Top 7 Apps Similar to Speech Therapy: R

Speech Therapy Memory Game Pro 4.0
We have designed a simple memory game withtencategories 100+ pictures and images for kids, toddlers andKidsWith Special Needs. Lot of sound, picture, speech therapy tool.This matching game will help with their memory and brainpower.If your kid is not able to use memory game they can use it asflashcardsYour feedback and complain are appreciated. Please contact
SLP Assistant 3.0
Alva Bandy
Keep kids engaged. Choose the best mix of speech therapytrials& the right game
Speech Essentials Therapy App 1.39
Speech Essentials is a great app formakingspeech therapy fun! Great for any SLP or parent, thisspeechtherapy app contains:Games for practicing speech therapyStimulating activitiesWord flashcardsTwo kinds of sentence flashcardsA mirror function to help visualize lip and tongue placementand more!The Speech Essentials speech therapy app has everything youneedfor articulation practice, and each station is very simpletonavigate so even a small kids can enjoy it on their own. Try theBsound out for free, then pay $1.99 for any additional soundsyoumay need.For Speech Therapists, the full sound suite version of thespeechtherapy app includes articulation stimuli for all 23consonantsounds in the English language including blends,multi-syllabicwords, sentences, and phrases. The app also containsthe ability tokeep and save scores for individuals during speechtherapy appsessions. When doing speech therapy with SpeechEssentials you havethe ability to isolate the sound in theinitial, medial, or finalposition for all of the games andstations to help refinearticulation. Best of all the app containsthousands of images andsound recordings to provide a variety offresh stimuli in eachstation, session after session.Speech Essentials is a speech therapy app designed tofacilitatespeech therapy for articulation, speech delays, andapraxia. Can beused by an SLP or by a parent to practice thepronunciationtechniques taught in speech therapy.
Speech Therapy: L 1.02
Speech Therapy: L is an allinclusive,FREEspeech therapy app designed for both parentsandprofessionals.This app was created by a practicing, speechlanguagepathologist.She understands how much practice is neededforarticulation(speech) therapy and parents really have all thepowerto make thebiggest difference. However, parents don't alwayshaveaccess toeverything they need. Speech therapy can also beexpensiveand thisis frustrating for everyone!! To reach morefamilies, shemade thisapp for a VERY affordable price so everyonecan getlearning today.This app is VERY different than any other app on themarketmadefor speech therapy practice at home.I was tired of children with articulation needsNOTmakingprogress! I took a good, long look at the materialsavailableforparents. While shiny cards and fancy apps look fun,they areNOTwhat children need. Articulation practice should benatural,happenthroughout the day, and occur with common words thatyourchildfrequently says.So, I created this not so fancy app to help parentsreachtheirgoals!In order for your child to make progress witharticulationgoals,he/she needs to be able to say the desired soundswithinwords andthen practice that skill in a functional settingsuch asat homeusing words he/she actually says! For example, achild maysay Lcorrectly in the word "ladybug" while playing agame;however,he/she most likely won't say that word again for weeksormonths.Not really functional.....On the other hand, if a child practices L by saying"lick"whileeating ice cream, carryover of progress is likelytohappen!This articulation app is created with this philosophy inmind.Itwill take a bit more work for parents, but it will pay offintheend!What's Included:Tutorials & videos on how to say LStep-by-step instruction on how to teach your child LEffective teaching cues used by speech therapistsPrintable materials for speech practiceSpeech practice at the syllable, word, and sentence level!Easy tips on how to incorporate speech practiceintodailylifeMotivation chartsPicture flashcards for quick practiceWhat's Different About This App:This app does not have just one game that a child maygetboredwith quicklyThis app does require that you PLAY with your childWe give ideas and support as you practice L at homeWe provide all the materials and game ideas you needtobesuccessfulWho should use this app:Motivated parents whose children are havingdifficultysayingLChildren who are already in speech therapy and need towork on carryoverChildren who have been working on L for a long time!Children who don't qualify for speech services for Leventhoughthey have trouble saying the sound!Speech language pathologist who want wordlists,teachingtechniques, and flashcards at their fingertipsWhy This Approach?This app is designed with your child's speech progress andyourtimein mind! For a child to be able to learn and say asoundcorrectly,he/she must learn how to say the sound independentlyandthen beable to generalize that ability to everyday speech.Appsthat arejust full of games where a child simply names a pictureisgoodpractice to learn HOW to say a sound; however, it doesn'thelpthemremember to say it correctly as they talk outside theapp.There isno carryover. To help solve this problem, we createdthisapp! Weexplain clearly how to say L, how to teach it toyourchild, andthen how to practice effectively! It will requiresome1:1 time withyour child but it will be worth it. We promise :)Enjoy!This app is a supplemental, home program. If youhaveconcernsabout your child, we recommend a consultation by aspeechlanguagepathologist before beginning any home program.
WH Questions 2.0.0
WH Questions is a multi-functionalappcreatedby an experienced and practicing speechlanguagepathologist! Thisapp is designed for toddlers, preschoolstudents,and elementaryage students. It is a FUN way to practiceCRUCIALspeech andlanguage skills such as articulation, listeningskills,vocabulary,story telling, and more!What this app can be used for:~Answering WH questions~Picture description tasks~Vocabulary learning: naming, descriptions, etc..~Comparing/contrasting tasks~Sequencing & personal narrative prompts~Phrase and sentence level carryover activities~Motivating stimuli for therapy sessions~Progress monitoring over timeWho is this app for?This app is designed for parents, speech languagepathologists,andother educators who have and/or work with toddlersup toelementaryage students.What is included?~Short, kid-friendly videos~Pre-recorded WH questions of varying difficulty~Language prompts and ideas for further practice~Ability to choose a specific video or scroll through allofthemHow to use this app?This app is designed to help children learn speechandlanguageskills in a fun, motivating way. It is recommendedthatchildrenuse this app with an adult to get the most out of it!Achildwatches a video and then has 5 WH questions to listentoandanswer. Since answers will vary, they are not included.Thisiswhere adults step in! Talk about what your child thinksandgivefeedback. Model the correct response, etc...There arealsootherlanguage ideas provided with each video for furtherpracticeofvocabulary and expressive language skills.Who made this app?This app was created by a practicing, experienced,ASHAcertifiedspeech language pathologist. She understandstheimportance ofmotivating materials to encourage functionalspeechand languagedevelopment.Enjoy!
Hablando con Nok Demo
Especial para niños de 2 años en adelante,queestán empezando a hablar o que tienen problemasdepronunciación.Junto con Nok podrás jugar con más de 90 palabras animadas,conellas podrás diferenciar palabras que suenan parecido, areconocerobjetos, a formar parejas de palabras con sonido similar ya ¡ganarmuchas medallas!.El juego está dividido en 4 módulos de juego distintos, con150actividades para disfrutar.Tiene dos modos de juego, junto a nuestro simpático Nok oacompañadode un adulto, especial para Logopedas y fonoaudiólogos,o papás quequieran participar en el desarrollo de su hijo.Características principales:- Trabajamos la Discriminación Auditiva Verbal con pares deminimocontraste fonológico.- 4 Módulos de juego, discriminar sonido entre parejas,reconocerobjetos, armar una pareja y discriminar entre 2parejas.- Más de 90 ilustraciones animadas.- 150 actividades para jugar con las palabras.- Dos modos de juego, puedes jugar con Nok o con un adulto.- Premios para reforzar el aprendizaje positivo.- Sin compras dentro del juego.- Sin anuncios de terceros.Sobre Pitruf-Games:Somos una empresa dedicada al desarrollo de aplicacioneseducativas,tratando que los niños aprendan jugando de un modolúdico einteractivo. Nuestros juegos son seguros, no contienencontenidoinapropiado y no incorporan publicidad de terceros . Siquieresconocernos o hacernos preguntas, puedes entrar a nuestrapáginadonde encontraras material educativo en o ennuestro facebook : for children2years and older, who are beginning to speak or who haveproblemswith pronunciation.Along with Nok you can play with more than 90 animated wordswiththem you can distinguish words that sound alike, torecognizeobjects, to form pairs of words with similar sound and winmanymedals !.The game is divided into 4 different game modules, with150activities to enjoy.It has two modes of play, with our friendly Nok or accompanied byanadult, especially for speech therapists and speech therapistsorparents who want to participate in the development ofyourchild.Main features:- Discrimination Auditory Verbal work with minimum phonemiccontrastpairs.- 4 game modules, sound discriminate between couples,recognizeobjects, put together a couple and discriminate between2couples.- More than 90 animated illustrations.- 150 activities to play with words.- Two game modes, you can play with Nok or an adult.- Awards to reinforce positive learning environment.- No in-game purchases.- No third party advertisements.About Pitruf-Games:We are a company dedicated to developing educationalapplications,treating children learn by playing a fun andinteractive way. Ourgames are safe, contain no inappropriatecontent and do not includethird-party advertising. If you want toknow or ask us questions,you can go to our website where you willfind educational materials or ourfacebook:
Speech Trainer 1.04
Mixed Bit
Immediate feedback on the sound of your voice.