Top 17 Apps Similar to BlueJay PT - ( Patient )

Physiotherapy Exercises 1.14
Peter Messenger
This application enables you to :- search for exercises appropriate for people with spinalcordinjury and other neurological conditions- select exercises and compile them into booklets foryourclientsThere are over 950 exercises to choose from.You can search for exercises based on- Condition- Exercise Type- Body Part- Equipment Available- Exercise difficulty- Age CategoryThere is no charge for using the application.You can make booklets of exercises and view them, output themtoword/pdf, email them to friends or coworkers, share them ontwitterand facebook, output them to evernote or google docs andeven smsthem.Booklets can be customised to suit your needs.The application integrates with the main site, soanybooklets you create there will be available on your phone andviceversa.It requires you to create a logon to save booklets toourserver.The application integrates with your contacts, so you can (ifyouwish), use it to pick email addresses if you wish to send abookletto someone, or pick a mobile phone number if you wish tosend a linkto your booklet via sms.We do not use this functionality for anything else.Please give us feedback on how we can improve the application,ithelps us get funding to add more exercises and otherfeatures.Translations are a work in progress by our generousvolunteers,if you would like to help with translations please emailme.Searching---------------------------------The search criteria show the number of options selected ontheright. You can only select one option, for Condition, Agecategoryand Image Orientation. These options are used to determinetheimages displayed.Search criteria with multiple selections can have theoptionsremoved by tapping the 'None' in the toolbar.The number of exercises that match each option is shown ontheright.The total number of exercises that match your criteria isshownat the top.If you enter too many search options, you can end up withzeromatching exercises.You can read more details on how the program works by tappingthe"android" option in other platforms. In this case, remove someofthe search options.Output Exercises-------------------------There is a large range of options for outputting yourselectedexercises, including HTML, Word, PDF, Evernote, GoogleDocs, Email,Twitter and Facebook.Refining Selections----------------------------If you create a logon, you can select individual exercisesviavarious options (people are different and are more comfortablewithone option over another).You can then save your exercises to client booklets.Changing Client Booklets------------------------------------The booklet formats can be altered to suit your needs by goingintothe Default settings section and experimenting.Information---------------General information on who we are and our aims, twitter feed,changehistory etc.Contact Us----------------Contact us, leave a note in our guestbook or provide feedback.More Help---------------Read the "android" section under "Other Platforms". Thishasscreenshots explaining each screen.
Physiotherapy Help Guide 1.0
How can physiotherapy help you?If you have a problem with moving or performingcertainactivitiesdue to pain, weakness, loss of balance or otherreasons,thephysiotherapist will perform an assessment, make adiagnosiswherenecessary, and outline a management plan tooptimiseyourabilities. Physiotherapists can help to manage acuteinjuriessuchas ankle sprains, knee, hip or shoulder injuriesandchronicconditions like arthritis, back pain, diabetes andheartdisease.Physiotherapy is a therapeutic health professionconcernedwithenhancing mobility and the quality of life of a personwho mayhavebeen affected physically in one way oranother.Physiotherapistsaim to help people gain as much movementandphysical independenceas possible so that they are able toresumetheir normal job orlifestyle, where possible. The app alsocontainsdetails of basicphysiotherapy, benefits physiotherapy,typeexercisephysiotherapist, arthritis of the thumb, triggerfinger,neck pain,low back pain, low back pain exercise, kneeconditionprogram, kneepain exercises, bowed legs, burning thighpain,compartmentsyndrome, deep vein thrombosis, limb lengthdiscrepancy,clubfoot,exercise and bone health. This app will guideyou throughtherehabilitation process step by step to restore asmuch ofyourfunction as possible. Physiotherapy is also usedaftersurgery,with the aim of speeding up recovery by getting apatientmobile assoon as possible. It also provides a usefulbaseline bywhichchanges can be detected – often before the patientis aware ofadegenerative problem. Even those without injury whoaresimplyseeking to increase general health and fitness canbenefitfromphysiotherapy. A physiotherapist can set you up withahomeexercise program, facilitate community exercise sessions(orreferyou to an appropriate service), guide you with yourorganisedsportor gym program.
6 Minute Back Pain Relief 3.7
A collection of the best exercises that will make your backfeelwonderful
Ejercicios Caseros 2.0
App&Go Labs
Los Ejercicios Caseros sonesencialmenteeconómicos y efectivos, se basan en el uso del pesocorporal y lomás importante no requieren de mucho tiempo. Estaaplicación ofreceun circuito diseñado exclusivamente para quemargrasa, generarnumerosos beneficios a la salud combinandomovimientos aerobicos ypromover la fuerza en diferentes gruposmusculares.Es necesario alternar entre grupos musculares mientrasdescansanlas otras zonas. Cada ejercicio dura treinta (30)segundos, condiez segundos de descanso, durando toda la rutinaaproximadamentesiete (7) minutos.Características:★ No requiere conexión a internet.★ Función de compartir el contenido en redes socialesycorreo.★ Contador de tiempo para realizar los ejercicios y rutinas.★ Descripción gráfica y detallada de cada ejercicio pararealizarlocorrectamente.Homemade Exercisesareessentially economic and effective, are based on the use ofbodyweight and most importantly do not require much time.Thisapplication provides a circuit designed exclusively to burnfat,build numerous health benefits combining aerobic movementsandpromote strength in various muscle groups.It is necessary to alternate between muscle groups whilerestingthe other zones. Each exercise lasts thirty (30) seconds,tenseconds rest, lasting the whole routine about seven(7)minutes.Features:★ No internet connection required.★ Feature to share content on social networks and email.★ Timer to perform the exercises and routines.★ graphic and detailed description of each year to doitproperly.
7 Minute HIIT Home Workout 3.11
Daily curated workouts! Workout at home and lose weight withnoequipment or gym
Ejercicios Caseros Efectivos 3.0
El Nono
Con nuestra App de Ejercicios Caseros Efectivos podrás tonificanlosmúsculos de todo el cuerpo como los brazos , espalda , reducirlosrollitos. Consigue mejorar tu tono muscular increíblementegracias anuestra aplicación. Detalles: - Ejercicios para Piernas:¿Cuáles sonlos mejores ejercicios para fortalecer las piernas? -Como hacerpara Perder 10 Kilos en una Semana. - Remedios caserospara bajar lapanza rápido. - Ejercicios para Abductores. - Buenosejercicios paratrapecios. - Ejercicios para adelgazar los brazos.- Ejercicios parala Barriga: Cómo reducir el volumen del vientre.- Ejercicios ParaCelulitis Más Recomendables. - EjerciciosAbdominales. - Como hacerPilates. - Ejercicios para Glúteos. Si notienes tiempo o dineroesto no es impedimento para que realicesejercicios. Con estaaplicación tienes una completa lista deejercicios caseros muybuenos que puedes realizar desde tu hogarpara trabajar tu cuerpo.
Female Hard Workouts - female fitness 2.04
Ibrahime HADAJ
Move now and stay in fit with the Workout !! Get fit with thebestFemale Hard Workouts - female fitness app, to get a perfectbikinibody! ★ Ladies! Female Hard Workouts helps you burn bellyfat, tonebutt, slim legs, trim waistline and get in shape withoutusing anyequipments or going to a gym club, by frugally followingsomesimple instructions and guidelines that will help you workoutsomespecific parts or muscles of your body in privacy whether atyourhome or office at work. ★ With this fitness app you trainyourbody, burn calories, lose weight and you will get a perfectbodybefore you know it! 💪 Quick and effective workoutsexercisesmaximize fat burning 💪 This Female workouts is an offlineapp, Thatworks in dark places. 💪 Routine and exercisesscientifically provento lose weight and improve health 💪 Our appoffers you detailedstatistics to monitor your training development.💪 Weight lossfitness workout for all your body parts 💪 Simpleanimation guidancejust like your personal workout trainer 💪 DailyReminder It makesyou able to schedule your training session, Andremind you to loginif you've forgotten to. 💪 100% FREE! This femaleworkouts is a freeworkouts app. Secured, and no creditcardrequired.. 💪 Full bodyworkout at home, burn fat workout, buttocksworkout, leg workoutsfor women, abs workout for women, fat lossworkout. 💪 Speciallydesigned for women fitness for weight loss appfree 💪 Coach helpyou use the right steps to get the best results 💪Calendar andstatistics to track your weight loss progress and yourcaloriesburned 💪 Lose weight at home and for free with yourpersonaltrainer 💪 Adapted for both beginner and pro ★ This fitnessforweight loss app routine provides you with a scope ofworkoutroutines based on your own fitness level. Try this workoutapp forwomen, a better me is on the way! ★ If you focus on trainingyourglutes and legs here's a female fitness app to a betteraestheticphysique. Besides if you want to become a fit girl with ahourglassfigure and a Bikini body , then this fit challenge appthatprovides some weight loss tips will help you get there sofast.This free female fitness app has professional to lose bellyfatworkout and workout for women. Keep fit and lose belly fatwithworkout for women. ★ This take just a few minutes a day to stayinfit and lose weight with our workout at home app. All theselosebelly fat workout and workout for women can be done anywhereatanytime and no equipment needed. ★ This free fitness Coachdesignedby professional fitness coach. We offer you a workout guidethroughthe exercises is just like having a personal fitness coachin yourphone! ★ Do not hesitate to download Female Hard WorkoutsandTHANKS to everyone who has already used it. ★ If you likedourapplication please don’t forget to rate it ★★★★★
7 Minute Workout Trainer 1.0
Low Fat Apps
Get a great workout with the help ofthisapp.Follow the easy instructions and make your best infulfillingyourhealth goals. If you wish to lose stomach fat or justget fit,wehope this can be of help to you.It doesn't matter if you exercise regularly or not, you canrelatetothis app. In fact, most people complain that they don'thaveenoughtime, which they can allocate for training, hence theylackphysicalability. As you can see, you will only need a coupleofminutes eachday to begin making a positive change in your life.Ofcourse,getting in to shape takes time and effort, but agreatplace to startis by allocating a few minutes every day, itcan beafter work,before work, right after you are back fromschool, onceyou are donewith the chores, or any other short timeframe whereyou can squeezea short exercise.Set clear and reasonable goals. If you want to get more fitinthenext 30 days – that a reasonable goal, that with rightpracticecanbe achieved. If you wish to lose 20 pounds in one week –that'snota reasonable goal. The best aim for you is to start usingtheappand doing so every day. See how many days in a row you canuseit –2 days, maybe 3 or even 10 days. Once you get usedtoperformingthe routine you will feel more energized, yourmetabolismwillbecome faster and you will feel healthier andhappier. Infact,there is a tight relationship between moving yourbody andthelevel of happiness you can attain, once you are involvedinaphysical activity, certain hormones are releasedwhichincreaseyour feeling of well-being.Marinating a good level of well-being, can help you feelmorerelaxedand also more focused during your day. When youstartexercising on aregular basis you will have a few benefits,amongthem, your generalself-esteem will get a good encouragement.Youcan feel more proud ofyour own capabilities and you can feelmoreefficient during your dayand alert. There are a fewsimpletechniques that can be applied. Weadded a short video tohelp makeit clearer. In fact, you can viewexactly how it needs tobeperform, so hopefully you can make it inthe same wayasdescribed.There are different body parts exercises, but they areallrelevant,since they all share a common goal of bringing you intoshape. Thisapp is free, we hope you will find it useful. Wehavetried togather a set of routine that hopefully you willfindpractical andfeasible and which doesn't take too much time. Ifyouenjoyed it andfound that it helped you in some way, pleaseleaveyour reviews.Moreover, if you have any feedback for the setofpractices, you canwrite to us and we will try to answer youorotherwise implementyour recommendations. Start making anefforttoday which will payoff later. Thank you very much.
Aumentar Masa Muscular 4.0
El Nono
Information for how to increase your muscle mass easily andquickly.
Home Workouts - No Equipment 2.4
IMPROVE YOUR BODY WITHOUT LEAVING HOME,WITHOUTEQUIPMENT !Home Workout contains more than 100 exercises. You can get lean,gettoned and build muscle with these aerobic routines, circuittrainingand weight training workouts.GYM FITNESS NO EQUIPMENT REQUIREOver 100 EXERCISES to improve 6 kinds of muscles+ Abs workout help you have six pack+ Arms+ Butt workouts+ Leg workouts+ Back+ ChestEach exercise has instruction, guidline and graphic. eg:+ Push up+ Squat+ Sit ups+ Plank+ Crunch+ Wall sit+ jumping jack+ punch...We composed the best routines, performed by professionals, sothatyou can perform in the comfort of your home:+ Abs in 5 minutes+ Sexy legs+ Buttocks+ Upper body workout+ Strengthen your body+ 7 minute workoutContain Warm Up & Stretching Routines to improvetrainingresult.CREATE YOUR OWN WORKOUT ROUTINES!None of these routines are for you? No problem, you can createyourown and continue to improve your fitness while having fun!Choosefrom more than 100 exercises. We will be adding more andmoreexercises continuously. If you want one in particular just letusknow!let daily workout or at least 4 days per week to improvemuscle,body and strength with bodybuilding app.Remember:Consult your doctor to let you know the best exercise foryourphysical condition.Get hydrated before, during and after physical exercise.warm up 15 minutes first to avoid muscle injuries.Perform 10 minutes of stretching after finishing yourworkout.
Bodyweight Fitness Workout 1.0
Improve your fitness, flexibility and strength with thesebodyweightworkouts.
Physiotherapist 2.1.5
The program is designed for peoplewithproblems of the spine and physiotherapists. More than 80mostimportant exercises with descriptions. Segregated insevencategories. Exercises chosen by a physiotherapistGood morningOfficeExercises with accessoriesPregnant womenStretchingRelaxation positionsRight or Wrongand BonusRehabilitation, Pain, Physiotherapist, Injury, jogging,running,athletics, Joint Pain, Postural Problems, RecoveryPiotr Zasada – tylko dyplomowani fizjoterapeuci
Quemar Grasa 3.0
Gato Apps
Fat Burning will help you lose that tummy forever and achievethatfigure ...
Ped PT Strengthening Ex - Back 1.0.0
Gotcha Apps LLC
My 25+ years of experience inpediatricphysicaltherapy practice is yours! This app featuresanimatedphotos and “howto” tips to strengthen children’s backextensors.With 55 backextension exercises, this app is a lifesaver for PTs,physicaltherapy assistants, instructors, caregivers,and parents.This BackExtension application is the second musclegroup that wehavetargeted, with 17 more muscle groups upcoming inthe future.Newphysical therapists will love ideas to assist intreatmentsessionpreparation, planning, and programming. Moreexperiencedphysicaltherapists will have at their finger tips awide range ofideas fortreatment of abdominals to add more varietyto theirtreatmentsessions. Feel a little stuck in a rut?Performing thesame exercisesover and over? I use this app myselfto remind me ofexerciseoptions…and I wrote the darn thing! Thisapplication has10 free backextension strengthening exercises. Over40 moreexercises areavailable with an in-app purchase or byinteractingwithadvertisements. I am committed to making thisinformationavailableto anyone regardless of income.Features:• 10 free back extension exercises with a widerangeofdifficulties• 45 more exercises available with an in-app purchaseorbyinteracting with advertisements• Commentary by a Pediatric Physical Therapist with over25yearsexperience• Stop action photos demonstrating the exercises performedwithachild showing the physical therapistfacilitatingthemovement• The ability to star favorites to return to in the future• Capacity for setting Exercise Recommendations for use inahomeprogram or for use with physical therapy assistants• Perfect for training physical therapy students or cliniciansnewtoPediatricsThis application targets back extension which arecriticalforspeech and occupational therapy as well. SpeechandOccupationaltherapists alike will find ideas for strengtheningtohelp maximizeprogress toward goals with their clientele.Educatorswill finallyhave a tool with detailed pictures andcommentary togive theirstudents a foundation for pediatrictreatment. In thepast so muchhas been available for evaluation, butfrustratinglylittle fortreatment! Physical therapists in thirdworld countriescan nowhave available exercise recommendationswithout the expenseofdistant training courses. I believe this appwill changethequality of physical therapy across the world.This application was developed by a pediatricphysicaltherapist.Nothing can replace the skills of a pediatricphysicaltherapistwho can train caregivers and parents to performtheseexercisessafely and appropriately with a child with his orherownindividual strengths, weaknesses and motivation.Thisapplicationwas meant to assist therapists, not negate the needforthem.In order to facilitate easy home programming, favoriteexercisescanbe starred with treatment programming specified. Thisfeaturewillenable the clinician to add frequency, repetitions,number ofsets,duration, weight resistance and notes to homeprograms withparentswho have downloaded the app. I providecommentary with eachexerciseexplaining, for example, tips on how tomake the exercisemoresuccessful, how to make the exercise easier ormorechallenging, andthe type of client with whom I often usethespecified exercise. Whywait for 25 years of clinicalexperience,when you can have mysuggestions now? Download the appnow!Find out more about our app at on Facebook: Pediatric PhysicalTherapyExercises,,Instagram:PediatricPTExercisesor Twitter: @amysturkey. Haveglowing praise,recommendations forchanges, or general feedback,contact us forAmy, the PT and the dreamer,and/ for Guy, thesteadfast coder and the loveof mylife.
Rapid Fitness - Chest Workout 1.2
WJ Developers
Rapid Fitness – Quick, effective home workouts for afitter,stronger you!
PT-Helper Pro 2.5.3
PT Helper LLC
Physical Therapy exercises for ankles, back, hip, knee,neck,shoulder, wrist.
Tips Of Weight Loss 2.0
Are you planning for weight lossandsearchingfor weight loss tips...?This Application provides you a huge collection ofweightlosstips,BMI calculator and Calories chart for various fooditemswhichare simple as well as assure weight loss.The application provides simple and economical weight tipsforpeopleof all ages.It includes the natural weight losingtips,somesimplehome remediesfor losing weight,what food should taken to reduceweight,whatfoodshould be avoided, some simple exercises,BMIcalculator,weightlossrecipes and yoga for weight loss.It gives youa wonderfulchance tobe in healthy and good shapeThe Body Mass Index(BMI) calculator helps you to know whetheryouareunder weight or normal weight or obese.The Calorieschartprovidesyou guidance in taking food according to your weightandalso letsyou know the recommended calories for your age.The application has several categories to provideweightlossguidance in all aspects and the categories are** Weight Loss Tips** Weight Loss Recipes** Fat Calculators** Yoga For Weight loss* Disclaimer *I do not own any of the pictures or videos used in this apptheyareall credited due to their rightful ownersNO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED