40+ stats tochoose from! Display them on a dedicatedscreen(including stats formultiple tracks at once), on theHUDoverlaying the map or even onAndroid Wear. Graphs Freelydefineaxes (over 30 combinations) tovisualize your tracks,includingelevation profiles, speed vs. time,etc. Free online mapsPick frommany built-in online map sources(OpenStreetMap, Yahoo,Bing,Google and many other global and localproviders). Add moremapsources using the configurable map sources(URL or WMS).Onlypremium maps are guaranteed: we may be forced toremove accesstoany of the free maps if requested by therights-holders; thisisregardless of whether you are using the Proor Freeversion.Offline maps Save battery and data charges. Themapdisplaysinstantaneously. No need to use desktop-based toolstocreateoffline maps, you can do it in MyTrails, in thebackground.RecordGPS tracks Visualize your track at any time andanalyse yourcourseduring or after the outdoor activity. DisplaymultiplecolorizedGPS tracks at once (Pro) Visualize your previousoutingsand thoseuploaded to GPS community sites, so that you alwayspick agreattrail. Visualize the key indicators of the track(altitude,speed,rate of ascent, slope, GPS accuracy, etc.) right onthe mapwith adetailed legend. Waypoints Manually add waypointstoindicatememorable spots or upcoming turns. Waypointsareautomaticallygenerated when getting directions or when you takeabreak. Shareand archive tracks (Pro) Share your tracks onMyTrails, GPSies,UtagawaVTT and Download trackssharedby other usersin your vicinity. Gestures Easily switchbetweenactive maps byswiping three fingers left to right in the mapview.Pull down theHUD with information on your speed and altitudebyswiping threefingers down your screen. Full tablet supportPlanyour outing on alarge-screen tablet, go out and have fun, andwhenyou're back,view the track in full glory. Use Dropbox toseamlesslysynchronizebetween devices. FAQ: see the FAQ
TrailPassion Mobile 4.7.0
TrailPassion Mobile is the ideal Android application fortrail,running, walking
Trail Run Project 22.10.0
Your comprehensive guide to the best trails to run, whereveryouare.
Running tracker -
Personal runners trainer for you - verysimpleand lightweight application. Official mobile website.- Track your activities on all Android Smartphones and AndroidWearsmatwatches (Sony Smartwatch 3, LG G Watch R, ASUSZenWatchetc.)- Send your workouts to and watch (Workouts offriends,maps, stats, events, Forums)- Integration with Bluetooth Smart heart rate monitors
Entrenamientos running 6.0.0
sk10 Apps
Si estás pensando en empezar a correr oyatienes cierta experiencia pero a veces no sabes pordondecontinuar, os presentamos nuestra app creada porexpertoscorredores. Ofrecemos entrenamientos de running basadosenmúltiples casos de éxito, donde de una forma gradual seempiezasimplemente a andar/trotar y al cabo de unos mesesterminarasrealizando entrenamientos de calidad a un nivel muchomayor del queempezaste. Solamente necesitas constancia y nuestraaplicación parair haciendo un seguimiento de lo que vasrealizando.Calentamiento: Antes de correr hay que hacer que los músculosentrenen calor, en el caso de los corredores es necesario paraprevenirlesiones musculares. Os mostramos en texto e imágenesuncalentamiento básico que se debe de realizar a diario antesdecorrer.Entrenamientos empezar a correr: Si tu intención es hacercarreraspopulares o deseas comenzar a correr, os presentamos unaserie deentrenamientos de running empezando desde cero hasta queyaempiezas a correr y a mejorar tu forma física.Entrenamientos de calidad: Los entrenamientos específicosderunning, son una forma muy fiable de convertirte en todouncorredor. Una vez que ya tienes la base y puedes llegar acorrerdurante un tiempo prolongado, ¿Por qué no mejorar lostiempos?,pues con estos entrenamientos para correr os enseñamos losmétodosque utilizan los expertos para llegar a ir más rápido yganarsegundos al tiempo.Estiramientos: Los estiramientos es algo fundamental cuandosefinaliza el ejercicio físico, para los corredores esespecialmentenecesario estirar la musculatura de las piernas de unaformaeficaz. Os enseñamos como se hacen y presentamos en imágenescomotenéis que hacerlo.Glosario: Si tienes alguna duda sobre términos que se utilizan alahora de entrenar, en este apartados iremos añadiendodefinicionesque podéis consultar para ampliar vuestro conocimientosobre losejercicios o entrenos que vais a realizar.If you're thinkingaboutstarting a run or already have some experience but sometimesdo notknow where to continue, we present our app created byskilledriders. We offer running training based on multiplesuccessstories, where a gradually it just starts walking / joggingandafter a few months end up making quality training at a muchhigherlevel than you started. You only need perseverance andourapplication to go by tracking what you're doing.Warming: Before you rush to do the muscles go into heat, in thecaseof brokers is needed to prevent muscle injuries. We show textandimages in a basic heating should be performed dailybeforerunning.Training start running: If your intention is to make fun runsorwant to start running, we present a series of workouts runningfromscratch until they start to run and improve your fitness.Quality training: The specific running workouts are a veryreliableway to become a whole corridor. Once you've got the baseand canget to run for a long time, why not ?, because the timesimprovewith these workouts to run we show the methods used byexperts toget to go faster and win seconds time.Stretching: Stretching is critical when the exercise iscompleted,for runners is especially necessary to stretch themuscles of thelegs effectively. I teach how to make and presentimages as youhave to.Glossary: ​​If you have any doubt about terms used when traininginthis paragraph we will add definitions that you can consulttoexpand your knowledge about the exercises or workouts you aregoingto perform.
Marunthon 1.04
Marunthon – where all your marathons are.Find running events all over the world, exploreinteractiveroutes maps with elevations, view and add photos, trackyourmust-run list in your personal calendar, read newsandarticles.Marunthon is a worldwide running event database. Use Marunthontoplan your running calendar.Build with us the biggest running event database!Features:VIEW & FIND* Running events over the world* Interactive maps with elevations* Event galleries* Articles and newsADD* Events to Marunthon database* Photos to event galleries* Events to your personal calendarTOOLS* Embed an interactive map on your website* Calculate elevations to create a profile map* Export (download) as GPX* Fix GPX files elevations* Draw your routes map* Create routes from GPX
Running Training 1.00
Free Sport Apps
Are you a running lover? Would youliketobecome a race winner? If you want to feel the experienceofrunninga race, this Running Training app is for you! Theprimaryobjectiveof this app is to introduce you in the race world,withmethods,training plan, workouts and tips.With this application, you will learn all informationrequiredforrunning success. Running a 5K, 10k or even a marathonraceiseasier if you are tenacious and follow the running programandtheexercises and advices we have selected for you, tobeaprofessional runner.This application contains:Running workouts with drills speed and strength exercises.Running training programs for beginners and advanced runners.Running tips such as detailed nutrition andhydrationadvices,running drills...Download now this running training free app on yourmobileortablet device and start practicing this amazingandhealthysport.
Trail 1.2.1
Téléchargez vite notre appli mobileStationsdeTrail et bénéficiez des fonctionnalités suivantes :Guidage en temps réel sur les parcours grâce à la fonction GPS,àlaréalité augmentée (photos et audio) et au téléchargementdescartesen zone non couverte par le GSMFonction chrono pour enregistrer vos performances, lespartageravecvos amis et les comparer aux autres traileursDes informations pratiques pour planifier votrecourse(durée,dénivelé, distance, calcul d’itinéraire jusqu’aupointdedépart…)Un moteur de recherche très pratique pour dénicher leparcoursquicorrespond à votre envie du momentL’avis des autres utilisateurs sur les parcours etlespointsd’intérêts des parcoursUn bouton détresse pour courir en toute sécurité : en unclic,vouspouvez envoyer votre position gps en cas de problèmeUn outil inédit et ultra moderne pour prolongervotreexpérienceTrail et découvrir les Stations de Trail en FranceetenEurope.La réalité augmentée au service du guidage gpsUn rendu cartographique exceptionnel et exclusifUne utilisation très facile et intuitiveUne application qui fonctionne en mode déconnectéDownload ourmobileappquickly Trail resorts and enjoy the followingfeatures:    Real-time guidance on routesthroughGPS,augmented reality (photos and audio) and download areanotcoveredby GSM cards    Chrono function to recordyourperformance,share them with your friends and compare themtoothertraileurs    Practical information to planyourrace(duration, altitude, distance, routing to the point...)    A handy search engine to find thepaththatmatches your current mood    Other users on the course and thecourseofinterest issues   A distress button to run safely: in oneclick,youcan send your GPS position if problemsA new tool and ultra modern to extend your experienceTrailTrailand discover the resorts in France and Europe.    Augmented reality toGPSguidingservice    Rendering exceptional andexclusivemap    A very easy and intuitive use    An application that works offline
Trail Connect 5.6.5
The app for your outdoor activities
running free run popular races 25.0.0
The best app for finding free racesinSPAIN,find free or very cheap runs and you can view them in alistmodeor in a geolocated Map. Running and fitness is easywithrunningfor free run in Spain.Now you can also access to an international long distanceracesormarathon, half marathon, ultra marathon and 10K. Neverfindfreeraces in Spain and train or prepare for a marathon,halfmarathonor 10k have been easier and prepare marathons,halfmarathons,ultra marathons, international mountain race wassoeasy.Now you can also access to the mostrelevantinternationaltriathlon races series e.g. IRONMAN, IRONMAN70.3,World TriathlonSeries, Triathlon World Cup, 5i50, HALFSprinttriathlon, SuperSprint triathlon, Ironkids, Iron girls,multisports festivals,some Duathlon, Para triathlons, andXterra.FEATURES:- CALENDAR RACESWe show all the free or very cheap popular racesinalist mode with all the career information (date,price,distance,whether it is a Cross or trail and a direct link totheraceorganizer)- RACES IN A MAP geolocated by Google maps all free orverycheappopular careers in a map mode located on the map ofSpain-NEW SECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RACES: This is an appthatcollectsthe most relevant international marathon and runningracesseriese.g. Marathon, Ultramarathon, half marathon 100Keventssometimescalled ultramarathon and the most relevant10Kinternational racesbetween others-NEW SECTION OF TRIATHLON INTERNATIONAL RACES: themostrelevantinternational triathlon races series e.g. IRONMAN,IRONMAN70.3,World Triathlon Series, Triathlon World Cup, 5i50,HALFSprinttriathlon, Super Sprint triathlon, Ironkids, Irongirls,multisports festivals, some Duathlon, Para triathlons,andXterra- FEEDBACK/ ABOUT US..Find out about yourrunscorrergratis.comand join our online community running onGoogle+,Facebook &Twitter. We are a group of fans running. Runwithus!NOT a GPS, but it is your ideal app for complement yourGPSorEndomondo workout, Runtastic, RunKeeper, Garmin, Polar ...Train to San Silvestre races, Cursa Bomber, Nike,Adidas,Asics,Mizuno, Mark. Discover the places where runninginMarathonTriathlon in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Bilbao,Valencia... inSPAIN and now with international Apps.Free Run 5K,10K,halfmarathon, triathlon or triathlon, marathon andultramarathonrunner running like a free in Spain and nowwithinternationalcareers.CORRERGRATIS.COMKnow more in and join our onlinefitnesscommunitywhere runners this App will do more than justfitness. Ourpersonaltrainer who will help you choose Nike shoes,mizuno,adidas, asics,brooks, Saucony . The workouts will make youmotiveswith yourfriends! you achieve your goals of fat burningcardiotraining orhealth and fitness with running for free runinSpain.ADDITIONAL RESOURCES TRAININGYou can choose a race to improve your training plan, whichguidesyoutoward your fitness goals like losing weight,increasestrength,running 10k, half marathon, marathon,triathlon,ironman,etc. OurCoach Fitness will soon provide moreFREE health tips,Fitness AND OFCOURSE RUNNING.NEW SECTION OF INTERNATIONAL RACES:Marathon,Ultramarathonrunning long distance races, trail, 50k,100KThis is an app that collects the mostrelevantinternationalmarathon and running races series e.g.Marathon,Ultramarathon,half marathon, ultra, 100K events sometimescalledultra marathonand the most relevant 10K international racesbetweenothers. Run aMarathon sometimes is the key for other sportslikeIronmantriathlons or ultramarathon races.NEW SECTION OF TRIATHLON INTERNATIONAL RACES:This is anappthatcollects the most relevant international triathlonracesseriese.g. IRONMAN, IRONMAN 70.3, World Triathlon Series,TriathlonWorldCup, 5i50, HALF Sprint triathlon, Super Sprinttriathlon,Ironkids,Iron girls, multi sports festivals, someDuathlon, Paratriathlons,and Xterra
Sport GPS Running Tracker 2.1.4
pom 450 santi
Sport GPS Running Tracker Records bike,calories, distance and active time whether you enjoywalking,training jogging or fitness running Connect map withfriends tryingto lose wait or get fit and keep each otheraccountableTurn mobile into a social exercise cardio sports computerwithSports tracker for running, cycling, walking, hiking,mountainbiking, skiing and all sports activities.Set as many coach exercise timers on smartphone as youdesire,save these settings, and use customized timers again andagain.Define workout intervals- Set coach health goals based on duration, distance,caloriesburned or steps and see progress throughout the day.- Sports step counter training calculates speed- Works seamlessly with tracking apps like , Polar Nike+,Runkeeper,MapMyRun, Runtastic and Endomondo.- Inspiring quotes keep motivated while timer.- GPS bike running in the background can dramaticallydecreasebattery life.- You can view a graph with the number of steps you have walkedandall other information anytime.- Touch on the number of steps, burned calories, distance,walkingtime, or speed to display the graph with thatinformation.- Set goals based on duration, distance, calories burned orstepsand see your progress throughout the day.- Start your personal cardio step counter on your phone withjustone click- track walking and run including health steps, distance, speedandcalories- Looking to lose weight? Check out our comprehensive noomWeightLoss Coach- jogging bike tracker is an automatic stopwatch and GPSruntracker- Timer run & fitness app uses map and track sports andfitnessactivities- Map workouts in real-time with & monitorexerciseprogress- Manual entry of cardio workouts: Add Nike , Garmin ,Fitbittreadmill, spinning, weight lifting workouts & moreSport GPS Running jogging Tracker can also choose anexperttraining plan to help you reach goals. training plansprovidecoaching & inspiration for fitness goalsTrack runs, walks, bike rides, training workouts and all oftheother fitness activities using the GPS in Android Phone.
Running Calculator 2.5
Anartz Muxika
Simple application for conversion related to the running
Cyprus Trail Runners 1.0.7
Michal Thomka
All you need to know about CyprusTrailRunnersactivities now at the reach of your fingertips!Latest news, race calendar, race results.. Download,registerandenjoy the benefits of instant race registration,eventnotifications& reminders and much more!
Kapp10 - Trail & running 1.3.3
Kapp10 est la première app dédiée au trailetau running. Avec Kapp10, vous êtes informé(e) au quotidiendel'actualité des courses à pied (course en montagne,Skyrunning,trail, ultra, marathon, 10km, ...), des tests produitset desastuces réalisés par nos experts. Chacun de ces articles està lireen moins de 30 secondes !Kapp10 vous permet toujours de partager vos expériences avecvosamis et l'ensemble de la communauté.ASTUCES, TESTS PRODUITS, ACTUALITÉS TRAIL & RUNNING- Découvrez tous les jours des News (résultats de l’événementduweek-end, anecdotes, actu des principaux sportifs), desAstuces(entrainement, récupération, technique en compétition, etc.)et desTests produits (équipement, textile, action-cam’,quantified-self,...).- Chaque article se lit en moins de 30 secondes : del'informationillustrée, directe, simple et efficace.- Accédez à du contenu rédigé par une équipe d'experts etdepassionnés, et par des ambassadeurs sportifs.- Soyez alerté(e) dès qu'un nouvel article est disponiblesurKapp10.PARTAGEZ VOS EXPERIENCES RUNNING & TRAIL EN PHOTO&VIDEO- Capturez vos expériences photos/vidéos et partagez-les avecvosamis et la communauté de runners.REJOIGNEZ UNE COMMUNAUTE- Créez votre profil, retrouvez vos amis et sportifspréférés,suivez leur actualité sportive et interagissez aveceux.- Découvrez régulièrement de nouveaux contenus ouprofitezsimplement des expériences sportives inédites de vos amiset de nosambassadeurs Kapp10.- Publiez instantanément vos expériences sur Facebook ou Twitteretmotivez vos amis à venir "Liker" vos publications surKapp10.- Commentez et "Likez" à votre tour vos publications préférées.Kapp10 is the firstappdedicated to the trail and running. With Kapp10, you areinformed(e) the daily news footrace (Trail running, Skyrunning,trail,ultra marathon, 10km, ...), product tests and tips made byourexperts. Each of these items should be read in less than30seconds!Kapp10 still allows you to share your experiences with yourfriendsand the whole community.TIPS, TESTING PRODUCTS NEWS & TRAIL RUNNING- Check daily News (results of the weekend event, anecdotes, newsofmajor sporting) of Tricks (training, recovery,technicalcompetition, etc.) and Test (equipment, textile, Action-cam'quantified-self ...).- Each section reads in less than 30 seconds ofillustratedinformation, direct, simple and effective.- Access to content written by a team of experts andenthusiasts,and sports ambassadors.- Be alerted (e) when a new article is available on Kapp10.SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES IN TRAIL RUNNING & PHOTO&VIDEO- Capture your experiences photos / videos and share themwithfriends and the community of runners.JOIN A COMMUNITY- Create a profile, find your friends and favorite athletes,followtheir sports news and interact with them.- Regularly discover new content or simply enjoyunprecedentedsporting experiences of friends and our Kapp10ambassadors.- Publish your experiences instantly on Facebook or Twitterandmotivate your friends to come "Liker" Kapp10yourpublications.- Comment and "Likez" your turn your favorite publications.
Vallée du Trail
The app for the practice of trail running in the Chamonix Valley !