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KWO Community App 3.16.0
Carp Media B.V.
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Een handig overzicht van de(meeste)georganiseerde wandeltochten in Nederland en België.Bijna elke dag wordt er wel ergens in Nederland of Belgiëeenwandeltocht georganiseerd. Met deze app kan je zeer eenvoudigeenkeuze maken uit de wandeltochten in je buurt. Je kan deze appookgebruiken om het startadres van een Wandel-4-daagseofavond-4-daagse in je buurt te vinden.Deze wandelapp wijst je de weg naar de inschrijvingofstartplaats van een wandeltocht. De route zelf is doordeorganisatoren aangegeven, en kan vaak alleen tijdens dezetochtworden gelopen. Bij sommige van deze wandel je overeenprivé-domein dat alleen tijdens deze wandeling open is gesteldvoorwandelaars. Je wandelt dus een unieke tocht, vaak metbevoorradingonderweg.De wandeltochten kalender voor de komende maand wordt opjetoestel zelf bewaard en is ook offline te raadplegen.Vul je huisadres of woonplaats in), en je krijgt dewandelingenvolgens afstand van dit adres. Zeer handig om eenwandeltocht in jebuurt te vinden. Je volledige of 100% juiste adresis niet nodig.Vul genoeg info in om een plaatsbepaling te doen.Als je van wandelen houdt, is deze app een nuttige aanvullingopje wandel uitrusting. Vooral voor de training voor eeneenKennedymars of de Dodentocht.De kosten die ik maak om deze app in de lucht te houden,probeerik terug te verdienen via advertenties. Je kan deadvertentiesuitzetten door een donatie (via de app) te doen.A useful summary ofthe(most) organized hikes in the Netherlands and Belgium.Almost every day there is somewhere in the Netherlands orBelgiumorganized a walking tour. With this app you can easily makea choiceof walks in your neighborhood. You can also use this appto find thestart address of a Walk-four-day or night-4 day inyourneighborhood.This wandelapp points the way to the registration or startingofa walking tour. The route itself is marked by the organizers,andcan often only be walked during this tour. Some of these youwalkacross a private property that is open only during this walktowalkers. So you are walking a unique journey, often on theroadwith supplies.The hikes calendar on your device itself preserved for thenextmonth and can also be consulted online.Enter your home address or home town), and you get thehikingdistance according to this address. Very convenient to find awalknear you. Your full or 100% correct address is not necessary.Enterenough information to make a landmark.If you like hiking, this app is a useful addition to yourhikinggear. Especially for training for a Kennedy or the DeathMarch.The cost that I make to keep this app in the air, I try torecoupthrough advertising. You can disable the ads by making adonation(through the app).
Weather for Denmark
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KNRM Helpt
Official app of the Royal NetherlandsSeaRescue Institution (KNRM) - the ‘KNRM Helps’ app allows youtoregister your vessel and plan and track your trip onyoursmartphone.Registering vessel and trip information could not be anyeasier.Follow the registration process to start using the app. Onceyourregistration details have been saved, you can make your choicefromthe menu in the app. You may either plan and file your trip(Sailplan mode) or just activate the tracking function of the app(Trackonly mode).For filing a planned trip choose your vessel, determine theenddestination, calculate the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival),enterthe number of persons on board and the activity type. Then,usingthe built-in maps, select a starting point, an optionalwaypointand the end destination. Once this is completed simplypress the‘start’ button when you are ready to start your trip. You,youremergency contacts and eventually the SAR authorities willbeautomatically alerted following a time scheme after thejourneyexceeds the ETA in Sail Plan mode.Pressing ‘start’ in Sail plan mode or just pressing the startbuttonin Track only mode will register the trip details withKNRM’s serverand will activate position reporting in the app. Atregularintervals the app will send a position report to theserver.At any stage during the trip you can end your trip, revise theETA,number of people on board or the destination.Use the KNRM Helps app to:- Improve maritime trip planning with Electronic NavigationalChart(ENC) data.- Quickly start recording using the ‘Track only’ mode tobegintracking at a touch of a button. Change the recording intervaltosave on battery consumption when your tracking isinprogress.- Find nearby port information, VHF channels, lifeboat stationandbusy waterways information using the “Explorer” tool.- Access location-based, real-time weather & water datawhenplanning your trip or when your trip is in progress.- Receive maritime safety messages and marine notices throughtheKNRM Helps app and SMS messages.- Check valuable maritime safety information when both onlineandoffline.- Create your own personalised checklist to be included as partofyour Sail Plan before departing.- Activate a distress call or call for assistance while your tripisin progress. (iPhone only, not with iPAD)- Manage your profile, vessel, checklist and emergencycontactinformation within the KNRM Helps app.Continued use of GPS running in the background canconsiderablydecrease battery life while in use.Please note:This application’s functionality and the information it containsarepublished on the understanding that end users are to applytheir ownknowledge and skills in the use of saidapplication.Maritime safety is an extremely serious matter. In an emergencythisapplication’s function and information are not meant to berelied onexclusively. In addition, other reliable information andhelp fromthird parties should be looked for and made use of.This application can provide valuable coordinates of theuser’sposition, as determined by the mobile device used and theGPSsystem. Mobile devices and their supportingtelecommunicationnetworks are, however, not reliable and there is areal chance ofloss of connection between the mobile device and themobile networkand / or the GPS system. Nor is there any guaranteethat theconnection between your mobile device and mobile networkswill beuninterrupted. The user hereby agrees to and accepts allrisksinvolved in the use of this application.
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CMH.TV is the world's largest video platform for equestriansports& breeding.