Top 13 Apps Similar to Carson's Catering

ABC Catering
The ABC Catering App enables customerstoorderthe full range of the catering offerings ofArtisanBoulangerie ABC has an extensive catering menuforcorporate and privatecustomers offering food plattersforbreakfast, coffee breaks,lunches and afternoon teas.Artisan Boulangerie Co. is a contemporary bakerywithEuropeaninfluences. Focusing on quality, creativityandconsistency, ABCcreates a wide variety of delicious,wholesomeproducts usingtraditional techniques.Artisanal breads and pastries are handmade withimportedFrenchflour, premium European butter and quality producefromfarmsworldwide. All products are baked fresh daily andcontainnopreservatives, flavour enhancers, colouring or palm oil.Dineinand takeaway menus include a selection of morningpastries,brunchdishes, breads, salads, sandwiches, signaturemainsanddesserts.Award-winning Executive Chef Eran Mayer studiedatprestigiousFrench culinary institutes École Grégoire FerrandiandÉcoleLenôtre. He has over twenty years’ experience and was amemberofthe Paris Chamber of Commerce for ProfessionalArtisanBakers.
Crunchy Meals 2.3
Crunchy Meals
All you folks! We heard your callings fortheultimate food service. We saw you daydreaming about awholesomefood. We felt your craving for a catering servicewithoutcompromises.
And this is why we are coming up withCrunchyMeals.
We are a catering service which provides the tastiestandhealthiest meals right at your doorstep.Crunchy Meals is a one-stop for all those who are living incitiesaway from their home. Many of us often look for a cateringservicewhich is flexible, refreshing and caring for our health. We,atCrunchy Meals are working day and night to ensure that you gettheright food with a balanced approach towards thenutritionalvalue.
With innumerable unique features such as userfriendlyapp-based service, fast-delivery and a customer-basedapproach. Weare there to meet all your food requirements.
Southland Catering 1.2.1
OrderSnapp Inc.
View current Menu and Quickly createordersforpick-up or deliveryReceive coupons and specials instantlyReorder favorite items quick and easyReceive order status updates right up to deliveryStore payment information for quick check-out
Tree's Restaurant & Catering 1.16.1113
My Apps Tools
Tree's Restaurant and Catering is locatedinthe beautiful Hunter's Ridge Complex in Sherwood, Oregon. Tree'sisa unique Sherwood restaurant with a breathtaking setting inthegateway to Oregon's wine country, and offers diners a viewtypicalof the area's lush green forested scenery.Executive Chef Shannon Johnson specializes inItalian-Creolefusion, a delightful combination of the finer tastesof the DeepSouth and the Mediterranean. Come and sample fare assimple or aselaborate as your taste buds desire, from the Po Boy ofthe weekand Sicily Burger to the more hearty Rib-eye Steak orTraditionalLasagna. Those who prefer to go gluten-free orvegetarian will alsofind dishes to suit their particular needs uponrequest. Families-fear not, for Tree's Restaurant also offers tummypleasing food foryour little ones!Patrons will enjoy the relaxed yet upscale atmosphere,whetherdropping in for a business lunch of juicy burgers, sippingacocktail and sampling some of the chef's signature Cat Bitesduringhappy hour at the bar, or settling in for a nice evening mealwithone of the chef's specialty gumbos. Don't forget to trythefeatured wine or beer and finish your visit off with thedecadentdark chocolate mint cake that is sure to leave you cravingthiskind of southern comfort every day of the week.If you happen to visit during a season without the abundanceofliquid sunshine Oregon is so well-known for, venture out ontothepatio that extends into the natural forest adjacent totherestaurant. This area is perfect for quiet conversation over anicebottle of Oregon wine or some coffee with one of thedelectableoptions from the dessert menu.
Korosa Catering 1.0.6
Želite najpomembnejše dogodke v vašem življenju doživeti vobjemudomačega okolja- torej tam, kjer se počutite najbolj domačeinsproščeno? Razmišljate o tem, da bi svoje prijatelje domazarojstni dan pogostili domiselno in okusno, pri tem pa znjimibrezskrbno ves čas klepetali in se zabavali? Potem je našcateringza vas prava rešitev! V podjetje, na vaš dom pripeljemookusneslastne prigrizke. Vas in vaše bližnje, sodelavce aliposlovnepartnerje bomo razvajali z bogato kulinariko in vrhunskopostrežbo.Priredimo tudi slow food večerje, kosila z priznanimivrhunskimivinarji in kuharskimi mojstri. Če pa želite kak dogodek,kot jedenimo poročno slavje, novoletna zabavaslow food in fingerfood-doživeti v posebnem ambijentu pa za vas najamemo tudigradove,vinske kleti ali druge zanimive lokacije. Ponudboprilagajamoželjam in potrebam strank. Pokličite nas in preveritenaše novostiin ideje. Skupaj bomo oblikovali in soustvarjaliponudbo hrane inpijače. Nudimo vam: - fingerfood nabodala -kanapeje - čokoladnefontane s sadjem - coffe breaki - sadni bife -klasično postreženimeniji – svečane večerje, poslovna kosila,poroke - hladno -toplibifeji - stoječe tople in hladne pogostitveKoroša Catering |Vabljeni |
The new FPS CATERING app - "quality delivered" goes Mobile!
Premier Catering 1.10
Premier Catering
Premier CateringHas carefully developed a range of gourmet dishes andhighquality services in order to allow flight attendants, anxioustomeet the slightest expectations of their clients during theirtrip,to provide incomparable and tailor - made service.Composed of a team of professionals issued from thecateringbusiness that are aware of the various problems inherentinbusiness aviation, as well as a prestigious kitchen teamwhosemembers have exercised their talents in the most famousMichelin'sstars restaurants in France, Premier Catering was createdwith thedesire to coordinate all these know-how, and thus provideanexceptional service to passengers travelling aboard theirprivatejet.Flower arrangements directly from the famous Nice and ParisRowermarkets, daily world press printed in color, vintagewines,Russian, Kosher and Halal products selected from the bestsuppliersof the Côte d'Azur and Paris, are only a sample ofservices PremierCatering can provide you.
Tally Ho Catering 4.5.5
Appsolute Design
Tally Ho Catering is a Melbourne basedcateringcompany based in Boronia delivering party, corporate andprivatefinger food to all suburbs.The Tally Ho App will allow you to- Contact Us directly with one touch direct calling- Find Us directly with one touch Google Maps- View our menus- Stay updated with all of our seasonal menus- Place orders directly via the app- Access VIP specials- Access loyalty reward programs for repeat clients.The Tally Ho Catering App will allow you to take care all ofofyou catering needs for your next function or occasion right atthetouch of a button.
Reyaz Catering 1.0
Our team of highlyqualifiedprofessionalsheaded by an experienced Chef. Lnim ad minimveniam,quis nostrud.Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex eacommodo.Duisaute dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit essecillumdoloreeu fugiat nulla do tempore ercitationem ut labore. etdoloremagnaaliqua.
Goblin Catering 23.0
El día de vuestra boda es un momentoúnicoeinolvidable, por eso en Goblin Catering trabajamosparagarantizarel éxito de vuestra celebración, con platosdeliciosos yun ampliopaquete de servicios, nos encargamos deconfeccionar unabodatotalmente a vuestra medida. Además, disponemosde fincasyespacios encantadores que os enamorarán. Nuestroequipodispondrátodas las instalaciones, creando un ambiente únicoyromántico paravuestro día.The day of yourweddingisa unique and unforgettable moment, so in Goblin Cateringworktoensure the success of your celebration, with delicious dishesandacomprehensive package of services, we manage to makeyourweddingabsolutely measure. In addition, we have farms andcharmingspacesthat you fall in love. Our team will have allthefacilities,creating a unique and romantic setting foryourday.
Dorfner Catering 3.36.2
Dorfner Catering App - the menu always with you
Catering Chinchón 25.0
Catering Chinchón es una empresa familiarderestauración especializada en servicios de catering enMadrid.Elaboramos nuestros platos tradicionales con productosfrescos y deprimera calidad con ahora extendemos la coberturanuestrosservicios de catering en España.Ofrecemos los siguientes servicios de catering para particularesyempresas: bodas, bautizos, comuniones, menús personalizados,coffeebreaks, aperitivos, cócteles, comidas y cenas detrabajo,inauguraciones de empresa, presentaciones de un producto yeventosde cualquier tipo.n Catering Chinchón suministramos también vinos y cavas,vajilla,cubertería, cristalería, menaje, mobiliario, decoración,montaje decarpas, discoteca y camareros. Disponemos de variasfincas para larealización de bodas y eventos,Catering paraempresas y particularesentre ellas, las Fincas Molino del Manto yLa Peña del Agua,situadas en la vega de Chinchón.Nuestra trayectoria profesional nos ha permitido acumular unaampliaexperiencia en este sector. Este servicio viene mejorandoaño a añofavorecido por el gran desarrollo tecnológico aplicado alos equiposde cocina. Hoy en día podemos decir que las diferenciasentre unmenú producido In-situ y uno transportado handisminuidonotablemente. Así mismo las garantías higiénicassanitarias se hanextremado y están del todo garantizadas.La comida es elaborada en nuestra cocina central porprofesionalesdel sector, este servicio viene mejorandocontinuamente por lasnuevas tecnologías que aplicamos a nuestrasinstalaciones.Organización integral de eventosEn lo que se refiere arealizaciónde eventos tanto como bodas, comuniones, bautizo ocelebracionesprivadas… podemos decir que hoy en día, es uno denuestro principalactivo servicio de particular y empresa, ya quecontamos con más de100 clientes dentro de la Comunidad de Madrid ydespués de muchosaños siguen con nosotros y avalan nuestradedicación y nuestrocompromiso.Algunos de nuestros clientes de Catering en Madrid y deCateringen España: Funcas (fundación y cajas de ahorros) Aneca,Tele 5,Carrefour, General Electric, Hospital de Aranjuez, HospitalNiñoJesús, museos, embajadas, Ayuntamientos, Organismosoficiales,Consulado italiano, Embajadas, Cáritas, Jóvenes TercerMundo,Midiones, Gadair, Musgo, Fedetec, Fedop, Ferias de Ifema, ElCorteInglés, Sika, Cesic, Extesis, Inauguración nuevo tren AVE ymuchosmás.Le invitamos a que lea las opiniones de nuestros clientes.Catering Chinchón isafamily catering company specializing in catering servicesinMadrid. We prepare our traditional dishes with fresh andtopquality coverage now we extend our catering servicesinSpain. We offer the following services for individuals andbusinessescatering weddings, baptisms, custom menus, coffeebreaks,appetizers, cocktails, lunches and dinners, businessopenings,product presentations and events of any kind.Catering Chinchon n also supply wines and champagnes,crockery,cutlery, glassware, household items, furniture,decoration,installation of tents, disco and waiters. We haveseveral farms forconducting weddings and events, catering forcompanies andindividuals including the Windmill Farms Mantle and LaPeña delAgua, located in the valley of Chinchon.Our history has allowed us to accumulate a wealth of experienceinthis sector. This service has been improving year favored bythegreat technological development applied to the kitchenequipmentyear. Today we can say that the differences between a menuproducedin-situ and one transported have decreased significantly.Likewisehygienic sanitary guarantees are extreme and arefullyguaranteed.The food is prepared in our central kitchen byindustryprofessionals, this service is continuously improving thenewtechnologies that we apply to our facilities.Comprehensive organization of EVENTSIn regard to holding eventsaswell as weddings, communions, baptisms or private celebrations...We can say that today is one of our main asset andserviceparticular company, because we have more than 100 customersinMadrid and after many years still with us and they supportourdedication and commitment.Some of our clients Catering Catering in Madrid and inSpain:Func (foundation and savings) Aneca, Tele 5, Carrefour,GeneralElectric, Hospital de Aranjuez, Hospital Child Jesus,museums,embassies, municipalities, government agencies, ConsulateItalianEmbassies, Caritas Youth Third World Midiones, Gadair,Moss,Fedetec, FEDOP, Trade Ifema, El Corte Ingles, Sika, Cesic,Extesis,Inauguration new AVE train and many more.We invite you to read the opinions of our customers.
Taberner Catering 25.0
Taberner Catering nace de la experiencia de30años dedicados al sector de la restauración ofreciendo unserviciointegral.El compromiso y fidelidad con nuestros clientes es la basequesustenta un único objetivo: el éxito del evento.Escuchar al cliente, saber lo que necesita y personalizar sueventocon creatividad, calidad y profesionalidad, son nuestrasseñas deidentidad.Nuestro equipo de profesionales aplica sus capacidades desdelacocina hasta la puesta en escena, apoyados de unainfraestructurahumana y logística propia, únicas en la ComunitatValenciana.Distintas empresas del ámbito nacional e internacional yahanconfiado en nosotros sus cenas de gala, almuerzos detrabajo,coffee-breaks, cocktails, incentivos, convenciones,congresos,etc., y todas han coincidido en señalar que no dudarán enrepetiren futuros eventos.Taberner Catering cuenta también con una amplia experiencia enelservicio integral de bodas y celebraciones familiares, parahacerrealidad los sueños y momentos mágicos más románticos.Taberner Cateringbornfrom the experience of 30 years dedicated to the cateringindustryoffering a comprehensive service.The commitment and loyalty to our customers is the foundationthatsupports a single goal: the success of the event.Listen to the customer, know what you need and customize youreventwith creativity, quality and professionalism areourhallmarks.Our team applies their skills from the kitchen to thestaging,supported by human infrastructure and logistics itself,only inValencia.Different companies nationally and internationally andhaveentrusted us with their dinners, lunches, coffee breaks,cocktails,incentives, conventions, conferences, etc.., And all havebothhighlighted will not hesitate to repeat in future events.Taberner Catering also has extensive experience in the fullserviceweddings and family celebrations, to realize the dreams andmagicmoments romantics.