Top 6 Apps Similar to Story Of Prophet Mohammed Urdu

Daily Hadith
Daily Hadith - your daily hadith alert!
Darood-e-Akbar 1.20
It also contains the following Surah Muhammad SurahMunafiqoonSurahMujadilah Surah Jumah Surah Room Surah Naml DaroodAkbarDaroodMuqadas Darrod Lakhi Ganj ul Arsh Doa e Akasha RamoozoOuqaaf toavoid reading mistakes Bookmark Opotion ColoringThemeSelectionIntroduction to Different Quranic Surah as depictedinscreenshots.Much more stuff coming in upcoming weeks, INSHAALLAH! Durood eAkbar is a famous Durood Shareef which iscommonlyread. It isreferred to as Durood-e-Akbar because it is saidthatit includes(almost) all the Sifaat-e-Jameela of HuzoorSallalLaahu Ta'alaAlayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam. And it is alsoreferred toas Akbarbecause of its length. The word 'nida or nada'is oftenused inintroduction of this Durood Shareef and so one whoreadsthis DuroodShareef Once on a daily base before or afterSalatulFajar will beblessed with the immense love for Huzoor SallalLaahuTa'ala AlayhiWa Aalihi Wa Sallam in one's heart. Andeventuallywill be blessedwith the Ziyarah of Nabi Sallal LaahuTa'ala AlayhiWa Aalihi WaSallam and if after that he increases thewird of thisDuroodShareef then he will meet with the blessed Soulof NabiKareemSallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam.InshaAllahAzwajal.This Durood Shareef is in fact the explanation ofthe trueheartfeelings of Ashiqaan e Rasool (Sallal Laahu Ta'alaAlayhi WaAalihiWa Sallam) so one who reads this Durood Shareef willbeenrichedwith Sa'adat e Daarain. One who wishes to be acceptedinthe Darbare Rasalat (Sallal Laahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa AalihiWaSallam) and thatone wishes to become beneficial/useful toothersthen one shouldbecome the Aamil of this Durood Shareef andthenwhatever one wantsto achieve will be made easy. For becominganAamil its necessarythat one should read this Durood Shareef for40nights in Solitudefor 21 times.. InshaAllah Azawajal allthepermissible desires ofone's heart will be fulfilled.
Pillars of Islam & Eemaan 1.1
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful,theEspeciallyMerciful. There are five pillars of Islam and sixpillarsof Eeman,which every Muslim should know about it in detail.Thiscomes in afamous hadees called as HADEES E JIBREEL. Islam isbothbelief andlaws, in which Allah and His Messenger have told us.WhenAllahcompleted the teachings of Deen E Islam, He chose it to bethewayof life for all of mankind until the Hour (JudgementDay).TAWHEEDis the first pillar of Islam and Eeman and it’s a keyandessenceof the call of the messengers as mentioned inQur’anSurahAnbiya21:25. The base of Qur'n is Tawheed. Allahprotectsthepeople of Tawheed and faith from the evils of this worldandthehereafter as mentioned in various Ahadees. Allah (Glory betoHim)says in the Qur’an: "And whoever seeks a religion otherthanIslam,it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafterhewill beone of the losers." Qur’an.A’le ‘Imran 3:85PoweredbyAskIslamPedia. Barak-Allaahu feekum “May Allah bless youAll.”
Habbits of Prophet Muhammad 1.0
Habbits of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W)
Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 1.3
The Right Way
Complete Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in EnglishTranslation.Lifeof Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) app contains completebiographyofProphet Muhammad PBUH. Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the lastProphetofAllah (Rasool allah) which is why it is obligatory foreveryMuslimto know every aspect of his life. Islamic Biography :LifeofProphet Muhammad (PBUH) contains Biographies, StoriesandIslamicHistory of Prophets , Sahabas and Imam’s in QuranandotherRelegious Books. Being a Prophet and Messenger of Allah(SWT),He(SAW) delivered the message of Allah Almighty, explaineditandapplied it to Himself and on His family. Muhammad (SAW)isthehuman being of excellent morals and character, so if wewanttolead a successful life then we should follow the pathexplainedbyProphet Muhammad (SAW). Features of this Life ofProphetMuhammad(PBUH) app: ** Completely free. ** Life of ProphetMuhammadPBUH inEnglish. ** Complete life History of Khalifa HazratAbuBakrAl-Siddiq. ** Complete life History of Khalifa Umarbinal-Khattab.** Complete life History of Khalifa Uthman ibn Affan.**Completelife History of Khalifa Ali bin Abu Talib. ** CompletelifeHistoryof Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). **CompletelifeHistory of Khalifa Hazrat Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq. **Userfriendlydesign to understand easily. ** User can share infotodifferentsocial Media. ** Last Read Item is also added so usercaneasilyunderstand about topic. Download this freeApplicationtoday,Always stay blessed.....
Alim Quran and Hadith Platform 3.5.0
Alim: Islamic knowledge software- Quran, Hadith, Prayer,Qibla,Zakat & Prophets