Top 5 Apps Similar to Self Defense Guide

Self Defense 1.0
Self-defense isn’t karate or judo.Itisn’tlearning how to shoot a gun or how to use a taser.It involves knowing how to avoid situations that put you atriskthencoupling them with evasive techniques that can help keepyousafe andsound.Self-defense techniques App, Here’s how to prepare forandstaysafe in common real-world violent situations;yes It’sasubjectmost of us don't want to consider,but violenceis,unfortunately, afact of life. Thankfully, regardless ofstrength,size,or previous training, anyone can learn several effectiveSelf defense App will be a good news for everybody ,for youtooifyou wish to be able to defend yourself and your loved onesifsomeonewere to physicallyattack you?If you wish to discover all Self Defense tools and learnalltypeof martial arts You are discovering number one SelfDefenseapp formobile phone and tablet.With the practice of Self Defense techniques and you willreachastate of perfect balance between body and mind.This application will help you to learn the concepts thatformanauthentic design of self-defense and self defensemoves.everybody can learn some valuable insights fromthesesections,however no app or book can replace person trainingwithaeducational school.The statistics on violence against women are staggering–evenoverwhelming. Often, women are thought of as the weakersex;Mrs,inside in this app you will find many tips and hints onhowtokeep yourself out of harm’s way. The best self-defenseisaproactive offense, and we’ll teach you how to do that.Using this application, you can execute all appinstructionsandlearn whenever and wherever you want, whether it'sstreet, thegymor your own home.Desire is the key point, and the application will always beableforyou!And all of this for free and ideal for all ages.It is never too late to begin to learn these sports.Download your app now ...
Self Defense 2.0
Self-defense is defined as the right topreventsuffering force or violence through the use of a sufficientlevel ofcounteracting force or violence.As you can see, self-defense is more complicated than itfirstappears. In order to handle the myriad situationswhereself-defense arises, states have developed rules to determinewhenself-defense is allowed and how much force a victim can usetoprotect themselves. As mentioned, the exact rules differbetweenstates, but the considerations are largely the same.This App would help you for learning the best selfdefensetechniques. Download the App and if you like the App pleaseRatethe App a 5star
Kickboxing Guide 1.0
My Books Studio
The best guide for Kickboxing. youmayfindtips,trick,& information useful here.Kickboxing is a sport where two boxers fight in the ring.Thegamein itself is a self- disciplinary event that teachespatienceandself-defence. This tutorial will help you in learningtheprotocolsof the game in all dimensions.Though it is a form of physical sport that involvespunchesandstrikes, but has its own limitations and rules. Theplayers needtohit each other with legal strikes to earn points.Sometimestheytry to knockdown each other too. The player havingthemaximumpoints at the end of the game is declared as thewinner.This gameis played by both men and women.It is a form of martial art that is believed to beoriginatedfromThailand. One of the ancient armies popularly knownas MuayBoranof Siamese soldiers used to practise this as anactofself-defence. Since its inception from year 1238 to theperiodofking Chulalongkorn’s ascendance into the throne ofThailand,thegame went through many phases and got equally populartoo.In the earlier days, there was no protective equipment thatwasused,but very soon king Chulalongkorn made the use ofequipmentlikegloves and other protective gears compulsory. Thisgame wasmodifieda bit by Osamu Noguchi in the form of Muay.The bestguideforKickboxing. you may find tips, tricks, and usefulinformationhere.Kickboxing is a sport where two boxers fight in the ring.Thegamein itself is a self-disciplinary event that Teachespatienceandself-defense. This tutorial will help you in learningtheprotocolsof the game in all dimensions.Though it is a form of physical sport that involvespunchesandstrikes, but has its own limitations and rules. Theplayers needtohit each other with legal strikes to earn points.Sometimestheytry to knockdown each other too. The player havingthemaximumpoints at the end of the game is declared as thewinner.This gameis played by both men and women. It is a form of martial art that is Believed to beOriginatedfromThailand. One of the ancient armies popularly knownas MuayBoranof Siamese soldiers used to practice model this as anactofself-defense. Since its inception from the year 1238 totheperiodof King Chulalongkorn's Ascendance into the throneofThailand, thegame went through many phases and got equallypopulartoo. Earlier in the days, there was no protective equipment thatwasused,but very soon king Chulalongkorn made the use ofequipmentlikegloves and other protective gears compulsory. Thisgame wasmodifieda bit by Osamu Noguchi in the form of Muay.
Self Defense 1.0
Moe Game
Learn the techniques that can saveyourlife.Even if you don’t know anything about martial arts orselfdefenseyou can now start learning the basic moves andtechniquesthat willallow you to save your life.Features*Self-defense technique against common attacks*SELF DEFENSE EXTREME*5 self defence moves everyone should know*Knife Defense*Active Self Protection*ANd moreENJOY !!
Self Defense Classes 1.0
Must Tools
Self Defense Classes, an excellentappwhichwill help you to know everything about martial artandself-defenseclasses.You will discover on our Android application all the datatomotivateyou and that you make the principal critical stridesonyourtechniques for battleSelf-defense is a defense to certain criminal accusationsandcertaincommon cases. Under both the reformatory and thetortlaw,self-defense is regularly attested in theconditionsofmanslaughter, strike, and other criminal offensesincludingtheendeavor to depend on savagery against a man.Statutorydirectionand the case in self-defense is for the most partthe sameincriminal law.On the off chance that you need to learn self defensetechniques,oneof the extremely valuable martial arts, you havetouched baseat themeasure of an Android Self Defense applicationfor cellphone andtablets.This application is part of a routine committed to martialarts,forexample, Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, Shaolin, Kung Fu, Aikido...&moreWhat are self-defense classes?Free self defense is the physical showdown between atleasttwocontenders. It includes furnished and unarmed techniquesanddeadlyand non-deadly battles that range from adjustingconnectedtodeadly constrain. The motivation behind close battle istoperformboth prepared and unarmed procedures ace duce bothdeadlyandnon-deadly outcomes.Unarmed techniques incorporate hand-to-hand andde-fenseagainsthand-held weapons. Educated techniquesincorporatetechniquesconnected with a rifle, pike, blade, stick, orwhateverother sortof chance weapon.If you like our "Self Defense Course" app, please rate andsharewithcompanions, it is absolutely FREE!