Top 20 Apps Similar to Qur'ani Tukufu

Qurani (Qur'an) in Swahili 1.0
Quran books
Qurani (Qur'an) (Quran katika Kiswahili)Qur'an (kwa Kiarabu: القرآن) ni kitabu kitukufu chaUislamu.Qur'an inatazamiwa na Waislamu kama "Neno la Allah(MwenyeziMungu)". Kitabu hiki kwao ni tofauti kabisa na maandiko yavitabuvya dini nyingine kwa maana hicho kinaaminika kwambakimeandikwamoja kwa moja na Mwenyezi Mungu, kupitia mtume wake wamwisho,Muhammad.Lugha na tafsiriImeandikwa na kusomwa kwa lugha ya Kiarabu pekee kwa zaidi yamiaka1,400.Kadiri ya Qurani (42:8), Mungu alimuambia Muhammad: "Na namnahivitumekufunulia Qurani kwa Kiarabu ili uwaonye watu wa Makka nawaliopembeni mwake"Lakini, kwa vile leo Waislamu walio wengi ulimwengunihawajuiKiarabu, maana halisi ya Qur'an hutolewa kwa lugha nyingine,hivyokupelekea wasomaji kuelewa vyema yale maneno ya KiarabukwenyeQur'an yana maana gani. Vitabu hivyo ni kama kamusi kwa ajiliyaQur'an - hawavisomi hivi kama moja ya sehemu ya Quran tukufunaWaislam, ili kuwa badala ya Quran ya Kiarabu.Waislamu wengi wanaamini kwamba tafsiri ile siyo ya Qur'an tukufunawala siyo ya kweli; ni kopi ya Kiarabu tu iliyotolewa kwenyeQur'anya kweli.Waislamu wanaamini kwamba Qur'an tukufu mtume Muhammad alipewanamalaika Jibrīl kwenye pango la mlima Hira, kwa kipindi cha zaidiyamiaka ishirini na tatu hadi mauti wake ilipomfikia.Qur'an tukufu haikuwa kitabu cha maandiko wakati wa uhai wamtumeMuhammad; iliwekwa kwa mawasiliano ya kimdomo tu. Bimaana,watuwalihifadhi kichwani.Mtume labda hakuwa anajua kusoma wala kuandika, lakini kwa mujibuwaWaislamu, swahaba wake Abu Bekr alikuwa akiandika maandiko yalejuuya kitu fulani wakati huo mtume Muhammad yu hai. Pale AbuBekralipokuja kuwa khalifa, ameileta Qur'an na kuwakitabukitakatifu.Uthman, ambaye ni khalifa wa tatu, ameondoa vipengeleambavyovilikuwa havihusiani na Qur'an tukufu.Elementi, Sura, Mistari, AyaKuna sehemu 30 katika Qur'an, ambayo inafanya kuwa na sura 114.Kilasura ina namba tofauti ya mistari.Kwa mujibu wa mafunzo ya Kiislam, sura 86 kati ya hizizimeshukamjini Makka, sura 24 kati ya hizi zimeshuka mjiniMadina.Miongoni mwa sura zilizoshushwa mjini Medina ni pamoja naAl-Baqara,Al Imran, Al-Anfal, Al-Ahzab, Al-Ma'ida, An-Nisa,Al-Mumtahina,Az-Zalzala, Al-Hadid, Muhammad , Ar-Ra'd, Ar-Rahman,At-Talaq,Al-Bayyina, Al-Hashr, An-Nasr, An-Nur, Al-Hajj,Al-Munafiqun,Al-Mujadila, Al-Hujraat, At-Tahrim, At-Taghabun,Al-Jumua, As-Saff,Al-Fath, At-Tawba, Al-Insan.Mahusiano baina Qur'an na BibliaKatika Qu'ran tukufu, inasomwa kwamba Wayahudi na Wakristopiahuamini Mungu wa kweli. Dini hizi pamoja na Uislamu huitwazaAbrahamu kwa sababu ya mahusiano haya.Kuna baadhi ya kurasa za Qu'ran zinazoelezea habari za mambo yawatuwa katika Biblia. Kwa mfano watu wa katika Biblia waliotajwakwenyeQu'ran ni pamoja na Adamu, Nuhu, Abraham, Lutu, Ismaili,Yakobo,Yosefu, Haruni, Musa, mfalme Daudi, Solomoni, Elisha, Yona,Yobu,Zakaria, Yohane Mbatizaji, Bikira Maria na Yesu.Hata hivyo, kuna tofauti za muhimu kabisa baina ya Uislamu natoleola Biblia katika kuelezea habari za aina moja. Kwa mfano,Qu'rantukufu inaelezea kwamba Yesu Kristo si Mwana wa Mungu, kamajinsiWakristo wanavyoamini; kwa Waislamu, alikuwa nabiitu,anayeheshimiwa kwa jina la Isa bin Mariamu.Uislamu unafundisha kwamba haya yanatokea kwa sababu maandikoyaawali ya Biblia yamepotea na hivyo kuna baadhi yawatuwameyabadilisha. Lakini nje ya Qu'ran hakuna uthibitishowafundisho hilo.Qur'an(Qur'an) (Quran in Swahili)Qur'an (Arabic: القرآن) is the holy book of Islam. Qur'anisexpected by Muslims as the "Word of God (Allah)". This bookiscompletely different to them and the writings of otherreligiousbooks that can be trusted because it was written directlyby God,through His last prophet, Muhammad.Language and translationWritten and read in Arabic only for over 1,400 years.According to the Qur'an (42:8), God said to Muhammad: "And thusWehave revealed to you the Qur'an in Arabic to warn people ofMakkahand those around him"But, since today many Muslims around the world do notunderstandArabic, the real meaning of the Qur'an is provided forotherlanguages, thus leading readers to better understand Arabicwordsin the Qur'an mean. These books are like dictionaries fortheQur'an - do not read this as one part of the Qur'an and Muslims,sothat instead of the Quran in Arabic.Many Muslims believe that the interpretation of the Qur'an isnotnot true and it is a copy of the Quran Arabic only provided ontheright.Muslims believe that the Qur'an was given to Muhammad bytheangel Gabriel in the cave of Mount Hira, for overtwenty-threeyears until his death ilipomfikia.The Qur'an was not a book of scripture during the life oftheProphet Muhammad, was placed in contact kimdomo only.Bimaana,people were storing on the head.Messenger may not be able to read or write, but according toIslam,his companion Abu Bekr was writing the writing on somethingthattime Muhammad was alive. When Abu Bekr that the caliph came,hebrought the Qur'an to be sacred book.Uthman, the third caliph who is, has removed features that werenotspecifically related to the Holy Qur'an.Elements, Chapter, Verse, VerseThere are 30 places in the Qur'an, which makes it a frame 114.Eachchapter has a different number of lines.According to Islamic teaching, chapter 86 of these have declinedinMecca, chapter 24 of these have declined in Medina.Among the chapters in Medina zilizoshushwa include Al-Baqara,AlImran, Al-Anfal, Al-Ahzab, Al-Maida, An-Nisa,Al-Mumtahina,Az-Zalzala, Al-Hadid, Muhammad, Ar- Ra'd, Ar-Rahman,At-Talaq,Al-Bayyina, Al-Hashr, An-Nasr, An-Nur, Al-Hajj,Al-Munafiqun,Al-Mujadila, Al-Hujraat, At-Tahrim, At- Taghabun,Al-Jumua,As-Saff, Al-Fath, At-repentance, Al-Insan.Relations between the Qur'an and the BibleIn Glorious Qu'ran, is presented to that Jews and Christiansalsobelieve the true God. These religions as well as Islam arecalledto Abraham because of these relationships.There are some pages that describe Qu'ran concerning the peopleofthe Bible. For example in the Bible of people listed on theQu'raninclude Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph,Aaron,Moses, King David, Solomon, Elisha, Jonah, Job, Zechariah,John theBaptist, the Virgin Mary and Jesus.However, there are quite important differences between Islamandversion of the Bible in describing the story of the same type.Forexample, the glorious Qu'ran explains that Jesus Christ is nottheSon of God, just as Christians believe, for Muslims, he was justaprophet, who is honored in the name of Jesus the son ofMary.Islam teaches that this is happening because the original textsofthe Bible have been lost and so there are some people havechanged.But out of the Qu'ran there is no proof of thatdoctrine.
Quran in Swahili
Quran katika Kiswahili - Quran in Swahili - Ali Muhsin Al-Barwani
Hadith 40 za Mtume saw 1.0
Mahmoud Al-Asmi
Hadith 40 za Mtume saw kutoka kitabu cha Imam Anawawi namaanayakekwa Kiswahili.
Holy Quran with Tafsir 3.5.19
Hakem Zaied
Holy Quran allows reading, listening for different reciters,Tafsirand search.
Kinga ya Muislamu 1.0
Mahmoud Al-Asmi
  بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمن الرَّحيم Kwa Jina LaMwenyeziMunguMwingi Wa Rehema (Duniani) Mwenye Kurehemu(Akhera) UTANGULIZI Hakika sifa njema zote ni za MwenyeziMungu,tunamsifu,tunamuomba msaada na tunamuomba maghfirah,tunamuombaAtuhifadhi nashari za nafsi zetu, na maovu ya matendoyetu.AnayemuongozaMwenyezi Mungu hapana wa kumpoteza, naAnayempoteza,hapana wa wakumuongoza.  Nakiri kwamba, hapanaapasayekuabudiwa ilaMwenyezi Mungu, hali ya kuwa peke Yake, hanamshirika,naninakiri kwamba Muhammad ni mjaWake naniMtume Wake. Mwenyezi Mungu Amrehemu na Awarehemujamaa zakenaMaswahaba zake na wanaowafuata hao kwa wemampaka sikuyamalipo na Amsalimishe kwa amani nyingi. Baada yayaliyotanguliahuuni ufupi (Mukhtasar) wa kitabu kiitwacho “HISWNAL-MUSLIMMINADHKAAR AL-KITAAB WA SUNNAH” Ninamuomba Mwenyezi MungukwamajinaYake mazuri, na sifa Zake zilizo juu, Ajaaliye kazihiikuwa,imesafika  lengo lake, kwa kutaka radhi zakeMwenyeziMunguMtukufu, na Aninufaishe kwa hayo katika uhai wanguhuu, nabaada yakufa, na Amnufaishe atakayekisoma, kukichapisha,aualiyekuwa nisababu ya kukitawanya, hakika  Yeye MwenyeziMunguNdiye  Muweza. Mwenyezi Mungu Amrehemu MtumewetuMuhammad صلىالله عليه وسلم na Aali zake na Maswahaba wakenawanaowafuatahao, kwa wema mpaka siku ya malipo.
Mushaf - Quran Kareem 1.31
Wail Busaied
The intent of developing this program is to create acomprehensiveand free Quran application that serves all Muslims.***You will need to download the pages andsoundsseparately***This program features:* 100% correct Koran based on images of Madinah Mos'haf byKingFahad Complex for printing Quran* Six types of images: with borders and without, Mujawwad,blue,green and brown pages* Flip pages by slide or buttons* Reading in Lanscape or Portrait* Night reading option* Zoom in capability with ability to change pages insidezoommode* Settings Language: Arabic/English* 13 audio Qoran reciters: Ajmi, Muaqli, Shaatri,Hudhafi,Abdulbasit, Sudais, Basfar, Husari, Menshawi, Afasy,Ghamdi,Shuraim, Rafai* option to repeat Kuran audio by Aya, Sura, page, orcontinuousaudio recitation* option to add a timer in seconds between each Aya (to helpwithrecitation)* 10 audio tracks for prayers (Dou'a)* 3 books of Tafseer: Al-Saadi, Al-Muyassar, and Al-Jalalayn(ArabicOnly)* English translation based on Sahih International* Search by words in arabic or english* Copy Ayas from search page and pasting them in any program bylongpressing on the selected Aya* Copy sections of the books by long press* Add notes to each page with the possibility of hide/unhidethroughsettings* Bookmarks: static (reference location for future reading)anddynamic (saves the last page read)* Go to by Qur'an page, Sura, Hezb, Robo or Juz'* Option of keeping the screen On* Short cut to menu by long press on the page directly withouttheneed to click on menues* Hide/unhide header, buttons, and notes from Settings* Header bar disappear automatically after a few seconds* Display two pages at the same time in landscape mode (goodfortablets)* Option to make the index page as main page (through settingsthenrestart application)If you have any issues, please don't hesitate to contactmebefore down rating the application. Giving high rating willassistin spreading the program to more Muslims through the useoffeatured programs. Any suggestions to improve the applicationarewelcomed.The website for the program is: do include me, my parents and my family inyourprayers.
Swahili Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Hadith Sahih Muslim 1.0
Quran books
Hadith Sahih Muslim in EnglishSahih Muslim is a collection of hadith compiled by ImamMuslimibn al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi (rahimahullah). His collectionisconsidered to be one of the most authentic collections oftheSunnah of the Prophet, and along with Sahih al-Bukhari formsthe"Sahihain," or the "Two Sahihs."The translation provided by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui.Sunni Muslims regard this collection as the second mostauthenticof the six major hadith collections, containing onlysahih hadith,an honor it shares only with Sahih al-Bukhari, bothbeing referredto as the Two Sahihs. Shia Muslims (and some sunnis)dismiss some ofits contents as fabrications or untrustworthy dueto thequestionable reliability of some narratorsAmin Ahsan Islahi, the noted Islamic scholar, has summarizedsomeunique features of Sahih Muslim:1. Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj recorded only such narratives aswerereported by two reliable successors from two Sahabah(Companions ofMuhammad) which subsequently travelled through twoindependentunbroken isnāds consisting of sound narrators. Muhammadal-Bukharihas not followed such a strict criterion.2. Scientific arrangement of themes and chapters. The author,forexample, selects a proper place for the narrative and, next toit,puts all its versions. Muhammad al-Bukhari has not followedthismethod (he scatters different versions of a narrative andtherelated material in different chapters). Consequently, intheexercise of understanding ahādīth. Sahīh of Muslim ibnal-Hajjajoffers the best material to the students.3. Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj informs us whose wordings amongthenarrators he has used. For example he says: haddathanā fulānwafulān wallafz lifulān (A and B has narrated this hadīth to usandthe wording used here is by A). Similarly he mentions whether,in aparticular hadīth, the narrators have differed over thewordingseven over a single letter of zero semantic significance. Healsoinforms the readers if narrators have differed over aspecificquality, surname, relation or any other fact about anarrator inthe chain.
Katiba ya Tanzania 1.06
Katiba ya Tanzania ni offline applicaionambayoinakuwezesha kusoma katiba ya Tanzania inayotumika sasa hukuukiwezakushare na jamii yako kupitia mitandao ya kijamii, baruapepe, smsza kawaida nk.Katika mchakato wa kupata kaatiba mpya hii ya sasa inabidikwanzaieleweke vizuri sana miongoni mwa watanzaniaConstitution ofTanzaniais offline applicaion that lets you read the constitutionofTanzania used now while you can share with your communitythroughsocial networks, email, sms routine etc..In the process of getting new kaatiba this current must firstbeunderstood very well among Tanzanians
Swahili To English Dictionary 1.7
Apps Universe
Swahili To English Dictionary with more than 25,000+ English words.
Bible in Swahili, Biblia Takat 8.9.5
Get the most popular Swahili Bible for your android devices.
Dua & Azkar
Ahsanul Haque
***This is a very powerful app with manyimagesand audios (over 90mb) and therefore it ‘MAY NOT’ work ,downloadaudios or contents on older devices and earlier versionsof Androidsoftware ****** Our sincere apology to all the users with older devicesorsoftware ***≡ CONTENTS ≡Dua & Azkar is one of the most authentic ‘opensource’application available on Google Play.≡ We are NOT ‘student of the knowledge’, Imam orSheikh.Alhamdulillah we have striven and collected Dua and Azkarfromvarious books and website over many years.All our contents are checked and approved by our local ImamsandSheikh Abu Ahmed (ELM) also with the help of many app usersoverperiod of time. Alhamdulillah we believe all the contentsareAuthentic and error free.≡ If you find ERRORS or MISTAKES let us know via[] with correct details, forcorrection. If you benefit from this app please remember us inyourDu'a!≡≡ THIS APP IS SPECIALIZED IN BASIC DUA’s AND TOPICS THATARENEGLECTED! ≡≡PLEASE ‘DO NOT’ REQUEST TO ADD ADDITIONAL DUA’s (We would liketokeep it simple) ≡≡≡ APP NOT WORKING ≡:::: DO NOT presume the app is faulty if download fails ::::≡ (Alhamdulillah) The App works perfectly but unfortunatelytherewill be some devices that may have issues and that could bedue toolder device, poor network or old software no longersupported byAndroid.≡ Email us before you submit your negative review andrating,InshAllah we will do our best to help. Please read ‘ABOUT’ within the app for full explanations 
English To Swahili Dictionary 1.13
18,000+ English words with Swahili meanings.
Tafsir Ibne Kathir - Arabic 1.8
My Qalam
Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Azim, popularly Tafsir ibn Kathir, isaclassicIslamic tafsir (commentary of the Qur'an) by Ibn Kathir.Itisconsidered to be a summary of the earlier tafsirbyal-Tabari,Tafsir al-Tabari. It is especially popular becauseituses thehadith to explain each verse and chapter of the Qur'an.Ithas beentranslated into many languages. Features: - Completebookin Arabiclanguage - Can change text font size - Day andnightreading mode -Easy and quick index navigation - Auto Bookmark(Lastread topic& hadith) - No internet or online connectionrequiredforreading - Designed for both Android mobile phones andtabletsNote:This free App is supported by Ads. Jazak Allah Kheir.
Quran ayah by ayah ONE
Show Quran ayah by ayah with beautiful background and more than70reciters
Al Quran Al karim 5.0
Browse Quran like printed copy.
Quran in Swahili + 1.104
Quran katika Kiswahili - Quran in Swahili - Ali Muhsin Al-Barwani
Sahih Al-Bukhari - Arabic 1.9
My Qalam
Sahih Al Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deedsofProphetMuhammad (pbuh), also known as the Sunah. Each hadithinthiscollection was checked for compatibility with theQuran,andveracity of chain of reporters had to bepainstakinglyestablished.Bukhari's collection is recognised by theoverwhelmingmajority ofthe Muslim world to be one of the mostauthenticcollections ofahadith. The collection includes hadeeth ontopics ofRevelation,Belief (Faith), Knowledge, Ablution, Bathing,Menses,Prayers, Eid,Funerals, Charity (Zakat), Hajj, Fasting, Salesandtrade, Debt,Quarels, Oppressions, Partnership, Mortage,Slaves,Gifts, Witness,Testaments, Fighting for cause of Allah,Creation,Prophes, Quran,Marriage, Divorce, Food, Sacrifice,Medicine, Law,Dreams, Onenessof Allah (Tawheed). Features: -Complete ShahihBukhari book inArabic - Can change text font size -Day and nightreading mode -Easy and quick index navigation - AutoBookmark (Lastread topic& hadith) - No internet or onlineconnection requiredforreading - Designed for both Android mobilephones and tabletsNote:This free App is supported by Ads. JazakAllah Kheir.
English Swahili Dictionary 9.2.4
Both English to Swahili And Swahili to English Offline Dictionary
Dua Rabbana (40 Quranic Duas) 4.5
Manal Tech
*** Full version for limited period ***Dua-Rabbana application designed for benefiting Muslims, togetthe habit of remembering Allah every time. In this app youwillfind the recitation of 40 Rabbana duas from Quran,these allduasstarts with Rabbana meaning "Our Lord". Dua (supplication) inIslamis one of the most beautiful and profound aspects of worship.It isa direct channel to communicate personally with your Creator,Whois ever Present, and ever ready to Respond. Dua isconversationwith Allah, out Creator, our Lord and Master, the AllKnowing, theAll Powerful. This act in itself is of extraordinarysignificance.It is the most uplifting, liberating, empowering, andtransformingconversation a person can ever have. We turn to Himbecause we knowthat He alone can lift our sufferings and solve ourproblems. Wefeel relieved after describing our difficulties to ourCreator.Every invocation has a great impact on your daily life, It isamethod which makes you feel closer to God. They help youbuildstrong beliefs, illuminate your heart and pursuerepentance.Features:======• Application starts with beautiful ayaath with translation basedupuser selected language.• Ayaath revealed indicator (Makkah or Madina based uponsurahrevealed).• Ayaath references of each Ayaath from Quran.• Listen to the accurate Arabic recitation for each Dua• Choose reciter voice from the 5 world bestselectedreciters.• Scroll through the entire list of 40 duas easily (text).• Starting 10 Duas of 5 reciters are present, it's user choosetolisten selected reciters voice• English Transliteration for all duas are present.• Meaning of duas in 14 languages (Arabic, Bosanski,Deutsch,English, Esponal, Hindi, Itialian, Farsi, Portugues,Kiswahili,Tamil, Turkish, Urdu, Russian & Malay).• Arabic Text from The Holy Quran, with ayath references inlistscreen & detail screen.• Show / Hide translation & transcription throughtheconfiguration.• No advertisements are embedded in the application.• Mute the recitation and read the Arabic text / translationsofevery invocation.• Paused/resume of invocations to complete dua afterward.Reciters:=====Abdul Rahman Al Sudais.Mohammed Rashid Al-FasyAhmed Ali Al AjamyMaher Al MueaqlySaad El Ghamdi.Note: If you like the application, please rate it and addyourreviews for the benefit of other users.